Chapter 75 Benevolent Government

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 The Qing Dynasty is the Qing Dynasty of the Eight Banners. If you want to be the emperor, you have to win over the hearts of the Eight Banners.

Prince Dorgon of Heshuorui is a good man. In order to become the emperor, no, for the sake of the Manchu and Han families, he decided to implement "benevolent government".

Dorgon's "benevolent government" won unanimous praise from the soldiers of the Eight Banners. Everyone said: Father and mother are not as good as the regent!

There are six "benevolent policies" in total: enclosure of land, surrender, escape, house occupation, hair shaving, and change of clothes.

One is the "enclosure law".

This one is the best, the children of the Eight Banners like it the most!

After entering the city of Beijing, it is not easy for the banner people! If you have a family and a family, you have to eat, right?

So the regent issued an order to enclose the land three times in total.

Nominally, the "ownerless and wasteland" in the prefectures and counties near Beijing was distributed to the kings, honorable ministers, soldiers, etc. from the east. In fact, it did not distinguish between the owners and the non-owners, and a large number of the land of the Han residents in the Jifu area was occupied.<


The disciples of the Eight Banners rode horses within the specified time, and got as much land as they could run. So it was also called "horse racing enclosure" among the people.

At first, it was mainly in the Kifu area, and slowly expanded to the northern provinces.

The land enclosure order was too powerful! Wherever it passed, the Han people's families were destroyed!

The good man Dorgon, the regent, couldn't stand it anymore. He said that if he robbed other people's land, they should be compensated: "Order the Ministry of Household Affairs to inform the state and county officials that all private land owned by the Manchus should be exchanged for other places."

Everyone should consider the beauty and evil of their land, supply it quickly, and ensure that it is equalized."

Of course, this is just verbal talk. Everyone knows that the Regent and his two white flags are the ones who circle the most, and the Regent has never been seen to take out a copper plate.

The second is the "investment and replenishment method".

"Touchong" means to become a slave under Touchong's banner.

When the Eight Banners men have land, they have to have someone to farm it for them; when the Han people have no land, they still have to eat.

The regent, Da Cai, thought of both sides. In the name of "creating a way for the poor to find food and clothing", he allowed the Han people to join his banner and cultivate the fields as slaves.

In the Qing Dynasty, being a slave to the Manchus was a great honor!

The regent's kindness to the Han people is truly unparalleled!

The third is the "Escape Law".

What! There are Han people who are not willing to be slaves of the Manchus and plow the land for the Manchus?

They ran away. Where to?

The regent ordered that those who escaped once would have their faces tattooed, and those who escaped twice would be punished; those who harbored those who escaped would be punished, and their wives and property would not be lent to the master.

Fourth, "Occupying Order".

When the Eight Banners disciples enter Beijing, they must have a place to live. Otherwise, what will happen if it is windy and rainy?

Don't worry, the regent has already thought about it for us Manchus.

The Han people were driven from the inner city of Beijing to the outer city, and the inner city was allocated to the Eight Banners soldiers.

Don't be confused, let's divide it according to rank: "The first-rank official will be given twenty rooms; the second-rank official will be given fifteen houses; the third-rank official will be given twelve houses; the fourth-rank official will be given ten houses; the fifth-rank official will be given seven houses;

Officials of the sixth and seventh ranks are given four rooms; officials of the eighth rank are given three rooms; Bashiku, Bi Ya La, and Phi Armor are given two rooms."

There is no need to pay rent or decorate, everyone can move in directly with their bags.

I heard that the regent planned to build cities all over Nanjing and other places. What a sage!

Fifth, "Hair Shave Order".

In order to completely realize the Manchu-Han family, the regent issued another order: "Civil and military soldiers and civilians everywhere are ordered to shave their heads, and those who disobey will be dealt with according to military law."

Please note that this will be done under military law!

Keep your hair or not, keep your hair or not. Han people, you have to figure it out for yourself!

Also, you can’t shave your head randomly, you must have a standard.

The Qing Dynasty specially formulated beautiful and elegant hairstyles for you and other Han and Yi ethnic groups. This one style will last forever!

"Money rat tail": shave off all the hair on the sides, leaving only the hair about the size of a penny in the middle. If it is larger than a penny, you will be executed, which is called money; the hair of this penny is braided and drooping, shaped like a rat tail, which is called "money rat tail braid".

Rat Tail.

Sixth, "Easy to obey orders".

"The rat tail of money is the elegant governance of the new dynasty; the elegance of the crown and the belt is the bad rule of the country's actual subjugation."

My head has been shaved, and my clothes naturally have to be changed.

The clothes of our Manchu people are so beautiful! The men’s robes and jackets have horse-hoove sleeves; the women’s straight-leg flag dresses are as beautiful as flowers!

What? You don’t want to change? Humph! Do it with military law!

As soon as these six good governance came out, the people of the Eight Banners clapped their hands and applauded. The regent has simply become a living bodhisattva of the banner people. Some people even privately talked about how great it would be if he could be the emperor of our banner people!


Prince Heshuoli's Mansion, Beijing.

Sixty-four-year-old Aixinjueluo Daishan was lying on the bed, with sparse eyebrows, gray temples, and a bronze face covered with wrinkles like knife carvings.

He was sick, his cheekbones were sunken, and he was weak. But his clear eyes still shone with cold light.

"Master, the two regents are here to see you," Baoyi Aha, who was serving at the side, said respectfully.

"Are they here? Quick, help me get up."

"Master, your dragon body is not in good condition, you'd better lie down!"

Daishan waved his hand: "Quick, help me change my clothes."

In the main hall of the palace, three brothers were chatting cordially and friendly.

The most handsome one, Prince Heshuoyu Aixinjueluo Duduo, is very young, only thirty-three years old. His smooth and fair face reveals an angular and cold look; his deep-black eyes are filled with a charming look.

The color; the thick eyebrows, the high nose, and the beautiful lip shape all convey nobility and elegance.

He is the most handsome, but he is not the protagonist. The protagonist is Aisin Gioro Daishan, and this—Prince He Shuorui Aisin Gioro Dorgon.

Dorgon is thirty-five this year, and he is said to be immortal. But he was seriously injured in the Battle of Songjin (it is said that he cannot have any more children, and it is true that he never had any children after the Battle of Songjin in history), and he is busy with state affairs.

He looks to be in his forties, with pale skin and half-white hair. Under his handsome eyebrows, there is a pair of small, dark eyes, which are unfathomable.

"The two regents are here, and the cold house is really full of splendor!" Daishan welcomed with a smile.

"Oh, second brother, there is no regent in front of you, only your fourteenth and fifteenth brothers." In front of Daishan, Dorgon and Duduo did not dare to entrust Da.

Dorgon asked with concern: "Second brother, I heard that you are sick. My fifteenth brother and I came to see you."

"Haha, it's just a minor illness. Brother 14, brother 15, please take the trouble."

"Second brother, you are still ill, so you should go to bed and rest."

"The illness has not healed yet? Second brother's illness has already recovered. Fourteenth brother, fifteenth brother, are you willing to hunt black bears with second brother next month?"

After leaving Prince Li's Mansion, Dorgon looked gloomy and a little disappointed: "They say this old guy is about to die of illness, how can he still be so energetic? It seems that he can't accept the title of Emperor Father and Regent for the time being!"

Since he defeated Prince Heshuo Zheng Jierhalang, Dorgon's power has become stronger and stronger.

It's so big that his enemies no longer dare to openly oppose him, but use another method: flattery and killing.

Jierhalang was very respectful to Dorgon and wanted to kneel down and lick Dorgon's heels.

He wrote to Emperor Shunzhi, saying that Dorgon's contribution was so great that the title "uncle regent" was not worthy of his contribution, and suggested that he be called "imperial uncle regent" instead.

Don't look at the fact that there is just one more word "emperor", whether there is an emperor or not is not the same concept.

Emperor Shunzhi asked the ministers for their opinions, but no one dared to object. Dorgon was successfully promoted.

Emperor Shunzhi and his mother, the Queen Mother, were very afraid that Dorgon was too powerful.

The little emperor and Dorgon quarreled several times.

After Dorgon became the "imperial uncle and regent", Jierhalang continued to praise him.

He once again went to Shushun to rule the emperor, saying that Dorgon's contribution was greater than that of Tiandu. The title "Emperor's Uncle and Regent" was still not worthy of his contribution, and he suggested that he should be called "Emperor's Father and Regent".

From uncle to father, a qualitative leap.

The little emperor quits. My father is Huang Taiji, not Dorgon.

The Queen Mother advised him, son, let’s just endure it for now, isn’t it just a title, give it to him.

The Holy Mother agreed, but Dorgon did not dare to accept it for the time being.

Because there is another person in the court who makes Dorgon very jealous, even very afraid, Dorgon's second brother Daishan. This person is too vicious, much more vicious than Dorgon.

Three years ago, Prince Heshuoli Daishan shocked Dorgon with the lives of his own children and grandchildren. He made him understand that as long as this person is still alive, he can never even think about proclaiming himself emperor.



Three years ago, Emperor Shunzhi just ascended the throne.

Dorgon did not become the emperor. He was very sad and fell ill. His confidants came to see him, and he said to his confidants: "If I were the king and the emperor was the reserve, why would I have such a disease?"

When Dorgon was most sad, two great nobles gave Dorgon the firmest support.

Of these two, one is Aixinjueluo Shuotuo, the biological son of Prince Li Daishan, Baylor of the Qing Dynasty; the other is Aixinjueluo Adali, the biological grandson of Prince Li Daishan, and the Prince of the Qing Dynasty.<


They support Dorgon because they have endured Huang Taiji's persecution. Mainly because Huang Taiji was worried that Daishan's power would be too great and deliberately suppressed them.

Adali is the eldest son of Daishan's third son, Sahalian. As soon as Sahalian passed away, Huang Taiji harshly criticized his widow.

Shuo Tuo was the second son of Dai Shan, and Huang Taiji demoted him because of a trivial matter. What made him even more angry was that after he defeated Ming and won a great victory, Huang Taiji only rewarded him with a camel and a horse.

The two of them had endured Huang Taiji's persecution, so naturally they didn't like Huang Taiji's son, so they firmly supported Dorgon in becoming emperor.

After Emperor Shunzhi ascended the throne, the two men were still moving around in an attempt to overthrow Fulin and install Dorgon as emperor. They heard that Dorgon was ill and said to Dorgon: "The king is in charge, and I should follow him."


Dorgon was very happy. He thought, these two are the descendants of Daishan. If I can convince Daishan, it is not impossible for me to overthrow Fulin and become emperor.

So Dorgon closed the door and thanked guests on the pretext of recovering from illness while waiting for good news about the two of them.

The two found Dai Shan and said that establishing a young king is not good for the country, so please appoint Dorgon instead.

Although Daishan was punished by Huang Taiji, he played politics and considered issues based on the interests of the family. When establishing a young emperor, the young emperor is weak and must rely on his uncle to fight against Dorgon. His family will naturally prosper;

If Dorgon is powerful, he will not be grateful to him. Instead, he will regard himself as a threat to the imperial power and be detrimental to his family.

Therefore, Dai Shan refused to obey and warned the two of them to stay away from Dorgon and not to hang out with Dorgon all the time.

The two refused to listen and continued to jump up and down, contacting other important figures of the Eight Banners. What was terrible was that when they said they wanted to change the emperor, they did not shy away from it, causing a storm in the city.

Hauge was very happy and finally caught Dorgon's pigtail! He collected the evidence that the two planned to change the emperor and gave it to Daishan: Dorgon is going to rebel, what do you think we should do?

The empress dowagers of Zhonggong (Xiaoduan) and the empress dowager of Notre Dame (Xiaozhuang) also expressed their opinions on behalf of Shan: His uncle, we orphans and widowers see that Fulin’s throne is no longer guaranteed. What do you think we should do about this matter?


What to do? Kill! Lao Daishan became so ruthless that he even threatened the lives of his own son and grandson.

He didn't kill himself, he forced Dorgon to kill.

You two wicked sons and grandsons, don’t you want to make Dorgon the emperor? I’ll let Dorgon kill you two, and let’s see who dares to help Dorgon plot rebellion in the future!

Daishan forced Dorgon's confidant, Grand Scholar Ganglin, to arrest the two men and escort them to Dorgon's place.

Just like playing chess, Dorgon was killed in one fell swoop.

If Dorgon did not kill Shuotuo and Adali, it would have confirmed that he still had the idea of ​​proclaiming himself emperor. Then he would be the target of public criticism and would undoubtedly die. Therefore, he had no choice but to kill them to prove that he had no ambitions.

The interrogation was accelerated, and the results were soon revealed. Adali and Shuotuo were sentenced to death for "disrupting state affairs" and charged with treason. That night, the two of them were beheaded. Not only that, Adali's mother and Shuotuo's wife,

They were also strangled to death.

Prince Heshuoli Daishan shocked Prince Dorgon of Heshuorui with his son, grandson, second daughter-in-law, and four lives.

After this incident happened, Dorgon kept his tail between his legs for a long time.

Lao Daishan is not sick, is still in good health, and can still hunt bears.

Dorgon decided not to accept the title of "Emperor's Father and Regent" for the time being, but to continue to be "Emperor's Uncle and Regent" honestly.

This chapter has been completed!
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