Chapter 62 Provocation

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 Winter is coming soon, and Pochi, the king of Champa, looks at the palace door anxiously with his heart as cold as ice. He is waiting, waiting for him.

The person you were waiting for finally arrived. Master Wuyapo, who was dressed in a brief robe, had kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and had an immortal air and bones, walked into the hall.

"Master Wayaji, how are things going? Are the Sultanate of Johor and the Sultanate of Aceh willing to send troops?"

The Sultanate of Johor is located near Malacca in Malaysia, and the Sultanate of Aceh is located in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. These two Christian countries are natural allies of the Champa State.

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, King Po A of Champa sent troops to Malacca to support the Sultanate of Johor in its fight against the invasion of Portuguese colonists. The Sultanate of Johor also often sent troops to help Champa fight against the Nguyen clan of Annam.

As for the Aceh Sultanate, it is even closer. It was founded by the descendants of the former king of Champa City.

In the second year of Hong De in the Li Dynasty after Annam (1471), Li Shengzong personally led an army to attack Champa and killed Panluo Chaquan, the king of Champa. One of Panluo Chaquan's sons, Siyapa Ulin, led his troops to flee to northern Sumatra. Aceh, established the Sultanate of Aceh; another son of Panluo Chaquan, Siya Indra Behrman, fled to the Sultanate of Malacca (the predecessor of the Sultanate of Johor) in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula.

Wugajili saluted: "By God! The Sultan of Johor agreed to send 10,000 troops, and the Sultan of Aceh also agreed to send 5,000 troops to help us resist the Nguyen clan in Annan."

Allah is above? If Zhu Hengjia were here, his jaw would definitely drop. Don’t you believe in Brahmanism and Buddhism? Why do you keep saying "Allah is above"?

It’s a long story.

The Champa State uses Malay and is greatly influenced by the countries on the Malay Peninsula.

After the tenth century, Christianity was introduced to Asia and expanded rapidly, which had a huge impact on Brahmanism and other Asian native religions. By the fourteenth century, even India, the stronghold of Brahmanism, became the world of Christianity. India's Christian merchants further promoted the spread of Catholicism in Southeast Asia. In the 15th century, a very powerful Christian country, the Malacca Sultanate (called the Malacca Kingdom in Ming history), emerged in the Malacca region of Malaysia.

In this context, the king of Champa, who originally believed in Brahmanism, decided to convert to Brahmanism. This is a common problem for monarchs in small countries. Whoever has greater power will believe in him.

The problem is that the people in Champa don’t want to do it!

Brahmanism has been spread in the Champa Kingdom for thousands of years. If your king says he wants to convert to Christianity, then he will convert to Christianity? Does the king still want to do this?

When the King of Champa saw that the opposition was too loud, he was frightened. He quickly said that there is freedom of political belief, and everyone can believe in whatever religion they want. I believe in mine, you believe in yours, and we will not interfere with each other.

Good guy! As soon as political beliefs were freed, a magical comprehensive religion appeared in the Champa Kingdom: Bani religion.

This religion is only found in Champa State, it is the only one with no other semicolon.

Bani religion has vast supernatural powers and is all-encompassing. It not only believes in the goddesses of Brahmanism, such as the goddess Tianyi, the goddess of earth Yangbanaga, etc. (At that time, the Champa country was still in a matriarchal society, although it also believed in the Brahmanical gods Vishnu and Shiva. and other male gods, but mainly believes in Brahmanic goddesses); they also believe in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad of Christianity; they also believe in the heroes and martyrs of their ancestors.

Bani religion, to put it bluntly, is a kind of Christian religion with a strong color of Brahmanism.

Although the Bani Cham also pray to Mecca and write Arabic calligraphy, no one can read it.

They can drink alcohol, but they do not understand the Koran and the etiquette and taboos of Christianity, so they cannot strictly abide by the orthodox teachings and teachings of Christianity.

Most people do not understand Christian scriptures, do not recite the "Wish Sutra", and do not care about the gatherings every Friday. They only celebrate "Eid al-Fitr" and celebrate the "Lamuwang Festival" with its own characteristics.

Unlike other countries, which call their rulers Sultan, they maintain the tradition and call themselves King of Champa.

The titles of clergy are also different from the imams and imams of Christianity. They are divided into four levels: monk, koti, mam, and master. The master is the highest level. He not only guides the rituals of the Boni Temple, but also organizes folk prayers. ,sacrifice.

Wu Yapi is a master of the Pani religion in Champa. He has the conscience of heaven and earth! When he went to meet Zhu Hengjia in the Ming Dynasty, he called himself Master Wu Yapi. He was genuine and did not mean to deceive at all!

Hearing the good news brought by Wuyaji, King Pochi of Champa could not help but murmur to himself: "God bless you!"

There was no way, the Annan Ruan family put too much pressure on him.

Not long ago, the Nguyen Lord Nguyen Phuc Lan sent his son Nguyen Phuc Bin to lead troops to attack the Gia Lai tribe; he also showed his fangs to the Monon, Ma and La tribes on the border of Ruanzhan; Hua Yingying and Nan Phan Kingdom had already been ruled by Ruan His puppet.

The Champa Kingdom has reached a very dangerous moment.

Lord Ruan also sent an envoy to Poqi, asking Champa to cede Gudaluo to the Ruan family. Where is Gudaluo? It was one of the two capitals in Champa, just like Beijing and Nanjing in the Ming Dynasty. Ruan Fulan wanted to Let me occupy the city!

While Po Chi was preparing to fight, he asked for reinforcements from everywhere. He replied to Ruan Fulan: "If you want our land, you can exchange it with your blood!"


Ancient Daluo is a coastal city, blocked by high mountains on the land, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The best way is to come from the sea.

Soon, the ancient Daluo naval battle began.

The sea breeze is strong, the ancient Daluo sea area is full of sail shadows, and I don’t know how many ships have come.

In the navy of Ruan's family in the north, there are five strange-looking clippers, three two-masted schooners with a load of about 150 tons, and two multi-masted schooners with a load of 500 tons, which are particularly conspicuous.

This is the Portuguese warship that Lord Ruan paid a huge sum of money for.

It is said to be a warship, but it is actually a merchant ship organized by the Annan Chamber of Commerce in Portugal. It is equipped with cannons and becomes a warship.

Compared with the hundreds of warships of the Nguyen Navy, these five Portuguese warships are not only larger, but also faster. They are arrayed majestically next to the Nguyen Navy.

With a "boom", the three-thousand-pound Hongyi cannon on the multi-masted sailing ship began to test the cannon.

Looking at the arrogance of the Portuguese, Ruan Fuming, the commander-in-chief of the Ruan fleet, spat bitterly: "Bah! These Francois are getting more and more arrogant!"

In order to use the power of the Portuguese to fight against the Annan Zheng family and the Dutch, the Annan Nguyen family allowed the Portuguese to trade and preach.

A large number of Annamites began to embrace Christianity, which made Nguyen Phuc Lan feel that his dominance was threatened. A few months ago, he ordered the expulsion of the Christian Church, but allowed the Portuguese to continue trading.

The number of ships on the Champa side is slightly more than that of the Nguyen family, but the ships are smaller. They are composed of the Johor Navy, Champa Navy, Aceh Navy and two thousand pirates sent by Zhu Hengjia. The main force of the four-nation coalition is the Sultanate of Johor The commander of the 10,000-strong navy was naturally the Sultan of Johor’s general, Siya Beidman.

The reason why Pochi made the Johor general his commander-in-chief was because two years ago, the navy of the Johor Sultanate and the Dutch severely damaged the Portuguese fleet in Malacca and became famous in the Malay Peninsula.

There is a blood feud between Johor and the Portuguese colonists.

In 1528, the Portuguese colonists destroyed the once-powerful Malacca Sultanate (called the Malacca Kingdom in Ming history, and its territory in its heyday covered southern Thailand to southwestern Sumatra). The descendants of the Malacca dynasty established the Johor Sultanate in the Johor area. Johor and the Portuguese hate the subjugation of their country.

What is supposed to come will eventually come, and the screams of cannonballs have kicked off the naval battle.

Ruan Phu Ming ordered the faster bird boats to attack first, trying to disrupt the formation of the Champa Navy, and then devoted the main force to annihilate the Champa Navy in one fell swoop.

The experienced General Siya Beidman immediately mobilized the warships of the Johor Navy to attack them. After a round of artillery fire, the ships of the Nguyen Army burst into flames. The Johor Navy, who was good at gang-hopping tactics, moved closer, and the two sides suddenly fell into a cruel battle. In hand-to-hand combat.

Siya Beideman's strategy is very obvious, which is to first eat Ruan Phu Ming's first batch of bird ships, and then engage in a decisive battle with his main force.

Seeing that his own bird ship had affected the formation of the Champa fleet, Ruan Phuc Ming ordered the entire army to attack.

Siya Beideman raised the command flag, and the warships from Champa, Aceh, and Ming Dynasty lined up horizontally to block Ruan Phuc Minh's main force.

One of the four pirates, Ming Dynasty Hepu Navy garrison Xu Guixiang led his eighty ships and ravaged the Ruan navy with artillery, rockets, and firecrackers.

Suddenly there were several loud roars and the Portuguese cannon opened fire.

A huge cannonball overturned a Ming army boat.

"These bastards of Franco," Xu Guixiang spat and ordered the fireship to attack.

This is an old tactic of the Ming army. In the naval battle of Liaoluo Bay, Zheng Zhilong used this tactic to deal with the Dutch.

Five Ming munitions ships rushed towards a ketch. The Portuguese artillery shells were very dense, and one fireship after another was sunk. Finally, one ship rushed in front of the ketch. With the wind, the sharp points on the fireship were The cone penetrated deeply into the hull of the schooner. The Ming army sailors set the mother ship on fire and took the sub-ship back to the main formation.

Soon, Siya Beideman ate the Nguyen Army's bird ship and killed the main force of the Nguyen Army. The four-nation coalition took the advantage.

However, Poseidon and the four-nation coalition made a big joke. The wind direction changed, from southwest to northeast, which became beneficial to the Ruan army.

The remaining four Portuguese schooners took full advantage of their speed and cannon fire, and set fire to the Champa warships one after another. The experienced Portuguese sailors concentrated their fire on the Champa navy's sails, severely damaging one ship and then immediately turned around. The next ship will hand over the task of sinking the enemy ship to the Ruan navy.

The Gudaluo naval battle lasted for a long time. In the end, the coalition forces of the Ruan family and the Portuguese won. The four-nation coalition was defeated. General Siya Beideman was shot and killed. The Ming army Xu Guixiang also lost 300 people and 20 ships. Boat.

"Ask for help from the Ming Dynasty quickly!" Pochi, the king of Champa, roared hoarsely.


"God bless, no, Amitabha!"

The envoy sent by the Champa Kingdom to the Ming Dynasty for help, Master Wuyaji, came to Zhu Hengjia again.

To save or not to save?

As a time traveler, Zhu Hengjia knew that in a few months, the troops of King Sanshun of the Qing Dynasty would attack Hunan, and the Qing army Li Chengdong's troops would also attack Guangdong. He was about to face a war in two directions. It was not appropriate to start a war again at this moment. .

But there is the Annan Zheng family in the south who is eyeing him. In the battle of Xialangzhou in Annan, he attacked the Zheng Lord Zheng Jie secretly. Most people would have been stunned by such an unexpected attack, but this Zheng Jie was really amazing. He dared to let the elephant soldiers counterattack him, and even though he was defeated, he was not in chaos. After the war, he captured 30 well-made Western Yi artillery pieces from the Zheng army. They had always colluded with the red-haired Yi people. When Zheng Yigu fought against the Qing army, Zheng Jie was there Stab in the back. What to do?

Originally, I wanted to provoke the Annan Ruan clan to attack the Annan Zheng clan and let them kill each other, so that my rear would be safe.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Fulan disobeyed the command. Instead of attacking the Zheng family of Annan, he instead started to attack the Ming Dynasty's ally Champaign State. He really should be taught a lesson.

Will this battle be fought or not?

It is Zhu Hengjia's old habit to approach Zheng Feng when he has any questions.

"Zheng Qing, should I send troops to attack the Ruan family in Annan?"

"In supervising the country, it is best to let the Zheng family and the Ruan family attack each other, while I, the Ming Dynasty, watch the battle!"

"Gu Ye knew that this was the best, and he also sent people to ask the Ruan family to attack the Zheng family, but the Ruan family didn't listen!"

Zheng Feng smiled: "Jianguo, why do you have to ask the Ruan family to attack the Zheng family? Why don't you ask the Zheng family to attack the Ruan family?"

Zhu Hengjia’s eyes lit up, yes!

The basic national policy of the Ming Dynasty towards Annan has always been to support the weak and suppress the strong. The Zheng family is strong and the Ruan family is weak. Therefore, I have always subconsciously regarded the Ruan family as an ally and the Zheng family as an enemy. This kind of thinking has affected my own thinking. The ability to provoke. Since he wants them to fight each other, all he needs to do is fight, who does he choose as his ally?

The world changed with his thinking. Zhu Hengjia sent an envoy to ask the Zheng family of Annan to attack the Ruan family of Annan.


I heard that the envoys of the Ming Dynasty asked him to attack Ruan. The king of the Qing capital of the Annan Li Dynasty and the head of the Zheng family, Zheng Jie, called his son Zheng Zha to his side.

Zheng Zhi is sixty-nine this year, and his energy is not as good as before. Sooner or later, the country belongs to his son, and he wants to cultivate his son before he dies.

"What do you think of the Ming Dynasty asking me to attack the Ruan family?"

Zheng Zha said angrily: "The people of the Ming Dynasty have always been treacherous. They attacked our army last time and took away our three mansions of Lang Son, Xin'an and Hongji. My father must not agree to them."

"Zhao'er, you are the heir, how can you deal with national affairs emotionally?" Zheng Zhi asked his son, "Which one is stronger, the Ming Kingdom or the Wu'an Nan Kingdom?"

"Naturally, the Ming Dynasty was strong and Annan was weak."

Zheng Zhi glared and said, "What will happen if a weak country doesn't listen to a strong country? Have you ever thought about what we would do if we reject the Ming Kingdom and the Ming Kingdom asks the Ruan family to attack us?"

"This!" Zheng Zhu lowered his head, "I don't think well."

Zheng Jie softened his tone: "My son, please remember that the secret of using the weak to resist the strong is just one word: wait! When the Ming Dynasty declines, it will be our time to take revenge!"

Zheng Zha nodded vigorously: "I remember it!"

Zheng Jing laughed loudly: "Although three mansions were ceded to the Ming Kingdom last time, we took five mansions from the Nanzhang Kingdom. This time, the Ming Kingdom people want us Annan people to kill each other. It's just a fake show. If you really want to do it, destroy the Ruan family first. Then turn around and wait until the Qing army arrives, then join forces with the Qing Dynasty to attack the Ming Dynasty."


Hearing that the Zheng family in Annan had sent troops to attack the Ruan family, Zhu Hengjia was completely relieved about the security of the southern border.

He ordered Guilin Staff General Feng Anping to lead 4,000 infantry, and Xing'an Water Camp Commander Sima Xuansheng to lead 3,000 sailors to help capture the city. Feng Anping was the main general.

Before leaving, Zhu Hengjia wrote a poem to Feng Anping:

"The general marched south with great courage, with a sword of wild goose feathers in the autumn water across his waist. The wind blew the drums, the mountains and rivers moved, and the lightning flags were high in the sun and the moon. There are unicorns in the sky, how can the ants in the holes escape. On the day when peace awaits the return of the imperial edict, I and Mr.

Take off your shirt."

Zhu Hengjia asked Feng Anping: "Does Feng Qing know who wrote this poem?"

"I don't know."

Zhu Hengjia looked at Feng Anping and said affectionately: "This is a poem written by Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty to General Mao Bowen. When Emperor Jiajing ordered Mao Bowen to conquer Annan, he wrote this poem before leaving. I hope you can

Mao Bowen became an orphan!"

After hearing this, Feng Anping was so excited that tears filled his eyes: "I will definitely live up to the high expectations of the supervising country and promote the prestige of the Ming Dynasty throughout the world!"

This chapter has been completed!
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