Chapter 416: Qianjin City Horse Bone

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After the performance, everyone felt deeply affectionate and chatted for a while.

Zhang Zhao lived in the Hexi Palace, and what he heard about the situation in Tokyo was reported by people below him.

What is the real situation? Is it different from the report? He doesn't know very well.

So I just took advantage of Fan Zhi's meeting with Liu Najin to confirm it.

As kings, especially those who are not the founders of the country, but who grew up in the deep palace.

Not being overwhelmed by the information reported by the people below, knowing the accurate source of the information, and being able to distinguish the truth from the truth is the most critical and difficult part of governing the country.

But after talking for a while, Liu Na couldn't help but start to direct the questions to the scientific examination.

"I have come all the way from Liangzhou and saw that the king was conducting academic studies and there seemed to be too few scribes."

Zhang Zhao felt happy. He didn't speak, but these people couldn't help themselves. He pretended to have a headache and replied.

"Indeed, as Liu Weng said, Hexi Longyou was trapped in Tubo for 150 years, and the culture was almost destroyed. Don't be afraid of your jokes. This is not a question of whether there are many scribes, but that no one applied for the Ming Jing Ke.


Liu Na was shocked. He had thought that the cultural and educational situation in Longyou, Hexi Province, was worrying, but he did not expect that there would be no one in the Ming Jing Ke.

However, for him, this is even more good news.

Although the old man and his grandson are already in their teens, he is only fifty-one years old this year. Someone who can teach a talented and knowledgeable person like Liu Tao must not be an old man who has not seen the countryside.

Because in this era when books are extremely precious, many Confucian classics and meanings must be passed down from family to family.

In particular, fathers play a very important role in educating their sons.

When Liu Na was young, he also read poetry and books. However, in this chaotic era, scribes were not very popular, so he did not try hard to become an official.

Because no matter how high your official position is, you are just holding a sword and holding a dog on a warrior's hand.

However, after arriving in Hexi, his state of mind changed considerably. The main reason was due to what he saw and heard along the way.

Although Hexi Longyou fell to Tubo for 150 years, this is indeed their disadvantage, but it is also their advantage.

Since they have always been isolated from the Central Plains and have been tasked with resisting the tyranny of Tibet, the warriors here have not yet been infected with the temper of the Central Plains Dynasty, which regarded the literati and even everyone as pigs and dogs, and was always ready to subjugate their superiors.

Moreover, because the culture and education are not good and it is relatively barbaric, people who read and write are still respected.

Moreover, according to Liu Na's observation, there is an important condition for Zhang Zhao's ability to build such a large foundation in a few years.

That is, he is different from the general military governors of the Central Plains, such as An Chongrong and Yang Guangyuan.

In this King Zhang, Liu Na saw more of the appearance of the emperor of the past dynasties.

So he simply raised his hand and said to Zhang Zhao: "If the king is worried about the culture and education in Hexi, the old man is incompetent, and the education of the three sons all have literary names. If the king can trust it, the old man would like to ask the king to ask for a doctor of Confucianism to sacrifice wine.

official position.

It only takes a few years for Daliang's culture and education to begin to flourish, and dozens of students who can understand economics will be a problem."

For Liu Na, he felt that his proposal was already very bold.

The official position of "offering wine" is actually not specifically used for the Imperial College. It is more similar to the term "chief" in later generations.

So during the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao appointed Guo Jia as his military advisor, which meant that Guo Jia was the best among his military advisors and the chief military advisor.

Zhang Zhao nodded, and then shook his head. Liu Na wanted to be a doctor of Confucian classics in the Liang Kingdom, but this step was too small!

How can he have the heart to wait for a few years to train a doctor of Liangguo Confucian classics?

How could it be so easy for him to train doctors of Confucian classics in a land where warriors like tigers and leopards were killed all over the mountains and plains?

If you want to take a shortcut, it would be more convenient to absorb it directly from the Central Plains.

"I know Liu Weng's heart in boxing!" Zhang Zhao also affirmed Liu Na's heart in serving others, and then changed the subject.

"However, given the urgency of the situation in Hexi, I am afraid that it will be difficult to cultivate him slowly over several years. The current imperial examination is enough to make someone smile for the world."

When Liu Na saw Zhang Zhao shaking his head, he felt anxious, but after all, he had little contact with the court and did not hear the underlying meaning of Zhang Zhao's words.

Only Fan Zhi heard it. He coughed, stepped forward and said to Zhang Zhao.

"If your Majesty wants to achieve immediate results, I'm afraid the only way is to attract talents from the Central Plains. This is the way to go."

"Wen Su is right, but this road is not easy to walk.

A certain man, regardless of family status, opened the door to scholars from the Central Plains for more than two years, and a total of dozens of people came to apply.

There are not many famous people among them, and many of them will not stay long and will run back to the Central Plains. It is very difficult to keep them."

What Zhang Zhao said is half true and half false.

It really didn’t attract many people.

What is false is that this was because he did not pay enough attention to it. He was busy with the war and left the matter of absorbing literary scholars from the Central Plains to the former Right Chief Song Shantong.

Song Shantong wanted to provide logistical services for Zhang Zhao's army, but his own abilities were not very strong. After a little testing, he found that he didn't have any great talents, so he simply ignored him.

These people are not familiar with the place in Hexi, and there are few Chinese speakers in some counties and prefectures. How can they possibly stay here?

So after a few months of earning money, he either ran back, or because the Hexi trade route was smooth, all the major merchants ran away.

If you can at least write and do calculations, you can get a good job in a large business team.

And the harm doesn't stop there. After these people go back, they will definitely not say that they ran back because they couldn't do it anymore. That would be too shameful.

So almost everyone said in unison that the treatment in Hexi was so poor and King Zhang didn't value scribes at all, which made them unable to stay.

Therefore, Zhang Zhao's previous plan to recruit scribes from the Central Plains was just as bad as it was, no! It ended like a snake and it didn't make much waves at all.

Fan Zhi also heard about the last recruitment in Hexi and understood what was going on.

But with his emotional intelligence, it was certainly impossible for him to say this in front of Zhang Zhao. Instead, he told Zhang Zhao a story.

"Has your Majesty ever heard of the story of horse bones in the Qianjin Market during the Warring States Period?"

"Of course I've heard of it!" Zhang Zhao nodded. It's strange that he's never heard of this before.

"The dilemma faced by the king today is actually the same as that of King Yan Zhao in the past.

In the past, when the seven kingdoms were competing for supremacy, the Yan State was located in the northeast and was almost regarded as a foreign land. The talented people from the Central Plains finally ended up in the Zhao State and were unwilling to go north again.

King Zhao of Yan suffered from the lack of talented people, so he had to use Guo Wei's plan to sell horse bones and build a golden platform. Only then could great talents like Le Yi and Zou Yanna and other Yin and Yang families defect to the Yan Kingdom.

King Zhao of Yan was able to avenge his previous humiliation, defeat the Qi army, and take a peek at the Zhao Kingdom."

Zhang Zhao understood. Guo Wei and the golden horse bones were just delivered to him. This was what he had planned to do in this generation.

However, although Fan Zhi did not get any good official positions in the Later Jin Dynasty, it was actually because he formulated the laws for Zhang Zhao and was branded Hexi. As a result, Shi Jingtang was unwilling to use him. It was not that he was incompetent.

With Fan Zhi's talent and his relationship with Hexi in the eyes of others, if Zhang Zhao reuses Fan Zhi now, others will only think it is normal. If Zhang Zhao does not use Fan Zhi, it will be abnormal.

However, in the Qianjin Market for horse bones, you are buying the bones of a Qianjin horse, not actually buying a Qianjin horse!

Because using a thousand gold to buy a thousand gold horse is a normal transaction, and buying horse bones is a premium.

You can't..., Zhang Zhao looked at Fan Zhi, he can't give up... for the sake of a premium.

Fan Zhi was looked up and down by Zhang Zhao, and he felt a chill all over his body. An unexplained feeling made him feel a little cramped in his calves.

Then Fan Zhi suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and without caring about Liu Na's face, he raised his hand towards Zhang Zhao.

"I ask the king to appoint Liu Weng as Guo Wei. Liu Weng is a well-educated scholar, but his talent is not known to outsiders.

If the king can reuse Liu Weng now, he will be able to make Liu Weng's talents as good as the king's, and externally it will be able to demonstrate our country's thirst for talents in Daliang.

Moreover, as soon as Liu Weng left, Brother Derun's situation became dangerous. He was secretly working for the king, and sooner or later he would be detected by the Jin State.

But if Liu Weng holds a high position in the Liang Kingdom, it will definitely make the Jin Kingdom worry about King Tianwei, which will actually make Brother Derun safer."

After hearing this, Zhang Zhao nodded heavily, this time looking away from Fan Zhi, and then said to Liu Na.

"In this way, I immediately appointed Liu Weng to serve as the Imperial Academy of Liang Kingdom, and renovated the original Liangzhou Prefecture School as the Imperial Academy.

Wen Su and Liu Weng also asked me to take on the important task of building the Imperial Academy."

Liu Na was overjoyed after hearing this, and the Imperial Academy offered wine to him! This was a quasi-high official from the fourth rank.

Not only did he have a high official position, he was also very respected. His status was higher than that of the third-rank Shangzhou governor.

"No! It's still too little!" Just when Liu Na was about to thank him, Zhang Zhao shook his head and spoke again.

"If you want to have the effect of Qianjinshi Horse Bone, it needs to be strengthened.

Why don't you, Wen Su, take up the post of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Liang Kingdom immediately, and grant you the right to walk before the king, and assist the left minister Zhang Xichong in formulating policies to attract literary scholars from the Central Plains to Hexi.

Liu Weng first presided over the imperial examination in his capacity as the imperial minister.

It’s a pity that there is no one to refer to Ming Jing Ke now, why not let Liu Weng’s two sons and one grandson, plus Wen Su’s younger brother, take reference, they will be the first batch of Ming Jing Ke Ming Jing PhDs in Great Liang!”

"Your Majesty, thank you for your grace!" Fan Zhi, Liu Na, and two or four men all knelt down.

This is true grace!

As soon as Fan Zhi arrived, he got the extremely important position of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Liang Kingdom. You must know that before this, the work of the Minister of Rites was actually handled by Zhang Zhao himself.

And walking in front of the king is the endorsement of the king's confidants.

Liu Na also became the Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine as a fifty-one-year-old unknown person.

Moreover, the men from the two families will become the first batch of candidates to pass the Mingjing Science Examination in Liang Kingdom. As long as they don’t mess around, their future will be bright!


Sorry, sorry, I had a social gathering yesterday and it will be morning when I wake up. I will definitely make up for the missed updates!

This chapter has been completed!
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