Chapter 209 You thought you were the only one

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The formation was completely confused. The Persians fought and retreated, and the Khotanese army became more and more courageous in pursuit.

From the beginning, there were thousands of people fighting in a large square formation, and it gradually turned into a dogfight between hundreds of people, with you among me, and you among me.

Zhang Zhao hesitated for a moment, but still did not blow the horn, because the Khotanese army had an advantage in forming a formation, but in a small group dog fight in the chaos, the Khotanian army had an even greater advantage.

In particular, Zhang Zhao's own Hanshandu was well equipped and powerful, and it soon played a leading role on the battlefield.

For example, Man Xiong, Dunzhu and Wang Tongtong, although Zhang Zhao is not here, cannot exert as much power as the previous foursome, but the formation of the three of them is enough to deal with the Persian army.

Song Zhongyi was stabbed in the leg. He shouted loudly and put his cotton armor on the bear's body.

Then the bear, wearing two layers of cotton armor and one layer of ring mail, picked up an iron buckler, howled and crashed into a Persian army formation of several hundred people.

The panicked Persians beat the bear indiscriminately, but without coordination, it was difficult to break through the three layers of armor on the bear with the thick-backed long knives and bone knives in their hands.

After being surrounded and beaten for a long time, the man who was hit by a wild bear with a meteor hammer and a round shield was knocked off his back.

Later, Dunzhu and Wang Tongtong were waiting for this opportunity. After the Persians in tight formation were smashed into a gap by the wild bear, the two men followed up like galloping horses.

Dunzhu had two short spears and Wang Tongtong had two cooked copper maces. The three of them fought faster and faster, and the Amozhi infantry and some Khotan palace guards also took the opportunity to follow.

After tearing apart for a minute or two, the Persian phalanx that could still hold on dispersed under the huge threat of death. Behind it, more Khotan soldiers rushed over, chasing and beating the drowned dogs.

This kind of pursuit is what the soldiers like most and is the most morale-boosting. For a time, the battlefield was full of shadows of running and pursuit.

The defeat of a small Persian phalanx will often cause a huge chain reaction, and many times it can directly scare away the phalanxes on the left and right that can still hold on.

The three Barbarian Bears did not pursue them. Their mission was to break the formation. The three of them looked around at the battlefield where screams were heard one after another, and then focused on the next target!

'嘘嘘!嘘嘘!' The neat sound of horse hooves sounded. Just as the two sides were fighting fiercely, an army protruded from the position of the Persian commander like a whirlwind and went directly towards the hillside where Zhang Zhao was. It looked like there were at least four soldiers.

Hundreds of Cavalry.

Haha! Zhang Zhao sneered, it turned out that this was what Adulal was thinking.

No wonder he didn't rush to recruit troops when the Persians were on the verge of defeat. He had to let the two armies fight in such a melee. It turned out that he had hidden a half-armored cavalry and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to directly kill Zhang Zhao.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel! It seems that Adulal still doesn’t know the reputation of King Juer Khan Zhang!

"Send the signal! Let Bai Congxin and Li Ruotai attack and target the Persian coach Adulal!"

Zhang Zhao roared, and a huge red flag slowly rose on the hilltop where he was. Along with the raising of the red flag, there was a loud explosion under the hilltop.

The raising of the red flag and the explosion of gunpowder were the signal for You Yidu and Bao Daying's iron horses to attack.

‘Choke!’ Guo Tiance also drew his horizontal sword, and the guards around Zhang Zhao also drew their weapons.

They didn't even think about arranging a transfer of the head coach because they didn't think the opponent with four or five hundred cavalry could defeat them.

Under the hill, with Zhang Zhao behind him, two hundred personal guards formed a stacked formation, equipped with all kinds of weapons and horses.

In fact, he had long been prepared for the cavalry to attack him, so the bodyguards he had chosen often practiced the most in stacked formations.

The charging Persian cavalry were dumbfounded. They never expected that on such a battlefield, the enemy commander's personal guards could successfully form a formation so quickly, and there were so many resisting horses placed around them. They had been prepared for it!

But they had no choice. The distance between the two commanders was more than 600 meters. In order to achieve the purpose of surprise attack, these cavalry started to speed up after 300 meters and started running wildly within 100 meters.

In addition, both men and horses are covered with a layer of armor. Although it is not heavy, it is still armor and is very physically demanding.

They had no choice but to rush over. As long as they slowed down a little, it would be very difficult to speed up, because the horses' physical strength had reached the limit after the violent attack.

‘Boom! Whoosh!’ But before they could rush in, Zhang Zhao’s crossbow started shooting first.

Fan Quan and Fan Shun were both sharpshooters, and the personal guards trained by them were also good at shooting. Zhang Zhao himself was also a master.

Ten divine arm bows, one hundred and fifty strong bows, and the soldiers who fired the arrows were all sharpshooters, so one can imagine their power.

The Persian light-armored cavalry, which came one after another in groups of five, fell to the ground one after another amidst the sound of bowstrings vibrating.

The distance was only sixty steps, but by the time they rushed forward, there were already almost fifty or sixty people gone, and the charging team seemed sparse.

Ugh! The light armored cavalry charged angrily and resisted the horses. Zhang Zhao had to admire their courage.

Because the sharpened stick, which is as thick as an adult's arm, is extremely intimidating to the war horses.

Moreover, the horse itself was already exhausted after a long run. When it saw the sharp horse and heard the wild shouts from the enemy on the opposite side, it refused to step forward.

In the end, these Persian cavalry failed to rush in directly, but ran over at a low-speed trot, as if they were meeting lovers who had not seen each other for a long time.

However, the lover they faced was not so gentle. According to the military records of the Song Dynasty, Zhang Zhao made hundreds of hook-and-scythe spears and equipped them to his personal guards.

These hooks and sickles are extremely well-made. It happens that Persians like to wear chain mail. Therefore, soldiers holding hooks and sickles can hook the knight's chain mail upwards and drag him off his horse, and they can hook directly downwards. Stay on the horse's legs.

The four to five hundred Persian cavalry failed to break away from the Juma, and were then stabbed to death by the guards with hooks and sickles through the Juma. At the same time, the bows and arrows in the rear row were also firing continuously, and the casualties were increasing.

Captain Adulal, who was in charge of the raid, roared anxiously, wanting to take the lead and forcefully break through the enemy.

They have no way out. If they cannot kill or at least force the local commander back, the defeat that affects the survival of the 30,000-strong army will come soon.

But just when he gathered the knights and wanted to launch a desperate charge, the sound of horse hooves came from all directions amidst the sound of drums.

It turned out that on the periphery, the outcome of the light cavalry dog ​​fight between the two sides had also been decided. The Khotanese cavalry defeated the Persian cavalry, which was far smaller in number and more tired than them.

Hu Jile led 300 cavalry and diagonally inserted into the Persian cavalry from the right. Without any hesitation, they fired a hail of arrows and started fighting hand-to-hand.

Ever since he was cheated by the second-rate eldest son in Suiye last time, Hu Cile found that his status in Zhang Zhao had declined.

Originally he was the cavalry captain of Youyi Capital, the number one cavalryman under Zhang Zhao, but now, his status has been ranked behind Bai Congxin and Li Ruotai, and even Guo Guangcheng, who protects the Iron Horse Capital of Daying, is almost overtaking him.


He was so angry that he deprived his eldest son Huwei of his inheritance rights, whipped him thirty times himself, and then rushed to herd the sheep.

However, this was not the quickest way to regain his position with Zhang Zhao, so meritorious service became the only way out. Therefore, when he saw that the coach was in danger, he came as quickly as possible and fought the most resolutely.

"It's rude to come and not return! My sons, mount up with me, and we'll go meet the Persian coach for a while!"

Seeing the tiger thorn le directly thrust into the opponent and scattered them, Zhang Zhao roared and took the lead on the horse. Now he no longer needed to command and could not command. Moreover, he had been holding it in for a long time and his hands were already itchy.

A brightly colored Sanchen flag fluttered high, and the banner with Chinese characters symbolizing the coach also stretched with the wind, and everyone on the battlefield saw it.

Under these two banners, the cavalry began to gather. The Persian cavalry that went to capture Zhang Zhao had already dispersed.

Adulal's face was pale, but he still decided to save himself. After a few orders, the officers around him gathered some troops and set up a six-row array of spears and crossbows to fend off the opponents who could come at any time.

of assault.

"Hakem!" Suddenly, an officer pointed in another direction with trembling hands, "Hakem, you...look over there!"

Adulal looked in the direction of the officer's finger, and suddenly his face turned pale and he was speechless.

It turned out that at some point, a group of armored cavalry had lined up in strict formation from a distance, slowly accelerating towards him.

"What a great move! It turns out that Ju'er Khan has already ambushed a group of armored cavalry in the mountains and forests, waiting to give me a fatal blow. But, how did he know that I would definitely send my army north?"

Adulal roared twice in the cold wind. Ju'erhan could intercept him on the road so accurately. He must have known his movements in advance.

"Hakem, mount your horse quickly. There is our fleet going down the river. We need you in the battle. General, please stop the enemy for Hakem!"

At the critical moment, there were still some loyal and brave people on Adulal's side. He also wanted to show that he could not abandon the noble sentiments of the soldiers, but the guards around him did not give him this chance, and they quickly helped Adulal up.

After getting off the horse, they quickly gathered around and started to leave.

At this time, Bai Congxin and Li Ruotai each led two armored cavalry to about a hundred paces. The horses began to trot slowly, and at sixty meters, they started shooting fiercely with their bows.

The Persian army was unable to guard against these armored cavalry and was still able to fire their bows. Immediately, a large area of ​​the spear array was shot down. However, the Persians' bows were much less lethal and accurate when shooting the armored cavalry.

A large area of ​​the spear formation fell down, and several large and small gaps were immediately exposed. Li Ruotai first led five people on horseback and rode out. The armored cavalry behind him were also separated by a horse's head distance from each other and accelerated suddenly!

The ground began to tremble. The hundreds of armored cavalry were completely different from the Persian light armored cavalry. The Fengtian armored cavalry was running like thunder without any hesitation.

Twenty steps!

Fifteen steps!

Ten steps!

The Persian infantry who were temporarily summoned to protect the commander were actually quite elite, but precisely because they were elite, they knew that their own defeat was inevitable.

In the tight air, someone screamed. In an instant, the hundreds of infantrymen who had gathered suddenly collapsed like termites that were overturned in an ant nest. The moment the armored cavalry was about to hit them, they collapsed!

This is the difference between veterans and new recruits. In this case, the new recruits will either be killed stupidly, or lose their lives while running around.

But veteran Youzi has more to think about. Since he has been defeated, he should save his own life first!

One assault directly broke up the infantry formation, which many people did not expect, including Adulal, who was about to run to the river to escape by boat.

Under the terrifying threat of death, the Persian commander took his two hundred cavalry and fled to the right.

But he forgot that this place happened to be facing Zhang Zhao, so Adulal just threw himself into Zhang Zhao's arms and ran directly into Zhang Zhao's encirclement.

While laughing excitedly, Zhang Zhao held the horse between his arms and stabbed Adulal directly in the chest with a thunderous force.

Zhang Zhao's general Samampos, who could have been wiped out simply by sheer force, died in battle beside the poisonous water.

This chapter has been completed!
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