Chapter 516 Zhili (3)

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 In the Qianqing Palace in Beijing, Emperor Shunzhi had a deep conversation with Empress Dowager Zhaosheng, mother and son.

"Your Majesty, it's been a long time since we, mother and son, have been so close to each other." Empress Dowager Zhaosheng sighed leisurely.

"Emperor Eni, my son is unfilial and failed to manage the country established by his ancestors. The world is in such chaos, which makes you worry." Emperor Shunzhi looked full of pain.

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to talk about this. The Ming army is approaching the border. You have to make an idea!"

"I~, I don't have a good plan," Emperor Shunzhi blushed.

Empress Dowager Zhaosheng suddenly smiled calmly, "Your Majesty, do you remember what Taizu said during the Battle of Sarhu, 'You come in several ways, but I only go one way'? Why not concentrate our forces and fight together?" ”

"Emperor Eni, do you mean to gather all the troops and attack the puppet emperor first?"

"Exactly. Since ancient times, a snake cannot survive without a head. Among the four Ming armies, the Puppet Emperor's army is the most powerful. As long as this army is defeated, the rest of the Ming army will be frightened. Now the Puppet Emperor is so arrogant that he dares to go north to Zhili alone and divide his troops to besiege him. Jinan has only 90,000 soldiers and horses, so we can just concentrate our forces to attack it."

Emperor Shunzhi's eyes lit up at first, then dimmed, "But Emperor Eni, how can Zhili still have troops to mobilize at this time?"

"Your Majesty, you should transfer Ao Bai and others back from Liaodong; recruit the banners of the Mongolian alliances in Monan; recruit all the bannermen of the Manchu, Mongolian and Han banners who are over fourteen years old and under fifty-five years old into the army; All the green battalion soldiers and horses are also concentrated in Beijing."

"Emperor Eni, if you want to transfer Ao Bai back, who will be entrusted with garrisoning Liaodong? Besides, the journey is far away, is it still too late?"

"The minister of political affairs is determined to be strong, and he is a first-class public friend. He is brave and resourceful, and he will be able to defend the ancestral land of Liaodong. He ordered Obai and the Mongolian tribes to gallop day and night. Although the journey is long, they can be reached in a moment."

"What Emperor Eni said is very good, I will do it all."

"It takes time to recruit troops and horses, and the emperor should also send envoys to negotiate peace with the puppet emperor to buy time."

"Peace talks?"

When Emperor Shunzhi heard the word "peace talks", he jumped up in anger, "Last time I sent people to have peace talks with the pseudo-emperor, the pseudo-emperor actually wrote a piece of paper saying, 'If you surrender early, you can become a son of a rich family' to humiliate me. I don't want to ask for it myself." Its a disgrace.

"Your Majesty," Empress Dowager Zhaosheng shouted sharply, "In the past, when Taizu was poor, he was also a slave of Li Cheng, the general of the Ming Dynasty. For the sake of the Qing Dynasty, a little humiliation, what does it matter?"

"Emperor Eni, I was wrong. I immediately ordered Maleji and Hu Zhaolong to negotiate peace with the pseudo-emperor." Seeing the anger of Empress Dowager Zhaosheng, Emperor Shunzhi hurriedly changed his tune.

"Well, Your Majesty, tell Malji and Hu Zhaolong that as long as the Ming army can postpone their attack, you can agree to any conditions."


The recruitment of bannermen of the Eight Banners went very smoothly. When the Qing Dynasty reached this point, the princes, beile, beizi, and princes of the Eight Banners sacrificed their own sons and slaves and quickly organized them from the Manchu, Mongolian, and Han Eight Banners. We have 40,000 soldiers and horses, ranging from young boys to old men with white hair and beards.

The return of Aobai went smoothly. When Aobai heard that the capital was in danger, he left Yi Bilong and Pengchun with 20,000 troops to guard his hometown outside the pass. He led Gushan Ezhen Mulima, Bahana, Li Sizhong and Ang Bangzhang.

Jingye Shuke, imperial guards Wohe, Yisang'a, Melezhang Jingzu Zehong and other generals, with thirty-five thousand eight banners, one man and two horses, galloped day and night. It took only more than a month to return to Beijing.

The mobilization of Monan Mongolian tribes was extremely unsuccessful. The Qing court suffered repeated defeats, and the attitude of the tribes that had always been submissive changed subtly. The six banners of the Ordos tribe did not send out any troops; the mother-in-law of the Empress Dowager Zhaosheng was the most powerful.

In the Horqin tribe, Wu Keshan only sent his son Biertahar with a thousand soldiers and horses to show off.

Each sent one or two thousand soldiers and horses to put an end to the problem. The other in-laws, the Kalaqin tribe, were more loyal and sent out five thousand cavalry. The sixteen Monan Mongolian tribes and the forty-nine alliance banners only managed to gather 20,000 troops and horses.

Emperor Shunzhi had no choice but to transfer Shanhaiguan general Yi Yonggui, Baoding general Lu Guonan, Hejian deputy general Zhang Hongmo's 25,000 troops to the north of Lvying, and return them to Aobai control; he also ordered deputy generals Chen Yuan and Zhang Enda in eastern Shanxi

, led a 20,000 green battalion from Lu'an and Zezhou to counterattack Zhangde and Weihui to contain the Ming army.

Ao Bai had reorganized his 120,000 troops and was about to leave Beijing for a decisive battle with the Ming army in Baoding. Suddenly he reported to the Minister of Political Affairs, Parsheli Soni, for an audience.

This Sony was a veteran official of the Two Yellow Banners, and he was older than himself in terms of qualifications. Back then, Dorgon was so powerful that the veterans of the Two Yellow Banners either died or rebelled. Only Sony and he were consistently loyal to Emperor Shunzhi and could be considered close comrades-in-arms.

They were very close. The two of them shared the joys and sorrows together, and were tortured by Dorgon together, almost to death.

He hurriedly welcomed him out. When he saw Sony, he smiled heartily and said: "Brother Sony, why are you here? You have battle wounds on your body. Come in quickly and avoid the cold wind."

As soon as Sony saw Ao Bai, he gave him a hug. This is a ceremony used by Manchu men to see off when they go out to serve as officials, have something to do, or join the army. Peers hug each other to show their respect.

After giving the hug, he bowed deeply, which shocked Obai, "Brother, how can this happen?"

Sony said seriously: "My dear brother, the destiny of the Qing Dynasty depends on you. Please accept my worship." He pointed at the two young men in their twenties behind him and said, "These are my two dogs, karma

Bula, ask for the Etu, and give it to your worthy brother to serve the Qing Dynasty.


"Recalling the Qin Moth·Climbing the City of Handan to Reminisce about the Past"

Who shoots the hunt, raises the sword and leaps on the horse to collect the Danque.

Collect the alchemy palace, look up to the sky and roar, and the sound of drums will stop.

The phase is as fierce as the Handan moon, and the integrity is still in Hu Chen Jue.

Hu Chenjue, toast to celebrate together, sleepless night.

After capturing Handan, at the celebration banquet, Zhu Hengjia recited this poem and shamelessly compared himself to the famous Warring States general Lian Po. The ministers were all very sensible, and no one dared to ask him whether Lian Po was old and could still eat?

I was so happy that suddenly someone asked to see me, and there were two groups of people when they came.

The first group was the representatives of the eight imperial merchants in Shanxi of the Qing Dynasty. Fan Sanba sent his son Fan Yuqi to flatter Emperor Guangwu again. This time, these eight merchants spent a lot of money and paid a total of three million taels of silver.


Zhu Hengjia sneered. He was a smiling tiger who could eat people without spitting out their bones. Although he was determined to conquer Shanxi and raid the homes of these eight unscrupulous merchants, he still ordered with a smile to invite Fan Yuqi to dinner.

At the banquet, Fan Yuqi tried his best to greet him, and Emperor Guangwu pretended to be happy, with a warmth that could melt ice and snow.

Fan Yuqi suddenly left the table, knelt down and begged: "Common people are brave, please ask the Holy One to grant imperial treasures to my eight families."

Zhu Hengjia understood as soon as he heard this, this was not a word of begging, he clearly wanted to ask me for a talisman!

The old and cunning man rolled his eyes, ordered to get a pen and paper, and wrote four characters: "Eight Imperial Merchants".

Fan Yuqi was overjoyed. In his view, this represented Emperor Guangwu's recognition of the status of his eight families in the business world. Our eight families were imperial merchants in the Qing Dynasty, and they were still imperial merchants in the Ming Dynasty.

Little did they know, when he left the table after dinner, Zhu Hengjia wrote four more words: "If you judge the crime, you should be punished." This made Mr. Ma Huanxi, who was waiting on the side, look frightened.

This chapter has been completed!
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