Chapter 90 Yushang

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 He ​​Wuzuo's "Records of the Encounters in Guizhou": "In the past, the supervisor of the country and Zhazuo fought in the hope. The Western army was arrogant and aggressive, and the offensive was like a tide. The supervisor of the country fought on the chariot platform without changing his face. Guns and artillery were like thunder, and the monarch and his ministers faced each other. Blood flowed on the oars, and people gathered in clothes and hats. Suddenly there was a strong wind and heavy rain. We are expected to be very happy. Because our army has lost the advantage of muskets and artillery, the whole army came to attack. The muskets and artillery are still the same, and corpses are everywhere. The saint descends from the sky, tomorrow Zuo was revived, so this miracle could happen! The supervising country fought bravely, and the king's flag moved forward. The armies were excited, and they were expected to be defeated by Zha Zuo.

The battle between the two armies was in full swing. Guizhou, which had always been sunny for three days, suddenly started to rain lightly, and the land that was originally dry turned into a wetland.

"God helps me!"

Sun Kewang was overjoyed! According to past experience, when it rains, the matchlock guns of the Ming army will not fire.

The Ming army's cannons and artillery were so sharp! Their own artillery had finished firing the shells and turned into scrap metal. But the Ming army's artillery shells seemed to be endless, one after another. Without the restraint of their own artillery, the Ming army's The artillery turned against our own infantry. Artillery shells and muskets formed a net of death, and brave soldiers fell one after another.

So far, we have lost 20,000 people.

Sun Kewang had already planned to retreat, but suddenly it started to rain lightly. He was like a gambler who was already losing money and suddenly had a chance to make money. You must seize it!

He believed that when both sides were unable to use firearms, his side had a numerical advantage and would definitely win. Therefore, he put the last reserve force into the attack.

Sun Kewang's judgment was half right.

Fan Youxian's troops on the left wing of the Ming army and Wang Xiang's troops on the right still used matchlock guns. Fighting in wind and rain, it was indeed easy to lose fire. However, Zhu Hengjia's Chinese army was equipped with self-generating fire mills, which did not require ignition ropes and had caps to prevent moisture. , basically not affected by light rain. As for the artillery, there is an awning on the fort.


"Soldiers, follow me and kill the enemy!"

Ai Nengqi took the lead and broke into the left wing of the Ming army.

Fan Youxian, Marquis of Dingbei in the Ming Dynasty, led his bodyguard to fight.

Ai Nengqi was a famous archer in the Great Western Army. He took out a cloud-piercing arrow and hit Fan Youxian in the left shoulder with a whoosh.

Fan Youxian acted as if nothing had happened, broke the arrow shaft with his right hand, and continued fighting.

A general is the courage of a soldier. Fan Youxian risked his life, and his subordinates also fought bravely to kill the enemy.

The gunmen of the Ming army should keep shooting if they can light a fire; if they can't light a fire, they should put on their swords and shields and fight in formation.

Left wing, stalemate.


"Little Yuchi" Li Dingguo moved.

He seized on the weakness of the Ming army's lack of archers and concentrated the archers in his army to shoot.

Although shooting arrows in the rain will greatly reduce the power of the bow and damage the bow, it is still better than a matchlock gun that cannot light.

Arrows fell into the Ming army's formation like raindrops.

Li Dingguo, with his red robe and black horse, took the lead and formed a front.

Front Arrow Formation!

This kind of formation relies heavily on the personal prowess of the military commander, and the one who leads the attack must be able to defeat ten thousand enemies.

Li Dingguo had two nicknames in the Great Western Army: one was "Little Yuchi"; the other was "Ten Thousand Enemies".

He took out his spear, picked it up lightly, and opened the chest of a Ming soldier.

The spearman, the king of soldiers.

What a two-foot-long spear! One cut, two advances, three blocks and four twists, five draws and six straight shots. Li Dingguo's Liuhe marksmanship made him superb. In the blink of an eye, he killed more than ten people in a row.

The situation was critical, and the Ming army's formation began to scatter.

Wang Xiang, the deputy general of the right battalion, had no reinforcements to send, so he had to organize the 12,000 civilians accompanying the battalion and rush towards the Daxi Army, hoping to delay the attack of the Daxi Army.

How could these civilians with no formal training resist the wolf-like tiger-like Daxi thieves? After being chopped down hundreds of people, they collapsed and fled, causing chaos in their own array.

"The general quickly leads his troops to retreat and form a formation, and the last general will cut off the rear."

At the critical moment, Wang Xiang's general Huang Chonghu led 500 soldiers and rushed towards the Daxi Army.

Under the cover of Huang Chonghu, Wang Xiang led the remaining soldiers out of the vehicle formation and prepared to re-arrange themselves.

Huang Chonghu was originally a surrendered general of the Taiping Huang family, and was good at wielding two swords. Wang Xiang loved his bravery and appointed him as a guerrilla in Youying.

Huang Chonghu's swords flashed past, causing heads to roll. Li Dingguo had no choice but to abandon Wang Xiang and come to fight Huang Chonghu.

Thousands of Western troops surrounded the Huang tribe, and one of his subordinates was killed one after another. In the end, only Huang Chonghu was left among the Western troops.

"Ultimate!" Li Dingguo jumped on his horse and flew in front of Huang Chonghu, reining in the rope.

"General, why don't you surrender?"

"Hahaha!" Huang Chonghu laughed to tears.

Li Dingguo was puzzled: "Why is the general laughing?"

Huang Chonghu spat: "I laugh at you for claiming to be a hero. It makes no sense! Since ancient times, only thieves have been encouraged to be good. How can there be any reason to persuade children of good families to become thieves?"

The word "thief" deeply hurt Li Dingguo.

We used to be sons of good families. If we had enough to eat, why would we want to be thieves?

Seeing that Huang Chonghu refused to surrender, Li Dingguo saluted him: "Well done, general!"

He took off the long bow from his back and shot an arrow through Huang Chonghu's throat.

What a martyr’s ear!

Fuck Wu Ge and he was beaten by a rhinoceros, his car was on the wrong side and he was caught in close combat.

The sun is blocked by the sun, and the enemy is like a cloud; the arrows are falling, and the soldiers are fighting for the lead.

The formation is still standing, and the left side is still walking, and the left side is injured and the right blade is wounded.

Two wheels of haze are coming to feed the four horses, and the jade tree is beating the drums to help.

The sky is full of anger, and the mighty spirit is angry, killing everyone and abandoning the wilderness.

If you can't go in or out, you can't go back, and the plain suddenly becomes too long.

Carrying a long sword and holding the Qin bow, the head and body are separated and the heart is not punished.

Sincerity is both brave and martial, and ultimately strong and undefeatable.

When the body is dead, the spirit becomes the spirit, and the soul becomes the ghost hero.

Seeing that his right wing had collapsed, Zhu Hengjia hurriedly ordered the cavalry battalion guerrilla Feng Jin to lead three thousand cavalry to the right wing to support Wang Xiang.

The rainy weather affected the speed of the cavalry. After Feng Jin's troops suffered more than 200 casualties, the attack of Li Dingguo's troops was delayed.

Wang Xiang took the opportunity to collect thousands of defeated troops, and relied on the cover of the cavalry to reorganize his formation.


The crucial battle begins in the center.

The Ming army concentrated their artillery, arranged in three rows, and bombarded the Western Army.

The intensive artillery fire caused the Western troops to fall one after another.

"Bang bang bang!"

The Ming army's muskets were actually denser than before the rain. Zhu Hengjia deployed a thousand musketeers from the left and rear camps to support the front camp.

The rainy weather not only prevented the Western Army's muskets from igniting, but also slowed down their attack speed. One after another, they became living targets of the Ming Army and fell in a pool of blood.

In the center of the Ming army's camp, 800 big men have been eating and resting, and now they are starting to put on armor.

This is the heavy armored infantry of the Ming army. All of them are warriors who are one in a hundred. Everyone wears double armor and carries heavy weapons such as hammers or maces.

These heavy armored infantry were originally designed to deal with enemy heavy armored infantry that broke into the formation. However, the Western Army was not equipped with heavy armored infantry, so the warriors had to rest temporarily.

Now Zhu Hengjia ordered these 800 heavy armors to counterattack the Western Army.

The eight hundred warriors who were recharging their strength fought fiercely, using the big iron spines and maces in their hands to smash the Daxi thieves who came in one after another into a pulp.

The swords and guns of the Western Army could not cut through, and could not penetrate the heavy armor of the eight hundred warriors. The blunderbuss that could threaten the heavy armor could not be ignited, and they were all killed quickly.

"Hit the drums and the whole army attacks."

The "dong dong dong" sound of the war drum was short and passionate. Zhu Hengjia fought back and ordered the command vehicle to move forward.

The eight horses pulled the four-wheeled carriage forward slowly. Under the setting sun, the coiled dragon banner looked as bright as if it were stained with blood.

"Wonderful victory!"

Eight hundred heavy armors, leading the way.

"Wonderful victory!"

Infantry battalions followed closely behind.

"Wonderful victory!"

The gunners fired shells like crazy.

This charge became the straw that broke the camel's back, and the arrogant Daxi Army was defeated.

The defeat was disastrous. Generals Ma Yuanli, Zhang Hualong, and Wang Shangli were killed, and Ai Nengqi was injured. Thirty thousand were killed and thirty thousand were captured.

The remnants of the Daxi Army that followed Sun Kewang and fled back to Longchangyi only had 40,000 people left, and most of them were injured.

After Sun Kewang, Liu Wenxiu, and Feng Shuangli reunited, the entire army withdrew to Xifeng Station.

Of the 200,000 troops, there are still 110,000 left. They are oppressed in a small area in the north of Guiyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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