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Chapter 1136 Another surgery is required

 The operation was not completed within two hours.

He did it for three and a half hours.

This speed is too scary.

It usually takes more than 10 hours, but in Liu Muqiao's hands, the operation only took 3 and a half hours, and the operation was very successful.

Also includes abdominal aorta repair.

Liu Muqiao left the Royal Third Hospital, and Dr. Li sent him back to the concert hall. He came to No. 13, row 3, and touched under the seat. The bomb had been removed, and the people in the seats behind him had already been removed.


Lang Yi is playing Beethoven's "Destiny".

This is the last song tonight.

This is the end of a two-and-a-half-hour performance.

Liu Muqiao stepped onto the stage and gave flowers to Langyi.

"Brother, are you back so soon?"

Lang Yi didn't know the enemy's plan tonight, but he valued Liu Miqiao's participation in his special performance. Liu Miqiao was a big celebrity, which Lang Yi only knew about in the past two days.

He was very touched that the country sent them such a high-level health doctor.

Liu Muqiao's appearance this time is very valuable. He deliberately stepped on the stage for the sole purpose of confusing the enemy.

Tomorrow's media will have footage of Liu Muqiao sending flowers to Lang Yi.

He is telling the enemy that you should proceed as planned.

Back at the hotel, Lang Yi was very happy. His performance tonight was so successful that he received applause for more than 5 minutes several times.

This is a scene that is rarely seen when he performs abroad.

The comrades of the Friendship Association are also very happy that their first task has been successfully completed.

"Dr. Liu, at the premiere of Ziyi's movie tomorrow, you won't go for surgery again, will you?" asked a female member of the group.

"No, today was just an accident." Liu Miqiao noticed that the voice sounded familiar. He had to take a second look.

This is a member of the Friendship Association.

"What's your last name?"

"I am Liu Pei."

"Oh, when did you come to England?"

"I studied here, found a job, and stayed."

Liu Muqiao nodded secretly.

Well, okay, your plan is very thorough, and you have all got here.

Liu Muqiao smiled coldly.

The supper time is very short, half an hour, and the group leader stipulates that everyone should go back to their rooms to rest.

When Liu Muqiao returned to the dormitory, he quickly entered the sub-hibernation state. He had to hurry up and find out if the other party had any new moves.

Just as Liu Muqiao expected, he woke up 15 minutes later and captured the other party's voice again.

The voices of Li Yingzi and Liu Pei were accurately captured.

"Modify the plan for tomorrow. For the premiere of "Across the Tang Dynasty", we will install a time bomb at the venue. The location is row 1, No. 15. It will disrupt the premiere. Note that when the time bomb exploded, Liu Pei

, you lead three people forward to protect Zi Yi. Take Zi Yi to the locker room No. 3, Li Yingzi, you meet her, and then put her into the car, the car is at the back door..."

"What should I do with Liu Muqiao?"

"Liu Muqiao will definitely be injured. As a group, you rush into the venue and transport Liu Muqiao to Room 72, No. 5 Street, where there are people from Bureau 5..."

Liu Muqiao recorded what they discussed one by one.

This is important.

It seems that Liu Muqiao had a great response at the Royal Third Hospital today, and their general attack has been advanced.

Liu Muqiao slipped into Ziyi's room.

"There is important information."

"Tell me, what's going on?" Ziyi's female voice was well practiced.

Liu Muqiao explained the plan he just heard.

Ziyi pondered for a moment and said: "Very good, the enemy is in disarray. Tomorrow, you will still go to the hospital for surgery. In the medical system, your reputation is the greatest success. People here only believe in strength, and only you

Only if your fist is bigger than theirs, they will respect you. As for me, don't worry, with this information, everything will be fine here."

Ziyi looked very excited.

The most difficult thing about fighting the enemy is not having accurate information.

Now, Liu Muqiao plays the role of Qian Lier and fights with the enemy. It would be so fun.

Sure enough, the next day, when the visiting delegation members came to the cafeteria for morning tea, Liu Maqiao was picked up by Dr. Li again.

Today, it is still the Royal Third Hospital.

However, today's schedule is much richer, including a teaching surgery, neurosurgery, an academic lecture, and finally a case discussion.

Liu Muqiao is very satisfied with this arrangement.

There are surgeries and case discussions, which are very interesting.

It can be said that although being a doctor for a lifetime is very tiring, it is undeniable that if there is a next life and they are allowed to choose a career in the next life, most doctors will still be doctors.

Because being a doctor is not boring.

Therefore, it can be seen that many doctors will not really take a rest when they retire. They will find a place to continue practicing until they can no longer work.

For money?

No. Or not entirely.

The profession of doctor is not short of money. Especially in recent decades, doctors are much richer than other professions. They are really not short of money.

Retired without rest, just because seeing a doctor is fun.

Ordinary doctors find it interesting, but for a great doctor like Liu Miqiao, it should be said that seeing a doctor and performing an operation are endless fun.

An operation was scheduled today, and it was quite difficult. It was a deep-seated brain glioma, and ordinary doctors were not qualified to perform it.

Liu Muqiao looked at the MRI film, and there was a light in his eyes. This light showed that the operation was difficult and challenging.

Ordinary surgeries are of little significance. They are routine and do not arouse interest. Only difficult surgeries can make you excited.

This is just like playing chess. Playing chess against a low-level opponent will not arouse passion. If you meet an opponent in chess, the secretion of adrenaline will suddenly increase.

Liu Miqiao's adrenaline has increased a lot today.

The patient, a 48-year-old male, had a glioblastoma the size of an egg in the white matter of the parietal lobe of his brain.

The size of an egg is not considered small in brain tissue.

Looking at his age, Liu Miqiao couldn't help but sigh.

Too young.

He happens to be 48 years old.

48 years old, first of all, young, in the prime of life, there are old people and young people, and the pressure is the greatest. It is really not the age to get sick.

Second, 48 years old, commonly known as the year of birth.

This is the first hurdle for a man. Many people fall down around the age of 48 and never get up again.

Liu Muqiao noticed this age characteristic. It is true that men are in great danger at this age. Many cases of cerebral hemorrhage, tumors, myocardial infarction, and accidental casualties occur at this age.

Is there really a saying about birth year somewhere?

Or is it because men around the age of 48 also have menopause, and endocrine hormones suddenly become chaotic, making the body prone to problems?

Or, men are most tired at this age and their physical strength is declining?

After watching the MRI film, Liu Muqiao said to the original professor in charge, "What are your expectations for the patient?"

"The prognosis is not good, very bad, and the probability of recovery is less than 10%. The purpose of surgery now is mainly to prolong life and relieve the current pain."

The professor in charge is called Waiter, a typical European, 1.9 meters tall and weighing 300 pounds.

It was so funny to perform surgery with this kind of person, Liu Maqiao had to put a stool under his feet.

This chapter has been completed!
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