Chapter 119 The timing is with me

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 Pebbles the size of a baby's fist whizzed away from the hillside in patches with a weird screeching sound.

An Askar chief who was wearing heavy armor was suddenly hit in the face. His cheeks swelled up quickly, and several broken teeth mixed with blood spurted out of his mouth. His entire face was blood red.

He shook twice and was trying to show that he was okay, when the second stone flew over and hit his calf.

Originally, this was a safer place than the chest and abdomen, but he was so immortal that he happened to have no armor here.

The pain from a direct hit to the tibia is very severe, and the pain level is slightly weaker than the severe pain caused by an attack on a man's most important part.

At this time, the head of a hundred households didn't care to appease his people. He hugged his legs and rolled out of the marching column, screaming heartbreakingly.

This cry and howl seemed to be a signal, and more stones quickly rotated from a distance of about a hundred steps, attacking the charging Askar soldiers like a swarm of bees.

For a moment, the Karakhan soldiers who charged over hoping to pierce the waist of the Khotan army with their arrow formations also screamed miserably along with their hundred heads. Not only did the momentum of the charge slow down, but even the formation changed.

It’s getting messy.

Under the extremely adoring eyes of a group of 'burdens', the bear stood up.

This warrior, who is 1.86 meters tall, has arms thicker than ordinary people's thighs, wears two layers of Tibetan iron armor, and has a huge ax with a dim white light in his hand. Anyone who sees him on the battlefield will be terrified.

Dundup is a little smaller than the bear, but its figure is more proportionate and does not have the clumsiness of the bear.

He carried a wooden tube like a spear on his back, but it was not used to hold arrows, but to hold throwing spears. In addition to the two throwing spears, Dunzhu also had two short fine steel spears inserted into his legs.
Zhang Zhao deliberately left these two people here. He needs warriors with such impact to defend against attacks from the left and right.

"Kill the beard!" Several Scythian-looking palace guards from Khotan shouted and rushed towards the dizzy Askar soldier who was hit in front of him, completely ignoring that he had a standard beard.

’s appearance.

The Khotan palace guard held an iron-covered shield in his hand, almost committing suicide and crashed into Askar's forest of spears.

In an instant, almost everyone was stabbed with blood, but their mission was completed. They knocked a gap in the spear forest of Askar.

The rest was the moment for the wild bear to show off. Like a real wild bear, he crashed through the gap.

After entering, he didn't need any tricks or skills. He held the handle of the giant ax with both hands and started to spin it like a top.

Uh! I am a weapon fighter, and the output depends on the fan. The CD is one and a half minutes, and I turn one turn after another.

This is a meat grinder!

The giant ax weighing more than ten kilograms, supported by the huge strength of the wild bear itself, no matter what armor you wear or what weapon you use, except for the seven or eight foot long spear, it is useless.

It's a pity that the Askar who rushed over was an assault type, so he happened to be without one.

For a moment, dozens of soldiers at the front of the front arrow formation were rushed to both sides by the barbaric bear.

What they were waiting for was to avoid the barbarian bear, because behind the barbarian bear, the Khotan palace guards, who were much better equipped than Askar, rushed forward with black iron hammers, flower hammers, etc. that were good for close combat and armored combat.

They were strict and orderly. The three of them formed a basic offensive unit and easily defeated the scattered Karakhan Askars until they were howling like ghosts.

On Dundup's side, the situation was similar. The Askar soldier at the head of the queue was killed by Dundup and several big-bodied Khotan palace guards with spears, and suffered heavy casualties.

Before the gap could be filled, Dundup rushed in with two short steel spears in his hands. With the leading men, Khotan palace guards surrounded him, and dozens of people withstood the attack of hundreds of people.<


Zhang Zhao waved his sword horizontally, and a black flag of a divine warrior fell down.

He looked up and saw that there were not many God Warriors standing in front of him. The ground was covered with all kinds of corpses. Blood flowed into the trench like a river.

"Yan Jin, you are on your left and I am on your right! Cut off the Karakhanids' attack route, I will eat them today!"

Yan Jin wiped the reddish rain off his face, glanced at Zhang Zhao with a complicated expression, and then nodded.

He strongly disagreed with what Zhang Zhao did just now. On the battlefield, he would do anything for victory. This is what an army commander should do. The kindness of a woman to let the enemy fill up the trenches is extremely unkind.

It’s undesirable.

However, he had to admit that Zhang Zhao's strategy was very successful. Not only did he successfully boost the morale of the team, he also used his extremely high morale to kill thousands of god warriors in front of him.

Looking at the soldiers behind them who have been fighting for almost half an hour but are still full of fighting spirit, they know that Zhang Erlang may have left a noble imprint in their hearts like a god because of his actions.

At least in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, if you follow such a commander, you don’t have to worry about being bullied or deceived.

"Failed! Lost!"

When Zhang Zhao suddenly inserted himself into the middle of the attacking Askar army, screams rang out.

This army used for assault used the method of having armored soldiers in front, less armored soldiers, and unarmored soldiers at the back.

They originally wanted to cut through Zhang Zhao's waist, but they didn't expect that Zhang Zhao had an 'iron waist'.

They couldn't break it even with elite soldiers, but Zhang Zhao pushed back.

Moreover, the God Warriors used for consumption collapsed too quickly, and also destroyed the defense line of Askar soldiers arrayed behind them.

On the battlefield where blood is dripping and limbs and broken arms are flying everywhere, it is most likely to arouse fear in people's hearts.

Askar, who had just formed the formation, could still hold on, but when the battlefield was filled with people fleeing, Askar behind him couldn't help but collapse.

Once the central formation collapsed, the Askar soldiers on both wings who were responsible for drilling through were completely exposed.

Now it was Zhang Zhao's turn to cut through their waists. These Askars, who were originally second-rate troops in the Kara Khanate, were not as tough as Zhang Zhao's Shandu and Khotan palace guards.

After they were cut off in the middle and dozens of people were killed or injured, someone shouted, and the entire defense line collapsed like a tight rope!

"Revenge! The time for revenge has come!" Monk Zhitong on the hillside had his eyes red.

Everyone could see that the Karakhanids failed. Their more than 3,000 divine warriors and nearly 3,000 Askars could not defeat the Khotanese army of less than 1,000.

Why don't you beat the drowned dog quickly?

The hatred that had been suppressed for many years among the crowd broke out like a mountain fire!

Countless 'burdens' armed with various weapons came out from all over the place, howling crazily.

Once the Karakhan soldiers were bitten by them, dozens or even dozens of people would come forward. They would beat them with sticks and stab them with rusty daggers. They would even attack them with their fists and teeth. After the madness, they would often

Even the 'victim's' armor will be pulled off.

A scene of hell on earth!

General Abdul was pulled by the guards around him and fled into Shule City with the rush of people.

Ittihad on the top of the city looked even more desperate. He now understood that no matter whether the elites outside were real elites or fake elites, he could not defeat him! Prepare to defend to the death!

With a rumble, the suspension bridge was slowly pulled up. Some of the howling 'burdens' who were still chasing, as well as the God Warriors and Askar who were being chased by them, had just approached the suspension bridge that was about to rise, and a plume of arrows rained down from them.

The city head was shot down, and a large number of people were killed and wounded immediately.

And at this moment, the sound of horseshoes echoed throughout the northern corner of Shule City, and just when the drizzle turned into heavy rain, the 1,500 cavalry sent out by Ittihad arrived.

Under the banner of Sanchen, old Zhang Zhong laughed crazily and waved the flag.

"God bless Erlangjun! God bless the Tang Dynasty!"

Everyone cheered. This cavalry arrived a quarter of an hour early, and the outcome was really uncertain. But now! It’s too late!

"Line up the formation according to the stronghold, place the horse horns and iron caltrops, prepare the god-armed archers, move forward the spearmen, and make a large formation of Bookers riding bows and crossbows!"

Zhang Zhao also smiled very happily. To be accompanied by such luck, Tianshi was also on his side!

This chapter has been completed!
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