Chapter 628: Killing Friends

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 Yulbars Khan's envoy went to Lhasa and met with Hu Zhigong, the governor of Qinghai-Tibet in the Ming Dynasty, and expressed his willingness to offer Dorji's head as long as the Ming Dynasty was willing to help Yarkand fight against Junggar.

Hu Zhigong was overjoyed, not only because he could complete the task assigned by the emperor and eradicate the deputy Khan Dorji of Heshuote; more importantly, he saw a good opportunity, a good opportunity to control the northern and southern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains.

Governor Hu has always believed that after defeating the Kashote Khanate and acquiring Qinghai-Tibet, the greatest threat to the Ming Dynasty in the northwest is the Junggar tribe in the west of Moxi. The Junggar tribe Huitai Jisengge is powerful in pacifying the people internally and fending off ministers externally.

Moxi is really a hero and a big threat.

Since Urebals wanted to use the power of the Ming Dynasty to deal with the Junggar tribe, why didn’t the Ming Dynasty in turn use the Yarkand Khanate as a knife to deal with the Junggar tribe?

Thinking of this, Governor Hu changed his previous style of being stingy, being mean-spirited, paying lip service but not delivering on the facts. He ordered a hundred tiger squatting cannons and a thousand fire guns to be sent to the Yarkand Khanate.

Two thousand pieces of cotton armor, three thousand spears, one thousand waist knives, and several other weapons.

After receiving Hu Zhigong's promise and this batch of weapons and equipment, Ulibars Khan became more courageous. At the same time, he ordered his subordinates to secretly prepare for war and prepare to deal with the 10,000 Dzungar troops who stayed in Yarkant and refused to leave.

, I will peel off your skin." At the same time, he sent an order to Hami King Muhanmatixia, asking him to execute Dorji and offer his head to His Majesty the Ming Dynasty Emperor Guangwu.


Hami King Muhammetisha and the deputy khan of the Heshuote Department and the right-wing commander Dorji are old friends.

At that time, Dorji was the deputy khan of the Heshuote tribe. He commanded the right wing of Qinghai and also led the left wing. He was in a high position and powerful in the Western Regions. Seeing his great power, Muhanmatixia was willing to flatter him and was careful to flatter him. The two met.

I am very happy, and I am a close friend.

Later, when Dorji was defeated, the first place he thought of to escape was Hami.

In fact, he could have fled to Ili, where his cousin Ertu Khan, who was also a member of the Heshuote tribe, lived. But Yili was too far away from Qinghai, and Dorji's former tribesmen were all in Qinghai. He was reluctant to give up his previous power and refused to

Too far from Qinghai.

After escaping to Hami, Dorji did not want to be an idle nobleman, so he secretly sent people to Qinghai to recruit old troops, but he also recruited more than 500 defeated soldiers.

When there were many people, he had to eat and pay, and when he was short of money, he asked his old friend Muhanmaitixia for help. Muhanmaitixia gradually became impatient, not because he was reluctant to part with the money, but because he was worried that Dorji would become too powerful.

Later, they provoked the Ming army in Qinghai and brought disaster to Hami; or they turned against the foreigners and took away their own foundation. Throughout the ages, there are countless such examples.

Gradually, Muhamai Tisha provided less and less help to Dorji. The arrogant Dorji inevitably complained. As a local leader in Hami, he had many eyes and ears, and these complaints soon spread to Muhamai.

Tixia's ears are very angry. I control what you eat and what you drink, but you are not satisfied. You really don't know what is good and what is good!

The old friend became a big trouble, and the Hui King of Hami (because Xinjiang was called the Hui tribe in ancient times, so although he was a Uyghur, he was called the Hui King) became murderous.

Although Muhammetisha wanted to kill Dorji, he could not. Hami belonged to the Yarkand Khanate and also belonged to the Baishan faction. Now the new khan of the Yarkand Khanate, Ulibars of the Baishan faction, is

The Khan who ascended the throne relying on the force of the Heshuote Tribe and the Junggar Tribe naturally gave preferential treatment to Dorji, the deputy Khan of the Heshuote Tribe. Without the permission of Ulibars Khan, Muhammetisha did not dare to kill Dorji.


Ulibars Khan's secret order came: Kill Dorji and offer his head to the Ming Emperor.


Muhanmetixia laughed loudly, "Dorji, Dorji, let you go wild in my territory, and you will learn my methods in a while!"

Power is the thing that confuses people's minds the most. In the beginning, this person was just a tribal leader in Hami, a small local snake, with Prince Ulibals on top, and Babai Khan suppressed him, so he could not stir up strong winds or stir up giants.

Lang. But when Babai Khan was killed by Prince Ulibars, Prince Ulibals went to Shache City to proclaim himself Khan, and he became the most powerful person in Hami. He installed party members and controlled military and political power. Hami was worthy of its name.


"Father, do you plan to take action against Dorji?" Ebedulla, the son of Muhammetisha, asked in a heart-to-heart relationship between father and son.

"Yes, the Great Khan ordered me to get rid of this man and offer his head to the Ming Emperor. I have endured this for a long time, so I will cut off his head tonight and send a horse to Lhasa."

Although Ebedulla is young, only in his twenties, he is intelligent and resourceful. After thinking about it, he said: "Father, I think that instead of dedicating your head to Lhasa, it would be better for you to dedicate your head to Xi'an."

This statement confused Muhanmaitixia, "What do you mean by my son's words?"

"My father, the Governor of Qinghai and Tibet, Hu Zhigong, is always treacherous and often dishonest in his words. However, Yang Qiaoran, the Governor of Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan, is a humble gentleman. I think it is better to go to Hu Zhigong than to go to Yang Qiaoran. In addition, Yarkand is close to Qinghai and Tibet, so the great

Khan wanted to defect to Hu Zhigong, but since Hami is close to Gansu, I thought he should defect to Yang Qiaoran."

A word woke up the man in the dream, and Muhanmaitisha suddenly realized it and praised: "My son has really grown up, and I am very happy as a father!"


Grape wine luminous cup,

If you want to drink Pipa, urge me immediately.

Lord Don’t laugh while lying drunk on the battlefield,

How many people have fought in ancient times?

There was a lot of fun in the Hami palace. Hami King Muhanmatixia invited Heshuote Deputy Khan Dorji to the Hongmen Banquet.

The light music sounded, the singer began to sing, and pairs of young Uyghur men and women danced "Sainaim" to the melody. The singers did not dance and the dancers did not sing.

The men's dance postures are vigorous and powerful, while the women's dance postures are graceful and stretched. They raise their eyebrows and move their eyes, shake their heads and move their necks, clap their hands and snap their fingers, which has a unique flavor.

This "Sainaim", also known as "Sairamu", was originally a dance of the Sailan people. A hundred years ago, the Sailan people moved to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains from places such as "Kangguole" and "Anguole" in Uzbekistan.

This is a nation that is good at singing and dancing. It is famous for its "Huxuan Dance" and "Zhezhi Dance" in history. Thanks to them, this "Sainaim" came into being.

Dorji stared at the dancer's slender waist and swallowed. He smiled and said to Muhanmatisha: "I have heard for a long time that Hami produces beauties. You are so lucky!"

Huh, this ignorant thing dares to take my beauty when he is about to die!

Muhanmatixia was angry in her heart, but she said boldly: "They are just a few dancers. If you like them, just take them back with you."

This was meant as a courtesy, but unexpectedly Dorji did not refuse, picked a good-looking guy, and called him over to drink with him.

Muhammetisha laughed loudly, "The long right wing is really a precious sword! Come and try this Khotanese wine."

French Bordeaux wine was very famous in later generations. In the Tianshan area, many places at the same latitude as Bordeaux are also rich in wine. Khotan wine has a long history and is mellow and sweet.

Dorji served a bowl of muhanmaitixia and suddenly burst into tears, "You are so comfortable, but I have become a lonely wild bird with no branches to rely on. You just called me the right wing leader. Without Qinghai, I will

It’s in vain to be the leader of Heshuote’s right wing.”

Normally, when an old friend is sad, he should comfort him with a few words. But Muhanmatixia did not comfort him. Instead, he sneered: "Since you have no branches to rely on, why don't you return to the embrace of the Immortal Heaven?"

After saying this, he broke the cup as a signal, ambushed the soldiers, and beheaded Dorji. The wooden box containing the head had been prepared, and he was sent to Xi'an at high speed.

This chapter has been completed!
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