Chapter 60 The Wonderful Zhongyun Kingdom

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 Muni City is Ruoqiang County in the later Republic. It is the largest county in the Republic. It is about the same size as Jiangsu plus Zhejiang, but its population is not large, with only more than 80,000 people. It is not a free shipping area.

Free shipping area!

However, in this era, Muni City was actually a little more accessible and prosperous than in later generations.

Because the Southern Silk Road had to pass through here at this time, the Gu Loulan people who changed their name to Zhongyun people could still survive by entertaining merchants and selling some specialties every year.

Even after the Guiyi Army overthrew Tubo, no one was messing around in the Hexi Corridor, and the Silk Road was slightly restored, Muni City also ushered in a wave of small development.

Today's Muni City has more than 7,000 Dingkou, which is almost comparable to that of later generations. You must know that Ruoqiang Town in the Republic has a population of just over 10,000.

King Zhongyun of this generation is called Sanpoba, and he is a king elected by the nearby tribes.

The reason why he was recommended, in addition to having the largest tribe population under his command, was because he occupied the treasure land of Muni City. The surrounding tribes needed to come here to exchange their supplies, and gradually, a system similar to tribute trade was formed.

small system.

In other words, the leaders of the surrounding tribes, large and small, need to obey Sanpoba's orders, accept the official positions he gives, and pay tribute with some cattle, wool, blankets, corn, wheat, etc., before you can go to Muni City to conduct commercial activities.

Sanpoba, King of Zhongyun of this generation, was a very talented person, because in addition to recruiting nearby tribes, he actually cared about the affairs of the Central Plains and paid tribute from time to time. The name Zhongyun Kingdom was in his hands

Typed out.

As for why he did this, it’s because Sanpoba needs this name to trade with the Central Plains Dynasty!

Do you think a Zhongyun tribe can get generous rewards from the Central Plains Dynasty by paying tribute? Or can the Zhongyun Kingdom get more rewards?

Moreover, although the Central Plains has entered the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, the emperor's position is often not very stable, and there is a possibility of being deposed by his Jiedushi at any time, but this also leads to them wanting to receive nominal tribute from the four parties!

For the emperor, having countries from the east, west, north, and south paying tribute is also a political achievement!

Even Shi Jingtang, the notorious son-emperor in history, only reigned for two or three years, yet he still sent envoys to the Western Regions and ennobled the Kingdom of Jin as the Kingdom of Khotan!

So today's Zhongyun Kingdom, although the population is not known to be one hundred thousand, but in addition to the king Sanpoba, there are dozens of prime ministers, governors, generals, oh! dozens!

Some generals may have only a hundred men and women in total, and so many noble official titles that sound intimidating are used just to build up momentum and to tout one's own worth.

There is even a relevant record in "Khotan Ji" written by Gao Jujie, the envoy of the Later Jin Dynasty, "There are three dangerous mountains ten miles southeast, which are where the three clouds of seedlings fled. Their west crossing the Duxiang River is called Yangguan, and the west of Shazhou is called Zhongyun tribe.
His Yazhang lived in Hulu Qi... Kuang Ye and others went westward into Zhongyun territory and arrived at Datun city. Zhongyun sent four prime ministers, thirty-seven governors, and envoys from the Jin Dynasty. Kuang Ye and others wrote edicts to comfort them.

Worship to the east."

Are you saying that this drama is not enough? First, they did not allow the envoys of the Later Jin Dynasty to go to Goni City to see the real situation, and then they entertained the envoys of the Later Jin Dynasty directly in Datun City, between Dunhuang and Goni City.

Prime ministers and governors of all sizes arrived on the 40th day. After receiving the edict, they bowed eastward according to the etiquette. They were extremely pious and made the envoys of the Later Jin Dynasty happy.

Who knows that Dingkou of Zhongyun Kingdom may be the size of a high-class county in the Central Plains? Those who don’t know may think it is a big country in the Western Regions.

However, Zhang Zhao was neither Gao Jujie nor Zhang Kuangye, an angel of the later Jin Dynasty, nor was he a merchant who came to do business. He wanted to lead evildoers to make a fortune in Wuni City. Therefore, after resting for a day in Loulan City, Zhang Zhao immediately led everyone

Speed ​​up, bypass Datun City in the middle, and go straight to Duni City.

As for the prisoners, the twenty or so gorgeous women could only be left behind by Fan Running and other members of the envoy group. Zhang Zhao still couldn't kill or throw away these weak women and children who were not a threat.

Waiting to die in Puchanghai.

But for a prisoner like Mahashd, there is nothing to say. Since he came to attack him on his own initiative, he should have expected the consequences of failure.

Therefore, more than 30 people, including Mahashid, were all hacked to pieces by Zhang Zhao on the Puchang seaside, leaving only the Geluolu man Aluodudu and a few of his tribesmen to lead the way.

Marching in the desert is no better than in the Central Plains. Due to the large temperature difference, many times of the day are not suitable for marching. Although the average temperature in October is only a few degrees today, the hottest time at noon can still reach 20 or 30 degrees.

Moreover, the temperature of more than 20 degrees in the desert area is no better than that in the inland. The weather in the 20s is still very difficult to travel through due to the burning of the sun and the addition of sand.

So we could only stop and go, and because we couldn't go to Datun City to replenish fresh water, everyone's lips were completely chapped. The people in Aluoduo who were held hostage almost thought that Zhang Zhao wanted to torture them alive.

And died.

"Erlangjun, we have arrived at the Muni City!" In the dimly lit morning, Zhang Zhao was greedily licking the little bit of moisture on the wet sand. Now he had to save his energy and not dig too deep, so he could only try to get it out.

A little wet sand to quench your thirst.

"We're finally here! How far is it? Are we prepared?" Zhang Zhao reluctantly threw the wet sand to the ground.

Yesterday they passed an oasis without going to replenish the water supply, just for fear of leaking the news. Now they finally found a place.

"There is Sheep and Horse City three miles away. I don't dare to get too close!" Ma Yaozi picked up a handful of wet sand from the pit of wet sand that Zhang Zhao had just taken out and sucked it greedily without raising his head.


"Three miles away, it's not far away. The horses are all well-watered, and they can be there in half a quarter of an hour! This raid must be quick!"

As he said this, Zhang Zhao pulled Aluoduodu over and put his head on his knees. Aluoduodu and his tribe had been to Wuni City. This was the important reason why Zhang Zhao spared his life.

"Draw the structure of Muni City for me again, and I'll tell you! Your tribe has all drawn it, and I know where it is. Now it's up to you to see if you are honest or not!

If you are honest, I will help you make a fortune; if you are dishonest, I will cut off your limbs and throw you here!"

Aluoduo's head was held down and he couldn't move. He could only keep shaking his eyes to show his absolute honesty.

Zhang Zhao then let go of him. After letting go, Aluoduo began to draw on the wet sand with his fingers.

"Master of the Tang Dynasty! The city of Muni is not big. It is in the shape of a long snake, basically extending along the Ruoqiang River.

Close to the river bank is Yangma City, where many businessmen travel. These merchants, large and small, are all guarded. There are often hundreds of them, and they are involved with people from all over Anxi. It is best for the master to leave them alone.

Behind Yangma City is the settlement of Zhongyun people, and King Zhongyun’s palace tent is at the northernmost mountain!"

Aluoduo not only did not dare to conceal anything, but he was also afraid that Zhang Zhao would kill him if he did not tell the truth, so he spoke very carefully.

"How about the city wall? How about King Zhongyun's palace guards?" Zhang Zhao then asked.

"It's not that good. Many places are covered with fences. You can drive your horse right in with a little tidying up!" Ma Yaozi said, raising his head and sucking a mouthful of wet sand from his beard.

"King Zhongyun's palace tent was protected by an earthen wall. Although it was only about four or five feet high, it was very thick. A few years ago, a group of people from Kucha tried to break through the wall, but they failed.


The door of the big tent weighs several thousand kilograms and is covered with iron sheets, making it difficult to push down and not easy to burn!" Aluoduo continued quickly.

The corner of Zhang Zhao's mouth curled up into a smile. It seemed that King Zhongyun was relying on the thick wall and the door to make a living. If his turtle shell could not be broken, then he would only need three to two hundred guards to guard him. I'm afraid there would be two.

Three thousand people can't hurt him.

But no! He met Zhang Zhao unfortunately. Zhang Da's time traveler had dozens of kilograms of primitive black powder. As long as he rushed to the door and buried it, even if the wooden door of two to three thousand kilograms couldn't be blown open, it could still be ignited!

This chapter has been completed!
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