Chapter 654 Tianbei (13)

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 "Dulal, how did you come back?" Looking at Dulal returning in embarrassment, Chuhuer Ubashi's eyes were like lightning and he asked coldly.

"Taiji, after the last general was defeated and captured, Galdan released the last general back."

"What! Dural, you surrendered to Galdan? Erqi Ge, please kill this person to serve as a police officer," Hababandi said angrily, pressing the handle of the knife with his hand.

"Yes, Eqige, Dural must have betrayed you, otherwise how could Galdan be willing to let him back?" Luobuzang Elinqin also said doubtfully.

Chuhu'er Ubas looked directly into Dural's eyes and found that his eyes were clear and his expression was calm. He suddenly became angry and scolded his two sons: "You bastards, Dural and Shuoqi are loyal to Bentaiji, Jinshan

If you can't even buy it in Silver Sea, how can Galdan be able to shake it?"

Wen Yan comforted Du Lale and asked him to go back to his tent to rest.

After settling down in Dural, Chuhu'er Ubas took a long breath and said, "Xiao Liuzi is so awesome. He wants to disrupt the morale of our army without fighting!"

"Eqi Ge, Galdan has captured Fuhai City and is approaching Burqin City. What should we do?" Bagabandi, Hababandi, Luobuzang and Elinqin all looked at their old father.<


"Haha, Xiao Liuzi succeeded to the throne in a hurry and is still young. Although his soldiers and horses are many, they are all newly surrendered and lack of training. The reason why he can win many battles is due to his vigor. As long as he has this force

Once the energy is released, it will be easier to deal with."

The wily Chuhu'er Ubas hit the mark. His army had been established for a long time and often fought with the Rakshasa people and other tribes. Its combat effectiveness was actually stronger than Galdan's army, but Galdan used a large number of firearms to

and ferocious attacks make up for the lack of combat effectiveness. As long as the stalemate persists, there is hope for victory.

On February 6, the ninth year of Guangwu in the Ming Dynasty, the Battle of Burqin began.

Galdan and Chuhu'er Ubas each had more than 20,000 troops and fought fiercely in the area of ​​Burqin City.

Galdan's offensive was like a tidal wave, and the fierce artillery fire shook the small city. Chuhu'er Ubas was not moved at all. The city wall collapsed, so they blocked it with sword carts and sandbags. The enemy attacked the city.

So he sent troops to drive them down. He sent war patrol teams at each gate. Anyone who was afraid of fighting would be killed.

The battle lasted for a month, and Galdan's army gradually became tired, and the vigor and vigor that had been victorious in the previous battles gradually disappeared.

"The enemy will be defeated tonight! Bagabandi will go out from the west gate, Hababandi will go out from the east gate, Luobuzang Erlingqin and I, Durale will go out from the south gate, and attack the enemy's stronghold in three ways." Chuhu'er Ubas

Military orders were issued.

Looking around at the generals, he asked: "This battle is a decisive battle. Either victory or death. Do you dare to fight with me?"

Being glanced at by Lao Taiji's sharp eyes, the generals cheered up and shouted: "I am willing to fight to the death with Taiji!"

The night of March 6th was very dark and the wind was very strong. Chuhuer Ubas made a three-pronged attack on Galdan, setting fire to it while attacking. The wind helped the fire, and the fire took advantage of the power of the wind and burned until the night was bright.

The young Galdan underestimated this elderly uncle. This man was not an ordinary old man, but a veteran of the military.

He did not expect that the uncle who was trapped in the city would dare to fight back, and hurriedly organized troops to resist. After two hours of fierce fighting, the fire became more and more intense, and Galdan was unable to hold on, so he was forced to order a retreat. Chuhu'er Ubashi

A subsequent massacre resulted in countless deaths.

After retreating for hundreds of miles, Galdan stabilized his position, counted his troops, and found out that he had lost the veteran Boluo Te, and he was heartbroken.

The morale of the army was lost, so young Huitaiji ordered the withdrawal to Boxeri.

In another time and space, after his defeat, in order to accumulate strength, he did not fight directly with Chuhu'er Ubas. He even gave up the capital Boxeri built by his father and moved his tent to Kara Erchis. He kept a low profile and kept a low profile.

Weakening the enemy bit by bit and strengthening ourselves, it took nearly two years to completely defeat my uncle.

However, his living environment is now more dangerous. The powerful Ming Dynasty has extended its clutches to Junggar. If Chuhuer Ubas cannot be defeated quickly, he will be attacked from both sides!


"Huntaiji, the envoy from the Ming Dynasty has arrived, and he also brought a letter from Master Ngawang Losang Gyatso." When he was worried, his subordinates heard the news of the arrival of the Ming Dynasty envoy.

"Oh, Master's letter?"

Galdan was refreshed. He hadn't heard from his master for a long time, but he missed him very much.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that it is a letter of persuasion to surrender. Every line of the words is full of flattery in praise of Emperor Guangwu of the Ming Dynasty, urging him to surrender as soon as possible and not to block the car for the mantis.

Master, Master, I know that you are in Nanjing, and there are many things that you cannot control yourself. But there is no need to praise Emperor Guangwu so much. What about "the appearance of a dragon and a phoenix, the appearance of the sky, and the ambition is so broad that no one can predict it."

, who doesn’t know that Emperor Guangwu was ugly, with sinister eyebrows and rat eyes, a wide nose and a wide mouth. Humph! Humph!

He snorted several times in succession, and then thought about it. Now that he has been newly defeated, he is about to concentrate his forces against Chuhu'er Ubas. At this time, he must not offend the Ming Dynasty, otherwise he will be attacked from both sides!

Politicians have always been flexible and flexible. After Galdan, who had always acted decisively, saw this letter of surrender, he immediately decided to surrender to the Ming Dynasty and requested a seal of approval:

"The Emperor and Heaven have given orders to control all directions. I respect His Majesty the Ming Emperor and accept orders from Heaven to control all peoples. His blessings will spread widely, the light will be vast, the four seas will be united, and the five barbarians will obey. Although my minister Galdan lives in the desert west, he also

I look up to the Emperor’s restoration rule, and I wish to be a pure son and be loyal to His Majesty from generation to generation. I wish that Heaven’s heart will be filled with blessings, and that Jin Ou will be consolidated.

I am a monk who is indifferent to fame and wealth, and does not care about worldly affairs. However, my brother was killed by a traitor, my old mother was lonely, and everyone in the tribe wept. She was as sad as a lonely tiger with no branches to rely on. I had no choice but to return to the secular life, be supported by everyone, and lead my subordinates. It was not for glory.

Wealthy and noble, we only seek to keep our families safe and live in troubled times. Your Majesty, with his civil and martial arts skills, majestic power, wisdom and broad-mindedness, will surely be able to understand the sufferings of his ministers and forgive their sins.

The teacher's order cannot be violated, and the minister's integrity must not be violated. Ministers who are outsiders also deeply appreciate the emperor's kindness and always want to repay the favor. If he is granted the title of Lord of Junggar, he is willing to tie a grass ring to repay the favor.

Be loyal to what you heard.

Galdan, a talented and resourceful man, submitted his submission to Emperor Guangwu not because he was sincerely subdued, but as a delaying tactic. He hoped that with a surrender, he could hold back the Ming army's front and seize the opportunity before the Ming army entered Junggar, defeat Chuhuer Ubas and consolidate the army.

The tribesmen dominate the desert west.

After finishing the list, he ordered the generals Daibatur, who was stationed in Chali, and Gelongalalbai, Abaha, who was stationed in Turpan, to dispatch troops and horses to Boxeri to prepare to concentrate their forces and fight Chuhuur again.


He is very smart, and Zhu Hengjia is not stupid either. Not only is he not stupid, he is also cunning and vicious.

Seeing Galdan's request for a seal of approval, Emperor Guangwu laughed. He ordered Chen Bangyan and Li Rubi to stop temporarily and not attack the Chuhuer Ubas tribe in Kobdo, so that he could have the strength to fight Galdan.

They killed each other; they also ordered Yang Qiaoran, the governor of the three sides, to immediately send troops to capture Turpan, and Hu Zhigong, the governor of Qinghai and Tibet, sent troops to capture Chaliwei.

After making military arrangements, in order to confuse his political opponents, the great Emperor Guangwu hypocritically sent envoys to Boxeri and named Galdan the King of Junggar County.

This chapter has been completed!
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