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Chapter 1034 Chapter 1032 The Heroic Legend of Captain Capet, currently being serialized

Chapter 1034: The Heroic Legend of Captain Capet, currently being serialized

"The filthy bitches are coming! Get ready to fight!"

Following the sentry's shout, the Black Flame mercenaries who were resting in the cave immediately stood up.

These original armed blood servants from Transia and retired veterans after the Battle of Black Flame Pass rushed to the position at the entrance of the cave like tigers smelling the smell of blood, and Colonel Ron also poured a bottle of alchemy potion into it.

The water was stuffed into the hands of the half-dead Brigadier General Frazier. He picked up the sword and Blood Eagle Claw rifle beside him and rushed over.

The prosthetic leg on his left leg activated the combat command while running, and the hidden flame nozzle turned outwards with a crackling sound. He pushed the colonel into the air with another flame spray, and entered the battlefield with a cool roundhouse kick wrapped in flames.

, kicked the first filthy jackal thug who rushed into the cave to the ground, and ignited the fire that was added with special oil, turning the guy into a ball of coke in the high-temperature baking.

Ron, who was holding a cigarette butt in his mouth, blew out a smoke ring, drew the sword with his left hand, grabbed the blood vulture claw with his right hand and fired forward, creating a wave of harassment amidst the crisp sound of gunfire, and the mercenaries behind also began to cooperate with various weapons.

fire suppression.

Several burly warriors were fully armed and dressed like rogue warriors. They rushed up with large-caliber hammer guards and fought with their colonels at close range. The most striking feature of these warriors was that they, like Ron, were missing arms.

Few legs.

Even the slightest few fingers have been replaced with ruthless steel.

This is not the damn "initiation ceremony" of the Mechanicus. This kind of disability represents the war career of these veterans that has not yet ended but has been impressive enough. Each of them has some grudges with the Twilight Cultists, and they also have some grievances.

There are many people who have followed the Knights of the Blood Alliance to fight various evil creatures in the Dark Mountains since their fathers' generation. After the war at the Black Flame Pass ended and the problem of the Jackal Black Disaster was truly solved, these warriors stayed in Transia.

, continuing their war against filth in a more direct way.

War and conflict are their life and their habit. After being taken in and reorganized by Transia through semi-official means, these guys who were willing to spend the rest of their lives on the battlefield received first-class armed support.

They have no shortage of explosives, and they even have special firearms like the Troll Hammer.

After experiencing the Battle of Port Chardeau, gold-burning bullets have become a standard luxury item. Colonel Ron only led 500 people, but he just rescued Brigadier General Fraser from a battlefield crowded with jackals.

Because of this high standard of armament.

Although they are currently stuck in a remote cave in the heavy rain with nowhere to escape, these warriors are not afraid of the jackals rushing out in the dark storm, even if the opponent has been transformed into a ferocious beast under the influence of the power of chaos.

filthy and evil things, but as long as they can be killed by bullets and sharp knives, they are not worth fearing.


The blood vulture's claws were empty and the bullets were thrown aside. After slashing fiercely and knocking down a jackal with six eyes, Ron turned around and took the Hammer Guard trench gun thrown by his brothers.

Stuff the barrel of the gun into the bastard's mouth and fire at close range.

The stinking black blood was splashed, and the headless corpse flew out, but the guy was not dead yet.

Even though his head had been exploded, black tentacles with sharp teeth sprouted from the stubble on the wolf man's neck, making him look like a "half-snake man".

The lamprey-like mouth opened at the top of the flesh and blood tentacles, and the filthy pus was poured forward. The two veterans couldn't dodge and fell to the ground screaming. In less than twenty seconds, they fell to the ground.

He died because his body was corroded.

The headless snake monster still wanted to pounce, but in the next second, a barbarian from behind roared with an iron fist missile and shot it right in the face, killing their villain god in the din of steel fire.

This is the current bone-crunching gnoll!

Although they still retain the general appearance of the gnoll, what is hidden under the stinky body and skin are indescribable chaotic monsters. Their human form at this time is not so much a disguise as a disguise.

Resembling an oviparous egg shell.

Once the eggshell is broken, the chaotic things bred inside will emerge in the material world.

These guys are not pure subspace creatures, but they obviously have various characteristics of chaotic creatures. They have thick blood and high defense, are difficult to kill, and have various vicious attack methods. This is obviously a more advanced version of the shadow of subspace on creatures in the material world.

A deeper and more vicious transformation, the "Vanguard of Chaos" he chose for himself after many battles.

Marshal Loren's vanguard army was trapped in this windy and rainy mudland, not only because the Plantagenets underestimated the enemy and rushed in, but also because the Dagon fishmen changed the terrain without respecting martial ethics, but also because they were facing

It is true that the enemy cannot be judged by common sense.

The heavy rain outside the cave became more and more violent, and there was a low reverberation of lightning and thunder. The fight at the entrance of the cave became more intense as both sides saw blood.

The Iron Fist missiles used for fire support were quickly consumed, and the chaotic creatures on the opposite side seemed to have "evolved" some kind of strange "bullet resistance" during the war on the Genoa Peninsula, allowing non-incendiary gold bullets to add destructive power.

It's extremely low, forcing those firepower players to step forward and engage in close combat.

Colonel Ron is going crazy right now.

He holds a sword forged by a dwarf in his left hand, and a trench gun in his right hand to charge forward. Occasionally, when he is surrounded by aberrations, he activates his mechanical left leg, and uses the cool combat skill of "Flame Knife" to kill those aberrations in the gushing fire.

Ignite them and then use large-caliber bullets to send them to the west. This is a new tactic he summed up after losing his legs.

Of course, the "pointers" from those Shado-Pan monk players who are looking for trouble are also indispensable.

But don’t say it yet!

This move "Fire Sonic Knife" is extremely lethal in close combat. After using it a few times, Ron fell in love with the feeling of "fire spinning in circles".

It's a pity that Captain Iron Hand was sent out to ask for help last night, otherwise he and Iron Hand's "Heaven and Earth" combination would have exerted 200% destructive power in this kind of close combat.

"Don't even think about running away! Bastard!"

A group of more than 20 dirty gnolls were quickly annihilated. The last gnoll wizard with a scorpion tail saw that the situation was not going well and was about to escape into the shadows. However, with Ron's roar, the flames started to push again.

Then he jumped into the sky, and then kicked the ground with a standard knight's kick. Flames erupted at the point of contact, forcing the gnoll who had escaped into the filth out.

The guy planned to use the poisonous scorpion tail to kill Ron together, but the moment it pounced on Ron, there was a clear gunshot, and the burning gold bullet flew from the guy's eyes and hit the skull again.


Ron, who was already ready to draw his sword and kill him, turned around in surprise and saw the shaky Fraser lying on the ground holding the still smoking scarlet revolver.

This guy will die if he doesn't try, right?

The colonel curled his lips, sheathed his sword, took the cigarette thrown by his companion, lit it with his head, and then wiped out the black smoke on the burned trousers, and then strode towards Fraser, but at this moment, a wave of

Bright lightning fell from the top of the mountain behind, illuminating the dark sky at this moment.

The light was different from the lightning and thunder before. When Ron turned around, he saw the jade stream remaining in the sky.

He stood there in astonishment, watching the storm behind him that had been raging for half a month summoned by the murlocs quickly weaken under the suppression of some kind of force.

In just a few minutes, the storm turned from a violent storm that destroyed everything to a gentle breeze and drizzle. The sky, which had not seen sunshine for more than half a month, also dispersed the dark clouds, allowing the sun to shine brighter than before on this tormented land.

on the land.

"That is"

Ron even forgot to breathe. He blinked and asked his companion:

"If I remember correctly, there seems to be similar sapphire lightning on the lord's position?"

"The purifying power of the Eastern Holy Spirit! It's unmistakable."

The revolver quack doctor holding a half bottle of wine said firmly:

"Our reinforcements have arrived!

They are dispelling the damn storm of the murlocs and returning the terrain to an environment suitable for warriors to advance. The chaotic spiritual energy floating in the air is also being purified quickly! Carry the brigadier general and the wounded over, this sun has the power of purification.

Although there is no way to cure it, it can at least make them last longer."

"Colonel! Someone is coming! Look at the sky, something is flying over!"

In the battle just now, two strange barbarian mercenaries were executed with mechanical hammers. They raised their hands and shouted harshly. The people who were still alive rushed out of the cave and looked at the sky. A figure wrapped in flames looked like a meteorite.

The drizzle streaked across the sky at supersonic speed, flew twice above everyone's heads in the sunshine, and landed accurately downwards.

When it landed, the fire flew away, and a tall silver-gray female mechanical warrior stepped on the mud.

Her lit mechanical eyes looked forward, as if assessing the threat of these armed men, while a tall and thin shadow elf male vampire jumped down from behind the robot, and flapped its wings to hover above the mud.


Bod had already changed into the uniform of the Blood Eagle Clan. When they saw this combat uniform, the vigilant mercenaries breathed a sigh of relief.

This is one of our own.

Ron stepped forward to negotiate with the two of them. He blew out a smoke ring and took out the commission medal he got in Scarlet Castle, but he didn't know whether to give it to the mechanical woman in front of him who looked very powerful at first glance, or to the shadow elf spy next to him.


"Let me do it, Penny is not good at dealing with people."

Bod took the initiative to take the medal, identified it carefully, then introduced himself and said:

"We are searchers sent by Governor Murphy, specifically here to check on the situation of Brigadier General Fraser Cape. The Iron Hand Captain you sent was besieged by Dagon fishmen on the coast two hours ago. Fortunately, he met

Our foreign warriors.

He is currently resting and replacing weapon components on Governor Murphy's airship, you don't have to worry, Colonel Ron."

"You are the rescuers? Great! Come on, Fraser's situation is too bad."

When Ron heard that the strange male and female pair in front of him were here to save people, he immediately threw away his cigarette butts and led them to Fraser who was being carried out on a stretcher. When Bertie saw Brigadier General Fraser's condition, he


Although he is not a professional healer, as a member of Twilight, he is no stranger to Chaos infection.

He immediately flapped his wings and landed next to Fraser for careful inspection, and took out a special needle to take some blood. But before he could take action, Penny standing next to him activated the biometric scanning module, and a faint sound appeared.

The blue scanning beam was turned on from Penny's hand module. After scanning the Brigadier's body, she said in a cold electronic voice:

"The individual has suffered from severe chaos pollution, with a degree of flesh and blood mutation of 69%. His consciousness is blurred but his brain waves are abnormally active and he is suspected of being pulled into a filthy hallucination. His organs are failing at an accelerated rate and accompanied by signs of malignant mutation. His life form is rapidly transforming into a chaotic creature.

The estimated countdown to conversion completion is 27 hours.

Logic determines that there is no need for rescue, and humane destruction is recommended!"


Ron immediately clenched his fists and cursed:

"You want to kill my brother? Are you crazy?"

"Just a suggestion, man, calm down."

Bod immediately stopped and said:

"Before departure, Governor Murphy had guessed this extreme situation. He requested that Brigadier General Fraser be brought back to the airship as quickly as possible as long as he was still alive. He should have some methods to save the Brigadier General."

"Sir Murphy said that? Well, then there should be no problem."

Ron was relieved. He watched the robot carry Fraser, who was in a bad condition, into his arms like a princess, exchanged a few words with vampire Bertie, and then flew high into the sky wrapped in fire.

Tathagata took Fraser back to Governor Murphy's defense as he had come.

"Aren't you leaving?"

The colonel looked at Bod in surprise and asked softly:

"Who is that female robot? She looks very close to you."

"That's my, um, spiritual companion."

Bod replied shyly, but then said seriously:

"Captain Ironhand said that you also rescued other contaminated warriors. I stayed here to try to save them. Governor Murphy gave me some medicines mixed with trace amounts of creation energy and asked me to conduct clinical trials for these medicines.

Besides, you have work to do next.

Lady Liji and Quetzalcoatl's divine choice, Miss Chuchut, worked together to dispel the catastrophic climate of the Dagon Secret Cult. Two lines of reinforcements were approaching the besieged Pioneer Highlands. Governor Murphy instructed the soldiers not to let go of these people who had become chaos.

Creature Gnoll.

If we cannot annihilate them all here, it will cause quite extreme consequences on the Genoa Peninsula."

"Consequences? No, young man, the extreme consequences have already been caused. You just didn't see it. This storm prevented you from looking around, but we saw it with our own eyes when we first came here."

Colonel Ron lit up a cigarette again and said with regret:

"The local civilians who had no time to escape were sacrificed to their evil gods by the gnolls who believed in them. The ruins of those villages and towns were filled with desecrated corpses. At night, there would be unclean and dirty things.

Wandering among the ruins.

I originally thought that the plain where Port Chardeau is located is bad enough, but compared with the tragedy that happened in the northern part of the peninsula, Port Chardeau, which is being rebuilt after the disaster, is as beautiful as paradise.

These stupid gnolls have ruined this land!

There probably aren't even a few living people left in this area for thousands of miles.

But to be honest, compared to the jackals who have turned into monsters, I want to strangle to death the bastard who led them into the belief in chaos, those twilight scoundrels? Brother, why are you so pale?"



Penny's feet landed on the deck of the airship.

With the precision and efficiency that a robot should have, she carried Brigadier Fraser and quickly walked into the airship's medical room, where Murphy was already waiting.

The vampire lord had speculated about Frasier's situation before, but when he saw with his own eyes that the Capet heir, who was once as elegant as a little puppy, had turned into the man he is today, Murphy also took a breath of air.


The only difference between him and those dirty gnolls is that he is still in the process of infection and transformation by the power of chaos, but he is not far away from the worst case scenario.

"This situation is basically hopeless!"

Mrs. Liji, who was beside Murphy, originally wanted to show her strength as Ao's daughter in front of Murphy, but after taking a glance at Fraser's situation, Liji took a step back and covered her head.

The nose is afraid of dirty things contaminating its elegant appearance.

She shook her head and said:

"Burn it, so that he will suffer less. Chaos has entered his body deeply. Even if my father comes here in person, I can only use the purifying fire to give him pleasure."

"Yes, if it had been five days ago, this situation would have been basically hopeless."

Murphy nodded with approval.

The severity of Fraser's situation was beyond words. He stepped forward and held Fraser's hot right hand, causing the latter to scream in agony as the Omega program was activated, but he temporarily regained his sanity as the painful evil thoughts were dissipated.

But now he doesn't even have the strength to open his eyes, and can no longer see the outside world.

"Fraser, it's me, Murphy. I have a way to save you."

Vampire Lord says:

"But before executing that risky project, I must tell you the risks involved."

"Will coughing make me worse than I am now?"

"That's not the case."

"Come on then. Thank you Murphy, I owe you."

"You owe me a lot, but your rich father will help you pay the bills."

Murphy smiled.

He let go of Fraser's hand, turned to Mosina who was coming over and said:

"Prepare to transplant the symbiote test! Mosna, ask old Flynn and Helu to bring the necessary things. We have to find a way to create a 'Captain Cape'."

(End of chapter)

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