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Chapter 201 Obviously, Director Gu has evolved

 "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Don't panic and don't shake hands. Let's follow our feelings. With the camera in hand, I have the world~"

At this moment!

Douyin live broadcast, Yunzai live broadcast room.

As a female anchor who daily broadcasts LOL, Yun Zai was once an Angel player.

But later, as the angel was cut off again and again, Yun Zai began to play clown, and never looked back on the road to becoming a female pervert.

The most common catchphrase on my lips is ‘Gominasai, I’m a pervert’.

But today!

The pervert seems to be punished by another more exaggerated pervert.


A proud pervert will never allow himself to admit defeat so easily.

After gasping for breath in the ventilation duct for a long time, Yun Zai regained her composure, and while calming her heart rate and chattering, she crawled towards the exit:

"Okay, then I saw some brothers in the live broadcast room asking, 'Yunzai Yunzai, why are you so brave to play this game?'"

"That's because I can recite the Three Character Sutra silently,"

"When humans are born, they are good-natured. If you don't do your homework, you will be a hero. What will you do when the teacher comes? Go downstairs to find Ultraman. Ultraman. Ultraman. Beat the teacher to pieces..."

Looking at Yun Zai walking cautiously in the ventilation duct, the live broadcast room couldn't stop laughing——

‘You’re making up your own barrages again, right?’

‘Hahahahahaha Yun Zai is crazy’

‘Not afraid (referring to heart rate 140)’

'Are you serious about the Three-Character Classic?'

‘I feel that the anchor is gentle, quiet, introverted and doesn’t like to talk’


‘Aren’t you afraid of yelling at me? That voice just made the voice-activated light in my corridor fucking turn on.’

‘It’s time again for the perverts to be sanctioned by perverts that we love to see’

‘Old thief: Guomi Nasai, I’m the pervert’


Broken Mouth crawled out of the ventilation duct muttering, and Yun Zai landed lightly on the ground and came to a corridor.

It was quiet on the corridor.

The inner side of the corridor is a circle of frosted glass, which is blurry, and you can vaguely make out the hospital lobby below.

Near the outside, there is a circle of doors.

"OK brothers, new scene,"

After walking a few steps along the silent corridor, a collapsed filing cabinet blocked the way. Yun Zai shifted her gaze to the ajar door on her right:

"Library, we should go through this way to bypass the obstacle."

While talking.

Yun Zai raised the DV player, turned on the night vision, and peered through the dark crack in the door.

The library was now in a mess, with books scattered on the ground, and the smell of blood hit your face.

"Hey, it's a bit bloody. Fortunately, I'm on an 18+ live broadcast——"

Yun Zai grinned in disgust. The smell of blood in the air made her feel nauseous:

"But it's okay, I can still accept this kind of bloody and terrifying impact,"

"At worst, it's just a mountain of blood and corpses. It's much better than the psychological horror of PT,"

"I'm not afraid at all, because——"

"Sister is a pervert~"


Yun Zai didn't think much, stretched out her hand and pushed open the library door!

But the next second!


A harsh soundtrack suddenly sounded, and a corpse hanging upside down suddenly fell down, and a horrible dead face suddenly appeared in front of Yun Zai!

Standard open door kill! face to face!

To know!

Before this, the horror games handled by the old thief had never used the setting of "opening the door to kill"!

Therefore, almost all players have such a stereotype in their minds, that is, ‘Golden Wind’s horror game does not have an open door to kill’!

It is precisely with this mentality that no matter whether it is pew, pure black, or today's Yun Zai, they push the door open so unscrupulously!

Because they thought they had figured out the old thief’s pulse!

But obviously, they were wrong!

this moment!

Yun Zai felt like she had seen heaven, and her originally sweet voice now sounded like a broken gong:

"Ahhh, open the door and blanch me——! I blanch ahhhhhh——!!!"


Heart rate is off the charts!

Yun Zai was directly kicked out of the neural connection!

And none of the other players who played here were spared!

No one expected it!

In the horror game directed by Gu Sheng, there will be something like opening the door to kill!

This pussy scared everyone!

The screams echoed around the world!

Players have a variety of stress reactions!

There was a black guy who just kicked open the lid of the somatosensory cabin, held his head and howled: "F---gram! Don't eat the sour radish of Far-gram! Far-gram!!!"

There was a Korean female anchor who rolled and crawled out of the somatosensory cabin and collapsed on the ground crying: "Axi-Axi @#¥@%@wuwuwu!!!"

An anchor even opened the somatosensory cabin with a horrified look on his face, "Scaring" at the speed of light: "WDNMD, I don't want to play anymore, I don't want to play anymore, my somatosensory cabin moved on its own..."

"Obviously, Director Gu has evolved."

at the same time!

In the Tiantianyoubao online conference room!

Editor-in-chief Xu Xiaolin was drinking tea leisurely and instructing students one by one.


With careful management over the years, coupled with the correct grasp of the trend in recent years, we are targeting the rising somatosensory cabin game market.

Today, Tiantian Youbao has firmly taken the top spot among domestic comprehensive game media.

Even its influence has gone abroad and is second to none in Asia.

Under such circumstances, the pressure on editor-in-chief Xu Xiaolin is naturally increasing day by day.

The world's game market is so big that new games are released almost every day.

And at every international game exhibition and conference such as the four major game shows, Asian Games, Global Developers Conference, TGA, etc., various masterpieces will be released like a spurt.

Xu Xiaolin does not have the ability to clone himself. It is impossible for him to write so many reviews and analyzes by himself.

Stop talking and writing.

He may not even be able to experience it.

So, in order to alleviate this situation.

Recently, Tiantian Youbao conducted a round of internal selection and selected five new editors with excellent potential and strength to focus on training.

The editor-in-chief Xu Xiaolin teaches you step by step.

Five finalists will be promoted to the position of assistant editor-in-chief and enjoy the benefits of deputy editor-in-chief.

As for how Xu Xiaolin brings in new people?

Very simple -

Go play games.

Play a lot, play a lot, play a lot!

Because only if you play more games and have enough experience can you analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a game, its innovations, and its advantages!

Of course!

Playing is not just for fun.

In the process of playing, the new players have to make their own analysis of the game, and then Xu Xiaolin provides some advice.

And today!

It coincides with the simultaneous release of "Escape" and "Silent Hill".

So Xu Xiaolin organized a practical class for the newcomers.

The new editors went to play, and Xu Xiaolin was in charge to guide them.

It's a bit like evening self-study in middle and high school. The class teacher sits on the podium, and the students below come to the teacher when they encounter questions they don't know.

Now, those who are speaking in the online conference room are the editors Xiao Lin and Lin Xiaomeng who were just promoted to regular posts at the beginning of this year.

"Gu Sheng has evolved?"

Hearing Lin Xiaomeng's evaluation, Xu Xiaolin was very interested and secretly thought that this evaluation was quite novel.

As an experienced editor-in-chief, Xu Xiaolin knows that whether a game review is popular or not is not only related to the professionalism of the review, but also whether the perspective of the review is novel is equally important.

Lin Xiaomeng's evaluation is obviously very novel.

Although I haven’t heard the specific content of her evaluation yet, at least the angle of this evaluation is very eye-catching.

Xu Xiaolin nodded approvingly and waved his hand: "Tell me about it."

"Good editor,"

Lin Xiaomeng nodded, calmed down and said:

"Based on my current experience, Escape should be considered a masterpiece of horror games,"

"It not only includes Gu Sheng's labeling of psychological horror atmosphere creation,"

"For example, the figure standing at the window staring at the player when they first entered the giant mountain, the messy scene setting in the corridor, the dragging blood stains everywhere, etc.,"

"Jumpscare from classic horror games has been added, such as face-to-face killing, door-opening killing, etc.,"

"And this combination will undoubtedly further enhance the horror of the game,"

"Because for players, the process of playing a horror game is actually the process of overcoming fear,"

"The source of fear is the unknown, so players will unconsciously look for the terrifying rules of this game during the game, making the unknown known and protecting themselves."

"In fact, this is the fundamental reason why previous horror games were gradually eliminated by the market——"

"Because players have discovered the rules of jumpscare-style fear, when the scares become the same, people will naturally become bored,"

"The emergence of Gu-style psychological horror has broken this pattern and left players with no trace. That's why PT is so successful."

"Although the psychological horror of Gu Gu is exquisite, as time goes by, many hardcore players have found a pattern,"

"Like - psychological horror without Jumpscare,"

"Players thought they had cracked the Terror King's formula once again,"

"But I didn't expect that the King of Terror's routines would also evolve,"

"This cub...the designer predicted the players' predictions and blended psychological fear and jumpscare,"

"And in this case——"

Speaking of which.

Although Lin Xiaomeng was grinning inwardly, she had to admire the ingenious design of the King of Terror Gu Sheng:

"As a result, players have no rules to follow,"

"All the doors in the game have become Schrödinger's doors, all the light has become Schrödinger's light, and even the patients wandering around the hospital have become Schrödinger's psychosis,"

"Before you open every door, find every light, and approach every patient,"

"You never know what's waiting for you,"

"When there's no Jumpscare, they're part of the psychological fear,"

"When there is no psychological fear background, they are the sharp edges of Jumpscare."

at last!

Lin Xiaomeng gave her own evaluation of the game so far:

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is the pinnacle of horror games in the past two decades."


Good! Good! Good!

Lin Xiaomeng’s analysis surprised Xu Xiaolin!

See the essence through the appearance!

For a new editor to be able to analyze such a profound core of the game, he was really impressed!

Although the little girl Lin Xiaomeng is usually dull and doesn't like to talk much, she is really unambiguous when it comes to serious matters!


Just when Xu Xiaolin wanted to praise Lin Xiaomeng, he heard another voice in the online conference room, with some doubts:

"Xiaolin-san, your evaluation is biased, isn't it? You haven't even experienced its competing games, so you dare to define it as a pinnacle game?"

The boy who spoke was named Hao Xianming. He was about the same age as Xiao Lin. He was also one of the five new editors and had just experienced Silent Hill.

Obviously, he did not agree with Lin Xiaomeng's high praise, and could even be said to be a little dissatisfied.

"I think as review editors, we shouldn't be so arbitrary,"

Hao Xianming said seriously:

"It is true that the previous Silent Hill PT directed by Gu Sheng caused a lot of heated discussions, and the level of horror was also very high,"

"But it is a trial version after all, and the whole process only takes half an hour,"

"But now, what we want to evaluate are two complete works,"

"It is understandable that players use the filter of their natural favorable impression of PT to cheer for escape,"

"But as professional evaluators, isn't it appropriate for us to do this?"


Hao Xianming believes that the reason why Lin Xiaomeng has such a high evaluation of "Escape" is because she, like many other players who are making noises, has too serious a fan filter!

Previously, Hao Xianming had always disagreed with Gu Sheng's title of "King of Terror".

If you want to say that you are the "Father of the Second Generation FPS", I agree.

From "Long 4 Dead" to "PUBG" to "Titanfall" and "APEX".

There are so many excellent works displayed there. I, Hao Xianming, am convinced that I am even willing to call you the ‘Godfather of Shooting’!

That game is really awesome, you have no choice!


Wouldn't it be biased to say that you are the 'King of Terror'?

A multiplayer online version of "Phobia", and a 30-minute trial version of "PT".

With just one and a half games, you have been crowned the ‘King of Horror’?

Hao Xianming is young and vigorous, and has a fair heart.

He did not recognize this uncrowned king. He believed that this was purely Gu Sheng's personal fan effect, coupled with media hype.

Now, "Escape" competes with "Silent Hill", and Golden Wind competes with Camera.

From the comparison of data, it can be said that no matter how it is compared, "Silent Hill" is higher than "Escape".

In terms of experience, Comella has produced five horror games, while Golden Wind has only one and a half.

In terms of investment, the total investment for "Silent Hill" exceeded $67 million, while "Escape" only cost $18 million.

In terms of market, the global market share of KMN somatosensory cabin completely exceeds the combined total of Yiyou x2 and Polar Bear 3.

"And, judging from my experience just now,"

Hao Xianming said:

"The quality of Silent Hill is very good in terms of industrial level and level design, as well as game smoothness and scare settings,"

"I feel that as professional evaluators, we should not be affected by external public opinion,"

"Rather, we should really focus on the game itself and use the quality of the game as the only criterion."



really not bad!

After hearing what Hao Xianming said, Xu Xiaolin secretly praised him for what a good boy he is!

One is Lin Xiaomeng and the other is Hao Xianming. These two newcomers are truly his two most promising prospects among the five.

Lin Xiaomeng has a unique vision and unique analysis.

Hao Xianming is fair and impartial and never biased.

These are all valuable qualities for becoming a top reviewer.

Think of this!

Xu Xiaolin's love for talents greatly increased and he waved his hand:

"Kobayashi's analysis is very accurate, and his views are appropriate and fair,"

"In that case, you two will exchange games,"

"Xiao Lin, go and experience Silent Hill, and Xianming go and experience Escape!"

"I'm waiting for your evaluation!"


PS: Another day without catching any fish, the next chapter will be posted later at 21:00~

This chapter has been completed!
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