Chapter 818 The Emperor’s Grandson (3)

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 "Your Highness, this servant congratulates you, it's a boy." Crown Prince Zhu Ruoji was waiting anxiously in Duanben Hall, and Tao Renren burst in with a happy face.

"Old slave congratulates Your Highness on the birth of a son." Ma sitting nearby happily congratulated Zhu Ruoji.

"Oh, I'm glad, I'm glad! I'm sorry for you, Mr. Ma." Zhu Ruoji hurriedly thanked Ma Huanxi and winked at the chamberlain, who secretly stuffed a banknote into Ma Huanxi's sleeve.

Ma Huanxi smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits, "Our family must quickly report the good news to Grandpa Long Live, so we won't disturb His Highness."

"Well done, father-in-law!"

As soon as he left, Zhu Ruoji shouted happily, "Everyone in the East Palace is rich today, and the imperial doctor, Wen Po, and palace officials who delivered babies will be rewarded heavily!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the East Palace was happy.

"Your Highness, Minister Tang is here." He was happy when the guards came to report that Tang Zhen, the right minister of the Ministry of Revenue, asked to see him.

"Oh, Master Tang is here, please come quickly!"

"I would like to express my congratulations to Your Highness," Tang Zhen said as soon as she saw Zhu Ruodeng.

"Oh, I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly. Master Tang knew about it as soon as the baby was born."

"Haha, as the crown prince, His Highness's every move attracts the attention of thousands of people. Not only the lower officials, I'm afraid all the officials in the capital are aware of it by now."

Zhu Ruoji seemed to have realized something, "I have asked Eunuch Ma to report the good news to my father. This good news must be informed to my father and mother immediately."

"Is that all you did?"

"I also rewarded Eunuch Ma who was sent by my father."

"Well, Your Highness has become more and more sophisticated in the ways of the world. Is there anything else?" Tang Zhen smiled.

"What else?"

Zhu Ruoji was stunned and said with a smile: "Master Tang, please give me some advice."

"His Royal Highness should immediately go to the Supreme Being and ask His Majesty to name the emperor's grandson."

"Yes, if you ask your father to give you a name, you will definitely win his favor." Zhu Ruoji slapped his thigh, "Isolation means superiority."

"Your Highness should also invite the Empress, the Empress, and the ministers in the court who are inclined to you, to urge the Holy One to immediately confer the title of Imperial Grandson on the Imperial Grandson."

There is only one word difference between "emperor's grandson" and "emperor's grandson", but they are actually very different. Huangsun refers to all the emperor's grandsons, which does not represent their position, but only their status; while emperor's grandson refers to the eldest son of the crown prince.

Representing the third generation of heirs to the royal family, like the crown prince, there is only one grandson of the crown prince in the country.

According to the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty, the eldest son of the crown prince is the grandson of the emperor, and the second son and concubine are all crowned princes at the age of ten. In other words, the eldest son of the crown prince can be canonized as the grandson of the emperor when he is born. But since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, officially

Only Zhu Yunwen, the grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of Zhu Di, were announced to the world to be canonized as the grandson of the emperor. Looking at the whole story, the battle for the crown prince was extremely fierce. The canonization of the grandson of the emperor was tantamount to clarifying the heirs of the two generations of the empire. In addition to

Emperors like Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di insisted on the inheritance system of eldest son. Most emperors were hesitant and hesitant when deciding on the candidate for the crown prince. How could they be willing to canonize the crown prince again?

Then again, once the crown prince, the crown prince, his father and his son are canonized, it means that the crown prince's position as heir apparent is extremely stable and will be difficult to shake.

After listening to Tang Zhen's words, Zhu Ruoji suddenly realized, "Oh, Master Tang is really a lonely Zhuge Kongming! He started this matter in isolation!"


In the Kunning Palace, Zhu Hengjia and Queen Shi were anxiously waiting for the news. Ma Huanxi trotted in and ran in, "Old slave, long live grandpa, the Queen Mother congratulated her. The Crown Princess was born at three o'clock in the morning."

I gave birth to a prince. God bless the Ming Dynasty, and the country will last forever!"

"Imperial grandson!"

When he heard that it was the emperor's grandson, Zhu Hengjia was so happy that he called his ancestors for blessings. His old eyes actually filled with tears and he said to Queen Shi: "Queen, look, I have a grandson!"

"I have long said that your majesty will be blessed with great blessings, and all your wishes will come true." Queen Shi couldn't help but wipe her tears.

"Okay, this is a happy event, so don't shed tears." Zhu Hengjia hurriedly persuaded Queen Shi.

Suddenly I heard another whimpering sound, and it turned out to be the horse crying happily. I couldn't help but glared at him angrily, "My companion, I just finished persuading the queen, are you crying again?"

"When the old slave saw that Long Live Grandpa had a grandson, he was so happy that he burst into tears for some reason," Ma Huanxi said with red eyes.

"Don't cry, it's a big happy event today, no one is allowed to cry." Zhu Hengjia pretended to be angry, but he was really moved in his heart. After all, he is an old man who has been with me for decades and is loyal!

"My dear friend, how many times have I told you that you are the pawprint of the Supervisor of Ceremonies. In the future, you should not call yourself an old slave in front of me, just call yourself a minister. In my heart, I have never regarded you as a slave." He

Said with emotion.

"I thank Grandpa Long Live for your love, but I've gotten used to it over the years and can't change my words. Besides, being your slave is a blessing I've earned over several lifetimes." Ma Huanxi smiled with a mean smile.

Seeing his despicable appearance, a generation of great emperors could not do anything. In all China, there are many people who willingly fall in love with being slaves. If you don't let them become slaves, they will follow you. Not only the Ming Dynasty,

There have been such sycophants in all dynasties!

His interruption made the atmosphere in Kunning Palace lively.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has a memorial." A chief of etiquette came in holding a memorial. This was actually what Ma Huanxi ordered. Today, the emperor's grandson was born in the East Palace. All memorials from the East Palace will be delivered immediately.

Having been in charge of the inner court for many years, he has his own merits. Just like the roundworm in the belly of Emperor Guangwu, the old emperor knows exactly what he thinks and likes.

Zhu Hengjia opened his son's memorial, and the more he read it, the happier he became, and he actually laughed out loud.

Queen Shi asked strangely: "Your Majesty, what did Ji'er write that makes you so happy?"

Zhu Hengjia handed the memorial to her, "Queen, Ji'er's memorial said that the emperor's grandson looks like me, very strong, weighing five kilograms (596.8 grams per kilogram in the Ming Dynasty) and nine taels. He also asked me to give him

The emperor and grandson should give a name. Well, we need to think carefully about this and find a louder one."

In fact, there is nothing to ponder. Taizu and his elders have already decided their seniority.

The old man came from a grassroots background and had little education. However, in order to show that he was educated, he put a lot of thought into naming his descendants. After enfeoffing the queens, he left a seniority list for each vassal king, and a poem for each family.

, a total of twenty crosses, which can be passed down to twenty generations.

The poem left to the lineage of the King of Jingjiang is: "In praise of the rules of the Prime Minister, and in running the country, if you follow a pure line, you will be famous far away." Zhu Hengjia is the generation with the character "Heng", Zhu Ruoji is the generation with the character "Ruo", Zhu Ruo

Ji's son naturally has to be of the "Yi" generation.

He also stipulated that names must be in the order of the five elements of "metal, wood, water, fire and earth". The other vassal kings all abide by it, except King Jingjiang, who is the descendant of Taizu's eldest brother Zhu Xinglong, who did not follow the order.

Five elements naming. The name of the first Jingjiang King Zhu Shouqian did not include the radicals "gold, wood, water, fire, and earth", and the second Jingjiang King Zhu Zanyi did not include it either??

Therefore, Zhu Hengjia named his sons casually. The eldest son Zhu Ruoji was named "wood", but the second son Zhu Ruodeng and Zhu Ruofeng were not among the five elements.

However, today is different from the past. I have ascended the throne as the emperor and am the heir to Taizu's career. From today on, I will name my descendants according to the five elements!

Thinking of this, Zhu Hengjia named the emperor's eldest grandson: Zhu Yixuan.

This chapter has been completed!
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