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Chapter 1306 Hedinghong

 Zhang Jiuyu led his men to steal hundreds of kilograms of "Heding Red" mushrooms.

After Liu Muqiao knew that this was an excellent medicinal material, he was no longer modest and started picking it with all his strength.

He also picked more than 100 kilograms.

Then, hurry up and leave, because a lot of people will come later. Although Jianyang City is publicly owned and no one is greedy for money, few people will not be tempted by such precious items that are only seen in decades.

I will be a gentleman personally.

The idea that everyone who sees something has a share is deeply popular.

"Hurry up and leave. If there are too many people, you will be robbed by everyone."

One or two people snatching each other is called robbery, while many people snatching and snatching are called looting. Robbery is a crime and punished severely, while looting is not punishable by the law. Besides, who said that the wild mushrooms in your bag must be yours?

Zhang Jiuyu is right.

Dandinghong is an excellent auxiliary medicine for cultivation, and everyone wants to get it. If the people who come later see that the soil is gone, they will dig it away, and if the soil is gone, they will snatch it from other people's bags.

Such tragedies have happened in the past.

Zhang Jiuyu pulled Liu Muqiao and ran away.

There are still dozens of kilograms left in the field, so don’t kill them all.

Back at the hospital, Zhang Jiuyu ordered to refine it quickly. If you turn this thing into a finished product, others can no longer rob it. The finished product belongs to personal property.

The finished product made by Zhang Jiuyu does not belong to him personally, but to the hospital.

Liu Muqiao's must also be made into finished products. He plans to leave some for Xie Min and Jiang Wei to eat, and the rest will be processed, detoxified, and ground into powder.

He knew that with this thing, he would have more choices when preparing high-grade medicinal materials, and more new varieties would be possible.

Adding this to Dragon Tiger Pill is likely to have greater efficacy.

Jianyang Hospital has very good medicinal material preparation equipment, and the red-crowned crane mushroom powder was prepared in less than three hours.

Liu Miqiao did not leave. After processing the mushrooms he picked, all the mushrooms became his own. After being turned into dry powder, they only weighed 15 kilograms.

15 pounds, according to the valuation, is at least 150 million, which is much more expensive than gold.

Liu Muqiao did not leave the pharmaceutical workshop for three hours. It was not that he was worried about Zhang Jiuyu. The final product produced by Zhang Jiuyu weighed 36 kilograms, which was already a lot and could not be used up in 30 years.

However, Liu Muqiao instinctively told him that such a good thing must be carefully protected.

Sure enough, several people came along the way, and they were ready to rob.

Liu Miqiao tried to stop ten thousand people, but even a man who claimed to be an immortal was thrown more than three meters away by Liu Miqiao. The old man left with a blush on his face.

Obviously, he cannot be an immortal. How could an immortal not defeat Liu Maqiao?

Later, they adopted a strategic siege, and Liu Miqiao was able to deal with them one by one.

Finally, Zhang Jiuyu announced that the finished product was out, and the besieging people dispersed on their own.

Liu Muqiao carried the finished product and returned to the ward. When he entered the door, he asked: "Is Jiang Wei asleep again?"

Xie Min's face was full of sorrow, "I fell asleep again and didn't wake up at all."

Liu Muqiao exclaimed and went to Jiang Wei's bedside and shouted: "Jiang Wei, Jiang Wei, wake up."

Where can I wake up by shouting?

Liu Muqiao shouted for a while and realized that without the support of spiritual energy, Jiang Wei returned to her original state.

This is devastating.

"Mu Qiao, don't worry, maybe it's not as bad as you think. I noticed that Jiang Wei could move her hands and feet in her sleep."


This is good news.

If you have level 2 muscle strength in your hands and feet, you will definitely not be able to notice it if you move in your sleep.

Liu Muqiao called Jiang Wei a few more times.

This time, there was a reaction. Jiang Wei opened her eyes, hazy for a moment, and then became clear.

"Liu Muqiao, I may not be able to do it yet. In fact, when I heard you calling me, I just couldn't open my eyes and I was very weak." Jiang Wei said.

"It doesn't matter, it will get better gradually. Just move your hands and feet to see." Liu Miqiao lifted the quilt.

Jiang Wei tried her best to raise her right hand, huh? I can lift it!

Although he is still very weak, he can raise his hand.

You can also lift your feet!

Level 3 muscle strength!

Good guy.

Liu Muqiao hummed and spun around in circles several times! He started dancing.

Xie Min also smiled.

This is really good news.

Liu Muqiao called Zhang Jiuyu over. They did a test and an evaluation. They made an evaluation using Li Liuyi's evaluation method.

39 points.

This result is supposed to be frustrating.

Only 39 points!

However, Liu Muqiao is relatively optimistic. There is hope that the nervous system and sanity will return to consciousness. There seems to be no major problem with intelligence. No abnormalities were found in the mental aspect. In the end, only the limbs are left.

Now that she has recovered to level 3, if she works harder, there is hope that her muscle strength will reach level 4. Once she reaches level 4, Jiang Wei will be able to take care of herself.

This is Liu Muqiao's expectation.

However, things are often like this, it does not change according to your will.

Two hours later, Jiang Wei was in a comatose state again.

This time, no matter how much Liu Muqiao yelled, she just wouldn't wake up.

This lethargic state lasted until this time the next day.

After two days of observation, we found a basic pattern. Jiang Wei would wake up automatically around nine o'clock every morning and stay awake for two hours.

It seems that this is all we can do, and there is no point in being anxious.

Liu Muqiao and Xie Min ate "Heding Red" mushrooms for three days in a row. During the last meal, Xie Min said: "This kind of food is a blessing. You can't eat too much. We ate it for three days, which is equivalent to three days in the capital."

There are several houses within the ring."

If it were Liu Muqiao from the past, he would definitely feel a lot of pain.

Not now, he is too rich, and he is not very good at spending, so he really doesn’t spend much money a year. If Jiang Wei hadn’t helped him take care of it, he might have spent less money than an ordinary doctor.

First, he is busy and has no leisure time at all; second, he is used to being poor. In the past, even if he bought snacks, he only bought some spicy tofu skin or stinky tofu. He rarely even bought chicken fillet.

The children in the orphanage have very little pocket money, but that doesn't mean they don't have any. Xie Min tries his best to cultivate their thrifty nature while also letting them feel the feelings of a normal family as much as possible.

Children in the orphanage are sometimes bullied by children outside. Xie Min is very sensitive to this. She will go to the school teachers and the principal, and she will definitely find dignity for the children. Later, the school classmates

Instead, I envy the children in the orphanage.

Xie Min has different requirements for the girls in the orphanage. When they were in elementary school, boys had 30 yuan a month in pocket money, and girls had 90 yuan. In middle school and high school, pocket money was also given in this proportion.

The principle is that she will not give the children a lot of pocket money, but girls will always have more pocket money than boys.

Men are raised in poverty and women are raised in wealth. Xie Min adheres to this tradition.

Now, Liu Miqiao has been eating "Heding red mushrooms" for three days in a row. This delicious taste is really good.

Today is the last meal.

Others have been made into dry powder and will be used as medicinal materials in the future.

Liu Miqiao was motivated to collect rare medicinal materials because he had 30,000 ancient prescriptions in his mind that had been lost. Some of them were used to make life-saving elixirs, which required rare medicinal materials. This may be the reason why these ancient prescriptions were lost.

This chapter has been completed!
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