Chapter 196: The Depths of Qinling Mountains

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 Today is the sixth day of the team’s deep dive into the Qinling Mountains.

According to the original plan, it should have been today, or at most tomorrow, that the team was about to arrive at the destination of the trip - the Queerling area.

However, since a powerful presence peeked into the camp on the third night, for several days in a row, everyone felt that their every move was being monitored.

Although this feeling is very weak and the danger does not seem to be strong, the pressure in everyone's hearts is getting bigger and bigger, and they are almost on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, the forward speed of the entire team cannot be increased at all. Everyone is cautious and sets up camp and rest very early every day, lest effective safety protection cannot be formed after dark and the personnel will be in danger.

Mu Weixiong was also frightened. This was a situation he had never encountered in countless times in the mountains. He and his son Mu Tiezhu set traps several times to find out what the peepers were, but unfortunately they always failed.

And return.

The peepers seemed to be far away from their sight range, deliberately keeping a certain distance from them.

Although this place is still two days away from Qierling, it is already deep in the Qinling Mountains that Mu Weixiong has never reached before.

As a hunter for generations, Mu Weixiong naturally knows that the depths of the Qinling Mountains are mysterious and dangerous.

If Mu Weixiong usually goes into the mountains to hunt, it is enough to go outside the Qinling Mountains. The wild animal resources around the Qinling Mountains are very rich, so there is no need to go deep into the Qinling Mountains.

Not only is it dangerous, but it also takes longer on the road. The key is that even if the prey is caught, it is inconvenient to transport it out, so why bother? Why bother?

However, the destination of Professor Kamemoto's trip is not just to wander around the Qinling Mountains. Although Mu Weixiong was not told clearly where his final destination was due to confidentiality reasons, the approximate location is pointed directly to the depths of the Qinling Mountains.<


Mu Weixiong did not want to take this job because it was too dangerous. He is a loyal person and will consider the safety of his guests when he acts as a guide.

But Professor Kamemoto and his team were introduced through government relations. It’s scientific research, what a noble reason.

The local government clearly expressed its support. The nature of this work in the mountains has mostly become a task rather than a business, and Mu Weixiong cannot tolerate rejection.

Therefore, Mu Weixiong can only bite the bullet and lead a team to a place he has never set foot in. As for what will happen here, he can only "depend on fate and do his or her own thing."

After the team entered the mountain, they moved strictly during the day and began to prepare and implement the outdoor safety regulations for the temporary camp before three o'clock in the afternoon.

They only eat two meals a day, morning and evening. They set out early in the morning and rest for half an hour every hour and a half. In the afternoon, Mu Weixiong and Mu Tiezhu began to look for a suitable campsite to ensure everyone's safety.

It's noon now, and everyone is resting on a rock not far from a mountain stream.

There is no time to cook at noon, so everyone uses this long rest time to take care of personal hygiene. If you are hungry, you can eat some dry food you brought with you, or wild fruits picked along the way.

Minako and the Japanese-Chinese female student went into the forest for convenience. It was relatively safer at noon in the forest, but you had to be careful of poisonous snakes and various bugs.

Masahiro Zuokawa stood up and walked to the mountain stream to wash his face and clean the wild apricots he had just picked.

Also graduate students of Professor Kamemoto, Masahiro Sakawa and another boy are important laborers in the team, and they are responsible for carrying most of the supplies.

After a few days in the mountains, everyone gradually became familiar with them. Mu Weixiong and Mu Tiezhu told everyone a lot about life in the Qinling Mountains. Masahiro Zuochuan could easily tell whether these wild apricots were ripe and pick them.

The mountain forest seemed peaceful at noon, with insects chirping, frogs chirping and birds chirping, and clear streams gurgling by. Although it was June, the forest still felt extremely cool.

Masahiro Zuokawa carefully observed his surroundings and found that there was no danger, so he approached the stream and washed the wild apricots in his hands while observing his surroundings vigilantly.

Mu Weixiong once said that water sources are the most dangerous places in the wild, especially in the morning and night. This is the time when many animals drink water, but it is also the best time for beasts to hunt.

Although it is relatively safe at noon, you must be a hundred times vigilant. Water sources are always hunting grounds for wild beasts.

Suddenly, Masahiro Sagowa's eyes flashed with flowers, and he seemed to see a woven garland flowing down the stream.

Masahiro Zuokawa reached out and grabbed the garland in his hand. He saw that various flowers were put together in an orderly manner. This must have been woven by someone by hand.

He stood up and looked upstream. The upper reaches of the stream were blocked by woods and rocks, so he couldn't see it at all. However, there seemed to be faint singing coming from that side.

Masahiro Zuokawa lowered his head and sniffed the wreath in his hand, and the scene of a young and beautiful girl playing in a mountain stream suddenly appeared in his mind.

Masahiro Zuokawa is a little ready to make a move.

He threw the half-washed wild apricots into the stream, ran back with the garland, and talked a lot to Kamemoto Yucheng in Japanese.

Kamemoto Yucheng also moved his index finger when he heard this, and he said: "Hey, maybe someone may need our help. Weixiong-kun, let's set off now, take a slight detour, and go to the upper reaches of the mountain stream first.

,How is it?"

Mu Weixiong does not understand Japanese and does not know what Masahiro Zuokawa said to Kamemoto.

However, the reason why they went into the mountains was to conduct scientific research, and they were not simply racing. During the trip, they often made temporary turns to observe plants and collect some specimens.

Now that the employer has spoken, Mu Weixiong will certainly not raise objections. Anyway, as long as the general direction is good, there is no problem in taking a detour.

So, the team packed up their belongings and set off again.

Masahiro Zuokawa, who was usually following behind, was uncharacteristic of himself this time. He took the lead and walked at the front of the team, which made the guide Mu Weixiong who was leading the team couldn't help but look at him, "Are you trying to steal my job?"


After walking for nearly half an hour, they climbed over a hill, passed through a forest, and came to a wild pond.

Mu Weixiong suddenly stopped and ducked behind a tree. He made a fist with his right hand and raised it high.

This is a gesture indicating that there may be danger ahead, and the team must stop moving forward, be cautious, and observe first.

I saw a wild pond at the end of the forest in front of me. The pond was not big and was surrounded by green trees. The sunlight filtered through the branches and leaves that danced in the wind, and shone on the water, making the waves sparkle.

A woman with waist-length black hair and a white gauze dress was facing away from the direction of the team, sitting on a rock by the pond, stroking her feet.

Waves of soft singing came from her mouth, like Wu Nong's soft words, vague and vague, but it was not clear.

There are many colorful flowers on the rocks, and there are several garlands made of flowers in the pool, floating downstream with the water.

This chapter has been completed!
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