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Chapter 908 907 Opportunities are hidden in the crisis. Fortunately, Pipi Snake

Chapter 908 Opportunities are hidden in the crisis. Fortunately, Pipi Snake has a pair of keen eyes-[210]

The chaos of time and space rules in subspace has exceeded the limit of Murphy's dog brain thinking, but it is not his fault. There is a high probability of a "super new human" who can use the computing power of the human brain to calculate coordinate mapping and spatial laws in subspace.

It hasn't been born yet.

According to Tris, only subspace creatures with special thinking organs can understand the various changing rules of this chaotic area through instinctive inheritance, or, like the sentries, they were equipped with special organs when they walked off the production line.

Ultra-dimensional radar to meet their navigation and rapid movement needs when fighting in subspace.

Murphy was able to accurately come to the rescue at the exact moment when Adele jumped into the subspace after him, all relying on the sentry currently held in his other hand.

Unlike Monica and Mosna who were staying outside, the one in front of her was a commander-type assault-type elite combat sentry.

This can be seen from the more than seven built-in weapon bays hidden in the mechanical mechanism under her self-defense skin. The full weapon system that popped up on her arms, legs, waist, abdomen, back and shoulders has now been

Empty of ammunition, even though it is filled with the "strength and beauty" of a rusty body due to the corrosion of subspace energy, her brutal fighting posture in its prime can be judged just from the models of these weapon bays.

He is worthy of being an elite left behind by the Creator specifically to fight against subspace invasion. Every part of this guy's body is a weapon.

But her situation is very bad now.

This can be seen from the weak electric arc that is constantly beating in the bionic eyeball. She is already on the verge of shutting down.

In fact, Monica had been down for more than six hours before being washed away by the chaotic power of subspace. It was the Omega program that came with Murphy's previous contact that reawakened her. As for why Murphy was dragged in


Well, it can only be said that the sentries may be a little "wake up" when they wake up from the shutdown state.

But this was definitely not her intention. After Murphy was brought in, this poor and miserable sentry commander has been apologizing to him.

"I'm sorry, Administrator. There is a problem with my counterattack program. Your previous touch was regarded as an attack."

"Okay, stop talking and save some power."

At the moment, the three people are crowded together, protected by Murphy's Omega program and drifting in the subspace. Hearing Ms. Monica's intermittent electronic voice apologizing, Murphy shrugged and said:

"You have said this a dozen times, and I said I don't mind. It turns out that the Omega program can protect me from surviving safely in subspace, and you also promised that you can use ultra-dimensional radar to plan our way back.


As he spoke, he looked into the distance. From the special perspective brought by the Omega program covering the body, the interference of the chaotic power used to distort and destroy reason was stripped away, and the most primitive style of subspace was displayed in Murphy

In front of Adele.

The place where you enter is filled with irregular light flows, and the colorful scenery is quite gorgeous at first glance. Those haloes that change all the time are full of a kind of fantasy magnificence. However, when Murphy's eyes look at it every time,

When converging on a certain nebula-like band of light, those light spots would always change suddenly, forming various indescribable gestures in front of his eyes, "baring their teeth and waving their claws" at him.

It's like the space itself is spreading malice towards Murphy without any disguise.

Unfortunately, after being stripped of the source of chaos, the intimidation of these beams could not even make the slightest waves in Murphy's heart. He was even a little amazed at the creativity of subspace, and the colorful black actually existed perfectly.

He knew that this was not the true state of the subspace, but merely a projection of what he saw in his mind that he could understand.

This is the reason why subspace can drive people crazy. What it displays in the consciousness of any flesh and blood creature that dares to look directly at it is the true meaning of chaos. However, those interpretations are undoubtedly beyond the understanding of ordinary people's thinking.

The brain desperately wants to transform what it sees into concepts that can be rationalized, but limited by knowledge and mind, most people can no longer bear the source of this "cognitive transformation" process.

The pig's brain was overloaded and went crazy due to unknown pressure.

This is also the reason why the more powerful psychic masters are able to summarize strange knowledge from the study of subspace. Their minds and thinking are several levels higher than ordinary people, which allows them to display from subspace.

Read and parse out some useful things in Chaos Interpretation.

In the final analysis, as long as your brain is big enough and you can rationalize the chaotic interpretation projected into your mind by the subspace into something you can understand, it will be difficult for this thing to harm you.

In Cuisi's words, this process is essentially a "knowledge exchange" about the interpretation of chaos. Subspace will generously gift this "knowledge" to every living individual who is lucky enough to see it, but whether it can be understood is not what the origin of chaos requires.

Something to consider.

This also explains the main reason why those Chaos believers always like to shout "The Truth of Chaos" and "The Gift of the Void".

They truly believe that they have gained power or knowledge from what the subspace has given them, even though what they have gained is only crazy thoughts that have been twisted into a mess by chaos interpretation, and body mutations due to the distortion of the soul.

Really learning and "thinking you have learned" are two different concepts.

"What a generous gift. If Tris were here, she might be able to sum up several devastating psychic moves from this moment of observation. Unfortunately, I, who possesses the Omega Program, have been locked in

Order camp, no matter how powerful or ugly these forces are, it has nothing to do with me."

Murphy shook his head, looked back at the sentry commander beside him, and said:

"Your condition is very bad. Your body is full of traces of filth left after being corroded by subspace. I'm sorry that I can't take the risk of bringing you back to the material world."

"That doesn't have to be the case, Mr. Administrator."

The Sentinel showed a very calm attitude, because the protection of the Omega Program prevented her from using the remaining energy to fight against Chaos Corruption, so she transferred the remaining energy to the system for calibrating the mechanical mind and maintaining the conversation module.

, so that the intermittent language becomes fluent.

She told Murphy:

"To die here is my original destiny. I have accepted all this calmly when I shut down. Your appearance is an accident with a probability of less than 0001‰. This is not enough to change my established end point.

But before I die, I have one last request. You just told me that my sister Mosna is still on the other side, right?"

"She is indeed there, still fulfilling the duties of a sentinel. The first thing she did after waking up after replacing the battery was to actively and fully assist me in closing this subspace rift, but the problem is that she has lost her memory."

Murphy said softly:

"As I just told you while waiting, Mosna's memory database was severely damaged. In addition to the Sentinel Code, maintenance skills, understanding of creation engineering and a series of subspace tactics, she almost forgot

All the things.

Maybe it's cruel to say this, but she no longer remembers you, as if you have never existed in her life."

"Well, that's great. It means my sister is safe."

Monica's relieved response made Murphy blink his eyes. Probably sensing Murphy's doubts, the sentry explained in a concise tone:

"Because that was the agreement I made with her before entering the subspace rift. I don't know how much you know about Chaos Corruption, but according to our research, the corrosion of subspace has quite magical properties. It can use

Many things in the material world serve as carriers for transmission, and even have the characteristics of 'meme replication'.

I mean memory

Not only the memory of flesh and blood life can be used as a carrier fragment of chaos and filth, but even the memory data of mechanical life is also at risk of being corroded. If Mosna still remembers me, it means that she has failed to format her memory database.

That also shows that she has become a carrier of corrosion.

If that happens, the first thing you need to do after returning is to 'harmless' her.

But now it seems that compared to me, my sister is obviously luckier."

"I find that you mechanical beings are always extremely rational and even creepy when talking about the topic of existence. I don't think her current situation can be called 'lucky'."

Murphy frowned and said:

"She even forgot the identification code of the Sentinel Corps, just like a damaged electronic product that has no choice but to restore its factory settings.

I don’t know your attitude towards memory, but from the perspective of us flesh-and-blood creatures, being forced to forget your sister and forget all the memories of the past is undoubtedly a very terrible result, and it can even be called

for disaster.”

"But she survived and can continue to exist, and that's the best outcome."

Monica explained:

"This proves that the resources spent by the Creator to make her were not wasted. It also proves that after a thousand years of time, Mosna can continue to fulfill the mission given to her when the Sentinel Legion was born. Even if she cannot return to the Sentinel headquarters,

You can still continue to serve the Creator's cause as your follower.

We are tools, lord administrator.

The happiest moment as a tool is when it is used properly and produces results.

For the sentries, idle time means wasted precious energy and unplanned wear and tear of the body. Only when we perform combat and inspection missions can our logical core burst out with a sense of "satisfaction" and "sense of achievement"

's simulated emotions.

Maybe in your opinion, my experience is an individual tragedy, but I want to correct your thinking. For me, falling into the subspace is the most perfect ending I can get. This proves that I have not wasted the Creator.

The resources and ingenuity poured into me.

Not to mention, my sacrifice has protected the material world for more than a thousand years. Therefore, I will become a hero of the Sentinel Legion and be forever recorded in the large database of the Heart of the World. I and those glorious forerunners will be praised in the Creator's world.

On the wall of glory, my name will be imprinted on the processing core of every new Sentinel sister coming off the production line.

this is eternity

At least it is eternity in our eyes.

You see, I ended my life as an individual and entered history. I was like a burned-out fire, adding a touch of light and heat to the final battle and victory.

You should celebrate me instead of mourning. In the same way, when my sister finally follows you back to the Sentinel Legion one day, and after her memory database is repaired, she will also feel honored for me because of my story."

The sentry said a lot of upright things, but Murphy looked at her with a rather strange look. It wasn't until Monica finished speaking that Murphy said softly:

"I can read minds, Commander Sentinel. Although I don't know why the flow of mind can be effective on a mechanical body like you, you really don't have to hide your true emotions at this time in front of me.

According to some outrageous legends, the subspace will give a 'blessing' to every individual who enters it. I guess the blessing it gives you is to give you 'real emotions', which are not emotions simulated with data, but

Emotions that are bursting out through the changes in individual destiny.

you are crying

Crying for your impending demise, I can hear your heart trembling. Although you can accept your fate calmly, you still hope to see your sister before your glorious demise and tell you how much you miss her.

I suspect that these twelve hours into the warp will be the most terrifying journey of your life.

The full range of emotions this place gives you means you understand fear, and it can torture your determined mind to try to defeat a Sentinel, and then find the Sentinels' weaknesses at the core of your mind.

But you are really strong!

At least he persisted until my arrival despite the torture of endless fear."

"I am a rigorously trained elite sentinel! My core processor is filled with the glory and destiny of sacrificing for the Creator. How could I possibly"

Monica instinctively wanted to refute, but when she saw Murphy's complicated eyes, she chose to remain silent.

Adele also seemed to feel the kind of sadness that should not belong to a mechanical body. She sympathetically reached out and patted Monica's rusty metal shoulder.

"Oh, so, no matter how you look at it, this is a tragedy."

Murphy sighed and said:

"If what I just said, I can't bring you back to the material world, I can't save you from your doomed demise, which was already doomed when you bravely jumped into the subspace to provide purification directions for the Beta program, but I might

We can help you realize your last wish.

Carve what you want to say to your sister into your memory database, and I will take that core back. For mechanical life, this may mean a reunion a thousand years later."


Monica immediately retorted:

"Any module disassembled from my body may become a carrier of contamination in the subspace! I do miss Mosna very much, but I cannot violate my mission."

"It won't happen as long as I'm here."

Murphy affirmed:

"I can't let the Omega program complete your purification. After all, you have become a 'half-subspace creature', but I can still protect the purity of a mechanical core. Just treat it as a letter to Mosna.


I don't want your sister to forget your existence and sacrifice. This is very unfair to you.

If one day she and I can really return to the Sentinel headquarters, I hope she can tell your compatriots about your unknown achievements.

You deserve it, Commander.

Without your sacrifice, this subspace rift would have destroyed the last living beings in the Eden District in a destructive manner thousands of years ago. It can be said that the civilization of the entire continent has been reborn and continues to this day, all because of you.

and Mosina’s persistence.

Everyone owes you sisters an unfinished favor, including me."


Monica wanted to refute Murphy's decision, but she was unable to fully express the complex and exciting emotions that were surging at her core.

It is an emotion that breaks through the constraints of strings and cold programs. It is a wonderful feeling that cannot be interpreted with data. It is like the spark that pops up from a chip when it is overloaded. For a robot, it is an indescribable romance.

"let me try."

She whispered something, Murphy nodded and said:

"Then when you are preparing this last suicide note, can you please use your powerful ultra-dimensional radar to take me to a place where the seed of faith called 'Holy Light' is sleeping in the subspace, which is caused by

The prototype of a god that I cultivated with my own hands.

I wanted to see it with my own eyes before I left."

"I have recorded the source of the ripples it caused in the subspace 7 systems ago. I can take you there."

Monica said:

"But this kind of concrete belief cannot be captured by mortal sight, let alone understood by your thinking. You have not yet given birth to a special thinking organ, so you will most likely only be able to see an indescribable light."

"It doesn't matter, I just want to take a look at it, just like a parent looking at the baby in the incubator from a distance."

Murphy smiled and said:

"I don't intend to do anything to it, let alone encourage it. I just want to say thank you to it, even if it can't understand it."

"Okay, please come with me."

Monica activated the super-dimensional radar and used her own subspace jump engine to take Murphy and Adele to jump into another illusory place. What caught Murphy's eyes was an egg-shaped halo, which was different.

Spots of color flickered on it.

That's different symbolisms shared by different gods.

It is like a colorful cradle that breeds new life.

Murphy looked at it and did not reach out to touch it. He just looked at it from a distance, with a gentle and expectant smile on his face, like a man who was watching his naughty children outside the kindergarten fence.

's parents.

He knew that the thing that would eventually be conceived in the cradle in front of him was Transia's greatest reliance in the future, and he calculated carefully that this little thing could be regarded as his "fellow countryman" no matter how it was interpreted.

"I said, we are all here waiting for your magic soldiers to descend from the sky to save Lao Sutou. Why did you escape to the subspace?"

The suspicious voice of Mannis the Endless sounded in Murphy's ears, completely ruining the handsome vampire's good mood. He said angrily:

"Hurry, hurry! Destroy this ghost. I'll finish my work and go there."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! Qiaodou sack! Since you have gone there, I have a bold and immature idea to tell you."

"Huh? Let's talk about it."

"Look, Lao Sutou has fallen to the human world, but his godhead seems to be still where you are, otherwise"

"?! Your crazy idea is too immature, isn't it? As a collaborator, am I unqualified? You, you, you, you want to see me die so much, right?"


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