Chapter 405 Journey (13)

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 Li Yuanyin, the Bo of Guangchang, led six thousand troops, crossed Chaohu Lake, and crossed Chushui, and arrived at the foot of Sangen Mountain in Chuzhou. Seeing that the mountain was steep and there was no defender, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"Young General, this mountain is very dangerous, I'm afraid there is an ambush," Baofengbo Luo Chengyao stepped forward and said. Although they were both granted the title of earl, Luo Chengyao was Li Chengdong's old subordinate, and Li Yuanyin was Li Chengdong's adopted son, so they were named "Young General"

Call it.

In front of Luo Chengyao, Li Yuanyin did not dare to exaggerate. He nodded and said: "Uncle Luo's words are very true. We should send many scouts to investigate."

More than ten teams of scouts were sent in succession, but no enemy was found. The two of them dared to enter the mountain. After climbing to the top of the mountain, they discovered a camp abandoned by the Qing army. After inquiring, they learned that Xu Er'an, the deputy general of Chuzhou of the Qing Dynasty, was originally stationed here.

There was a battalion of soldiers and horses, but after Qian Qianyi captured Dingyuan, Xu Er'an shrank the defense line and ordered the general Huang Xian to withdraw all the soldiers and horses in Sangen Mountain to the east of Xiangshui River for defense. There were no Qing troops west of Xiangshui River.<


"This Xu Er'an really doesn't know how to use troops. He didn't send troops to guard such a dangerous place." Li Yuanyin chuckled.

"Young General, Xu Er'an joined the army with his father Xu Dingguo when he was young. He has been in the army for twenty years and is considered a veteran general. Is there any reason why he doesn't know how to use troops? In my opinion, it must be due to the lack of troops to guard both sides."

, Luo Chengyao said.

"Well, what Uncle Luo said makes sense." Li Yuanyin looked at the map, thought for a moment and said, "Since the Qing Dynasty troops are insufficient, our army must cross the Xiangshui River immediately and attack Chuzhou."

After discussing it, the two decided to rest for a day and forcefully cross Xiangshui in the early morning of tomorrow.

Before the army marched, an old farmer suddenly came with a wrinkled face and looked to be in his sixties. He was clamoring to find someone to take charge of the Ming army.

"Whose surname is my father-in-law? What do you want to do with me?"

Seeing that he was an old man, Li Yuanyin asked politely.

"Xiaomin Quanyou, a native of Dongwang Township, Quanjiao County, lived in seclusion in the mountains because he did not want to shave his head. When he heard that Wang's army was going to the north to conquer the Central Plains, he came here to offer the general a plan for crossing the Xiang River."

"Oh, father-in-law, please speak."

"Ask the general to lead the troops to attack Quanjiao County downstream of Xiangshui River, and then cross the river. It will be easy."

"What? You won't let me cross the shallow Xiang River, but you want me to attack Quanjiao County, which has a city to defend. What's the point?"

Li Yuanyin looked at Quanyou with suspicion. Could this person be a spy sent by the Tatars?

Quan You was delighted, "General, don't doubt it. There is a reason why the common people say that Quanjiao City is easy to fight. Shi Lixian, the magistrate of Quanjiao County, is a Buddhist. On the fifteenth day of every month, the Three Pagoda Temple in the northwest of the county will hold a Dharma assembly. The day after tomorrow

On the fifteenth day, Shi Lixian will definitely arrive, and he will also be accompanied by customs, classics, records, etc. In the future, you only need to send people to ambush at the Three Pagodas Temple, and you will definitely be able to kill Shi Lixian and other captive officials in one fell swoop. By the time of the fall, there will be no leader in all the Jiao County.

It’s not difficult to break.”

"That's it." Li Yuanyin hurriedly saluted Quanyou, "Thank you very much for your advice."

"Don't dare, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. The little old man only hopes that Master Wang will succeed in the Northern Expedition as soon as possible and restore the mountains and rivers of our Han family," Quanyou said, his eyes suddenly turned red.


With the advice of the locals, Li Yuanyin ordered Luo Chengyao to disguise himself as a pilgrim and ambush around the Three Pagodas Temple, and then led his troops to hide in the mountains near Quanjiao County.

The Three Pagodas Temple is named after the three pagodas built in front of the temple. Qionghua is produced in Qianjiao. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty liked Qionghua and ordered the construction of this temple to capture the aura of heaven and earth for easy transplantation. Zhang Hong, a Song Dynasty man, once wrote a poem to satirize: "

There is no need to lament that this flower has gone. The country and family will always be destroyed because of him. The elders don’t know what happened in the past, but they talk about Qionghua when they meet each other.

Shi Lixian, the magistrate of Quanjiao County, didn't care about so much. At this time, when the Qionghua was in full bloom, he not only had to attend the Dharma assembly, but also took all levels of assistants to the Qionghua Pond next to the temple to appreciate the Qionghua.

As the saying goes, only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps. The county magistrate Shi wants to come to the Three Pagodas Temple to listen to the Dharma ceremony and enjoy the flowers. It has nothing to do with the common people, so he will naturally be kicked out.

"The county magistrate is coming, what are you untouchables doing here? Get out of here," the arrester Wang Dalong shouted angrily at Luo Chengyao and others who had transformed into pilgrims.

The dignified Uncle Baofeng was actually scolded by a little catcher. It was a huge humiliation for his job, and Luo Chengyao was so angry that he was so angry. However, being impatient can ruin big plans, so he had no choice but to endure it and leave the temple angrily with everyone.

When he came out of the temple gate, Luo Chengyao spat fiercely, "You are a straight bitch, a big-ass little official, how dare you have such a show, I will make you look good later!"

One sedan after another entered the temple. The magistrate and the ministers at all levels were very elegant. They even brought their wives with them. There were more than ten sedans of various sizes. It was very lively.

When the last sedan entered the temple, Luo Chengyao shouted, "Follow me and kill!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Hundreds of Ming troops disguised as pilgrims rushed into the temple and killed all the government officials and county soldiers to pieces.

The head hunter Wang Dalong wanted to escape, but Luo Chengyao arrived, chopped off his head with a knife, and stamped on the head several times with his foot, "Make you crazy! Make you crazy!"

Shi Lixian, the county magistrate, was so frightened that he peed his pants. He knelt down and kowtowed, "Hero, spare your life. I will pay you for whatever money you want."

Luo Chengyao laughed loudly, "It's not difficult to spare your life, I'll give you all of Jiaocheng in exchange."


The county magistrate returned to the city, carrying more than a dozen sedan chairs and hundreds of followers. The soldiers guarding the city did not dare to neglect and opened the city gate.


The Ming army pretended to be followers, killed the scattered soldiers and took control of the city gate.

"Kill", Li Yuanyin led his army into the city from outside the city.

"Don't resist, put down your weapons," County Magistrate Shi Lixian shouted.

With the help of this gentleman, the Ming army's attack on Quanjiao was as easy as a journey. No one was injured and the Quanjiao defenders were disarmed.

The soldiers were very fast. After Li Yuanyin captured Quanjiao City, he immediately crossed the Xiangshui River from Quanjiao and attacked the camp of Huang Xian, the general of the Qing Dynasty.

It was already dark, and Huang Xian was sleeping soundly. He only knew to be wary of the Ming army on the other side, but he never expected that the Ming army would suddenly appear behind his camp.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky is full of murder and arson.

Li Yuanyin and Luo Chengyao led their troops into the Qing army's camp and killed them, causing the Qing army to run away with their heads covered and countless men and horses fleeing.

Poor Huang Xianshang had no time to put on his armor, so his head was cut off by Li Yuanyin.

A battle goes smoothly, a battle goes smoothly.

Li Yuanyin was so powerful that he captured Langya Mountain in one breath. This mountain is the southern gate of Chuzhou, but there is no defender.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack", at the top of Chuzhou City, several guards shouted in horror when they saw the huge flow of people.

Chuzhou's elite soldiers were all taken by Xu Er'an and Huang Xian to guard the west and north passes. There were only 500 guards and a group of government officials in the city.

"Luo Zhizhou, you have to decide whether to fight or surrender." The guard anxiously asked Zhizhou Luo Pu for instructions.

"Alas, the situation is over! But my family members are all in the north, how can we bring down the Ming Dynasty?"

Luo Pu kept shaking his head and went to the back hall with a sigh, making the guards look like flowers in the fog.

After a while, a relative rushed out of the back hall, "Oh no, the master hanged himself!"

The guard sighed, "Your family members are in the north, but our family members are in the city. There are seniors above and young below, so I can't accompany you!"

He strode out of the state government office and surrendered to the city.

After winning Chuzhou without any effort, Li Yuanyin was overjoyed and continued to advance westward, captured Qingliu Pass, and went to Daqunling where Qing Chuzhou deputy general Xu Er'an was located.


The majestic Daqianling Mountains and the sheep intestines have nine twists and turns.

There are wild pheasants in the deep forest, and jackals and tigers lurk in the short grass.

Pedestrians are tired and unable to advance, and treat the servants miserably.

After descending to the Xianju Stream, we returned to Pinglu.

A rosewood tree is as bright as jade in spring.

I haven’t seen you for five years, and I beg the sun to open my eyes.

This poem was left by the Yuan Dynasty people, and it writes about the danger of Daqianling.

At the foot of Daqun Ridge, Yan Xiaoyong, Wang Zhigang, Zhao Qian, Lu Wenye's 7,000 Ming troops, and Qing Chuzhou deputy general Xu Er'an's 3,000 troops have been fighting fiercely for more than ten days.

The Ming army had many soldiers, but the Qing army occupied the advantageous location, which made the Ming army sigh with excitement at the sight of the mountains.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom", the sound of gunfire sounded like exploding beans, and the Ming army laid down dozens more corpses and slowly retreated.

"Mr. Qian, this ridge is too dangerous. It's better to surround it and wait until the enemy's food and grass are cut off before attacking again," Zhang Huangyan said to Qian Qianyi.

"What Cang Shui said is true," Qian Qianyi let out a long sigh.

The two were about to plan a long-term siege when they suddenly heard that friendly troops had come down from the ridge. However, it was Li Yuanyin who led his troops and came to join them.

Qian Qianyi was overjoyed when he learned that Li Yuanyin had captured Chuzhou. In this way, the Qing army on the mountain was a fish in the middle.

"The Qing troops on the mountain listened to the truth. Our army has conquered Chuzhou. Governor Qian has an order. Anyone who surrenders will be spared death!"

"Brothers from Chuzhou Camp, your family and children are all in Chuzhou. Return as soon as possible so that you can be reunited with your family."

"Brothers in the Chuzhou Green Camp, we are all Han Chinese, why bother working for the Tartars? Surrender quickly, the Han people will not fight the Han people"??

The shouts made the Qing troops on the mountain confused and demoralized.

With the arrival of Li Yuanyin's elite troops, the strength of the Ming army greatly increased. Qian Qianyi changed his plan for a long-term siege and ordered an attack on the mountain.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunderous sound of cannons sounded, and the smoke of gunpowder had not cleared. Li Yuanyin, Yan Xiaoyong, Wang Zhigang, Zhao Qian, Lu Wenye and others bravely climbed the mountain.

The Qing army lost its fighting spirit and was soon attacked by the Ming army on the main peak.

"Brothers, let me kill you." Xu Er'an was still about to fight against the trapped beast. Suddenly, his back hurt, and a steel knife penetrated his body. When he turned around, he saw that it was his subordinate Xu Biao who was attacking. It turned out that Xu Biao had been killed since the last time.

After Xu Er'an was flogged, he held a grudge. At this time, the situation was over, and the seller was more interested in seeking glory.

"How dare you??"

The knife penetrated deeply and pierced the internal organs. Xu Er'an died before he finished speaking.

Xu Biao smiled sinisterly, "I'm sorry, eldest son, I just want to survive." After saying that, he cut off Xu Er'an's head with a knife, and asked for surrender with the head.

He saw Zhao Qian, a guerrilla in Shucheng of the Ming Dynasty. He looked at the armor and saw that he was a general. He knelt down and said, "The guilty general Xu Biao, here is the head of Xu Er'an, the deputy general of the Chuzhou Province of the Qing Dynasty."

"What, Xu Er'an's head?"

Zhao Qian was stunned, then smiled and said: "You have done a good job in front of the battle, show me your head."

Taking a look at the head, it is really Xu Er'an's head.

Just as he was about to praise Xu Biao, his subordinates who knew Xu Biao reported: "General, this general is the thief general who bloodied Dingyuan City that day."

It turns out that on that day, after Xu Biao and Xu Erji captured Dingyuan, they burned, killed, looted and massacred countless people in the city. After the Ming army recaptured Dingyuan, many young men from Dingyuan joined the army for revenge, and various ministries recruited many Dingyuan people.

, so I know Xu Biao.

Zhao Qian was furious, "Why are the people of Dingyuan so wrong that you want to kill them?"

"This is all the order given by Xu Erji and has nothing to do with the general." Xu Biao was so frightened that he lost his mind.

"Huh, pay back debts and kill people to pay for their lives. Today I will avenge the people of Dingyuan." Zhao Qian swung his knife and Xu Biao's head fell to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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