Chapter 918 Bloody Palace Wall (7)

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 Thirteen inside and eighteen outside means that there are thirteen gates in the capital city (inner city) of the Ming Dynasty and eighteen gates in the outer city (outer city).

In the Ming Dynasty, the suzerain state of Kyushu and Wanfang, the gates of its capital city were naturally majestic. Each one was more majestic than the other. Someone made up a formula, "The divine strategy is Jinchuan Yifeng Gate, Huaiyuan is cool and cool to Shicheng. The three mountains gather treasures and are connected to Jiji, Hongwu

The rising sun determines peace.

The camp of Fan Youxian, Duke of Shu, who was guarding the capital, was built near Chaoyang Gate. He was a habitual general who was old at fighting. Now that he had no battles to fight, he would sneak into the woods outside the city to hunt from time to time.

See blood.

"Drive~drive~drive~" Several horses came galloping over.

"Xu", the leader reined in the horse's head. He was white-haired, thin and capable, but he was the deputy governor of the capital guard, and the Duke of E strictly followed the imperial edict.

"Brother Fan, the Duke of Jin has sent a message. Come with me back to the camp quickly," Yan Zungao said hurriedly as soon as they met.

"Humph, why are you in such a hurry? Where is Xin'an?" Fan Youxian muttered dissatisfied.

"Here is the letter. Take a look at it. It's imminent." Yan Zungao handed over the letter written by Yang Huai.

The letter was very short, with only one line: "The prince has supervised the country, taken away our military power, and returned to seek justice!"

"Yang Huaishu is such a bastard! His Majesty trusted him so much that he entrusted all the defense of the palace and the imperial city to him. He did not put up a fight and handed over the military power to the prince. This is putting His Majesty in danger! How annoying.

, hateful, hateful!"

Fan Youxian read the letter and was so angry that he cursed.

"Brother Fan, you can't blame Yang Huai entirely for this matter. The prince's arrangements have been carefully planned, and the bachelor Gu Yi personally announced the decree, Yan Xiaoyong, and He Jiuyi sharpened their swords. They have the imperial decree in their hands, and if Yang Huai disobeys it, he will become a rebel.

He was a rebellious minister, so he reluctantly handed over the military seal letter." Yan Zungao defended Yang Huai.

"Humph, that boy Yang Huai is really pedantic! What kind of imperial edict is just a pretense! Your Majesty is ill, and the Queen has been in charge of the harem for a long time. She got the jade seal, drafted the edict, and stamped it. Isn't it a piece of cake? Your Majesty's

We know our temper best. He would rather die than hand over power, so how could he agree to the prince supervising the country?" Fan Youxian was furious and cursed.

"Brother Fan is careful to say that no matter what, if you have the seal in your hand, you will have a reputation for justice. If we resist the decree, we will become rebellious ministers, and we must find a way."

Fan Youxian chuckled, "I'm surrounded by old brothers who have followed me through life and death, so you don't need to be careful. But, dear brother, you know that our brains are not very bright. It's okay to charge into battle, but it's a bit difficult to come up with ideas. I'll do it for you.

Let’s think of a way!”

"Brother Fan, actually when I came here, I had already thought of a plan."

"Oh, I know you have an idea, please tell me, what can I do?"

Yan Zungao smiled and said, "Brother Fan, why have you forgotten that His Highness? The Crown Prince wants to seize military power, and there are people who are more anxious than us!"

"Are you talking about King Ji?"

Fan Youxian's eyes widened with joy, and he burst out laughing, "Brother Xian said that if Gu Yiruo comes to announce the decree, we will incite Ma Bao and those guys to cause trouble. Hahaha!"

Among the three towns of Wuxiang, Huben and Xiaoqi guarding the capital, Li Laiheng, the chief soldier of Wuxiang Town and Xingguohou, is a die-hard imperialist; Hou Mabao, the general soldier of Pucheng, is a die-hard princeling of Huben Town; and Lin Jiading, the general soldier of Xiaoqi Town, is a die-hard princeling.

, the three towns belong to three camps. Normally, Fan Youxian and Yan Zungao can suppress it with the prestige of Conglong Laochen. However, this time the princelings want to seize military power, Pucheng Hou Mabao will definitely not give up, and the trouble is


"Brother Fan, it's not enough for Ma Bao alone. We have to let Li Laiheng make a fuss. Then you and I, one plays the bad side and the other plays the bad side. Hahaha", Yan Zungao also laughed.

Perhaps because he knew that it would not be easy to take over the military power of the capital's garrison, Gu Yi, a scholar of Wuyingdian, brought a thousand East Palace guards, and also transferred two battalions of Jinwu's left battalion and Jinwu's right battalion from Zhang Hu, the commander-in-chief of Jinwu Town who was loyal to the prince.

A total of 7,000 elite soldiers and horses came to the capital to guard the Forbidden Army camp near Chaoyang Gate.

As soon as he arrived near the camp, he was dumbfounded. Li Laiheng, the Marquis of Xingguo, led Wu Xiang and the first four battalions of 12,000 soldiers and horses at the gate of the camp to prepare for the attack.

"Bold, the imperial envoy is here. With your formation like this, are you trying to rebel against the order?" Bai Wenxuan, the Marquis of Wuchuan who accompanied Gu Yi, shouted sharply.


With the command flag waving, Wu Xiangzhen took three steps and shouted to kill, slowly approaching. Thousands of people were like one, and he was indeed an elite soldier in a hundred battles.


Li Laiheng gave an order, and the military formation suddenly came to a standstill. He rode his horse to the front of the formation and shouted: "Lao Gu Ge, Marquis of Wu Chuan, it is not the last general to resist the order, but it is the rules of the military camp. Galloping and fighting are not allowed in the camp. Please dismount and abandon your weapons."

Entering the camp. The Duke of Shu and the Duke of E have been waiting for a long time!"

"Dismount and abandon your weapons? Is this a rule in the army?"

Gu Yi couldn't help but be in a dilemma. If he dismounted and abandoned his weapons and entered the camp, wouldn't it mean that he was a swordsman and I was a fish? But if he didn't dismount and abandon his weapons, how could he enter the camp and declare the decree?

He bit his lip and said to Bai Wenxuan: "Marquis Wu Chuan, you will lead Jin Wu to the left and the right camp to stay here. Mr. Zhao will lead the East Palace guards to follow me and dismount, abandon their weapons, and enter the camp to announce the decree."

"Mr. Ge, you are a rich man, how can you go to a dangerous place? It's better to go and announce the decree at the end of the day." Bai Wenxuan was shocked.

"Alas! Fan Youxian and Yan Zungao have some friendship with me, so I'd better go with you." Gu Yi sighed and said to Bai Wenxuan: "Wuxiang Town was the first to form the Forbidden Army. Back then, they went to the north and south with the saint, and they were extremely brave. You

We have few soldiers and are no match for you. If I cannot come back, you will immediately retreat to the imperial city to join the other towns."

"Yes, Mr. Ge", Bai Wenxuan bowed and accepted the order.

Gu Yi took the commander-in-chief Zhao Yinxuan and a thousand East Palace guards, dismounted and abandoned their weapons, and walked towards the camp.

On the high platform in the camp, Fan Youxian saw this scene and couldn't help but praise: "Gu Lao'er's courage has not weakened. He is still the same as when he raised troops in Guilin. He followed me to greet the 'imperial envoy' when he left."


Fan and Yan led the generals to greet Gu Yi. When they saw Gu Yi, they laughed dryly and said, "Mr. Gu Ge, why are you here?"

Gu Yi also laughed, "Brother Fan and Brother Yan Xian, you two are so powerful. They gave Yu a powerful blow as soon as they arrived! If it weren't for the emperor's orders, Yu would really want to turn around and run away!"

Although the three people have different positions, after all, they are all heroes from the Long Dynasty. They fought together in the world, and they still have some friendship. Especially Fan Youxian and Gu Yi, they were familiar with each other when they were in Guilin.

Being squeezed by Gu Yi, Fan Youxian's cheeks felt hot. Fortunately, he was thick-skinned and could not tell the difference. He pretended not to understand and chuckled, "Brother Gu Xian, you just said that you have the emperor's order, what is the emperor's order?"

"Brother Fan accepts the order," Gu Yi shouted suddenly.

Fan Youxian was stunned. This old man Gu is very stubborn. He was defeated just now. This time he wants to pull back and overwhelm me with his momentum. No, the momentum cannot be weak. Once the momentum is weak, the military power will be difficult to protect!

At that moment, he held his head high and shouted loudly: "I am wearing armor and cannot salute, so just stand and receive the order!"

This chapter has been completed!
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