Chapter 443 Nuergan (3)

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 "Amitabha, the poor monk is polite." In Yongning Temple, Zen Master Yuanjue put his hands together and saluted Ruan Jin and Kuang Lu.

Ruan Jin saw that the monk looked like a Jurchen instead of a Han, and asked: "Is the master a Jurchen?"

"Amitabha's body is just hair, skin, and a skin. The poor monk is a person who worships the Buddha." Yuanjue started to meditate.

Kuang Lu smiled and said to Ruan Jin: "The commander-in-chief doesn't know something. There are many Jurchens who worship Buddha. The eunuchs who built Yongning Temple in the past also lost their temper. They are Jurchens."

Ruan Jin nodded, "This Yongning Temple is our symbol of the Ming Dynasty. It should be rebuilt if there is a chance."

The two wanted to see the stone tablet, but unexpectedly the stone tablet was not in the temple, but on the rock beside the Yalu River, facing the Yamen of Nuergandusi of the Ming Dynasty. At this time, the Yamen had been converted into a Manchurian barracks. The Ming Dynasty was also here.

The number of troops ranged from 500 to 3,000, and they were stationed once every two years. It is a pity that after Wanli, Wang Shi did not stay here for a long time!

Ruan and Kuang came to the Yalu River. Two majestic stone monuments stood on the rocks, seeming to announce to the world the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

The first stele "Yongning Temple Records" reads: "In the spring of the ninth year of Yongle, special internal officials such as Yi Shiha and others led more than a thousand officers and soldiers and twenty-five huge ships to return to the country and established the Nuergandu Division.

??", records that Emperor Yongle ordered his confidant eunuch Yishiha to inspect Heilongjiang and establish Nuergandusi. Yishiha built Yongning Temple in Nuergan City to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva, and erected it in Chinese, Mongolian and Jurchen script

A stone tablet to record the event.

The second stele "Reconstruction of Yongning Temple" writes about the eunuch Yi Shiha and Tongdu commanding Kang Zheng to lead the reconstruction of Yongning Temple.

Ruan Jin and Kuang Lu were reading the inscription in silence, and they read: "I am a wise and virtuous person in the Holy Dynasty. I have a noble Taoist tradition, like Yao and Shun. I am dedicated to the world and benefit the poor people. I have made many people from all over the world suffer from hunger and cold."

"I can't help but sigh.

"Commander, now that Nu'ergan City is down, we should inherit the legacy of our forefathers and quickly attack the surrounding guards," Kuang Lu said loudly.

"Kuang Fuyuan's words make sense. I will attack and plunder tomorrow, appease the surrounding barbarians, and let the Ming Dynasty's sun and moon flag be planted again in Nu'ergandusi," Ruan Jin responded with enthusiasm.

The next day, Ruan Jin ordered Tanbu, Yuerduo, Ruan Jun, Ma Siwen, Fulehe and Shenliu to divide their troops and attack each guard. Those who were willing to submit to each tribe were organized into households and the people were unified. Those who were unwilling to submit were attacked and destroyed. They were captured successively.

More than ten guards including Yejihewei, Yemuhewei, Handahewei, Tatingwei, Manjingwei and Fuduohewei attacked and destroyed more than ten tribes that did not obey orders, and conquered Xibo, Daur, Ewenki and Oroqen.

, Hezhe, Qiler, Feyaka and other more than 30 tribes controlled more than 100,000 people around Nurgan City.

Ruan Jin used his power to force various tribes and recruited more than a thousand soldiers. He ordered Ma Siwen to lead 2,000 left-behind slaves to attack various places, and to lead 5,000 soldiers and horses to conquer the west.

They also captured Yimu River Guard, Duo'erbi River Guard, and Gelin Guard, and slowly approached Gulu River Guard. They left troops stationed along the way. When they reached Gulu River, the total strength dropped to more than 4,000 people.

"Commander, the Rakshasa ghosts are fighting fiercely with the puppet Qing Ang Bangzhang Jingshar Huda on the banks of the Gulu River", the scout came to report.

Rogachev's 1,600 Russian troops have been fighting against Sarkhuda's 2,800 bannermen plus 2,000 young men of various ethnic groups for half a month. The veteran Sarkhuda had the upper hand, but he deliberately blocked the way

The Gulu River only defended but did not attack, which exhausted the Russian army.

Rogachev attacked several times and lost dozens of boats and more than a hundred soldiers, but he could never cross the Gulu River.

Ruan Jin laughed loudly after hearing this, "When the Rakshasa ghosts and the Qing army are fighting, God is really helping me to make the Ming Dynasty! I will give them a mantis to catch the cicada, with the oriole behind."

More than four thousand Ming troops sneaked into the mountains and forests beside the Gulu River and hid.


"These days, I have only defended but not attacked. Rakshasa ghosts have killed and injured more than a hundred people, and their morale has dropped. The time has come to defeat them. Tonight, I will take you and others across the Gulu River from the lower reaches and go around to the enemy.

Village, sneak attack on Rakshasa ghosts. Do you dare to fight?"

The veteran general Sarhuda glanced at the generals majestically, and all the generals were refreshed by his glance.

"The final general is willing to fight to the death with the commander!"

On April 1, the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Guangwu of the Ming Dynasty, the Battle of the Gulu River began. After crossing the river from the lower reaches, Sarhuda secretly surrounded the Rakshasa camp and launched an attack in the early morning.

"Enemy attack!"

As soon as the Rakshasa sentry called out, he was shot down from the wooden building.


Qing troops poured into the Rakshasa camp from all directions.

"Quick, gather, fire!"

Rogachev tried his best to organize people to resist, but was unable to resist. He planned to break out, but found that he was already surrounded and could not break out at all.

The Cossacks who were in desperate situation burst into ferocity, shouting "Ula", holding scimitars, battle axes and maces and fighting with the Qing army's waist knives and tiger guns.

Fighting from early morning to noon, the Qing army annihilated 1,300 Rakshasa people, including their commander Rogachev, at the cost of thousands of casualties.

"Is this Dogachev's head?"

Salhuda looked at the bloody head in front of him and asked.

"Exactly, Marshal, this guy has a scar on his face, it's unmistakable."

"Hahaha, I'll report the victory for my commander".

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Sarhuda was feeling happy when suddenly everyone shouted that there was a killing spree.

"What's going on? Where did the killing sound come from?"

"Commander, the Ming Army, the Ming Army is coming!"

"Ming Army? How could there be Ming Army in Gulu River?"

Salhuda felt dizzy for a while, but he had been on the battlefield for a long time and quickly calmed down, "Hurry up and follow me to fight out!"

The Eight Banners soldiers mounted their horses one after another, preparing to break out.

It was too late. The Ming army had been recuperating for a long time, and the Qing army was exhausted from long battles. They were killed in a fight and were in a hurry.

Generals Ruan Jin, Tan Bu, Yue Erduo, Ruan Jun, Fulehe and Shen Liu became more courageous as they fought.

By the afternoon of the battle, all the guards around Sarhuda were dead. He was alone and covered in wounds, but he was still fighting hard.

"Sharhuda, give back my sixth brother's life." Fu Lehe held a big knife and slashed away.

"Mr. Zhen Guo, don't forget your surname is Aixinjueluo." Sharhuda laughed. He was scarred and exhausted from the long battle, and was beheaded by Fulehe.

The flower of the famous general who repeatedly defeated the Russians withered on the banks of the Gulu River. The Ming army annihilated nearly 3,000 Qing troops at the cost of losing a thousand people.

After the war, some prisoners of the Qing army sadly sang the Eight Banners folk song: "Octagonal drum, dong dong dong! Get on the big horse and run towards the west. My love food (the name of Manchu women for their husbands) is going to run towards the west and hit Luo."

Sha, go to war. Defeat Rakshasa and go home quickly. Eight flags, new colors, go home quickly??"


When Qing Mele Zhangjing Bahai heard that his father had died in the war, his eyes were full of sorrow. He asked Ao Bai for help while flying on horseback. At the same time, he recalled the Jiala Zhangjing Haita and Nigali who were encircling Ghentmur in Nerchinsk and defended Ninggu.


Ruan Jin took advantage of the situation and captured Khabarovsk (Xishenwei) and controlled the middle and lower reaches of Heilongjiang.

However, he lost thousands of people in the Gulu River and was unable to continue to expand, so he turned to managing the newly occupied areas.

Fortunately, when the nearby tribes heard that the Ming army had killed Sharhuda, they did not dare to become enemies of the Ming army and surrendered one after another. Ruan Jin took the opportunity to recruit 3,000 tribal soldiers.

The Ming and Qing sides faced off at Huerhaiwei in the north of Ninggu Pagoda.

This chapter has been completed!
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