Chapter 404 Another Mother of King Zhang

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Zhang Zhao and Yelv Deguang became brothers, which was no small matter.

It is not only a matter between two people, but also related to the relationship between the two countries, and Zhang Zhaoming is still a vassal of the Jin State.

So after the meeting at Shahukou, the two began to frequently send envoys to communicate, and discussions began within the Khitan and Guiyi Army.

During the discussion, Zhang Zhao stationed his troops northwest of the Hun River, and Yelu Deguang stationed his troops southeast of the Hun River. Each of them still maintained considerable vigilance.

During this period of time, the Guiyi Army continued to show the Khitan people how powerful the Guiyi Army was, improving Zhang Zhao's status and image in the hearts of the Khitan people.

Wu Dal'er took his brother Wu Yuan'er and went to Khitan again as envoy, and began to spend money to lobby the powerful.

At the same time, Cao Yanjing's side also began to reveal some information from the Khitan people.

The biggest aspect is the grievances between Zhang Zhao and the Gaochang Uighur Pugu family, and the grievances between Karahehan Saktu.

Yelu Deguang then learned that Zhang Zhao's favorite concubine, Cao Shi, was the former queen of Karahei Khan, and Saktu's daughter was also captured.

There are also some minor remarks from the Guiyi Army, but they are not mainstream.

Because at this time, what people hate is not the Khitan annexing the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, because it is strange that they don't want to annex it.

What most people hate is that Shi Jingtang betrayed his country and sought glory.

Especially after Yelu Deguang personally led an army of 60,000 to besiege Yunzhou for eight months and could not move down, it was completely clear to people the extent of the Khitan's ability to attack fortresses.

If it weren't for Shi Jingtang's shamelessness, how could Yelv Deguang win the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun?

Especially people from Hebei and Hedong hated Shi Jingtang.

After a ten-day confrontation between the two sides, Zhang Zhao took the initiative to release hundreds of Zuopi Shifeng Holy Army prisoners captured by the Hun River.

On the second day, they returned the armor and weapons they had lost by the Hun River.

Then, in accordance with the Khitan custom, they were allowed to send hundreds of people to the mass graves where Khitan soldiers and horses were buried, and take the bodies out, burn them into ashes, and take them away.

This made the Khitan people soften their attitude, and at the same time recalled the experience of being defeated, which made the soldiers and generals even more reluctant to fight against the Guiyi Army.

It also made them understand that Zhang Zhao originally brought troops to the east, but he came with a purpose.

Zhang Zhao was also very upset at this time. Yelu Deguang had not made a decision. It had been more than a month since he led his army to the north from Xiazhou.

The army is thinking about returning, and the food is about to run out. If there is no response for more than half a month, he will not be able to stay any longer.

Finally, two days after returning the ashes of the Khitan war dead, a Khitan envoy came about Yunzhou City.

Yelu Deguang insisted that the soldiers and civilians of Yunzhou were already Khitan citizens and disagreed with Zhang Zhao's plan to take them away.

Zhang Zhao guessed that this must be an envoy sent by Shi Jingtang, who made a large circle and arrived from Youzhou.

But even with Shi Jingtang's edict, Yelu Deguang could not capture Yunzhou City.

Because although Wu Luan and others also wanted to retreat, it was impossible to open the city without security guarantee.

Who doesn’t know the virtues of the Khitan people?

Based on this, Zhang Zhao boldly guessed that Yelu Deguang seemed to be here to express his attitude, but in fact he was here to seek help from Zhang Zhao.

Because if he wants to end this embarrassing situation, he needs someone whom the people of Yunzhou can trust as a guarantee to ensure their safety before Yunzhou City is handed over.

Zhang Zhao thought for a long time, and there was really nothing he could do to save Yunzhou now.

Wu Luan and others in Yunzhou City have actually done a good enough job.

Hundreds of people were killed and wounded, and they held on to Yunzhou for eight months. I am afraid that all the food in Yunzhou City has been eaten up, and there is really no way for anyone to demand anything more from them.

Historically, they held on for seven months and gave up Yunzhou City after receiving Yelu Deguang's guarantee.

This time and space was maintained for one more month, and because of the foreign aid Zhang Zhao, they were unwilling to take the risk and trust Yelu Deguang.

Zhang Zhao guessed that Yunzhou City might have sent an envoy to tell Yelu Deguang that he only wanted to believe Zhang Zhao.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhao said loudly to Han Kuangye, who was here as a special envoy.

"Please go back and tell your Majesty that the residents of Yunzhou are free to stay and go as they please. As long as your Majesty is willing to issue an edict and treat you favorably, there will always be a small number of people willing to leave their hometown.

But I must take away the four thousand Datong Army generals and more than 10,000 Datong Army family members."

Han Kuangye raised his head slightly and glanced at Zhang Zhao, "I wonder where your Majesty will place these Datong soldiers?"

It seemed that Yelu Deguang did not want Zhang Zhao to arrange the Datong Army to Xiazhou, but Zhang Zhao decided not to abandon him.

Regarding this matter, if Yelu Deguang wants to capture Yunzhou without being ridiculed by the world, he must ask Zhang Zhao for help. What qualifications does he have to ask for conditions?

"Hexi, Longyou, Lingwu, and Xia Sui are all short of people, so we can arrange them anywhere!

Your envoy should go back and tell your majesty that it would be better for these people to go anywhere they want than to go to Hedong. Taifu Liu in Hedong is an outstanding person!"

Han Kuangye's face suddenly became serious because he understood what Zhang Zhao meant.

Liu Zhiyuan of Hedong has always been opposed to Shi Jingtang's father's affiliation with the Khitan, and Jinyang of Hedong is south of Yunzhou, which is more convenient than traveling from Xiazhou to Yunzhou.

More importantly, Hedong Liu Zhiyuan was competing with the Khitan for the hundreds of thousands of people under the command of Bai Chengfu, the former deputy governor of Tangyin Mountain.

These tribes, mainly Tuyuhun, mixed with Turks, Dangxiang, Xi people and even Khitans, have always been an important component of the Yin Mountains.

Now Bai Chengfu could not bear the Khitan oppression and moved inward, living in Daibei and other places.

But these hundreds of thousands of people are not all of them. There are tens of thousands to one hundred thousand people in Khitan territory.

In other words, after Bai Chengfu returned to Liu Zhiyuan, Liu Zhiyuan could use Bai Chengfu and others to continue to induce the various ethnic groups in Khitan to surrender.

So compared to Zhang Zhao, after Liu Zhiyuan took control of Bai Chengfu, the Hexi Guiyi Army became a bigger threat than Zhang Zhao.

If the Datong army, which had been fighting against the Khitans for eight months, retreated south to Liu Zhiyuan's territory in the east of Hedong, on the Yunzhou line, there would be no hope of ever having peace again.

Of course, Han Kuangye doesn't know the historical process like Zhang Zhao. If he knew, he wouldn't be nervous.

Because in history, after Liu Zhiyuan took control of Bai Chengfu's tribe, in order not to further irritate the Khitans and cause the Khitans to go south, he did not dare to recruit the Datong Army's thousands of troops and more than 10,000 family members, leaving them to struggle to survive in Hedong.

In the end, some of them died in the battle with Wu Luan outside Beizhou, and most of them had to return to Yunzhou.

The Khitan people, especially during the Xiao Chuo period, tried to appease them, so these heroes who originally resisted the Khitan became increasingly resentful of the court, returned to the Khitan, and regarded China as a hostile bandit.

During the Northern Expedition in the Northern Song Dynasty, especially the second Northern Expedition, Pan Mei and Yang Ye left Yanmen and headed north.

The Han people in Yunzhou and the Sinicized barbarians who originally belonged to the Central Plains, specifically the descendants of these Datong troops, resisted desperately, making it much more difficult to capture Yunzhou than originally planned.

However, since he could not predict what Liu Zhiyuan would do, Han Kuangye could only remain silent and quickly returned to the Khitan camp to report.

Because he agreed with what Zhang Zhao said, even if the Datong Army went to Xiazhou, it would be much better than being acquired by Liu Zhiyuan.


There was a sound of mules and horses braying. This was the arrival of a batch of grain and grass escorted down the Yellow River from Lingzhou by Pei Yuan.

Last year's autumn harvest in the four Yinxia and Yousui prefectures, and this year's spring plowing, were almost half delayed. Guo Tiance had written a letter five days ago. It was really difficult for the four Yinxia prefectures to spare much grain.

So this batch of food from Lingwu was almost the last supply Zhang Zhao received.

There is no time to waste with Yelv Deguang. If Yinxia Yousui does not want a large-scale famine to occur this year, Zhang Zhao will have to make good arrangements.

Where does the time come from to continue the confrontation with the Khitans in the Hun River?

At the beginning of May, Zhang Zhao sent Bai Congxin and Huang Yingda, each with 900 elite cavalry, up the Hun River and broke in from the shallow water of the Cangtou River in the upper reaches of the Hun River.

They bypassed Wuzhou City, which is Zuoyun County, Datong City, Republic of China, and finally disappeared on this plateau.

Wuzhou City was less than a hundred miles away from Yunzhou. When Bai Congxin and Huang Yingda entered the east of Wuzhou City, Yelu Deguang finally became nervous and sent an envoy to Zhang Zhao's camp again to discuss the time for the alliance between the two parties.

and location.

You are really fucking cheap. If you don't push it, you just don't know how to be afraid.

On May 15th, under the witness of representatives of the Yunzhou Datong Army and the eminent monks accompanying the Khitan and Guiyi Army.

Zhang Zhao and Yelu Deguang were at Yuanyangbo, that is, by the Daihai Lake. According to the custom of the Central Plains, they laid out cattle, sheep and pigs, and burned wood to worship heaven according to the Khitan custom.

The two men held hands and became brothers, vowing to live in peace in the west and in the east and not to invade each other.

Zhang Zhao called Yelu Deguang his brother, and the Queen Mother Yingtian Shulu Ping was the Queen Mother.

Every year on the birthday of the Empress Dowager, an envoy should be sent to congratulate her and send her a gift of 1,000 pieces of colored silk from Khotan, 2,000 pieces of white cotton from Hexi, 100 catties each of sugar and tea bricks from Hexi, and 50 catties of rock sugar.

Yelu Deguang called Zhang Zhao his younger brother and his biological mother, Princess Fengtian of Khotan, as his aunt.

On the birthday of Princess Fengtian, the Khitan sent envoys to congratulate her and gave her twenty pieces of gold and silver ornaments, such as gold and silver saliva bowls, capricorn-patterned gold and silver bowls, gilt and silver crowns and other Khitan gold and silver utensils.

In addition, he was given fine Eastern beads, Khitan porcelain, ginseng, and deer antlers.

This gift was not reciprocal. The value of the Khitan gift in return was only about half of the gift from the Guiyi Army, but Zhang Zhao really did not have the energy to grind his teeth with the Khitans in this regard.

These grassland peoples seem to like to highlight their status in terms of gifts.

After becoming brothers, Yelv Deguang agreed with Zhang Zhao to take over 4,000 soldiers and 14,000 family members of the Yunzhou Datong Army.

Both parties agreed that Lingzhou and Xiazhou belonged to the Guiyi Army.

However, the territory including the Zhenwu Army and the Tiande Army, including the West Shoujiang City, the Middle Shoujiang City, and the East Shoujiang City, belonged to the Khitan.

This is equivalent to assigning the entire Hetao area to the Khitan, except the area where the Ningxia Plain is located, and almost the area from Linhe District of Bayannur City to Hohhot City in later generations.

However, Zhang Zhao had no control over these areas at all. They had long been occupied by the Khitans, and it was not his turn to agree or disagree.

The Khitans just wanted Zhang Zhao to officially acknowledge him and not harass him.

The mutual request between the two parties is that you don't come to take my Loop, and I won't harass you in Lingzhou.

One thing and one thing, just do whatever you need to do.

This chapter has been completed!
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