Chapter 137

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Blood and fire, piercing screams and wild laughter of revenge, have been lingering over the entire Shule City. For two days, the city has been trapped in crazy vendettas and plunders.

After the huge stones blocking the main north gate of Shule were cleared away, a red flag embroidered with the golden letter "Li" finally slowly entered the city from the north gate of Shule. Li Shengtian finally entered the city.

The entry of the emperor of the Khotan Kingdom into the city did not bring much peace to the city that was plunged into chaos, vendettas and plunder, and he had no intention of bringing any peace.

Because according to the rules of this era, after the city is broken, the big soldiers under your command don't even have the power to plunder, so who will work for you? If they don't kill a lot, then they are obedient.

Moreover, the largest number of people in Shule City were those who changed their faith along with Saktu, and Li Shengtian didn't want to care about their lives at all.

As a gathering place for the nobles of Shule City, the north of Shule City is the hardest hit area, and everyone there has no chance of survival.

Because most of them are the bodyguards of Saktu Bugla Khan and the relatives of the Ghulam Guards of the Kara Khanate in the city.

The soldiers under his command were stained with the blood of the relatives of these Gulam guards, so that Li Shengtian could send them to the battlefield with more confidence.

Looking down at the incense used to mark the time on the elephant carriage, Li Shengtian frowned slightly. As a Buddhist and a wealthy emperor, Li Shengtian was still a little uncomfortable with such bloody massacres.

"Where is Duke Fengtian?" Li Shengtian asked lightly.

Where is Zhang Zhao? In fact, he already knew in his heart, because Zhang Zhao had compiled a catalog for him of the treasures in the palace of King Karakhan, totaling 1.1 million treasures.

And he also agreed to Zhang Zhao's request, 30% of which would belong to Zhang Zhao, and 70% would belong to his uncle, the Great Sage and the Emperor.

"The prince has led the rebels in the city and Captain Liu to surround the Karakhanids' imperial city and is waiting for His Majesty's arrival." The internal official beside him replied in a low voice.

Li Shengtian's face showed a look of satisfaction, and he couldn't help but stroke the beard on his chin.

"Erlang still knows the importance of things. The eldest sister has a good upbringing! I'm not as good as me!" Then his face sank.

"Inform all armies to immediately take over the defense of Shule City as ordered. Officers above the rank of captain will come to the imperial city immediately. Each captain will be responsible for restraining his soldiers and no more killings will be allowed!"

Li Shengtian is qualified to issue such an order today, because the biggest contributors to the attack on Shule City are not the soldiers who are killing and looting everywhere now, but the Fengtian Army led by his close nephew Zhang Zhao, Duke of Fengtian County, and himself

of palace guards.

It can be said that the 30,000 troops who attacked Shule City only had hard work, and the credit belongs to his nephew Zhang Zhao and his own palace guards.

Therefore, Li Shengtian, who was in a good mood, was already planning to rectify the mountains and hills in Khotan after completely defeating Saktu Bugla Khan.

‘Bah!’ Li Shengtian, who was thinking with squinted eyes on the elephant carriage, suddenly heard the sound of horse hoofbeats, and suddenly an unpleasant feeling came to his heart.

Moreover...when those knights saw his frame, they ran faster and had no intention of coming to pay homage. They also vaguely revealed some guilty conscience.

Huh? Isn't this the Guiyi Army Yueqi who came as a dowry of the Queen? Whose carriage are they protecting? Li Shengtian's face changed.

"Quick! Enter the palace quickly!"


In the palace, Cao Yuanxin stood tall, Cao Fourteen and Cao Yanming were like a well-behaved big raccoon cat, kneeling and sitting next to Cao Yuanxin, and narrowed their eyes in enjoyment because Cao Yuanxin was stroking the top of his head.

"Fourteen has indeed grown up! I know you are worried about my aunt. If you are so concerned, it is not in vain for my aunt to leave home and marry far away at the age of fifteen!"

After praising Cao Yanming and the two of them performing a show of affection between uncle and nephew, Cao Yuanxin looked at Zhang Zhao solemnly.

Unlike Cao Yanming, Zhang Zhao's relationship with her is very complicated.

From the point of view of the Great Sage and the Emperor, she is Zhang Zhao’s concubine. Although Zhang Zhao is not Princess Fengtian’s biological child, Princess Fengtian will no longer have her own legitimate heirs. It can be said that Zhang Zhao is no different from Princess Fengtian’s biological child.


This can be seen from Li Shengtian's attitude towards Zhang Zhao, who is definitely treating him as his nephew.

At the same time, she and Zhang Zhao have a real cousin relationship, and Zhang Yichao's blood flows through both of them.

But she was the daughter of the Cao family. No matter how much she admired Zhang Yichao, her maternal great-grandfather, she could not watch Zhang Zhao overthrow the Cao family and reestablish the Zhang family.

But there is another problem that Cao Yuanxin cannot ignore, that is, Zhang Zhao's ability is too strong! Today, the Khotan Jin Kingdom was able to capture Shule, and it can be said that Zhang Zhao deserves the most credit.

Regardless of carrying more than ten thousand burdens, only seven or eight hundred soldiers actually completed the task of setting up a stronghold under Shule City and withstood the attack of tens of thousands of Karakhan's army.

He still broke through the city wall of Shule, defeated Ittihad, the governor of Shule, and captured him alive with thousands of men. These are all considered brave.

And with this bravery, no one in the Kingdom of Khotan can match him!

As time goes by, Zhang Erlang may be the founder of the Longtoni Zhang family again. He shouted, "If we don't save him, how can we command the Western Regions?" With only more than 10,000 troops, he was able to conquer the Bakhan Kingdom alone, shocking the river and causing a huge food shortage.

, Dayuan, Jibin and other countries did not dare to compete with Zhang Nanyang Gong (Zhang Xiaosong), who sent envoys one after another to ask for surrender.

Moreover, Cao Yuanxin knew very well that Zhang Zhao had definitely done her a huge favor just now.

She had met the queen of Bugra Khan of the Nakara Khanate. Regardless of appearance, temperament, or knowledge, she was the kind that the Great Sage and the Emperor liked most, and she was younger than herself.

If she really enters the Taihe Palace, I'm afraid she will really become her biggest opponent.

"Erlang! Sister, I really want to thank you for this matter. In fact, the land of Anxi is very vast and there is a lot to do!"

Zhang Zhao simply rolled his eyes at Cao Yuanxin. This woman is still very fickle. When she wants to take care of herself, she becomes a concubine, and when she wants something from him, she becomes a sister.

And this was just a lie. In my heart, I was still afraid that he would return to Shazhou and take back the foundation from the Cao family.

"Niang Niang really thinks so? I rolled into the same bed with Li Ruoliu. Given the current situation, if I am willing to take root in the Kingdom of Jin, my cousin Cong De may not be in the mood to continue studying Dharma in Dunhuang, right?"


Cao Yuanxin took a deep breath, and she suddenly thought, yes! The Zhang Erlang in front of her was already involved with the descendants of the Queen of Wudu County in Zhongyuan. You must know that the position of the leader of Khotan should have been

A descendant of the Queen of Wudu County.

If Zhang Erlang really took root in the Kingdom of Jin, with his ability and the influence of the surviving royal family of Wudu County and Princes, would Cong De still be able to sit firmly when he succeeds to the throne?

"So a certain Zhang Erlang must go back to Shazhou. Shazhou is the ancestral land of my Longyu Zhang family. The Guiyi Army was founded by my ancestor Taibao Gong. Don't forget the reason why our Guiyi Army came together."


I would rather be a Tang ghost than a Tibetan slave. Get through Ganliang and return to my motherland!

My father, the emperor in white clothes, had too much talent but too little skill, which put the entire rebel army in danger. That's why I replaced him with Lord Ling Gong to wash away the shame and stabilize the situation.

And twenty years later, on this day, King Ling Gong feared that the general would not miss the holiday, and the rebel army only had two states in Guasha, lingering in the Gobi. Everyone was in a coma, and had long forgotten the ambition of their ancestors!

If we can't get through Ganliang again and return to our homeland, we will be drowned in the barbarians sooner or later. I would like to ask my cousin, does my brother Yuande have this ability?"

This was the first time that Zhang Zhao expressed his inner thoughts unabashedly. It was also the first time for Cao Yanming to hear Zhang Zhao's true expression. A trace of discomfort flashed in his eyes, and then he fell silent again.

Cao Yanming smiled bitterly and shook his head, and spoke without waiting for Cao Yuanxin to answer, "My father is the master of maintaining the status quo, and pioneering and enterprising is probably not his strong point. Besides, Ye Ye has also been suffering from lung disease for more than ten years. Even if he wants to be aggressive,

My body can’t bear it!”

Cao Yuanxin looked at Cao Yanming in surprise. She did not expect that Zhang Erlang had such a profound influence on Cao Yanming. In this era, it can be called unfilial for a son to comment on his father like this.

"Can the second brother Yuan Shen take on this important task?" Zhang Zhao then asked.

This time it was Cao Yuanxin's turn to shake his head. Her second brother could not even be regarded as the Lord of Shou Cheng, but could only be regarded as a mediocre Lord.

If the unified dynasty was strong, the mediocre leader would actually be good and could always maintain it. However, the current situation of the rebel army could not be saved except by the heroic leader. Thinking of this, Cao Yuanxin let out a long sigh.

"If destiny is in Erlang's hands! It is as it should be if the Guiyi Army returns to the Zhang family. Can the Cao family maintain its wealth today?"

Sure enough, sons are the most important thing. Compared with his own blood descendants, brothers, nephews, are not indestructible.

Zhang Zhao nodded, "I have made an appointment with King Ling Gong. If one day we open up Ganliang and revive our homeland, Zhang Erlang will personally support the coffin and send King Ling Gong back to Bozhou and bury him with the rites of a county prince!"

"That's great!" Cao Yuanxin showed a touch of emotion on her face. She took out a fish charm from her arms and handed it to Zhang Zhao.

"When my family sent me to Khotan, fearing that I would be deceived, I was accompanied by two teams of 100 Yueqi, all of whom were elite soldiers from Shazhou. In the past 20 years, I have been recuperating and recuperating, and there have been 433 people.

They are all skilled in bow and horse.

Today they helped me transport the queen of Karahan, for fear that the Great Sage and the Emperor will be displeased. Zhang Erlang, I will leave these people to you. When they return eastward, don’t forget today’s kindness!”

This chapter has been completed!
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