Chapter 159: Conquering Gan (2)

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Zhu Hengjia's Coiling Dragon scroll appeared at the foot of Shuijidao Mountain, and the mountains trembled with the cheers of the tsunami.

Zhu Hengjia stood on the king's chariot, as strong as a rock, looking up at the Shui Ji Deng highland with twinkling eyes.

On the top of the mountain, Liu Wuyuan, the governor of southern Qing and Jiangxi, was also looking down at the Ming army. He heard the thunderous sound of "Qiansui" and his face turned pale. Suddenly, he felt a sense of insignificance and powerlessness that was displaced in time and space, as if he was being looked down upon by Zhu Hengjia.

, instead of looking down at Zhu Hengjia.

"Supervise the country, the last general will ask for a fight!"

After the Ming army's victory, their morale was high. Generals Yan Tianfeng, Li Mingzhong, Zhao Yong, Zhang Chengwu, Bai Wenxuan, Feng Shuangli and Gao Minggui all asked for battle.

"Come here, take the heads of the beheaded generals and send them to Shuiji Deng to persuade Liu Wuyuan to surrender."

A soldier who surrenders without fighting is a good person. Ganzhou is a strong city in the world. If Liu Wuyuan is willing to surrender, he will lose fewer loyal and brave soldiers.

On the top of the mountain in Shuijidong, Liu Wuyuan regained his composure.

"Prince Jing sent you here to persuade you to surrender?"

"Exactly. The general is a Han, so why should he be a pawn of the Tartars? If he is willing to submit, he will be put into great use in the supervision of the country."

Liu Wuyuan smiled: "I have received great favor from the imperial court, how can I be a thief who betrays my master? You are here at the right time, and I can use your head to boost the morale of our army."

After saying this, Liu Wuyuan ordered the heads of the envoys to be chopped off and thrown down the mountain. He also recruited Gao Gao into the treasury, first Qiyu, Yang Yuming, Jia Xiong and other generals said: "I have beheaded the envoy of the false King Jing. He will definitely be angry and surrender."

He will surely harm him. If you want to survive, you can only guard Ganzhou with me."

"The final general is willing to follow Futai and defend Ganzhou to the end."

Seeing that Liu Wuyuan dared to kill the envoy he sent, Zhu Hengjia was furious and ordered an attack on the mountain.

Qin Yuchun, Yao Youxing, and Wu Chengzong each led five thousand troops to attack the mountain from the east, west, and south.

These three people were former generals of He Tengjiao's camp. When they were under He Tengjiao's command, they suffered repeated defeats. However, they followed Zhu Hengjia on the expedition and made many military exploits.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The marching drum is sounding.

The Ming army filed up the mountain from three sides.

The Qing troops on the mountain began to fire artillery.


A shotgun exploded in front of Zhou Yuan, causing a splash of mud in his mouth.

"Bah! Dog Tartar!"

Zhou Yuan cursed fiercely.

He is from Liao, and he was also a "Tatar" before. He was a subordinate of King Zhishun. After being captured in Huguang, he became a pawn of the Ming army.

It's better to be a soldier of the Ming Dynasty, and don't have to suffer from the arrogance of the Manchu lord and the Mongolian lord.

A stray arrow shot towards him, and Zhou Yuan fell to the ground, and it passed by with a whoosh without being hurt.

As a veteran, you still have the ability to save your life.

"Soldiers, follow me and kill!"

Zhou Yuan heard a loud roar, and Wu Chengzong, the leader of the headquarters, rushed to the front in person.

Lieutenant General Wu was quite fierce in appearance, but he treated his subordinates very well. He did not treat Zhou Yuan and others any less because of their status as surrendered soldiers. Once when he inspected the food in the military camp, he saw that Zhou Yuan did not seem to have enough to eat, so he rewarded him with a reward.

Give him a piece of steamed bun.

Seeing Deputy General Wu rushing to the front, Zhou Yuan's heart boiled with excitement. He held his sword and shield and followed closely.

"Gunshou is ready!"


Seeing the Ming army approaching, Qing army deputy general Gao Jinku ordered fire cannons to fire.

"Bang! Bah! Bah!"

Wu Chengzong rushed too forward, and the firecracker penetrated the shield, leaving a big hole in his chest. His body went limp, and the ax in his hand fell.


Seeing that he had shot down the Ming general, Gao Jinku took the opportunity to lead his troops down the mountain to kill him.

Without their general, the Ming army panicked, and some of the timid ones fled down the mountain.

Zhou Yuan did not run away, his eyes were red. He could not forget the steamed bun given to him by Vice General Wu and rushed towards the Qing army.


Zhou Yuan stabbed an enemy to death; swung his sword and hacked another to death; with a click, another Qing soldier's head fell to the ground.

Zhu Hengjia, who was supervising the battle at the foot of the mountain with a telescope, saw this scene.

He handed the telescope to the military judge behind him and said slowly: "After the war, if this soldier is not dead, he will be promoted to the post of commander."

Wu Chengzong died in the battle, and Qin Yuchun and Yao Youxing's attacks also did not go well.

Zhu Hengjia did not want to harm the lives of his soldiers, so he ordered the gold to retreat.


"Commander Hu, a Ming army has appeared outside the city along Zhangshui, and they are landing and setting up camp." Liu Bolu, the deputy general of Southern Gansu, hurriedly reported to Hu Yousheng, the commander-in-chief of Southern Gansu.

Hu Yousheng followed Liu Bolu to the city and looked over. Two thousand Ming troops had landed, and the landings continued.

Here are the soldiers and horses of Li Dingguo’s troops from the Ming army.

Hu Yousheng was shocked. The number of Ganzhou soldiers and horses, plus the 6,000 Eighth Banners soldiers who came for reinforcements, was only 20,000. Governor Liu led 16,000 people to resist the enemy outside the city, and there were only 4,000 soldiers and horses in the city. If the Ming army were to land and camp, they would occupy

If you keep your footing, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Liu Lieutenant General, you are guarding the city. I will lead two thousand soldiers and horses to fight and drive away the Ming army."

"No, General Hu, you are the commander-in-chief. The army cannot be left without a leader for a day, and the last general will go into battle."

Liu Bolu insisted on going out to fight on his own. He led two thousand infantrymen out of the city and attacked the Ming army.

The first two thousand troops of the Ming army to land were also in formation. These two thousand troops were Li Dingguo's own soldiers, known as the "old thieves", the best of the best.

Li Dingguo concentrated all the firearms in the army on the two thousand vanguards. Each of them was equipped with three firearms, and they were all prepared in advance.


"Bang! Bah! Bah!"

After three rounds of shooting, 6,000 bullets were fired, killing five or six hundred soldiers.

So many people died at once, and the morale of the Qing army stagnated.


The "old thieves" who had experienced hundreds of battles threw away their guns, replaced them with knives and shields, and attacked the Qing army.

Liu Bolu's eyes turned red with rage, and he rode his war horse and raised his straw to attack the Ming army.

A red lightning flashed past, and the bright silver gun flashed through Liu Bolu's chest.

Li Dingguo stabbed Liu Bolu on his horse, killed and dispersed the Qing army, and landed calmly.

Hu Yousheng gathered the defeated troops, and there were only 3,000 soldiers left in Ganzhou City, so he hurriedly asked Liu Wuyuan for help.


On the top of the mountain in Shuijigu, Liu Wuyuan learned that the Ming army had arrived from Zhangshui to the gate of Ganzhou City. He was so shocked that he abandoned Shuijigong overnight and returned to Ganzhou.

The next day, the Ming army attacked the mountain and found that the Qing army had withdrawn.

Zhu Hengjia left three thousand soldiers and horses to guard Shuijidao, and led his army to the gate of Ganzhou City to join Li Dingguo's partial division.

This time, Zhu Hengjia learned from Li Chengdong's lesson and did not rush to dig trenches. Instead, he first set up camp and built barriers. After protecting himself tightly, he dug deep trenches and planted wooden fences to surround Ganzhou.

When Liu Wuyuan saw this, he was afraid that he would be trapped by the Ming army, so he ordered Hu Yousheng, Gao Jinku, and Xian Qiyu to lead their troops to attack the Ming army outside the city. They were all repelled and turned back thousands of troops.

The Ming army was so powerful that Liu Wuyuan did not dare to fight again, so he had to hide in the city, planning to use the strong city to confront the Ming army for a long time.

Zhu Hengjia ordered an attack on the city, but the city of Ganzhou was too high and too strong. Guns and arrows flew from the city. The Ming army suffered 3,000 casualties, but they could not capture Ganzhou for a while.

General Li Dingguo offered advice: "When I was in charge of the country, I used the 'blow-up method' many times to dig tunnels and blow up the city when I was in Yunnan. You might as well try it in Ganzhou."

"Li Qing's plan is very good, so implement it immediately."

Li Dingguo ordered a tunnel to be dug under Ganzhou City to the foundation of the city wall.

Unexpectedly, Ganzhou is surrounded by rivers on three sides, the east, north and west. Water seeped out as soon as they were dug, making it impossible to dig. Only around the south city wall, five tunnels were dug in one go, filled with gunpowder and detonated.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", five loud noises.

Ganzhou is a fortified city with an extremely thick foundation. Even after the city wall shook five times, it still stood firm.

Liu Wuyuan was shocked. While repairing the damaged city wall, he placed "listening urns" all over the city to prevent the Ming army from using this method to blast again.

I have no choice but to fight with my life.

Zhu Hengjia ordered his people to set up more than a hundred forts outside the city, intending to bombard them while attacking the city.

Suddenly it was reported that Li Yuanyin, led by Li Chengdong's old troops, had captured Longnan, Anyuan, Huichang, Ruijin, Shicheng and other counties, cutting off the connection between Ganzhou and Fujian.

Zhu Hengjia was overjoyed that he had troops to attack the city.

He was reluctant to use his direct troops to attack the city, so it was best to use Li Chengdong's old troops.

In order not to dishearten Li Jun's old troops, the public statement is: leave the opportunity to revenge for Marshal Li to Li Jun.




The Ming army's heavy artillery began to unleash its power, and the city walls were riddled with holes one after another.

"Archers prepare!"

On the city wall, Qing army general Jia Xiong was preparing to order archers to shoot at the Ming army.

A blooming cannonball exploded next to him, and a blazing heat wave hit, and Jia Xiong lost consciousness.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Li Yuanyin, Du Yonghe, Yan Keyi, Dong Fangce, Luo Chengyao, Hao Shangjiu, Huang Yingjie, Fan Chengen, and Yang Youguang rushed towards the city wall from all directions.

The artillery on the city fired, one by one, the siege trucks, the ladder trucks were hit, and more siege trucks came up.

"Soldiers, follow me and kill!"

Fenghua Bo Huang Yingjie jumped up the city wall from a cloud ladder, slashed and slashed, killing more than ten Qing troops in a row. Using him as an arrow, his subordinates gradually gained a foothold on a section of the city wall, and the Ming troops continued to climb the city from here.

Hu Yousheng was so anxious, "Cum for me!"

Three hundred men were stationed on the city wall, firing bullets. Huang Yingjie and more than thirty of his men were all shot to death.

Qing general Yang Yuming accidentally showed his head on the city wall, and was shot down by the Ming army gunners who were covering the infantry climbing up the city wall.

The brutal siege changed the situation.

The attack lasted for two months, and Li Chengdong's old troops suffered more than 10,000 casualties. Ganzhou City was already running out of gas. The previous tunnel blasting, coupled with two consecutive months of heavy artillery bombardment, destroyed a section of Ganzhou's southern city wall.

Finally collapsed.


Li Yuanyin, Du Yonghe, Yan Keyi, Dong Fangce, Luo Chengyao, Hao Shangjiu, Fan Chengen, and Yang Youguang broke into the city through the gap.

Destroy Ganzhou today!

Zhu Hengjia ordered the entire army to attack.

Yan Tianfeng, Li Mingzhong, Li Dingguo, Zhao Yong, and Bai Wen selected generals and bravely climbed the city.

At the south gate of the town, Gao Jinku, the most powerful general of the Qing army in Ganzhou, desperately blocked the gap in the collapsed city wall with a sword and cart.

Yang Youguang led the army to kill.

Gao Jinku drew his bow and set an arrow, and shot Yang Youguang over with one arrow.

Li Yuanyin was furious and brandished his heavy sword to fight Gao Jinku.

"Brother, we are here to help you!"

Generals Li Yuantai and Li Jianjie arrived.

"Kill him and avenge your adoptive father!"

Li Yuanyin yelled.

There were many soldiers in the Ming Dynasty, and they gradually dispersed Gao Jinku's soldiers.


Gao Jinku was unprepared for a moment and was struck in the right shoulder by Li Yuantai.

A ray of white light passed by, and Li Yuanyin cut Gao Jinku's throat.

The south gate of the town was captured.

The gate of Xijin Gate was smashed by a car. Qing army deputy general Xian Qiyu went down to the city to break out, but was stabbed to death by Li Mingzhong.

At Jianchun Gate, Hu Yousheng, the commander-in-chief of southern Jiangxi Province of the Qing Dynasty, was surrounded by Yan Tianfeng's troops in a small space on the city wall.

"Who is the general who dares to fight with me?"

Want to fight in a duel? Yan Tianfeng laughed loudly. Our own army has the absolute upper hand. If I challenge you to a duel at this time, wouldn’t I become a fool?

"Shoot him to death", Yan Tianfeng issued the military order.

"Bang! Bah! Bah!"

Several rounds of firecrackers were fired, and Hu Yousheng was shot into a sieve.

"Your Majesty, today is the day when I will be loyal to the Qing Dynasty!"

At Baisheng Gate, Liu Wuyuan, governor of southern Qing and Jiangxi provinces, bowed to the north and drew his sword to kill himself.

"Bah! Traitor!"

Soldier A spat at Liu Wuyuan's body.

Zhu Hengjia hated Liu Wuyuan so much that he ordered his head to be cut off and his body exposed for three days.

Li Yuanyin requested to commemorate Li Chengdong as Liu Wuyuan's head, and Zhu Heng praised him.

In this battle, Li Jun suffered 15,000 casualties. In order to appease Li Chengdong's old troops, Zhu Hengjia ordered Li Yuanyin to inherit Li Chengdong's first title as Marquis of Guangchang.

This chapter has been completed!
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