Chapter 440 Liaodong (23)

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"Big Chief, I have sent people to find out clearly. The Chinese army is fighting against the Qing Dynasty in the Fengcheng area," Zorba, the leader of the Mozhideng tribe of the Daur tribe, reported to Ghentmur.

The Ming army retreated from Hetuala, but Gentemur suffered a lot.

After he led five Daur tribes to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, he contacted the five nearby Daur and Oroqen tribes, and the number of tribesmen grew to 13,000, with 2,000 warriors.

Just when they were flexing their muscles, it was suddenly reported that the Ming army was defeated and withdrew from Hetuala. Suddenly, they lost their backbone, like cold water poured over their head.

After Aobai's victory, he was afraid that the Rakshasas would take the opportunity to invade, so he sent Sharhuda back to Ningguta to take charge. This veteran general was very timid and learned that the area south of Nerchinsk and on the west bank of the Aruwuna (Ergun) River

The ten tribes rebelled and were furious. They immediately ordered Jia La Zhang Jing Haita and Ni Ga Li to lead a crusade with 1,500 cavalry.

Ghentmur had been in the Qing army for many years and knew how powerful Sarhuda was. Fortunately, the Nerchinsk area was a gathering place for "people in the forest". The mountains were high and the forests were dense. If you couldn't beat him, you could go to the woods.

Drill inside.

So he led ten small tribes with more than 10,000 people into the forest southeast of Nerchinsk, and started a guerrilla fight with Sarhuda's crusade.

Although this trick is effective, it is inevitable to hide in Tibet, which will inevitably make people panic. The most important thing is that there is no news about the Ming Dynasty, and there is no bottom in the heart. Now that he got the news about the Ming Dynasty, Gentemu suddenly gained a lot of strength and shouted: "

Quickly send people disguised as businessmen to contact Marshal Yang!"

Before contacting the Ming army, Tolbuzin, the special envoy of Bashkov, the Russian governor of Heilongjiang, arrived. It turned out that Bashkov heard that several tribes had betrayed the Bogd people (Manchus), and he immediately wanted to win over them.


"The leader of Ghentmur and the governor of Bashkov are indignant at the Bogd people's bullying of the Daur people, and he is willing to become a friend of the Daur people," Tolbuzin said politely.


Gentemul sneered in his heart, these Rakshasa ghosts may sound nice, but in fact they are more ruthless than the Manchus, they eat people without spitting out their bones.

His eyes rolled, "I wonder what kind of help our Russian friends are willing to provide us Daur people?"

"If you are willing to surrender to Russia, we are willing to provide you with guns, ammunition, food, medicine and other supplies."

Gentemu'er has now boarded the Ming Dynasty's ship, and naturally he is not willing to defect to the Rakshasa people again. However, the Rakshasa people are close, so it is good to deceive them.

The two sides bargained for a while, and with false pretenses, Ghentmur defrauded some supplies from the Russians.

Bashkov, the governor of Heilongjiang in Tsarist Russia, was insidious. On the one hand, he lured the anti-Qing ethnic minority tribes to surrender, and on the other hand, he made Stepanov of Kamarsk Fort seize the opportunity and act boldly.

Stepanov moved and went west from Kamarsk Fort, invaded Ekwe and entered the territory of the Oroqen people.

Shalhuda also moved, and he and his son Bahai led 2,680 banners to fight. They annihilated more than a hundred Russians in the Ekewei and Tahawei areas, and drove the Stepanov gang back to Kasha.


Just after driving away the hungry wolves from the northwest, the tigers from the north came again.


Yakutsk is one of the coldest cities in the world. It is worse than other "cold cities" in the Arctic Circle, such as Reykjavik, Murmansk, Tromso, Ankorich, and Nuuk.

Wait, it’s much colder.

There is a nickname: "Ice City". The breath exhaled by people here in winter can immediately turn into ice ballast; the fish caught from the river are as hard as stones, and the small fish can be eaten as popsicles; the steel is as brittle and ice-like.

Easily broken; the carcasses of mammoths tens of thousands of years ago were as fresh as ever when they were unearthed. The whole city is built on rock-hard permafrost. No matter what the temperature is on the ground, four meters underground, it is minus eight degrees all year round.

In 1632, Russia built a castle on the right bank of the Lena River. From 1642 to 1643, it conquered the Yakuts here and named it Yakutsk, using it as a bridgehead for its invasion of China.

Franzbekov, the warlord of Yakutsk, was sitting on a chair in the study, looking at the map, lost in thought. He had not been very lucky recently. Some damn profiteers sued him. Tsar Alexei sent an honest man.

Checking him.

He was originally German. During the Russo-Polish War in 1633, he was sent to Sweden to collect intelligence about Poland. He was appreciated by the old Tsar Mikhail, became his favorite, and became the governor of Yakutsk.

Later, the old tsar died and Tsar Alexei succeeded to the throne. Franzbekov was still loyal and served wine to celebrate the tsar's acquisition of a prince.

Alexey admired him very much, not because he was a flatterer, but because he was capable and courageous.

After Franzbekov became the governor of Yakutsk, he was obsessed with expanding the Tatar lands and opening up territory for His Majesty the Tsar.

But south of the Xing'an Mountains is a brand new land for the Russians, full of unknowns, and no one dares to go there.

There was a man named Khabarov who dared. He was a bankrupt businessman who was poor, bold and had no money. He had nothing but a brilliant and clever mouth.

No one believed his lie that "Heilongjiang is full of gold", but Franzbekov believed that the warlord was a gambler, and he gambled big.

He opened the warehouse in Yakutsk, fully armed the Khabarov gang, and lent his life savings to Khabarov. Of course, it was not in vain. For every twenty rubles he borrowed, he had to pay back thirty rubles when he came back.

Khabarov led a group of Cossacks and set out in high spirits. With the governor as his backing, he was so bold that he robbed the Yakuts, loyal subjects of the Tsar, before they even reached the territory of the Bogds;

Even their own people were not spared, and they robbed Bidimov's hunting team on the Orokma River and Vorybayev's winter camp in another place.

Before arriving in Heilongjiang, letters of complaint poured into Yakutsk like snowflakes. Franzbekov ignored them. He and Khabarov had formed a community of interests. The more the Cossacks robbed, the more the warlord earned.

More. My children, go and rob boldly, no matter which country you are from! The Lord Warlord shouted deep in his heart.

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After the Battle of Uzala Village, Khabarov was ennobled by the Tsar and became a well-known national hero in Russia. Franzbekov was also appreciated by the Tsar for his knowledge of people.

In later generations, the motto of the Khabarovsk Krai in Russia was: "Russia has no borders!"

The speculation was successful, and General Franzbekov thought he had merit, so he made money frantically, and tried his best to exploit the Russian businessmen and hunters who came to Yakutsk for business and hunting.

He refused to issue hunting licenses without giving him a huge bribe; he often held large banquets, invited businessmen and hunters to participate, and required each guest to pay a ruble to the host.

The Russians in Yakutsk hated him, calling him "the son of a German woman" and accusing him of not being a true Orthodox Christian. They said that he should not be allowed to enter the church because someone like him who converted to Christianity

People, "If they enter the church of God, it will only darken the world because they do not have Christ in their hearts."

On the day of the Tsar's name, there was even a riot in the city's cathedral. Although it was eventually suppressed by the army, the unbearable businessmen sued him. They submitted several complaints to the Tsar.

Tsar Alexei was furious, I can pretend not to see how you plunder other races, but how can you plunder Russians? So, he issued an edict and ordered an inquiry on the matter.

At this time, Franzbekov panicked. He couldn't help but investigate what he had done! No, he had to divert His Majesty's attention and redeem himself with meritorious deeds!

As a loyal dog, Franzbekov knew his master Tsar Alexei very well. This master’s territorial ambitions never ended! As long as it can open up territory for Russia, His Majesty can do anything no matter how serious the crime is.


It just so happens that the Bogd people are at war with the Ming people, which is a good time to expand!

So Franzbekov ordered Rogachev to lead 600 Cossacks and 1,000 Yakuts southward.

The Rakshasa people crossed the Wu River (Udi River), climbed over the Tuluting Mountain, crossed the Niman River (Buleya River), fought towards the Gulu River (Kulu River), and approached Khabarov

Visited the city of Burleigh.

"Boli", an important town in Heilongjiang, means "pea" in Jurchen language. In the Ming Dynasty, it was the seat of Xishenwei, the governor of Nuergandu. It is now under the jurisdiction of Qingning Guta Angbang Zhangjing. In later generations, it became Khabarovsk in Tsarist Russia.

"What? Those damn Rakshasa ghosts are here again!"

Qingning Guta Angbang Zhangjing Sarhuda was so angry that his beard stood on end. He ordered his son Bahai to monitor the Rakshasa people in Kamarsk Fort, and he led two thousand soldiers down the Heilongjiang River.

He was very far-sighted, built a shipyard, and established a water camp of 600 people, with ships and fast speed.

He quickly arrived at Khabarovsk and went north from Khabarovsk to the Gulu River, vowing to give the Rakshasa ghost another ruthless blow.

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