Chapter 1710 Blind Date

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 The female professor was not satisfied enough. Although Mitri was already satisfied in her heart, she ate it in her mouth and looked at the bowl.

There are two other people he also wants to meet.

Zeng Xuefei didn't agree with his attitude, but he just didn't express his opinion, so she had no choice but to arrange for a second one.

The second woman met in a coffee shop.

You don't know until you see her. When she saw her, Mitri's soul was gone. This was the vice president of the bank, not yet 40 years old. For a 54-year-old man, he felt that she was fresh and fresh, as if he had met her.

18-year-old girl.

This is it!

It’s her!

Mitri secretly set the tone. Although the female professor was very good, she was 10 years older. No matter how charming she was, she couldn't compare to her.

"How was it?"

"I think it's okay."

"Okay, I'll ask him."

Zeng Xuefei discussed it with the vice president of the bank for a while, and the female president agreed very much.

As a divorced woman of nearly 40 years old, it is not too much to be able to find a senior intellectual who is 15 or 6 years older. Objectively speaking, this match is ideal.

In society, it is easier for divorced men to find women, but it is much more difficult for divorced women to find well-matched men, because men have more options to choose from and can find women who are much younger, while women divorce because of their age.

Older men have much less choice.

The female president agreed. She was not looking for Mitri's money. The female president's annual salary was not low, and her money was already enough. Mitri liked him because of his maturity and stability, and his


The famous doctors at Antai Hospital belong to the upper class in society.

However, Zeng Xuefei was a little annoyed. The dead old man still refused to express his position. He wanted to shop around and meet the third woman.

The third woman is only 32 years old and has a 5-year-old son. She has no formal occupation and has worked as a salesperson in a jewelry store and as an hourly worker at a milk tea shop.

She hopes that by marrying Mitri, she will not have to worry about life in the rest of her life, and her son's education funds will also be settled.

She got her wish and met Mitri.

The age gap is a bit big. We are in our 20s, so the seniority is a bit confusing.

She is very happy.

Mitri was much younger and more interesting than she thought. His broken Chinese made her laugh endlessly, especially when Mitri told a European story, which made her stomach hurt from laughing.

Her name is You Caihua, which sounds like rapeseed, so earthy.

Her name is a bit rustic, but her appearance is not ugly. She is very good at dressing up and looks like she is only in her 20s.

She and Mitri drank coffee all night, and she laughed all night long.

So happy!

Mitri no longer hesitated, he confessed on the spot, "I love you!"

You Caihua is someone who has stories. She did not immediately say I love you too, but looked reserved, "I still need to think about it. At least, I have to discuss it with my son."

"How old is your son?"

"5 years old."

"5 years old? Are you discussing with a 5-year-old?"

"Yes, he may be small, but I have to respect him, right?"

"Okay, I respect your decision, but I want to ask you, what is your attitude?"

"My attitude? Let me tell you, my son's attitude is our attitude. So, Mr. Mitri, don't panic. I will reply to your letter in a few days."

Mitri was a little nervous.

He has already decided that he will not marry anyone but her.

The next day, he invited J and went to a nearby shopping mall. He bought a dress for 4,000 oceans. He also bought a gold lock in a jewelry store. It was 100 grams of real gold and cost 4.


After pondering for a while, I withdrew another 200,000 RMB from the bank, put it in a red bag, made an appointment with You Caihua, and met again.

"This is a meeting gift for the adopted son!"

When You Caihua saw it, her whole body shivered, oh, what a heavy gift!

You Caihua gritted her teeth and said she was not in a hurry. She would do more before marriage and give him a try.

You Caihua is a thoughtful person. She feels that she has captured Mitri's heart. In front of such an old man, she must remain sufficiently reserved!

I accepted the gift.

Mitri thought that You Caihua would agree, so he brought his ID card and was ready to check out the room. Who knows, You Caihua waved her hand, "Bye, I haven't discussed it with my son yet!"

Mitri was a little discouraged.

"How's it going? You've read all three of them. It's time to give me an accurate letter." Zeng Xuefei asked.

"Don't worry, I'm still thinking about it. This is a big deal, so be careful!"

Mitri originally decided to marry You Caihua, but he suddenly wavered because he was not sure whether You Caihua would want him. Especially when he heard that You Caihua was still discussing with her 5-year-old son, he always felt that something was wrong.
"You have met for three days, and they want your trust. If they change their attitude after a long time, don't regret it."

Zeng Xuefei has noticed that the female president is hesitant and the female professor is a little angry. Only You Caihua has not yet expressed her stance.

The day lily is almost cold!

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will give you the letter."

Mitri is ready to launch another attack and go to see You Caihua's son. His gift is straightforward, a 500,000 yuan meeting gift.

He made an advance of 500,000 yuan at the hospital, made a card at the bank, bought a red envelope and wrapped it up, and went to meet his future son tonight.

I just made a phone call and made an appointment with You Caihua. We met at a coffee shop at 6pm. After a phone interview, I received a notice that an operation was required.

"No time."

"No, it's Liu Miqiao's surgery."

"Why wasn't there any advance notice?"

"Emergency, Liu Muqiao has already arrived in the operating room. Come quickly."

I looked at my watch, it was still early, there were still 4 or 5 hours left, maybe the appointment wouldn’t be delayed.

Mitri went to the operating room, and the medical records also entered the operating room with the patient. He browsed the medical records and learned about the condition.

Patients with craniocerebral trauma.

Major surgery.

Liu Muqiao is the surgeon, and JON is the first assistant.

"The blood pressure is unstable, is the anesthesia okay?" Liu Miqiao hadn't seen Mitri for many days, and he didn't mention Mitri going to Shencheng.

When men chat with each other, try not to involve privacy.

Talk about work.

"It's hard to say, let's deal with it as we go."

Mitri didn't finish his words, he was quite confident in his heart. He was very capable in dealing with shock. Hemorrhagic shock is the most common one and he had dealt with it countless times.

Anesthesia begins.

Mitri's dosage was reduced by one-third, his breathing was stopped, and he was put on a ventilator. In this way, his vital signs were easier to control.

As for the heart, he is quite experienced in handling cardiac accidents.

The operation begins.

Liu Muqiao first solved a few problems, and then handed over the chief surgeon to JON. He wanted to correct JON's shortcomings.

JON's surgery is very powerful at Prince Hospital in Switzerland. The surgery was done near the brain stem. In Switzerland, he is one of the top doctors.

However, after arriving at Antai Hospital, he changed his mentality. He had to change from wanting to show his strength at the beginning to learning with an open mind.

He has been 100% conquered by Liu Maqiao.

This chapter has been completed!
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