Chapter 580: Officialdom (3)

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After a meal, Fan Yuqi signed a big business deal and got half of the salt from Changlu Salt Farm. After the banquet, Fan Yuqi was inexplicably grateful and kept thanking Chen Zengyu. This time, he was really grateful and his eyes were red.


"Brother is so kind and kind, I will never forget it!"

Chen Zengyu was puzzled, "Brother, given Rufan's family background, Changlu Saltworks is not the main business, so why do you attach so much importance to it?"

"Alas! It's hard to put it into words! To be honest, brother, my Jiexiu Fan family is no longer what it used to be!"

Fan Yuqi complained to Chen Zengyu about why his qualification to sell copper coins in Japan was revoked, the Lianghuai salt industry had no harvest, the border army's rations were owned by others, Liaodong ginseng was no longer a monopoly, etc.

Thousands of words are condensed into one sentence: There is no one in the court, so don’t do big business. The old Fan family is no longer in glory.


Chen Zengyu was so happy that he laughed: "Since my dear brother is in such a difficult situation, why didn't you come to Brother Yu earlier? Brother Yu is not talented, but he still has some connections in the officialdom. Apart from anything else, Hu Zhigong, the governor of Xuanda, is Brother Yu's uncle. Please invite him

Help, declare the military rations for the border army, and leave it to the Rufan family to prepare, why not?"

He did not lie. The newly appointed Governor of Xuanda, Hu Zhigong, was originally an aide to his father, Chen Bangchuan. After Chen Bangchuan committed suicide, he and Chen Zengyu demoted Zhu Hengjia. Seeing that Hu Zhigong was a talented person, Zhu Hengjia entrusted him with important tasks and gradually rose to the high position of governor.

Fan Yuqi was overjoyed when he heard this, "Oh, if this happens, I will never forget my brother's virtues in this life! Please write a letter to my brother, and I will immediately go to Hu Duxian to clear the relationship."

Chen Zengyu pursed his lips and smiled: "There is no need to repair the book, Hu Duxian is far away in the horizon, but right in front of you."

It turned out that after Hu Zhigong took office, he saw that the Yanghe Acropolis of Datong Prefecture was in ruins and wanted to rebuild the city. Unexpectedly, the treasury of the Imperial Palace was empty, so he came to Beijing and asked his nephew Chen Zengyu to borrow some money.

Fan Yuqi invites you to dinner again.

In the Ming Dynasty, nothing could be done without entertaining guests and giving gifts. The people here were all from a well-connected family.

But this time I didn't invite him to Wuling Tower. Liu Yan was a layman, and he loved wine. Hu Ji danced, and the soul of Yuanwailang was hooked away. Hu Duxian was not the same, he was famous for his elegance.

As a scholar, I have never liked vulgar food such as beauties singing and dancing. I prefer quiet places the most.

There is a lot of knowledge involved in treating guests to a meal, and they must cater to the guests' tastes.

Fan Yuqi learned about Hu Zhigong's hobbies from Chen Zengyu, and immediately decided to host the guests in Mingxiang Pavilion.

This is a teahouse, the most high-end kind. There are no beauties singing and dancing, and there is no big fish or meat. There are only some side dishes with wine and tea. However, the side dishes are well cooked, delicious and delicious, and the tea is also first-class. The most rare thing is: tea soup

Well, top-quality tea leaves are brewed with boiling water by top-level tea doctors using the "drinking method" to get the true taste of tea.

When Hu Zhigong came to the private room, he saw Chen Zengyu waiting for him, and there was a young man in rich clothes standing next to him. He was a little surprised, but still smiled politely. As a first-class official, he has his own magnanimity, and his smile made Fan Yuqi feel like he was breathing spring breeze.


"My nephew, who is this?"

"Uncle Shi, this is my nephew's close friend, Fan Yuqi, the fifth son of the Jiexiu Fan family."

"Jiexiu Fan family?"

Hu Zhigong was shocked. Although he didn't know that Emperor Guangwu had already recorded the old Fan family in a small book, he knew that His Majesty the Emperor was busy liquidating the Manchu dignitaries and traitors who had surrendered to the Qing Dynasty.

, this wind keeps blowing.

This Jiexiu Fan family is the head of the eight great imperial merchants of the Qing Dynasty. He is closely colluded with the Manchu nobles, and he may be blamed for their family one day. It is better to have less dealings with such people.

Governor Hu was a high-ranking official, and Pi Liyangqiu was used to it. He had an idea in his mind, but his face didn't show any trace of it. He chatted and laughed with the two of them. He was just worried about his old friend's son. He deliberately gave Chen Zengyu a few words, but after hearing what he said,

He was called a close friend, and he and Fan Yuqi were talking and laughing, so intimate that it was hard to say anything more, except to sigh secretly.

This elegant room is very elegantly decorated. There are no tables or chairs, but only three tea tables. On the tables are placed four plates of side dishes, four plates of refreshments, a charcoal stove copper kettle and white porcelain tureen.

The three of them were sitting on their knees, smelling the aroma of tea.

Before each case, there is a tea doctor wearing a white shirt and looking like a fairy to serve.

Suddenly, the water boiled, and boiling steam came out of the shiny copper kettle. The tea doctor skillfully arranged the white porcelain covered bowl, lifted the kettle and poured tea into the bowl from a height of more than a foot, without dripping or splashing. Warming the kettle,

The procedures of filling the tea, moistening the tea, brewing, pouring the pot, warming the bowl, transporting the pot, pouring the tea, serving the tea, etc. are all done smoothly and smoothly.

"Respect the guest and use it with caution!"

After making the tea, the three tea doctors bowed and exited.

Hu Zhigong picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, then closed his eyes slightly and savored it slowly.

After a long while, he let out a long breath, with an expression of indescribable satisfaction. Then he pinched a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, put it in his mouth, smacked it, and praised: "It melts in your mouth, the best in the world!"

Suddenly he saw Chen Zengyu and Fan Yuqi still sitting solemnly, and said with a smile: "My nephew and Mr. Fan will also try it. The tea is a fairy soup, accompanied by side dishes and cakes, it is really the joy of life!"

In ancient times, when literati drank tea, they often made tea orders, or pointed to an object as a title, and told a story; or talked about something, pointed out what was recorded in a certain book, and the winner drank first. When drinking tea,

The cheers and joy were very lively. However, this was only limited to the common people. Among the three, Hu Zhigong was the elder and had a high official position. They would not dare to drink without him drinking first.

As soon as Hu Zhigong spoke, the two of them relaxed and started drinking tea and eating.

Then they chatted, and the two tried their best to introduce the big business of border army rations. Unexpectedly, Governor Hu was cunning and cunning, and his Tai Chi skills made him beautiful. He always changed the topic, making it impossible for the two to start talking.<


Fan Yuqi became anxious, and his youthful arrogance suddenly emerged. He simply took out a two hundred thousand tael banknote and handed it to Hu Zhigong's case, "This is my little thought, please accept it with pleasure."


Hu Zhigong's face darkened, and he snorted coldly, "Young Master Fan has become a traitor. I have always been as honest as water, how can you ruin my reputation?"

The so-called incorruptibility is bullshit. When he was the governor of Yunnan, this man, together with Annanbo Yang Wu, took away how much money the Ruan family and the Zheng family received. The reason why he refused to accept it at this time was because he was afraid of the old Fan family.

This money is just hot to the touch.

"Governor Xian, I just admire your character and have no other intentions. Please don't refuse," Fan Yuqi explained hurriedly.

"Yes, Uncle Shi, Brother Fan Xian has good intentions. If you refuse, you will be betrayed." Chen Zengyu also helped.

When Hu Zhigong saw this gesture, he thought, "If you don't accept it, it will hurt your nephew's face." If you accept it, this money is a hot potato.

He had been a high official for many years and was good at handling conflicts. Suddenly he beamed with joy and said: "I am planning to rebuild the Yanghe Acropolis, but the treasury is empty. It is rare that Mr. Fan is so generous. Now I have the money to build the city. Don't worry, Mr. Ben.

The governor will send you a receipt with all the necessary procedures, and he will also report it to the court to express his righteousness in donating silver to repair the city."

When Fan Yuqi heard this, he grimaced and said to himself: This money is for your personal use. It would be better for you to use it for official business. How can I open my mouth to make a request to you?

Fortunately, high officials always abide by the rules when doing things. After Hu Zhigong accepted the banknote, he stopped talking in circles and said directly: "Young Master has donated so much money to the country. If you have any ideas, please speak up. As long as I can do it, I will not refuse."


Fan Yuqi immediately became happy and said, "I am not very talented, so I am willing to take on the task of transporting food for the border army."

Hu Zhigong stroked his beard and thought to himself: This matter is easy, but I can't agree immediately. I have to wait for a while to find out what the court's attitude towards the old Fan family is before deciding.

Hehe said with a smile: "Jiexiu Fan wants to transport grain for the imperial court, and I will definitely support it. But this year, the company name for transporting grain has been decided. Let's do this, next year, if conditions permit, I will definitely hand over this business to Fan.

How about it?"

He was an old fox. He neither said yes nor said no, but said he would agree next year. If next year, the old Fan family is still in peace, it means that the imperial court does not want to pursue the old Fan family, so there is no harm in honoring the promise.
"Thank you, Du Xian!"

"Thank you, Uncle Shi!"

When the two heard that Hu Zhigong had promised to hand over this big business to the old Fan family next year, they thanked him repeatedly. You can't rush the business. If you can't do it this year, you can do it next year. The key is to get close to the big tree of Governor Xuanda, and there will be many benefits later.


Two hundred thousand taels, just bought a hope for next year, seems a bit expensive.

This chapter has been completed!
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