Chapter 403 Journey (11)

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 "Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Xu Erji rode his horse and fled north as hard as he could, into Haotang Mountain.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Yan Xiaoyong rode his horse in hot pursuit.

The mountain road was rugged, and Xu Erji kept complaining. He should not have planned to attack the distant city in the first place. It would be better to defend it according to the mountain! In this world, all medicines are sold, but there is no regret medicine.

When Yan Xiaoyong saw that he was within the bow and arrow shooting range, he took off his strong bow and shot an arrow with a "whoosh".

Xu Erji had been in the army for a long time. When he heard the sound of a string, he crouched down. Unexpectedly, the arrow was not aimed at a man, but at a horse. One arrow hit the horse's belly.

"咴聿聿", the war horse was in pain and pushed Xu Erji off the horse.

Yan Xiaoyong's spear arrived and nailed Xu Erji to the ground with one shot.

Xu Biao on the side was so frightened that he beat his horse and galloped away. Yan Xiaoyong was not very interested in this small fish and chased for a while without catching up. When he saw that it was getting late, he withdrew his troops and returned to the camp.

Xu Biao was lucky enough to escape with his life and did not dare to go to Fengyang. He crossed Chihe eastward and headed for Chuzhou.

In Fengyang City, the prefect Dong Ting loaded his family property into the car again and was about to escape. This time he was unlucky and the Ming army arrived.

The one who came was Zhao Qian, a guerrilla from Shucheng in the Ming Dynasty. This time he was very lucky. He got his wish and became a vanguard, and captured the prefect Dong Ting.

He was originally a general in Luzhou near Fengyang and was very familiar with the topography of Fengyang. Knowing that Dingyuan and Fengyang were connected by the Donghao River, a tributary of the Huaihe River, he followed the waterway and the river, which was faster than traveling by land.

When they arrived in Fengyang, they caught up with Dong Ting who was trying to escape with his family property.

When he saw Zhao Qian, Dong Ting was paralyzed with fear.

"Haha, when I was in Huoshan, I heard that Dong Ting had a knack for making money, and the people called you 'Dong Baidi'. When I saw you today, it was true." Zhao Qian was surprised by Dong Ting's twenty-carriage worth of money.

I was stunned and made a sound.

"If the general likes it, I will give it to the general. I just ask for my life." Dong Ting said with a sad face.

Zhao Qian smiled and said, "I don't dare to ask for this. Embezzling and confiscating it is a serious crime. As for whether to kill you or not, I don't have the final say. Qian Duxian has the final say."

When Qian Qianyi heard that he had captured Dong Ting, the magistrate of Fengyang, he sneered and thought that his head would be used to punish those who were stubborn and resisted Master Wang. He ordered Dong Ting to be beheaded, and his head was hung on the top of Fengyang City.


He also sent Pegasus to report the news that Zhu Hengjia had conquered Fengyang.


"Okay, okay! I asked Mr. Qian to go north. Originally, I only asked him to recruit Luzhou and stabilize my food supply. But unexpectedly, he not only recruited Luzhou, but also captured Fengyang. I really underestimated Mr. Qian.

! I didn’t expect that not only did he write well, but he also knew military strategy.” In the Ming army camp on the south bank of Ruxushui in Hezhou, Zhu Hengjia read the battle report sent by Qian Qianyi and was full of praise.

Zheng Feng hurriedly congratulated Zhu Hengjia: "Congratulations to your Majesty on regaining Fengyang, the central capital! Once Luzhou and Fengyang are over, our army's rear will have peace of mind!"

Fengyang, the central capital, is where the ancestral graves of the old Zhu family are located. Zhu Hengjia’s ancestor and Zhu Yuanzhang’s eldest brother Zhu Xinglong is buried in Fengyang.

Qian Qianyi's contribution was so great that Emperor Guangwu felt that he must be rewarded!

What should I give as a reward? A python robe and a royal poem.

Yes, Royal Poetry. After successfully crossing the river, he won consecutive battles along the way. Emperor Guangwu was in a good mood and wrote many short poems. Almost one every day. Unfortunately, most of them were of low quality and were just like "the Ming Dynasty soldiers wore them".

The treasured sword, march forward bravely to kill the demon", "Who will persuade Xiao Shunzhi to surrender, so as to save the three armies a lot of trouble" and other bullshit limericks.

Although it was nonsense, none of the ministers dared to say that the writing was not good. Therefore, Emperor Guangwu thought that he was a literary and musical star descending to earth, and his poetic talent was catching up with Li Du's, and his creative enthusiasm was high.

If you write often, you will naturally write quickly, and a crooked poem can be written in one stroke.

"Monarchs and Ministers"

Mountains and rivers change color in the storm,

I burst into tears when I heard Hujia.

Bear the humiliation and bear the heavy burden for a while,

A loyal and pure heart.

The snow in Zhongdu has melted into the beauty of spring,

Magpies spread good news across the leaves.

The king and his ministers know each other well.

The history of Qing Dynasty carries this sentiment.

After this poem was sent to Qian Qian for his benefit, he was moved to tears. The main reason why he carried out the Northern Expedition so hard was because he had surrendered to the Qing Dynasty before, and he had always been worried about it, and wanted to make great contributions to clear his reputation.

This poem by Emperor Guangwu was like rectifying his name. When he read "Enduring humiliation and bearing burdens, with a loyal and innocent heart", Qian Qianyi was extremely excited, "The saints said that I surrendered to the Qing Dynasty to make peace for the Ming Dynasty.

, endure the humiliation and bear the burden in order to restore the Ming Dynasty! From now on, who dares to say that I am a traitor?"


The seventy-year-old Qian actually burst into tears like a child and wrote:

"Reading Poems"

Fist the heart of an old minister,


Wind and frost are not afraid of hardship,

It’s hard to repay the emperor’s kindness.


In the Chuzhou Deputy General's Mansion, the Qing Dynasty's first-class Qi Nihafan, Chuzhou Deputy General Xu Er'an was looking at the map uneasily. Since the Ming army captured Luzhou, he had sent troops to Sanggen Mountain to resist the Ming army. Although he had made preparations

, but my right eye kept twitching, and I always felt like something was about to happen.

While thinking about it, Xu Biao fled back from Dingyuan and saw Xu Er'an kneeling down, "Young Master, I am incompetent and failed to protect the second young master. Please punish me."

"What, the second brother was killed in battle? You bastard, why didn't you protect the second brother?"

Xu Er'an was furious, took out the riding crop, and whipped Xu Biao head and face. Xu Biao didn't dare to move. He was a slave of the Xu family, and theoretically Xu Er'an would not break the law if he whipped him to death.

After pumping for a long time, Xu Biaoyan was so excited that Xu Er'an sighed and shouted angrily at Xu Biao: "Get out of here."

Xu Biao crawled back and did not mention it. Xu Er'an looked left and right at the map. Once Fengyang fell, Chuzhou not only faced the Ming army in Luzhou to the west, but also faced the Ming army in Fengyang in the north. It could be said that it was attacked on both sides.


We had to ask for help from Dhoni while rearming our defenses.

He only had 5,000 soldiers, which was insufficient and had to shrink the front line. He withdrew his army from Sangen Mountain and ordered General Huang Xian to lead 2,000 men to set up defenses in Xiangshui to resist the Ming army in the west. He led 3,000 troops to

Daqunling, Huangfu Mountain, and Qingliuguan area were used to resist the Ming army from the direction of Dingyuan; Lai'an garrison was also ordered to move to Shigu Mountain to guard against the Ming army from Fengyang Sizhou and Xuyi direction to the north.

Fortunately, "Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains." There are many mountains in the Chuzhou area. Xu Er'an felt that he had a good location and this battle could still be fought. Especially Qingliu Pass in the west of Chuzhou, known as the "Key to Jinling", is very dangerous. I summarize this.

It’s so dangerous, what can the Ming army do to me?


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heavy artillery on the Qing army's fort shot out billowing flames, and more than ten Ming army boats were smashed to pieces. This tentative crossing of the river failed again.

On the south bank of Ruxu River in Hezhou, Zhu Hengjia looked at the water and sighed, "I didn't expect that the small Ruxu River would be so difficult to cross!"

The Ruxu River is connected to the Niutun River, guarding the southern foot of Hezhou and leading directly to the Yangtze River. The reason why it is difficult to cross is because there is a dangerous Ruxu Mountain on the river bank. At the top of the Qinggu Mountain, Zhenshalibu, Mele Zhangjing Gantu led 18,000

Banner, guarding the mountain, and building many forts along the Ruxushui and Niutun rivers, making it difficult for the Ming army to cross.

Originally, Zhu Hengjia wanted to order the navy to enter the Niutun River from the Yangtze River to attack the enemy, but unexpectedly the river was not deep enough to pass the warships.

"The Qing army's artillery fire is fierce. If we force the crossing, many soldiers may lose their lives." Emperor Guangwu sighed.

Liu Maoxia offered a plan: "Why don't your Majesty send troops to bypass Ruxushui, go north to Chaoxian County, and go straight to Hanshan and Hezhou?"

Emperor Guangwu looked at the map and suddenly smiled and said: "Fight a big one. I will send a group of troops to capture Hanshan and Wujiang Town, and annihilate all the Qing troops in Hezhou south of Wujiang Crossing; and then send another group of troops to capture Hanshan and Wujiang Town."

Send troops and horses north to Chuzhou to assist Duke Qian, so that the enemies of Chuzhou cannot look at each other."

This chapter has been completed!
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