Chapter 166 Yuezhou (3)

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 In Baling City, Shang Kexi was drinking tea when counselor Jin Guang and his eldest son Shang Zhixin walked in.

"Father", Shang Zhixin is handsome and tall in military uniform.

Looking at his eldest son, Shang Kexi frowned. This eldest son is only fourteen years old this year. Although he is elegant by birth, he is cruel by nature. He doesn't like to study. He specializes in dancing with guns and sticks. He is a troublemaker.

"What are you doing here?"

"My son heard that the Ming army was besieging me in Yuezhou, so he came here to ask for orders to kill the enemy."


Jin Guang smiled slightly: "The prince has such ambitions, the king might as well let him serve as a garrison. Father and son soldiers are needed to go into battle."

King Pingnan Shang Ke had a hard life. When he was a general in the Ming Dynasty, almost all his relatives were killed by the Qing soldiers. He only got the trust of his eldest son Shang Zhi at the age of thirty-two, so he was very arrogant. However, this prince was in good health, and he grew up vigorously after he became rich.

, gave birth to thirty-seven sons and thirty-two daughters in one breath. Among the sons, he doted on his second son Shang Zhixiao and his seventh son Shang Zhilong the most.

Seeing Jin Guang speak, Shang Kexi also wanted to test his eldest son.

"Forget it, I will entrust you to guard the deer horns, and I will give you eight hundred old Geng Fan troops, so that you can take them with you."

"Thank you, Father."

"Mr. Jin, have Gu's family settled down?"

"Your Majesty, I have escorted the princess and the others to Chengtian Mansion."

"Very good. Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Jin. Go down and have a rest."

Jin Guang refused to leave: "Your Majesty, the Ming Army's eastern and western armies have reached both sides of the Yangtze River, and Yuezhou has become a dead end. King Dingnan's reinforcements have not arrived yet. Your Majesty should quickly withdraw to Hanyang and fight with

Wuchang is becoming a horn."

Shang Kexi smiled slightly: "Sir, you are overly worried. I have already prepared ships and can retreat along the Yangtze River waterway at any time."

"But along the Yangtze River, there are many fortresses, including Linxiang County, Daorenji, Chenglingji, Bailuoji, and Yalanji. We can capture any place at will and cut off the Yangtze River waterway. I am a prisoner of it now!"

"Haha! Don't worry, sir, I have already thought of this. Our navy is stronger than the Ming army. Even if it captures several fortresses, how can it block the Yangtze River?"

When Jin Guang heard this, he realized that this was reasonable and stopped trying to persuade him.

Shang Zhixin suddenly interjected: "Although the navy of the Ming army is weak, if there are iron cables blocking the Yangtze River, won't our army become a fish in the net?"

"Bang", the tea cup in Shang Kexi's hand fell to the ground.


The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Chenglingji, and Xu Erxian, the commander-in-chief of King Pingnan, his shirt was stained with blood.

The Ming army's offensive was very fierce. Corpses were everywhere in the small Chenglingji. Xu Erxian's 6,000 men suffered casualties of 2,000.

At the critical moment, deputy general Jiang Dingguo came to the rescue with five thousand troops and horses.

It turned out that after listening to the words of counselor Jin Guang and his son Shang Zhixin, Shang Kexi was deeply afraid that the Ming army would cut off the Yangtze River waterway and cut off his return. He ordered deputy generals Jiang Dingguo and Sheng Dengke to lead 5,000 troops each to reinforce the garrison in Chenglingji, and Xu Erxian and Daorenji's

He Jiuzheng stationed in Linxiang County.

In order to prevent loss of retreat, Shang Kexi personally led 10,000 troops from Baling to move to Linxiang, and asked the commander-in-chief Ban Zhifu to move to Yalanji in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Baling City was defended by generals such as Ma Jiaolin, Li Xiangong, and Sun Kaizong.

Seeing the reinforcements coming from the Qing army, Li Dingguo, the vanguard of the Ming army who was attacking Chenglingji, ordered the money to be withdrawn.

Flags were fluttering, drums were beating loudly, and the main force of the Ming army had arrived.

Hearing that Shang Kexi had withdrawn his main force to Linxiang, Zhu Hengjia was so angry that he waved his fist.

"This is really a good news. Gu Zheng was planning to cut off the Yangtze River and trap him to death in Baling. He ran fast and retreated to Linxiang."

Li Mingzhong smiled and said: "Supervising the country is actually a good thing. This shows that Shang Kexi only wants to preserve his strength and has no determination to fight our army to the end. Yuezhou is easy to fall!"

Zhu Hengjia was still worried: "Even if Yuezhou is easy to conquer, if the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of the Shang thieves withdraw to Hanyang and echo the Kong thieves in Wuchang, Wuchang will be difficult to defeat."

Li Mingzhong laughed and said: "Don't worry about the supervision of the country. I knew the two thieves Kong and Shang when I was in Pidao. I know the nature of the two thieves best. Kong Youde calls himself a hero and will definitely defend Wuchang. But Shang Kexi always pursues advantages and avoids disasters, and also

He has old grudges with Kong Youde. He must be unwilling to go to Hanyang to fight head-on with the Jianguo. I guess he will either go to Jingzhou or Chengtian Mansion to watch the battle from a distance."

Zhu Hengjia looked happy: "If it is true as Li Qing said, I will defeat Wuchang this time!"

Zhu Hengjia ordered Bai Wenxuan, Feng Shuangli, and Gao Minggui to lead 20,000 troops to monitor the Qing army in Chenglingji.

He led his army to surround Baling City from three directions: east, south and north. Baling faced Dongting Lake to the west, so it didn't matter if he didn't encircle it.

In Baling City, Qing Yue Prefecture's commander-in-chief Jiao Lin was restless. His headquarters had 20,000 troops, 10,000 naval divisions, and 10,000 land divisions. Sun Kaizong and other other troops were about 4,000. The number of troops defending the city was only 10,000.

Four thousand people. The Ming army outside the city numbered more than 80,000.

He and his deputy general Li Xianggong went to the city with guerrilla Sun Kaizong to look around. They saw that the Ming army outside the city was not in a hurry to attack the city. Instead, they built high barriers, dug deep trenches, and set up camps to station troops.

"Commander, the Ming army is far more numerous than our army. If they are allowed to gain a foothold, Baling will be in danger. Why not repeat what happened in the past and send cavalry to attack the enemy?"

Lieutenant General Li Xianggong asked for battle.

The old story of that year refers to the time when He Tengjiao sent Zhang Kuang to lead an army of 100,000 to attack Yuezhou. Ma Jiaolin ordered Li Xiangong to lead 500 cavalry. As a result, the 500 men defeated the 100,000 people. After that battle, Ma Jiaolin

Known as the most famous general in Huguang, Li Xiangong is known as the most brave general in Huguang, and he is incomparable.

Ma Jiaolin gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Li, Lieutenant General, you lead 1,500 cavalry to charge into the formation. Sun Guerrilla, you lead 4,000 infantry to follow."

After Li Xianggong achieved great success, Ma Jiaolin realized the importance of cavalry and reported to the Qing court to expand his cavalry from 500 to 1,500.

The two generals received orders to open the east gate and attack the Ming army.

In the camp in the east of the city, Zhu Hengjia was on a high platform, holding a telescope and observing what was going on in the city.

Suddenly, I saw the city gate opened, smoke billowing, and thousands of Qing troops rushing towards me. If I looked carefully, I saw that there were no more than a thousand cavalry among them.

He couldn't help but burst into laughter: "I thought this horse Jiaolin was from a few years ago. This cavalryman is not enough to be a lonely cavalryman!"

Since the tea horse market was opened, Zhu Hengjia obtained a large number of war horses from Gushi Khan in Lhasa. In addition to a large number of infantry, he also brought eight thousand cavalry of deputy general Sun Guangwei with him during this expedition. After several battles, he suffered hundreds of casualties.

More than seven thousand riders.

More than seven thousand versus more than one thousand, easy!

"General Sun, when you go out to attack the enemy, you must show the majesty of our army!"

"The last general takes orders."

Sun Guangwei ordered his troops and horses to attack Li Xianggong head on.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

The Qing cavalry formation with green flags met with the Ming army formation with blue background, red sun and yellow sun and moon flags.

When golden maple and jade dew meet, they cause countless killings.


Li Xianggong waved his lance and stabbed the enemies under the horse one after another.

However, the Ming army had too many cavalry, and their hands and legs gradually became weak, and their horses slowed down.

"Da da da!"

A Ming general came to kill him with an axe. Li Xianggong's riding skills were superb. He sidestepped the long ax on his horse and stabbed the Ming general in the waist with a diagonal shot.

General Ming died, and the horse continued to charge forward with his body, taking away Li Xiangong's lance.

Li Xianggong changed into a long knife and continued to kill.

"Da da da!"

Another Mingqi has arrived.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Long knife versus long knife, causing sparks to fly.

Neither side took advantage of it, and the horses flew by.

"Da da da!"

Another cavalry of Ming soldiers came and slashed them with long swords.

This time, Li Xianggong couldn't dodge, and his head was cut off with a long knife, and he rolled off the horse.

With a "click", Sun Guangwei waved his long knife and cut the "Qing" flag into two pieces.

The Qing army was defeated and rushed to the city to escape. There were numerous casualties and numerous casualties.

Sun Guangwei pursued him until he reached the city gate before withdrawing his troops. This battle made the Qing soldiers frightened. Ma Jiaolin did not dare to leave the city anymore and kept asking Shang Kexi for help.

This chapter has been completed!
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