Chapter 492 Shaanxi (2)

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 In Dingjun Mountain, Fan Youxian and Li Dingguo walked side by side, hunting.

I saw a bird flying in the air, spreading its wings, what a bird! The feathers are white and white, with a long willow leaf-shaped crest on the back pillow, and the bare forehead to cheeks are bright red.

"Whoosh", Fan Youxian shot down the bird with one arrow.

"The general is good at archery," Li Dingguo praised.

If Zhu Hengjia had been there, he would have exclaimed: "Crested Ibis"! It was a first-class protected animal in later generations. During the Ming Dynasty, it was extremely numerous, but it was just an ordinary bird.

"Haha, Hongyuan, what do you think of the Northern Expedition to Nanzheng?" Fan Youxian put away his pride and asked.

"General, I want to cross the river from Longgang."

"Why is this?"

Fan Youxian was surprised. There are four ferries in the middle section of the Han River: Shangshui Ferry, Xiashui Ferry, Laogu Ferry, and Longgang Ferry. Only Longgang Ferry has the fastest flow.

"General, the current in Longgangdu area is turbulent, which is not conducive to crossing the river. Because of this, the Qing army's defense must be weak. Therefore, the final general recommends crossing the river from here."

Fan Youxian thought for a while and praised: "Wonderful! What is imaginary is real, and what is real is imaginary. Hongyuan uses troops and is well versed in the art of war! So he followed Hongyuan and rested for two days. The next day, our army will attack other ferries openly and covertly.

Take Longgang Crossing".


Military meetings are also being held in Nanzheng City, the Governor's Mansion of Gansu and Shaanxi, and Tuhai.

Chen Wanlue, Ma Ning, Qi Sheng, Li Shixun, Jiang Yi, Lai Nu, and all the Tujiang generals gathered together.

"General Qi, General Chen, and General Ma, please tell us how you felt about fighting the Ming army," Tu Hai said gently.

"Government Xian, the Ming army has excellent armor, numerous artillery, battle-tested battle formations, and strict formations. When fighting, they advance when they hear the drums and collect gold, making them the most powerful army in the world." Qi Sheng spoke first.

"Duke Xian, the last general feels that the Ming army has a lot of firearms and equipment in recent years, and the logistics pressure is great, so they can attack their transport team." Ma Ning is a war general, and he can see the weakness of the Ming army at a glance. After the arrows are fired, it can still be

Recycle and continue to use; while the bullets use one round, one less, and are extremely dependent on logistical supplies.

"Yes." Tuhai nodded and smiled approvingly.

After receiving Tu Hai's approval, Ma Ning suddenly felt comfortable. This is the charm of Tu Hai. Although his subordinates were defeated, he did not blame him at all.


"The governor of the Xian Dynasty felt that although the Ming army was strong, it lacked naval forces and could rely on the Han River to defend it," Chen Wanlue said.

Tu Hai nodded again. Meng Qiaofang, the former governor of the three sides, knew people! The generals Chen Wanlue, Ma Ning, Zhang Yong, etc. were all talented generals. It is a pity that he died too early, otherwise the situation in Sichuan and Shaanxi would have been so corrupt!<


"In the past few days, our army has repeatedly lost Qingshi Pass and Dingjun Mountain. I don't blame you all. It's all because of my incompetent command. I have already apologized to the emperor." Tu Hai smiled slightly and took over all the responsibilities.

As soon as these words came out, all the generals were moved. Especially Qi Sheng, Chen Wanlue, and Ma Ning, the three generals who had lost the battle, were even more excited. They suffered a defeat, but the governor took full responsibility. If he hadn't

Isn't it better to be rewarded with death than a pig or a dog? Since ancient times, tolerance can be worth a million soldiers. Tu Hai's few gentle words actually mobilized the morale of his subordinates.

"Thank you very much, Governor Xian, for your kindness. I will fight to the death to serve the country." There was a cry in the courtroom.

"Okay! I commend you for your bravery! Following the command of the governor, Qi Sheng, Jiang Yi, and Li Shixun guarded the Shangshui Ferry, Xiashui Ferry, and Laogu Ferry respectively; Ma Ning, Lai Nui, and Tujiang ambush at the Longgang Ferry, and Chen Wanlue stood guard

Longgang Crossing, once the Ming army crosses the river, they will be defeated but not victorious, luring the Ming army into an ambush."


The generals habitually shouted "嗻" and then looked at each other.

Chen Wanlue asked curiously: "Duke Xian, this Longgang ferry is the most dangerous among the four major crossings. Why do you think the Ming army will cross the river from here?"

Tu Hai said: "These days, I have carefully studied the tactics used by Fan Youxian and Li Dingguo. I found that these two people, especially Li Dingguo, are good at using tricks and like to win by surprise. This Longgang crossing is very dangerous, and ordinary generals will not choose it.

We landed at this place, but we expected that Li Dingguo would come from here, so we ambush him."

"Governor Xian, what will happen if the Ming army doesn't cross the river from here?"

Tu Hai smiled and said, "Soldiers are unpredictable. Seven points are planning and three points are luck. If I make a mistake in judgment, I will bear the consequences myself and I will never implicate you."


The Han River, known as Mianshui in ancient times, is the longest tributary of the Yangtze River. It originates from Panzhong Mountain in Shaanxi Province. Together with the Yangtze River, Huaihe River and Yellow River, it is collectively known as the "Jianghuai River".

It is almost summer, with vast expanse of blue waves, surging rapids, egrets leisurely, fish playing, and rows of reeds swaying in the wind.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As the forts on the shore fired their cannons, the Battle of the Han River began.

Ming generals Peng Mingyang, Chen Bao, and Hou Yongxi each led 5,000 troops and crossed the river from Shangshui Crossing, Lower Water Crossing, and Laogu Crossing. They fought vigorously, but they were all false shots.

Fan Youxian and Li Dingguo gathered more than 40,000 elite troops on the other side of Longgang Crossing. This is the killing move. Four generals, Hu Guozhu, Wu Guogui, Xia Guoxiang and Wang Pingfan, were the first batch of troops to cross the river.

"Come here, serve wine to the four generals," Fan Youxian shouted, and the guards poured a full bowl of wine for each of the four generals.

"The Longgang crossing is very dangerous, so I won't say much else. I wish all generals come back alive!"

"Thank you, Marshal!"

The four drank it all in one gulp and led their troops to board the boat. The river was so fast that from time to time small boats were washed downstream.

When Chen Wanlue, the commander-in-chief of Lintao in the Qing Dynasty, saw the number of ships, he knew that they were the main force of the Ming army. He couldn't help but admire Tuhai very much. The military governor and military commander were unpredictable!

"Fire", he gave the general order, and suddenly the cannons were thundering. However, the Qing army's artillery was mostly small cannons with a short range, and the river water weakened the power of the artillery shells. The sound was loud, but the damage was limited.


The gunmen and archers of the Qing army began to shoot.

"Stand up the shield!"

The long card player of the Ming army put up his long shield, and the paddler rowed desperately to the other side.

"Kill", Wang Pingfan was the first to get ashore, with murderous intent on his face, and he cut down a Qing soldier with the first blow.


The shouts of killing reached the sky, and all Ming armies rushed to board the place.

Well, it's almost done, Chen Wanlue thought to himself, shouted "Retreat", and his five thousand men ran back.

The landing was successful. Hu Guozhu, the pioneer of the Ming Dynasty, was overjoyed and ordered a pursuit.

Wu Guogui rushed to the horse and said, "Brother Hu, instead of chasing after the enemy, it is better to hold the beach and support the follow-up troops to cross the river."

"Alas! Dear brother, you and I are surrendered generals. How can we establish ourselves if we don't make many military exploits?" Hu Guozhu heaved a sigh of relief.

After Wu Guogui heard this, he stopped trying to persuade him and led his troops to pursue and fight fiercely.

"Urge the flying generals to chase the arrogant captives, don't send the horses back on the battlefield." All the generals wanted to compete for credit, and unknowingly entered the Qing army's ambush circle.

Tuhai led Ma Ning, Lai Nu, and Tujiang generals with 20,000 troops and horses have been waiting for a long time.

"Attack", he issued the military order.

Lai An asked: "Duke Xian, the Ming army just landed ten thousand people, why don't we wait for them to get more people over before attacking?"

Tu Hai smiled and said, "The Ming army is stronger than our army. If they cross too many, they may not be able to swallow them. It is better to eat these ten thousand people first."

This chapter has been completed!
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