Chapter 38 They are all old friends

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 Ma Yaozi took a deep breath and encouraged himself, then walked out from behind the sand dune with his hands stretched out. Sure enough, the sharpshooter who was staring at him didn't shoot him an arrow.

And he also knew why the person opposite Zhang Erlang, who was suspected of being Zhang Erlang, shouted that there were sesame cakes and mutton soup behind the mountain, because the Shouchang Zhenjun who had just escaped into the woods had been driven back by a group of infantry.
Before Zhang Erlangjun said that he was only looking for himself, the infantry of both sides were in a state of confrontation. After the shouting, although both sides did not put down their weapons, there was not much tense atmosphere. The soldiers of Shouchang Town Army were very nervous.


"Who are you? We are the Shouchang Town Army, the official army. No matter who you are, intercepting the official army privately is tantamount to rebellion and will be beheaded!" Ma Yaozi shouted with a stern look.

"Rebellion? This Guiyi Army was brought by my great-grandfather Taibao Gong to raise the flag of rebellion. It was the bloody battle of three generations of my Zhang family in Nanyang. Without Taibao Gong, you would still be slaves to the Tubo people?" Zhang Zhao laughed and said.

Bian took off his Vajra mask.

Ma Yaozi's pupils shrank, and a layer of white sweat broke out on his forehead. It was Zhang Erlangjun, really Zhang Erlangjun! Others didn't know Zhang Zhao, but he did, because Zhang Zhao was under surveillance in Shouchang County.


Zhang Yichao's great-grandson is a golden sign. Zhang Zhao, the "Tianhuang nobleman", naturally attracted the curious attention of many people. Ma Yaozi once served as a guard to monitor the Zhang family.

"Ma Yaozi! What did Luo Shijun ask you to do? When old friends meet, you'd better tell the truth. Don't forget that when your mother passed away, a certain relative went to recite the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra!"

Zhang Zhao's deity is still of some use, because he believes in Buddhism, is a layman who leads Buddhist practice at home, knows Buddhist scriptures by heart, and is a descendant of Zhang Yichao.

Therefore, even though the Cao family ordered the Shouchang County Magistrate to keep him under strict supervision, many people still came to ask him to do some rituals such as redeeming the souls of the dead.

Especially the passing merchants and poor families who couldn't afford a monk. When Ma Yaozi's mother passed away, she begged him to save her.

Ma Yaozi showed an extremely embarrassed look on his face, chanting sutras for his dead mother to be saved. In this era, it is not an ordinary kindness, it is a great kindness.

Although his mother is not his real mother, she is just a foster family that Luo Ji randomly found for his young child.

But a wandering child like Ma Yaozi, who never knew who his mother was, still found the warmth of home in this old woman. She was not a mother, but better than a mother.

"Ma Yaozi, thank you Erlangjun for your great kindness, but please forgive me for not being able to answer your question!" Ma Yaozi knelt down while shouting.

Of course Ma Yaozi knew who was more kind to him, Zhang Zhao or Luo Xianda, so he would never betray Luo Xianda.

However, he couldn't tell what Luo Xianda told him. This Erlangjun actually got the golden armor bestowed by Taibao Gongxian, and convinced so many horse thieves. How many horses did Luo Xianda call him?

If money and food make him run away, wouldn’t it be a joke?

"This is Mr. Zhang Erlang? Didn't he say he went to Leiyin Temple to get tonsured? Why are he here?"

"Erlangjun! It's Erlangjun! I've seen him before!"

"Brother Zhang, is it true that the golden armor was given by the Supreme Protector? Your surname is Zhang, please tell me!"

Seeing Ma Yaozi kneel down and hearing Ma Yaozi calling Zhang Erlangjun, the soldiers of Shouchang Town Army immediately felt relieved.

People at this time had a strong sense of localism. Zhang Zhao was brought to live in Shouchang when he was more than two years old. Although many of them were unfamiliar, they almost all grew up at the same time as him.

In their eyes, Mr. Zhang Erlang is from Shouchang. Since he is from Shouchang, he will definitely not harm them.

Zhang Zhao was also a little stunned. He thought he was going to have a big fight. But when a lot of people heard that he was Zhang Erlang, they either shouted from a distance to try to make connections, or looked at him with awe and inferiority complex. This was Zhang Yichao, the Taibao Lord.

My only bloodline is as noble as heaven.

It seems that it is not unreasonable for the Cao family to be afraid of Zhang Yichao's descendants.

"My fellow villagers, I have prepared some food. You have traveled such a long way and you must be hungry. Let's go get some hot food first and offer sacrifices to the five internal organs temple!"

Since there was no need to beat him at all, Zhang Zhao simply took off his phoenix wings and waved his hand, and let’s eat first!

"Thank you Mr. Zhang Erlang!"

"Zhang Erlang is kind and righteous!"

A group of soldiers from Shouchang Town laughed and sheathed their swords and arrows, and thanked Zhang Zhao. They didn't even look at Ma Yaozi who was still kneeling on the ground.

These guys are all very smart. Ma Yaozi said that he wanted them to do some personal business for Luo He and round up some Uighur horse thieves who had robbed Luo He's property. But it turned out that they came to ambush Mr. Zhang Erlang.

And Mr. Zhang Erlang, who was eating fast and chanting Buddha, suddenly put on golden armor and subdued so many horse thieves.

It seems that there is some kind of grudge between the wealthy families. How dare these little soldiers take care of it? They just want to find an opportunity to let Mr. Zhang Erlang let them go.

Sesame cakes are sesame pancakes. They are golden in color, crispy on the outside, and sweet and soft on the inside. Especially Zhang Zhao’s sesame cakes are topped with a thick layer of sesame seeds, making them even more crispy and delicious.

Not to mention the mutton soup, with pepper, dried dogwood and pine wood added, it’s so fragrant!

The soldiers of Shouchang Town, who were still a little nervous at first, suddenly forgot about everything. The two groups totaled seventy or eighty people and started feasting on the hillside not far from the village. Even the horses had fodder.

Too early, the indescribable weirdness reveals a hint of harmony.

Zhang Zhao ate a mouthful of pancakes and a mouthful of mutton soup very happily, while the cheerful soldiers of Shouchang Town gathered around Zhang Zhao.

Although Zhang Zhao lived in Shouchang in the past, he basically stayed in a deep house and compound. Not many people among the soldiers had seen him. Now as the distance got closer, these guys automatically gathered around him, and they didn't say anything.

Looking at Zhang Zhao so sillyly, as if Zhang Zhao had flowers on his face.

If it were Zhang Zhao in the past, just being surrounded by so many people would probably cause him to suffer from social phobia and PTSD on the spot.

But the Zhang Zhao who came back from time travel is completely the opposite. It’s not that he has a social problem, but that this guy was originally a mixed armor and cold weapon fighting circle in later generations.

Who are these elite soldiers in Shouchang Town? Aren't they just a group of murderous maniacs who wear armor and use cold weapons?

Although they look stupid and honest now, if you look closely, according to the laws of future generations, shooting is considered a light sentence.

Which of them doesn't have many lives under their command? As for blackmailing the nomadic gangsters who came down from the Qilian Mountains, stealing from undercover thieves, and even robbing passing merchants in some cases, that's all trivial!

At this time, the army is not a mighty or civilized force like the Republic. These guys, I'm afraid in future generations, compared to them, the army must be considered disciplined.

Bai Congxin, Qiongre Duojin and others who were conquered by Zhang Zhao only committed more evil. This is such a society. When encountering a kind king, honest men can still survive, but most of them get

Moisturizing, they are all such fighting men who would be considered too light to be shot in future generations.

The group of people became more and more happy as they chatted. They even exchanged and compared their thoughts on killing, bragging about their heroic appearance on the battlefield, or who had captured a beauty who came down from the Qilian Mountains, and who had hacked to death several Hus who had revealed their wealth.

A businessman, he immediately bought a big house after he succeeded, married a lovely lady and so on.

"What's the matter? Ma Yaozi, you are a slave to your mother, and you want me to feed you with sesame cakes. I will be angry at you. I'll go over and eat my fill first, and then I'll settle the score with you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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