Chapter 314 Return to Beijing (7)

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 Autumn breeze Xiao Xiaochou kills people,

It’s also sad to go out,

I feel sad when I enter.

Who is there?

Who doesn’t worry?

Make me grow old??

The Jiangnan Governor's Mansion in Jiangning City is filled with gloom and mist. Two high-ranking officials are hugging each other to keep warm. Yes, high-ranking officials! Officials of the border region! Lang Tingzuo, the governor of Jiangnan, and Zhou Guozuo, the governor of Jiangning.

Under normal circumstances, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts between governors, but when the Ming army is pressing down on the territory, brothers and sisters in distress naturally have to deal with the outside world in unison.

"Lang Gong, the top priority is to quickly transfer all the Zhejiang troops to Zhili in the south. When the troops are gathered, they will be strong! If you hold on for a few months, the court's reinforcements will surely arrive." Zhou Guozuo offered advice to Lang Tingzuo.

Lang Tingzuo grimaced, "I have written to Chen Duxian many times, but he said that he would never leave Zhejiang until he received the emperor's imperial edict. Alas!"

Of course Chen Jin did not dare to leave Zhejiang. He was the governor of Zhejiang and Fujian granted by the Qing Dynasty, and a dignified official in the border areas. It was a serious crime for a high official in the border areas to lose their borders. Without the imperial edict of Emperor Shunzhi, he did not dare to retreat.

"Alas! I wonder when the emperor's decree will arrive?"

"I have spent 800 miles hastily reporting to the emperor. The imperial edict should be arriving soon. However, the Ming Navy has blocked the Yangtze River. Even if the imperial edict reaches the north of the Yangtze River, it cannot cross the river." Lang Tingzuo sighed again.


Emperor Shunzhi agreed to Lang Tingzuo's suggestion, but the official who announced the decree had just arrived in Shandong.

After receiving news of the crisis in southern Zhili, the capital was severely shaken. Visitors from the southeast were all frightened and wanted to return, and some even cried.

"I want to give up the south of the Yangtze River and stick to the north of the Yangtze River. How about that?"

Emperor Shunzhi asked Sony in the Qianqing Palace, and Ao paid homage to the ministers. After all, he was young and easily panicked when things happened, so he had the idea of ​​​​giving up Jiangnan. The ministers did not dare to answer, and there was silence in the Qianqing Palace.

"The emperor wants to abandon the land gained by his ancestors through hundreds of battles? How will he see Taizu and Taizong in the future?"

A soft yet firm voice sounded in the Qianqing Palace, and Empress Dowager Zhaosheng appeared in the Qianqing Palace.

Hearing his mother's words, Emperor Shunzhi gained infinite strength. Over the years, his mother has always been his strong support. His temperament was erratic. After being inspired by his mother, he immediately changed from extreme fear to extreme excitement.

"Soni, Aobai, Dasu, Suohong, Laida, and you will quickly rectify the ban on travel under the Eight Banners. I will personally conquer Jiangnan."

After the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, they did not set up a special forbidden army. Instead, they placed the main force of the Eight Banners in the capital to guard them, which was called the Eight Banners. The Zhenghuang Banner, the Xianghuang Banner was in the north, the Zhengbai Banner, the Xiangbai Banner was in the east, and the Zhenghong Banner, the Xianghong Banner was in the east.

In the west, the Zhenglan Banner and the Xianglan Banner are in the south; the surrendered foreigners and domestic slaves were organized into three banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and placed as guards in the imperial city; guards were also drawn from the three upper banners and set up as the first-rank leader.

Minister of Internal Affairs and Security.

The Empress Dowager Zhaosheng was startled when she heard that the emperor wanted to mobilize the Eight Banners for the expedition. Doni and Lotto had already mobilized the Eight Banners when they went on the expedition. If they were to mobilize the Eight Banners again, the city of Beijing would be empty. Besides, her son

Not for war.

After all, the Empress Dowager Zhaosheng ordered Heshuo Gege and Kong Sizhen to bring a bowl of sour and sour soup to Emperor Shunzhi, which finally calmed Long Yan down.

This incident was recorded by Tang Ruowang, a Western missionary who served Emperor Shunzhi at that time. With the exaggeration unique to Westerners, he wrote in "Memoirs": "The emperor completely lost his calm attitude and wanted to escape.

He planned to return to Manchuria. However, the Empress Dowager scolded him. She said: How could he give up the country that his ancestors had gained with their bravery so cowardly? When he heard the Empress Dowager's words, he went into a rage.

Out of anger, he drew his sword and declared that he would never change his will to go out in person to win or die. To strengthen his words, he even used his sword to chop an emperor's throne into pieces. He wanted to

Treat all people in this way, as long as they dare to say a word against his plan to conquer personally. The Empress Dowager tried in vain to calm the emperor's irritability with words, and sent the emperor's former nurse to persuade him, but this

This further increased his anger. Official notices were posted at each city gate, informing the people that the emperor was going to go on an expedition in person. Immediately, there was great excitement and panic in the whole city.


Zhou Guozuo said: "Mr. Lang, now the Ming army has occupied Yangzhong Island in Zhenjiang and cut off our Yangtze River waterway. I am willing to lead the governor's Biao battalion to reinforce Zhenjiang."

Lang Tingzuo was very moved, "'The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the rough wind knows the honest minister'! Thank you, Duke Zhou."

"Mr. Lang, the most worrying thing right now is that the Ming army captures the Jiangnan Canal and cuts off the connection between South Zhili and Zhejiang. Zhao Butai of Gushan'erzhen and Chuha of Melezhangjing are brave and good at fighting. We can ask them to rush to support Suzhou and Changzhou.

, we must keep the canal!"


"I heard that Jiang Guozhu, the governor of Anhui, is very knowledgeable in military strategy. He can be put in charge of the defense of Jiangning Town and Moling Pass, and he can lead green camps in Fengyang, Huai'an, Xuzhou, Chuzhou and other places to stop the army of the puppet King Jing of the Ming Dynasty from going north."<


Jiang Guozhu was a member of the Xiangbai Banner of the Han Army. He was currently the right minister of the Ministry of Works. He had joined the flag since his father, Jiang Quan, and was a veteran traitor. Because his father had been a junior officer, Jiang Guozhu regarded himself as the son of a general and boasted about how he knew soldiers and was good at fighting.

.After many rounds, it reached the ears of Emperor Shunzhi. Now that the south of the Yangtze River was in crisis, it was time to hire someone, so he was immediately appointed governor of Anhui and responsible for the defense of the north of the Yangtze River.

When Jiang Guozhu arrived in the north of the Yangtze River, he worked in full swing. He built a large fort at Guazhou Ferry in Yangzhou Prefecture. He also reported to Emperor Shunzhi to invite him for credit, saying: "I bear the heavy responsibility of governor and do not dare to forget to be on guard. Guazhou and Jingkou are crowded with people. How many grains have been sent from the canal?"

Millions, from here to the north. The pseudo-Ming Dynasty is eager to succeed, banditing Yi day and night; I have inspected several times, and all the smoke piers, forts, and wooden buildings have been repaired to facilitate detection and defense..." Emperor Shunzhi issued a decree to commend him.

Lang Tingzuo heard that he knew the troops and mobilized them to reinforce Yingtian Mansion.

After hearing Zhou Tingzuo mention Jiang Guozhu, Lang Tingzuo repeatedly claimed that he was good.


The two high-ranking officials sat down to discuss military and state affairs, as if this advice could save the crisis in Southern Zhili.

However, the wheel of history rolls forward and does not depend on personal wishes. Anyone who blocks the wheel of history will inevitably be shattered!

Another high official, Kang Deshi, the Governor of Water Transport in the Qing Dynasty, realized this and was in panic all day long.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

The Governor of Water Transport is not a small official. He not only manages the more than 3,700 miles of the canal, but also serves as the governor of Lufeng, managing Fengyang Prefecture, Huai'an Prefecture, Yangzhou Prefecture, Luzhou Prefecture, Xuzhou Prefecture, and Hezhou Prefecture.

, Chuzhou Three Prefectures.

Of course, its most important function is to be responsible for canal water transportation. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is divided into seven sections, among which the section from Huai'an to Guazhou is called the Li Canal. The Governor's Water Transport Department (the yamen in charge of water transportation) is located in Huai'an Fushan beside the Li Canal.

Yang County.

Bad luck came when Kang De was in power. The Ming navy cut off shipping on the Yangtze River, and grain from the south of the Yangtze River could no longer be transported to Beijing.

The water transport was cut off, and the governor-general of water transport was closely responsible. Emperor Shunzhi repeatedly issued orders to Kang Deshi to "send troops to Gaoyou to assist Jiangning."

When the situation was high, they complained endlessly. Almost all the elite green battalions in Fengyang, Huai'an, Yangzhou and other places were transferred to the south of the Yangtze River by Lang Tingzuo. He only had 3,000 canal soldiers left in his hands. Moreover, these canal soldiers only had some canals for transporting grain.

There are no warships, and many ships don’t even have cannons. How can we help Jiangning?

He had the intention not to go. But the Qing Dynasty had just entered the Pass a few years ago and the military law was very strict. If he didn't go, he would lose his head and his family would be implicated. There was no other way, so he gritted his teeth and went!

During the Kangde period, he took 3,000 cavalry soldiers and took a boat from Huai'an Prefecture to Yangzhou Prefecture along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

He wants to be loyal to the Qing Dynasty, and the soldiers below will not do it. Are you kidding? The navy of the Ming army is like wolves and tigers, and the regular navy of the Qing Dynasty has been annihilated. We have only a few people and these ships.

If you break the boat and go to the Yangtze River, aren't you going to die? They all ran away.

When Kang Deshi arrived at Gaoyou Prefecture, Yangzhou Prefecture, three thousand cavalry soldiers fled and only a few hundred were left. He couldn't help but feel completely desperate and sighed: "If you don't die by the enemy, you will die by the law! The time is the destiny." He jumped up and

Jumped into the canal and committed suicide.

The dignified governor was so frightened that he jumped into the river. This is really:

Xiaoling has heard the sound of war drums,

Spring comes again in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

The children of the Eight Banners are exhausted,

He Liaosheng, Governor of Water Transport.

This chapter has been completed!
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