Chapter 305: Rape (10)

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 Zhang Tianlu and Zhang Yong returned in defeat, but Hong Chengchou did not dare to punish him, but instead comforted him with words. When people are in panic, they should not blame the general lightly.

He summoned the generals and said: "Although our army has suffered a slight setback, we still have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. There is enough food and grass in the city to hold on until the imperial army arrives. Once we have defended Jingxian County, I will definitely report this summary to the imperial court to commend you for your merits!"

"Hong Jinglue is right. As long as we can defend Jingxian County, I will definitely thank you for your merits in front of the emperor." Jidu also roared, his face showing an unhealthy flush.

At this moment, it seems that only the promise of high-ranking officials and generous salaries can maintain the sagging military morale.

After seeing off the generals, Hong Chengchou sat down on his chair weakly.

When a person is in desperate situation, he misses his mother. At this moment, he thought of his old mother, Mrs. Fu.

Mrs. Fu is a lady from a well-known family and is very strict in raising her children, but unexpectedly her son was demoted to the Qing Dynasty.

That year, Hong Chengchou mobilized Jiangnan, suppressed many rebel armies, and killed Jin Sheng, the censor of Qiandu in the Ming Dynasty, Huang Daozhou, the great scholar, Zhu Yishi, the king of Changle, Zhu Yifang, the king of Ruian, Zhu Youchan, the king of Jinhua, Zhu Changqi, the king of Gao'an, and Zhu Yigui, the king of Ruichang.

et al.

Satisfied with his ambition, he returned to his hometown to visit his relatives. He built a huge Hong Mansion in his hometown! Unexpectedly, after it was completed, no relatives or friends came to visit him. His mother and younger brother accused him of being unfaithful and severed all ties with him. His third brother, Hong Chengzhen, also swore that "his head would not be broken."

"Wear the Qing Dynasty to the sky, never set foot on the Qing Dynasty land", he took his mother to live on a boat and lived in seclusion across the river.

At that time, he didn’t understand, third brother, third brother, if you don’t study your calligraphy carefully, what will you do in these important national affairs!

But now, the Ming army has conquered Fujian, and the hometown has returned to the Ming Dynasty. My mother and younger brother can get off the ship. But I am trapped in a lonely city, lying down every day, not knowing whether I will see the sun the next day.
He suddenly remembered the couplet that Huang Daozhou shouted when he killed Huang Daozhou: "Historical writings are famous, although they have not become famous, they will eventually be punished; great kindness, if they cannot serve the country, they will become revenge."


To fight a war, you must work hard. After crushing the Qing army's night attack, Zhu Hengjia decided to attack the city immediately.

"Li Benshen, Bu Congshan, you two led 16,000 troops and horses, escorted 6,000 prisoners to attack the east gate. Gao Minggui, Ta Tianbao, Dang Shousu, Jing Keqin, Zhang Chengwu, you led 40,000 troops and horses,

Following Li Benzhen, Bu Congshan followed and attacked the city.

"The last general takes command!"

"Dongcheng is the main direction of our army's attack. We must fight the enemy bravely and never retreat if we advance!"

"The last general takes command!"

"Hao Shangjiu, Qin Yuchun, Yao Youxing, Li Laiheng, you and others lead 30,000 troops to assist the north gate. We must show our army's majesty!"

"The last general takes command!"

"Liu Wenxiu, Li Yuanyin, Wu Bangxian, and you led 20,000 troops and horses to pretend to attack the south gate."

"The last general takes command!"

"Wang Guoxi, you lead 10,000 soldiers and horses, take a small boat, and pretend to attack the west gate."

"The last general takes command!"

"Zhao Yong guards the cannon, and Sun Guangwei expands the guard of the king's flag."

"The last general takes command!"

Counselor Liu Maoxia was a little worried, "Supervisor, that Hong Chengchou is treacherous and scheming, as fierce as a tiger and as cunning as a fox. If our army presses too hard, will it make mistakes in the rush?"

Zhu Hengjia laughed loudly: "No matter whether the Hong thief is a tiger or a fox, even if he is locked up in this iron cage in Jing County, he can't move and can't fly. In this battle, those who are killed in formation or captured Jidu will be granted the title of marquis; those who are killed in formation or captured

The person who captured Hong Chengchou was Feng Bo.

When the generals heard the last sentence, their eyes flashed red.


In the early morning of April 26, the 25th year of Chongzhen reign in the Ming Dynasty, the siege of Jing County began.

Zhu Hengjia summoned Li Benzhen and asked Bu Congshan, "Li Qing, Bu Qing, are alone under the king's flag, beating drums to cheer for Qing and others. Within three days, the Ming Dynasty's military flag must be planted at the top of Jing County City!"

"Don't worry, the supervisor will definitely capture Jing County within three days!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Ming army's heavy artillery blasted the city wall. Because he chose the east city as the main attack direction, Zhu Hengjia concentrated 300 heavy artillery pieces at the east gate, and only some small artillery pieces at the other gates.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"

The gunners of the Qing army began to fight back. Their number of cannons was not as large as that of the Ming army, and they were suppressed by the Ming army.

"Quick, charge me. If you dare to take a step back, kill!"

Bu Congshan led his troops and horses, forcing the prisoners to attack the city.

Because the Ming army captured a large amount of ordnance, they issued cards, swords and guns to the prisoners. Unlike before, they were given wooden sticks to hold against the door panels to attack the city. They were even given some carriages. These prisoners would be better off after the war.

Those who can survive are soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

The prisoners' braids have all been cut off, and their bald heads are shining in the sunlight.

"Aw", "Aw", "Aw"

They howled and pushed the carts and ladder carts towards the city.

The people in the city will never show mercy because they are former robes. If they retreat, the supervising team will be killed. If you want to survive, you can only attack the city.


A cart was knocked over by a big stone.


A soldier covered in fire fell down the ladder.

Li Ben narrowed his eyes deeply, "Archers and gunmen, step forward to cover!"

Groups of Ming army archers and gunmen fired at the city walls.

Arrows come and go, bullets fly.

From time to time, sergeants were shot down.

Siege warfare consumes most men and materials. In just half a day, half of the 6,000 prisoners were killed and wounded. They were unable to fight anymore and retreated to the rear to rest. They also killed and injured a thousand soldiers and consumed a large amount of materials for the defense.

Li Benzhen and Bu Congshan began to attack the city.

Archers and gunmen from Gao Minggui, Ta Tianbao, Dang Shousu, Jing Keqin, Zhang Chengwu and other tribes were gathered together and fired at the city head.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The Qing troops on the city wall could not raise their heads.

Zhang Tianlu, Zhang Qilong and their sons fought tooth and nail to defend the East City.

"Bang bang bang!"

A crashed car violently hit the city gate.

"Quick, use fire oil to burn it," Zhang Tianlu shouted.

As several pots of fire oil were poured on it, the car crashed and caught fire.

Zhang Tianlu did not dare to relax. There were too many Ming troops and the attack was too crazy. One group fell and another came, regardless of casualties.

This is the advantage of surrendering the army. In order to prove their loyalty to the new master, Li Benzhen and Bu Congshan personally attacked the city. They had stated to Zhu Hengjia that they would conquer Jing County within three days. How could they dare not fight to the death?

When the Zhang family and his son were in danger, Melezhangjing Turma arrived with five thousand elite troops and repelled the Ming army.

"Little tiger, Jian Guo asked us to assist. We have to show off our attack to Jian Guo. You take the lead, don't lose my face," Hao Shangjiu said to Li Laiheng.

Li Laiheng was very young, fought bravely and was not afraid of death. Hao Shangjiu affectionately called him a little tiger.

"Don't worry, Commander, the general will fight to the death!"

Li Laiheng led his army to storm the city wall, followed by generals Hao Shangjiu, Qin Yuchun, and Yao Youxing.

Zhang Yong and Wang Jinbao resisted desperately.

Liu Wenxiu's troops suffered heavy casualties in the night attack, so Zhu Hengjia asked them to feign an attack. How could they feign an attack despite being a dignified enemy of the marquis? As soon as the battle started, it became the main attack.

Ximen's Kingdom Seal only had 10,000 troops, but still not to be outdone, they took a small boat to storm Ximen's Water Gate.

On the first day, the Ming army suffered 10,000 casualties, including 7,000 prisoners and surrendered troops, while the Qing army suffered 6,000 casualties.

The next day, the Ming army suffered another 10,000 casualties, and the Qing army suffered 7,000 casualties.

The Ming Dynasty had many soldiers and could bear such huge casualties, but the Qing Dynasty had few soldiers and their morale dropped to freezing point.

Of the 24,000 prisoners and surrendered troops, only 10,000 were left. Zhu Hengjia felt a little sorry and said to Li Benzhen, Bu Congshan: "You have worked hard these past two days, please go back to the rear to rest."

The two generals, as if granted amnesty, retreated to the rear to rest.

On the third day, Gao Minggui, Ta Tianbao, Dang Shousu, Jing Keqin, and Zhang Chengwu continued to attack Dongcheng.

In the morning, the Ming army was repulsed again.

Zhu Hengjia became angry, "Tell Zhao Yong to give Gu a hard blow. Don't you believe that the walls of Jing County are made of iron!"

"Rumble", after another hour of shelling, a section of the city wall in the east city of Jing County collapsed.

"Wan Sheng", "Wan Sheng", "Wan Sheng"??

The Ming army fought bravely through the gap. Zhang Qilong was beheaded by Gao Minggui, Turma was hacked to death by Peitianbao, and Zhang Tianlu was seriously injured and captured.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Yong and Wang Jinbao led their troops to break out.

Ming generals Wei Xiong and Yang Shide led their troops to stop him. One was stabbed under his horse by Zhang Yong, and the other was hacked to death by Wang Jinbao.

"The Tatars are so brave! Let me surround them to death!"

Hao Shangjiu gave an order, and the Ming army surrounded Zhang Yong and Wang Jinbao on three levels inside and three outside. All the soldiers were killed, and the second general gradually became exhausted and was hacked to death with random knives.

Nancheng was also captured, and Li Ruchun was beheaded by Liu Wenxiu.

"General, Hong Jinglue, Jingxian cannot be defended any longer. Follow me and take a boat from the west gate." Jidu's personal soldier general Niu Luzhangjing A Lahai protected Jidu and Hong Chengchou and fled to the west gate.<


Hu Maozhen, the commander-in-chief of the Ning Kingdom who was guarding the west gate, had his eyes darting around. There were no boats at the west gate. Even if there were boats, there were Ming army boat divisions on the Qingyi River.

You can't escape by running away, so it's better to tie these two people up in order to survive.

Like Li Benzhen, he had been Gao Jie's general in the past, and the two had a good relationship. After Li Benzhen came to the Ming Dynasty, he was promoted to admiral, which greatly motivated him. He began to seek glory as a seller.

Hu Maozhen spoke to his generals Sun Xice, Zhao Liang, and Yang Mingfeng, and all three generals agreed and led their troops to surround Jidu and Hong Chengchou.

Jidu shouted: "You dog slave, what are you going to do?"

"My lord, don't blame me, brothers just want to survive," Hu Maozhen said with a smile.


A La Gao Gao drew his sword, but Sun Xice's sword was faster, and he was finished with one strike.

Hu Maozhen led his army to Jidu and slaughtered all of Hong Chengchou's cronies, tied them up and knelt by the roadside.

With a "squeak" sound, the west gate of Jingxian County rose.

Wang Guoxi led his army into the city, saw a general kneeling on the ground, and asked: "Who are you?"

Hu Maozhen did not dare to raise his head: "The guilty general is Hu Maozhen, the commander-in-chief of the puppet Qingning Kingdom, who captured the slave chief Jidu, and Hong Chengchou is here."

"What? Jidu! Hong Chengchou!"

Wang Guoxi was startled and shouted: "Take these two thieves to the state prison immediately!"

This chapter has been completed!
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