Chapter 585: Officialdom (8)

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 Tang Zhen said to Guan Shouzhen: "Guan Gong, this opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back. Why don't you use Chen Zengyu as a breakthrough to involve Mr. Sun Ge?"

Guan Shouzhen frowned: "Sun Thief's holy family is extremely prosperous, I may not be able to move him based on this matter!"

Among the Long officials, Sun Jinding had the best relationship with the emperor. When Sun Jinding committed a crime and was exiled to Guilin, everyone hated him. Only Jingjiang King Zhu Hengjia regarded him as a treasure and treated him like Liu Xuande treated Zhuge Kongming. He also

He regarded himself as Zhuge Kongming and came up with many bad ideas for Zhu Hengjia. Later, when the Qing army captured Nanjing and Emperor Hongguang was captured, King Jingjiang wanted to plot rebellion, so he was the first to consult him. He shouted, "There is a king's spirit on Duxiu Peak, today we should

"On His Highness," he jumped up and down, connected with the rebellious party, and made great contributions to Zhu Hengjia's usurpation of the throne.

Although Guan Shouzhen is also a minister of Conglong, Shengjuan is still a little inferior to Sun Jinding, and he doesn't understand Emperor Guangwu as well as Sun Jinding.

After Zhu Hengjia captured Jiujiang, he saw a strange stone green and jagged place. He sighed deeply and did not think about food or tea. All the ministers were puzzled, but Sun Jinding said: "I have been on the war for a long time, and I miss Shi Fei. Please ask for an order to return to the army."

Changsha, make Changsha the capital, and move the harem, civil and military affairs to Changsha." Everyone listened to his words and asked for the order, and Long Yan was very happy as expected.

When offering sacrifices to the Xiaoling Mausoleum, officials and soldiers stood around and wore yellow robes. However, Zhu Hengjia stayed in front of the Forbidden Covenant Monument and refused to go back. None of the ministers understood what Emperor Guangwu was thinking, but Sun Jinding said: "Your Majesty is

Because there are no people to persuade people to come in, they are unwilling to leave." The ministers suddenly realized that they were busy trying to persuade some people to come in. Sure enough, when the people who persuaded people to come in came, Zhu Hengjia returned to the capital happily.

Another time, Emperor Guangwu and Sun Jinding were whispering, and no one else could understand what they were saying, but they were the only ones chatting happily.

With all these things, how can Guan Shouzhen not be afraid of Sun Jinding? If you can't kill a snake, you will be bitten by it. The struggle for power at the highest level of the feudal dynasty has always been life and death. What matters is sealing the throat with a sword. If the opponent cannot be killed, let the opponent slow down.

When things get better, I am afraid that I will be the next one to suffer.

Guan Shouzhen was not sure of overthrowing Sun Jinding in one fell swoop, so he was very hesitant.

Tang Zhen smiled and said, "According to the wishes of my subordinates, Guan Gong cannot act rashly, but he must not move. We might as well spread the story of Chen Zengyu's collusion with the Fan family. One way, Sunge Lao will be confused; the other way,

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade."

Guan Shouzhen thought for a moment and secretly exclaimed, "Chen Zengyu is Sun Jinding's son-in-law. He colluded with the Jiexiu Fan family. It is easy for people to think that Sun Jinding ordered it. If this matter spreads, Sun Jinding will be in chaos."

Once there is chaos, it is easy to make mistakes, and once mistakes are made, the opportunity to take action will come. In addition, Sun Jinding has more than just his political opponents. He Wuzuo, the great scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, has always not shamed Sun Jinding as a person, and he also wanted to take the position of secondary assistant.

.If it reaches his ears, he will definitely take action. I just use him to test Sun Jinding's status in the emperor's heart.

Although I admire it in my heart, I cannot personally do the work of spreading rumors because it will not sound good if it is spread out.

Guan Shouzhen said sternly: "How can I spread rumors if I am the chief minister? Don't mention this matter."

Tang Zhen slandered: If the chief assistant can't do it, then it means that we subordinates will do it!

He smiled and said: "Guan Gong is unwilling to do anything about this matter, but there are so many people talking, and there are so many people talking in the world, how can we stop them? I estimate that it won't be long before this matter will be known to everyone."


Hearing that Sun Jinding's son-in-law Chen Zengyu had colluded with the traitor Fan family, He Wuzuo, a scholar of Wenyuange, could not sit still and summoned his confidant Wang Jiezhi, the censor of the left deputy capital, for discussion.

Wang Jiezhi was no ordinary person. He was the number one scholar in Zhu Hengjia's first imperial examination. Although he was from Hengyang, Huguang, he came from the famous Wang family in Taiyuan. Starting from his great-grandfather Wang Yong, he was a great Confucian. His three brothers, Wang Jiezhi, Wang Shenzhi and Wang Fuzhi, all had

Cai Ming, working as an official in the Ming Dynasty.

"Shizi, what do you think about this matter?"

He Wuzou excitedly asked Wang Jiezhi that he was sixty-eight years old this year. He was a concubine during the Wanli period and a famous Confucian scholar. He had a very good relationship with the three Wang brothers who also came from a famous family.

He came from a famous family, so he naturally looked down upon Sun Jinding who was born in the grassroots; Sun Jinding also had a reputation for corruption, which made him even more shameless as he thought he was innocent; most importantly, he was ten years older than Sun Jinding and more famous than Sun Jinding.

Although he is high in the cabinet ranking, he is the grandson. This is something that my grandfather can tolerate but my grandmother cannot tolerate!

"Master Ge, in my opinion, Sun's son-in-law and his son-in-law are all greedy and rebellious villains. This matter is probably true. I will immediately revise the book and give it to my third brother, so that he can act according to the opportunity."

The third brother refers to Wang Fuzhi, the governor of Baoding.

Although the governor of Baoding and the governor of Shuntian both belong to the Northern Zhili region, their status is incomparable to that of the governor of Shuntian. Wang Fuzhi has always been suppressed by Chen Zengyu, so he is naturally unconvinced.

After receiving the letter from his eldest brother, Wang Euzhi shouted: "The opportunity has come." He wrote quickly and wrote a memorial to impeach Chen Zengyu.


"The governor of Baoding, Wang Fuzhi, would like to report that in order to impeach the governor of Shuntian, Chen Zengyu conspired with the profiteer Fan and committed illegal activities:

The day before yesterday, His Majesty issued an order to investigate and deal with the eight major profiteers in Shanyou. Everyone clapped their hands and applauded them. They forgot their loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, and defended Huayi for the sake of money. They were servile and honest, lost materials to prisoners, and sold out our military sentiments. They exhausted all the bamboo in Nanshan.

, it is difficult to write about its evil. No human being would not want to eat the flesh of another person.

However, people like Chen Zengyu, who came after the sinner Chen Bangchuan, are embarrassed, cruel and cunning. Your Majesty is open to all rivers, and it is great to tolerate him. He was exempted from the death penalty and promoted into the army. He should be grateful for the divine grace and abide by the integrity of his ministers. Instead, he secretly committed adultery and was debauched.

Shameless, ungrateful, that's all!

He became close friends with Fan Yuqi, the fifth son of the Fan family, and treated him like brothers. He accepted bribes from him and opened his eyes for him. He once lived with a profiteer in the Qinhuai River, took famous prostitutes as concubines, and easily made millions of dollars. Jewelry, gold and silver, antiques and rare treasures, and land.

The large house was donated by profiteers. He also ordered Liu Yan, a member of the salt department's promotion branch, to obtain salt from the Changlu Salt Field for profiteers.

Woohoo! The benefits of salt and iron belong to the country and cannot be used by non-loyal people. How can there be any reason to use traitors and profiteers? When the people of Zhili heard about it, they were all indignant.

The universe is bright, the sun and the moon are shining, and the reincarnation of heaven will have its own reward. His Majesty Fu Wei has ordered a department to thoroughly investigate the case and investigate the traitors in order to comply with the will of the people. It is the right time to clarify the laws of the country and rectify people's hearts. I am eagerly looking forward to it.

To this end, I would like to report this to you personally.


Wang Fuzhi's memorial is "The sword dance in Xiangzhuang is aimed at Pei Gong." On the surface, the impeachment was only Chen Zengyu, the governor of Shuntian, but in fact the target of the impeachment was Chen Zengyu's old Taishan: Sun Jinding.

Unexpectedly, after this sparring, Emperor Guangwu remained silent, like a stone sinking into the sea, quietly and without any movement.

He Wuzou and the Wang brothers were furious and geared up to prepare a second memorial.

Guan Shouzhen, who was secretly observing, took a breath. He didn't expect Sun Jinding's holy family to be so prosperous! The holy king didn't even want to punish his son-in-law. Fortunately, I didn't take action first!

Once the political struggle begins, it cannot be stopped. In the Ming Dynasty, the storm is about to come.

This chapter has been completed!
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