Chapter 502 The situation is moving and the hero returns

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Shaanzhou is the Sanmenxia City in later generations.

The last envoy of the Shaanzhou Baoyi Army in the Later Jin Dynasty was concurrently appointed by the prince Shi Yanxu.

The actual power was in the hands of Zhao Hui, who had left behind the Baoyi army, and the guest army stationed here, Feng Guojun's capital, Wang Yan, Hou Zhang.

Among them, after the Baoyi Army in this town mobilized its elite to go north to fight against the Liao Dynasty, only some old, weak, sick and disabled people were left. Zhao Hui entered Shaanzhou as the commander of the national army.

After taking office, Zhao Hui changed part of the Fengguo Army of more than 600 people into the Baoyi Army on the spot.

Wang Yan and Hou Zhang continued to stay as guest troops, each holding more than 300 soldiers.

In addition, just after entering Tokyo, Yelv Deguang sent Liao general Liu Yuan to lead 1,500 Yingzhou soldiers to Shaanzhou and serve as the Shaanzhou Baoyi Army Jiedu Rear Rear.

Zhao Hui, Wang Yan, and Hou Zhang took advantage of the power of the Khitans, and Liu Yuan did not wantonly raid grass and grain like other Liao generals, so they never resisted.

But deep down, I was still very unwilling to accept the rule of the Khitans.

Among them, Zhao Hui was the commander of the imperial army in the Mingzong period of the later Tang Dynasty. He was quite familiar with Liu Zhiyuan and others. The three of them discussed it and killed Liao general Liu Yuan and submitted to Shaanzhou as soon as Liu Zhiyuan raised an army to resist in Taiyuan.

It's just that they have been waiting for almost half a year, and Liu Zhiyuan has not made any move yet.

In Zhao Hui's mansion, the three of them were drinking wine with deep thoughts. Although Liu Yuan, the general of Liao Dynasty, did not thresh the grass and grains vigorously, he did not do so at all.

As soon as the Liao army's 1,500 men arrived, they took away all the benefits that originally belonged to the three men and their subordinates.

In this era, the tooth soldiers below have no income, which is a very dangerous thing.

Zhao Hui and others have already sensed the imminence of the tooth soldiers below. If it breaks out, they will have no other choice but to lead the tooth soldiers to kill the Liao soldiers.

But now Liu Zhiyuan, Prince of Beiping County in Taiyuan, has not raised an army to resist, but they have rebelled first, and the consequences can be imagined. Therefore, the three of them often have banquets and gatherings to discuss countermeasures.

The three of them had a few drinks, when an old servant from Zhao Hui's mansion suddenly came in a hurry. He ran straight to Zhao Hui and whispered in his ear.

"Lang Jun, there is someone who submitted a letter to the concierge, claiming to be an old acquaintance of Lang Jun, asking to meet him, but the servant has carefully identified him. If he is an old acquaintance of Lang Jun, I should know him, but it seems that I have never seen this person before."

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

When Zhao Hui heard this, his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he was from Taiyuan? He stretched out his hand.

"Let's take a look at the letter."

The old servant quickly took the letter, and Wang Yan and Hou Zhang also came over. It would be great if they were from Taiyuan.

But when the letter was opened, there was only one sentence in it, 'Have you ever remembered the kindness of Lanzhou's recall?'

Wang Yan, Hou Zhang and Zhao Hui's old servant looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what they meant, but Zhao Hui was silently stunned, and soon burst into tears.

He looked at the three people and said: "A certain Zhao Chongguang had two great benefactors in his life.

In the past, I enlisted in the army with a weak title. Later, His Majesty Zhuangmiao took pity on my loneliness and took me as a personal guard, treating me like a younger brother.

Later, when someone came from Wei Wang and Zheng Wangyan, a landslide occurred in Zhuangmiao, and I was trapped in the poor land of Lanzhou. It was Emperor Mingmiao who summoned me to return to the Central Plains to avoid death in a barbaric place and have the grace to rebuild."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize what Lanzhou's recalling grace meant.

Lanzhou (Gulin, Luzhou, Sichuan) is on the edge of Shu, close to the Zangke Man. It has high mountains and dense forests, and is prone to miasma and plague. When northerners go to that place, few people live long. Zhao Hui was personally ordered by Emperor Mingzong.

Recall them, and truly rebuild them with grace.

Hou Zhang suddenly remembered something, and he suddenly looked at Zhao Hui, "So, the person who submitted the letter is related to the Emperor Mingmiao, otherwise he would not be able to use this term.

However, almost all the descendants of Emperor Mingmiao were killed, and only King Xu was still alive, but King Xu had disappeared a few months ago, so..."

Wang Yan also asked: "Can you confirm that this was written by someone close to Mingmiao?"

Zhao Hui nodded, "The gold seal at the end of this letter was the private collection of His Majesty Mingmiao in the past. It was this seal that His Majesty used when he summoned me back to Tokyo."

Wang Yan's expression also became strange, "When I was in Tokyo, I was treated by Murong Jinwu, Princess Yongle's consort, and often went to Guiyi Tower to eat and drink.

A few months ago, someone received news that Princess Yongle and Murong Jinwu begged King Liang of Hexi to take King Xu to Liangzhou to take care of him."

"Are you serious?" As soon as Wang Yan finished speaking, Zhao Hui and Hou Zhang immediately widened their eyes.

In this world, if Liu Zhiyuan does not rise up to resist, then the only choice left for the soldiers and generals who are unwilling to surrender to the Khitans is Zhang Zhao.

Although in their view, Zhang Zhao was not a member of Daibei Wuxun, and even his ethnic background was somewhat suspicious.

But after Zhang Zhao returned home several times for righteousness and after Murong Nobunaga laid the foundation in Tokyo for more than a year, people all over the world still regarded Zhang Zhao as a Liang country as a Tang country, at least they would not regard Zhang Zhao as Yelv Deguang.

of foreigners.

"It should be true. Although there is no clear evidence, there is no trace of Queen Xu, mother and son, and Princess Yong'an. In addition, the Privy Council and the Duke went to Hexi some time ago. I think it is very likely that he took away Queen Xu, mother and son."

Zhao Hui fell into hesitation, and the matter was already clear. If King Xu really went to Liang Kingdom, then the people coming from outside were probably from Liang Kingdom.

In addition, there were rumors some time ago that King Zhang Tianwang of Liang Kingdom had entered Guanzhong, and the purpose of his visit was also very clear.

The eyes of the three people in the room were all looking at Zhao Hui, which doubled his pressure.

Now it is not only a matter of whether to rebel against the Liao Dynasty, but also the question of whether to seek refuge with Zhang Zhao or Liu Zhiyuan.

Suddenly, there were footsteps outside the door, and everyone was startled and looked up.

I saw a young man walking in the door wearing a robe and dressed like a scholar, but he looked brave and powerful. It was Zhao Hui's eldest son Zhao Yanjin.

As soon as Zhao Yanjin came in, he shouted loudly: "Sir, why should you hesitate? In the past, the King of Peking did not dare to take the Datong army south, and he had long lost the hope of being a hero in the world.

Today, Shaanxi Province is close to Guanzhong, thousands of miles away from Hedong, and there are Khitan people in the middle. How can we sacrifice the near for the far?"

Before Zhao Hui said anything, Wang Yan and Hou Zhang were immediately overjoyed and went straight to greet him. They both raised their hands to Zhao Yanjin and asked.

"When did Dalangjun come back? You said that Zhao Kuangzan would definitely rebel when he went to the river. What is the reality now?"

Although Zhao Yanjin is only eighteen years old, his reputation in the Fengguo army is known to everyone, and his strategic courage is even better than that of his father Zhao Hui.

Although Zhao Yanjin came from a family of military generals, he was eager to learn since childhood. When Zhao Hui followed Zhao Zaili and served in Songzhou, Zhao Zaili robbed large households in the countryside.

All the young men in the army went to fight for the property. Only thirteen-year-old Zhao Yanjin did not want the property and took away dozens of books that no one wanted.

Among the Yajiang young men who followed Zhao Zaili back then, this was the one who was laughed at. His companions secretly ridiculed him for his lack of knowledge of dignity.

When they grew up, most of their young companions followed Zhao Zaili in several rebellions, and either died in the rebel army or were buried in battle formations.

Only Zhao Yanjin was capable of both literary and military skills and saw every opportunity. At the age of eighteen, he was famous throughout the Fengguo Army. Senior generals with military power, such as Wang Yan and Hou Zhang, also admired him.

Last month, Zhao Kuangzan led 3,000 troops to the west to guard Hezhong Prefecture. He passed by Shaanzhou, and Liao general Liu Yuan hosted a banquet in honor of him. All the Fengguo army generals were there.

Zhao Yanjin only spoke a few words to Zhao Kuangzan, and when he came back, he said privately that when Zhao Kuangzan goes away, birds will fly to the sky and fish will fall into the sea.

So I took a dozen riders with me, saying that I was going to explore the situation in Guanzhong, and now I have just returned.

After hearing Wang Yan, Hou Zhang asked, Zhao Yanjin raised his hand and said, "Someone arrived at the boundary of Hezhong Prefecture and found that it is wide on the outside and tight on the inside. There are also knights coming and going in the countryside to investigate. They can't go deep, so they can only come back."

Wang Yan sighed sadly, "What should we do? We can't find any news about Hezhong Mansion or even Guanzhong. We are surrounded by both sides, and the King of Peiping has made no move. If we continue to be dragged on, the soldiers below will rise up and kill me and others."


Zhao Yanjin smiled mysteriously, looked at Wang Yan and said: "On the contrary, the signs are already obvious. Zhao Kuangzan's purpose of going to Hezhong Mansion was guessed by someone, and he went to seek refuge with King Liang.

This person was a classmate of his when he was young. In the past, the Emperor Mingmiao regarded him as his legitimate grandson, called him his imperial weapon, and had high hopes for him.

He said that he must recall the great dynasty, and he was always proud of his bloodline. How could he endure the anger and live under the barbarians?

If he was really serving the Khitans when he went to Hezhong Mansion, there was no warning in Guanzhong at the moment, so why should he keep a tight watch on others?

It is hard to say that the army of Liang Kingdom is about to arrive at Hezhong Mansion, Zhao Kuangzan is doing this to keep it secret!"

After saying that, Zhao Yanjin saw that the three of them were in shock and contemplation. He raised his hand and said to Zhao Hui.

"The person who posted the letter outside the mansion has already been brought outside the door. Sir, please don't hesitate. Everyone has already entered the mansion anyway."

Zhao Hui looked at Zhao Yanjin with a headache, and said to Wang Yan and Hou Zhang in desperation.

"Now that things have come to this, we can't blame us. It's not because we are unintentional, but it's actually because the King of Peking has been slow to raise his flag.

If the person outside the door is really from the Liang Kingdom, then this Shaanzhou should belong to His Royal Highness the King of Liang."

The next day, after the Shaanzhou Baoyi army troops and horses were left behind, Zhao Hui invited Liao general Liu Yuan to a banquet.

At the same time, Zhao Yanjin, the military envoy of the Baoyi Army, hosted a banquet for the king, the head of the national army. Hou Zhang and others ambush in the mansion and killed seven generals including Liu Yuan, the general of the Liao Dynasty, during the banquet.

Subsequently, the Baoyi army and the Fengguo army joined forces and attacked the two villages garrisoned by the Liao soldiers. Shaanzhou Jian'er, who had suffered deeply from the Liao army's plunder, also heard the news and came to help.

When the mountains roared and the tsunami came, more than a thousand soldiers from Liao and Yingzhou were killed. Everyone recommended Zhao Hui to be the governor of the Shaanxi Province Baoyi Army. After that, they sent people to surrender to Hezhong Prefecture to join Zhang Zhao.

Three days later, Geng Chongmei, the governor of Shaanzhou Baoyi Army sent by Yelu Deguang, led 5,000 troops to reach 20 miles east of Shaanzhou. After learning that there was a military rebellion in Shaanzhou, he did not dare to move forward.

That night, Wu Xingde, the military capital of the Ning State, summoned his subordinates to the military academy and said: "We have been favored by the country and are under the control of the Khitan. Instead of leaving our hometown and joining the frontier fortress, we are ghosts in a foreign land. Haoruo and you will drive out the evil party.

Is it okay to surrender to your destiny, build meritorious deeds, and rectify disasters for the sake of wealth and honor?"

All the military academies were overjoyed and said: "We have had this intention for a long time, and today we are given a good opportunity, so I dare to spare my life!"

Therefore, Wu Xingde's troops raised fire at dawn to warn the Shaanzhou armies, and then launched a fierce attack on the Khitan camp.

The morale of the Ningguo army was as high as a rainbow, and one man was worth a hundred. They rushed Geng Chongmei and King Xi and attacked the camp.

Geng Chongmei and Lala couldn't resist, and more than 3,000 people collapsed instantly. Geng Chongmei and others, with only about a hundred people, climbed into the small boat left on the Yellow River and fled downstream in embarrassment.

This chapter has been completed!
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