Chapter 2110 Xie He is jealous

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 In foreign countries, insurance companies are in a strong position. They restrict hospitals and refuse to pay or partially refuse to pay the insured amount.

Therefore, hospitals need to constantly tackle key problems and often negotiate with insurance companies. Most of the time, insurance companies are the stronger party. If the hospital is kicked out by the insurance company, the hospital will have no patients to accept and will be cut off from its financial resources.

They have to cater to insurance companies.

At first, foreign insurance companies were also prepared to embarrass Antai Hospital, refusing to give them the green light and putting forward many harsh conditions.

The strategy adopted by Antai Hospital is to ignore them.

Later, it was discovered that there was a problem with the insurance companies that did not have agreements with Antai Hospital. Patients did not come to apply for insurance. They chose to cooperate with insurance companies that had contracts with Antai Hospital.

This is a serious problem.

So, in turn, insurance companies came to Antai Hospital to seek cooperation.

Antai Hospital refused to agree to any unequal treaty, and it was the insurance company that finally gave in.

There is no way around it. Antai Hospital has two absolute advantages. One is technology. In many subjects, they are technically exclusive and almost monopolized. Second, it is cheap. Although there are differences between Antai Hospital inside and outside, domestic hospitals

Patients are charged according to domestic medical insurance policies, and foreign patients are charged at 30% off the international price, which is many times higher than domestic prices. But compared to other countries, 30% off is still quite cheap. Can your insurance company not notice?
Insurance companies also want to make money, and this 30% discount is very attractive to them.

Antai Hospital does not charge according to international standards. It is not for competition. To be honest, if you have good skills, I will charge higher than international standards, and patients will come. The reason why Antai Hospital offers discounts is actually for the benefit of patients. In addition,

At this price, it is already very expensive.

Domestic labor costs are lower than abroad, which is also one of the driving forces for discounts. There is no need to charge so much money.

There is also the issue of purchasing power. The purchasing power of RMB is very strong. Antai Hospital charges 30% off, so it is not a loss no matter how you calculate it.

Finally, there is another reason. Antai Hospital is not a hospital for aristocrats, nor is it a hospital for aristocrats. It is still aimed at ordinary people, and ordinary people in foreign countries are human beings too.

This is one of the reasons for the discount.

Currently, there are 169 foreign medical insurance companies that have agreements with Antai Hospital. When Peng Dehui heard this number, his face was full of jealousy and his head was filled with anger.

Of course, he was not angry at Liu Muqiao, but at the insurance company.

There are only 12 foreign insurance companies that have agreements with Xiehe, which is a huge gap.

He can't do it without being angry.

Seeing how excited Dean Peng Dehui was, President Wu Anhua smiled and said: "Lao Peng, don't be excited, don't be excited. There is no harm without comparison. All the faults are the fault of Liu Miqiao Antai Hospital. If you want to blame, blame it."

Antai Hospital, just blame Liu Miqiao."

Liu Muqiao told the truth to attract hatred. Dean Peng Dehui felt very depressed. The meat and fish on the plate had lost their appeal and he ate his meal in a depressed mood.

In fact, what Wu Anhua said makes sense. There is no harm without comparison. There are 12 insurance companies that have signed agreements with Xiehe. This is already amazing. You must know that other hospitals, the second-place affiliated hospital in Shanghai, only have 9 insurance companies.

The company has signed an agreement.

Besides, foreigners rarely come for medical treatment, which is the key.

Like Xiehe, most of the foreigners who come for medical treatment are rheumatism patients. To be attractive, a hospital must have superb technology. Now it is not easy to catch up with Antai Hospital and achieve absolute technological leadership.


Wu Anhua of Xiangya doesn't feel much loss, because the central provinces have no geographical advantages and there are not many foreign patients, so signing or not signing the agreement doesn't mean much.

After dinner, Dean Peng Dehui was no longer interested in chatting.

Others, some of whom originally wanted to have something to do with Liu Muqiao, came up to say hello. Seeing that the two giants from Nanxiangya and Beihehe were there, they stayed far away, so they came to say hello.

Anyone who sees them at Nanxiangya and Beixiehe must treat them with respect. This is a rule in the Western medicine community. If Western medicine can trace its origins, 90 of the 100 deans here will trace their origins to these two medical schools.

Therefore, the other deans simply stayed away and did not bother them.

Obviously, these are the three giants in the hospital, two veterans and one rookie, no one can compare.

After Liu Muqiao broke up with Peng Dehui and Wu Anhua, they returned to the room.

There is a meeting tonight, attended by hospital leaders from units above the executive director level, with a total of 15 people attending.

There is nothing about Liu Muqiao.

Antai Hospital, represented by Liu Muqiao, is not even a director now. Like him, there are three hospitals with new substitutes coming in this year.

The total number of each session is 100. If one new person is added, one must be eliminated.

This year, 4 companies were replaced.

Liu Muqiao didn't go out for a walk either, because some people talked about him competing for the president, which made him not want to canvass for votes. It was difficult to explain.

If you say you don't want to compete for the president, others will call you a hypocrite, but Liu Miqiao really has no intention of competing for the president.

He knows his own weaknesses and knows the current status of Antai Hospital. It is difficult to become the vice president. How can he be qualified to compete for the president?

Among the vice-presidents, there is no suspense among hospitals such as Union Medical College, Xiangya, and West China Hospital. They must be vice-presidents or above every time. However, big bosses like Peking University, Tongji, Zhongshan, Shanghai No. 1 Hospital, and Qilu may not necessarily be vice-presidents.

You are the president, but it is immoral to squeeze anyone out casually.

Liu Muqiao didn't want to explain. He was hiding in the room just now to help Jiang Weiwei revise the paper.

Surprisingly quiet.

Liu Miqiao was not disturbed by anyone until it was time to sleep.

The next day, Liu Muqiao did morning exercises and went to the restaurant to have breakfast. There were only a few deans who waved to Liu Muqiao as a greeting.

Liu Muqiao suddenly realized a serious problem. Did he make a mistake?

Originally, Liu Miqiao hoped to get a vice-president position, which was also the task given to him by Mr. Huang. Since there was news yesterday that Liu Miqiao was going to compete for the president, in order to avoid suspicion, he did not go canvassing for votes. Is this someone else's responsibility?

A strategy?

Society is a relationship society. In this small society of 100 people, if you don’t take the initiative, who will vote for you?

Liu Muqiao realized the seriousness of the problem.

However, it is already too late. The first thing to do when entering the venue is the election. After the new president, vice president, and executive directors come out, the new team will begin to operate.

It's hard to save face by temporarily canvassing votes now, and besides, it's not allowed.

Although he had some regrets, Liu Muqiao soon felt relieved. He attended the meeting for the first time this year and entered the governing body without losing face. Besides, although the higher the level, the greater the state's investment, Antai Hospital does not really care about this.


Other hospitals earn 10 billion, and their net profit may be 3,500 million. But Antai Hospital is different. Since a large number of foreigners come to see the doctor, the profit margin is much higher. With a turnover of 10 billion, the net profit may be 3 billion, so,

Antai Hospital is not short of money at all.

Thinking of this, I feel calmer and no longer worry about the election.

This chapter has been completed!
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