Chapter 858: Visit to the Western Yi (6)

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 Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. It is said that the Holy Roman Emperor Matthias hunted here and drank the spring water. It was refreshing and sweet, so he named this spring "Schönbrunn".

The twenty-seven-year-old Leopold I was thinking deeply, with sharp eyes and a shoehorned face unique to the Habsburg family. He was not handsome, but definitely wise.

This was a promising emperor who took over a country that had been destroyed in the Thirty Years' War. As soon as he came to the throne, King Karl

II formed an alliance against the empire, managed to save Transylvania, and then encountered a more powerful enemy: Ottoman Turkey.

At this time, Ottoman Turkey was under the rule of the Koprulu family. The Koprulu family was a famous official family in Turkey. Koprulu Muhammad Pasha, Koprulu Faqil Ahmed and his son.

He successively served as the Grand Vizier of Ottoman Turkey. They were ambitious, not partial to personal gain, prosecuted officials, punished corruption, and carried out military reforms. Under the iron-fisted rule of this father and son, Ottoman Turkey regained its vitality and once again showed its power to Central Europe.


They fell in love with Transylvania. For this land, King Leopold I had just finished fighting Sweden and had to start a war with Turkey again. After a series of battles such as the Battle of El Secuybar and the Battle of Gotthard,

After a bloody battle, the Armistice Agreement of Fort Wash was finally signed with the Ottoman Empire on August 10 last year (1666), thus preserving the empire's Transylvania.

"Your Majesty, Prince Lobkevich wishes to see you." The guard's voice woke the young emperor from his reverie.

"Let him in," the emperor's voice was solemn and majestic.

Prince Lobkevich entered the palace, bowed to Leopold I first, and then reported: "Your Majesty, the Turkish army has withdrawn from Transylvania, but it refuses to leave Wallachia and the Moors.


The people of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia all belong to the same nation: the Dacians. After a bloody battle, the Principality of Transylvania belonged to the Holy Roman Empire and the Principality of Wallachia

and the Principality of Moldavia are still vassals of Ottoman Turkey.

"The Turkish army refuses to leave Wallachia and Moldavia?"

King Leopold I smiled coldly, "It seems that we must be prepared for another battle with the Turks sooner or later!"

"Your majesty is wise and wise," Prince Lobkevich flattered him, but he hesitated to speak.

"Why, do you have something else to do?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have just received news that the envoys of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty visited Germany with a large number of mink furs, porcelain, silk, tea, etc. It is said that after the Ming Dynasty occupied the entire Siberia, it intended to open up Mangazea to trade with other countries.

.The Elector Frederick William of Brandenburg seemed to be particularly interested. He kept his envoys in Brandenburg to entertain them, and there were constant banquets. Trade with the Ming Dynasty can bring a lot of wealth, and this kind of good thing cannot be given up.

Exclusively for Brandenburg. Should we send someone to invite the envoy to Vienna?"

Habsburg is the most powerful country in Germany, and Brandenburg is the second powerful country in Germany. Generally speaking, bosses will be wary of the second-biggest brother taking over their position. After the news that Brandenburg treated the Ming envoys well, Loebke

Prince Vicky couldn't sit still and hurriedly entered the palace to report.

"Oh, Ming Dynasty, that is a powerful country!"

King Leopold I smiled and said, "There is no need to send anyone, just wait in Vienna. The Ming envoys will take the initiative to find us."

This is strength! As the largest power in the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, the Habsburg family has a very vast territory and a very powerful national power. Even Spain is a branch of the Habsburg family.

Strength is diplomacy! The dignified Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire does not need to grovel for help. He can just stay at Schonbrunn Palace and wait for the envoys of the Ming Dynasty to come.

The envoy of the Ming Dynasty really came to visit, and Franzbekov led Dong Xuan, Li Shouzhi and three hundred attendants into Vienna.

In the streets and alleys, you can see the double-headed eagle pattern with a crown on its head, which is the symbol of the Holy Roman Empire. It is bustling with people coming and going.

"The rest of Germany is sparsely populated because of the Thirty Years' War. I didn't expect Vienna to have such a large population. The Holy Roman Empire is indeed a great Western country," Dong Xuan sighed.

"Haha, what's the use? The princes below dare not listen to the imperial court! If it were in the Ming Dynasty, the emperor would have chopped off these disobedient ministers countless times," Li Shouzhi said with a smile.

"What Li Langzhong said is true. But how many kings in the world can be as wise, mighty, resolute and decisive as our Majesty? A born great man is rare to meet in thousands of years! This Leopold I is already considered a hero in Germany.

Yes, it is difficult to imitate our Majesty and flatten the princes everywhere!"

Franzbekov lost no time in flattering His Majesty Emperor Guangwu of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone knows that this emperor has many ears and eyes, and he may have his ears and eyes in the envoy. If he says more nice things, if it reaches His Majesty's ears,

There is hope for promotion and wealth! While flattering Emperor Guangwu, he feels sad for his mother country, Germany. When will Germany be able to establish a unified and powerful empire like the Ming Dynasty!

"Dear envoys, Schönbrunn Palace has arrived, please." Following the polite voice of the Austrian protocol officer, everyone entered Schönbrunn Palace.

To their surprise, the place where Leopold I received them was not the royal palace, but the garden. The garden was not only planted with colorful flowers, but also with wild animals and poultry, including peacocks from China and turkeys from the Americas.
A row of musicians are preparing to play.

Seeing the envoys coming, King Leopold I showed a warm smile and said, "Dear envoys, you have traveled thousands of miles to come to Vienna. I have nothing good to entertain you, only music, and music has no borders!"

This piece of music was composed by me personally, so I show my respect!"

It turned out that the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was a fan of music and art just like the Elector of Saxony, John George II. Moreover, he not only appreciated music, but also composed music and often held concerts in the court. Again, the same sentence

As the saying goes, what is good at the top will be bad at the bottom. Vienna, like Dresden, is a paradise for artists!

The melodious sound of the piano sounded, and the singers sang loudly along with the sound of the piano, sometimes gracefully, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low, sometimes sonorous. Everyone was immersed in the beautiful singing, and for a moment they didn't know the taste of meat.

The song ends and the song rests, and I just come back to my senses.

Music does have no borders. Since we are all our own people, the negotiation went very smoothly. In just one day, the details of establishing a transportation business were settled.

Looking at the eloquent Franzbekov, King Leopold I began to cherish his talent and said, "I heard that you are a German. Are you willing to serve me?"

Franzbekov smiled bitterly. He also wanted to return to his roots, but his family members stayed in the Ming Dynasty. If he dared to betray the country, with his ruthless temper, the lives of his whole family would definitely be at stake. He immediately said loudly: "There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty, 'One horse

If you don't wear two saddles, a loyal minister won't serve two masters, so it's hard for you to obey orders!"

This chapter has been completed!
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