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Major Events in the Late Tang Dynasty

In the seventeenth year of the New Year (777), on the third day of the seventh lunar month, many tribes from Anbei Jisi came and surrendered, and they were divided into Xingdang Prefecture, Xingxi Prefecture, Xingjing Prefecture, Xingzhe Prefecture, Xinggong Prefecture, Xingbao Prefecture, Shuobei Qinglang Prefecture, and other states.

Returned to Tang Dynasty.

In September of the same year, Xu Shiheng, the military envoy of Yunguang Prefecture in Jiannan, rebelled and Bai Chongde was defeated.

On September 11th, Zhou Ze, the governor of Anbei, entered the Privy Council and became the deputy envoy to the Privy Council. He worked under the same banner as Zhongshu.

On the fifth day of the tenth lunar month, the ministers and councilors of Chang'an petitioned the emperor to name him Tiansheng Yuanzhi, civil and military filial piety emperor. Ding Wei granted amnesty and changed his name to Yuan Jingping.

In the first month of the second year of Jingping, the first edition of the "Constitution of the Tang Dynasty" was revised and announced to the world. The constitution gave equal rights to officials and members of the parliament, and the emperor established decrees and the two houses of justice reviewed laws.

In March of the same year, Kang Kejing, the Minister of Municipal Affairs, and members of the House of Commons, accused Right Prime Minister Kong You of violating the law, claiming that he had overstepped his powers, but the emperor refused to allow him to take charge.

In April, a craftsman from Anxi made Lai Chi, a Dabolu native, and obtained the ingenious method of steam engine, which he presented to the court. The emperor was overjoyed and received numerous rewards.

On the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, Shangshu Zuopu shot Du Fu to the throne, asking for the appointment of the crown prince, but the emperor refused.

In the seventh month, Tubo's Yamo Tangyi and Misangyi rebelled. The second prime minister, Shangan Dujin, asked the Longyou Army to surrender, and Guo Xin, the general's protector, accepted the offer. Tubo Zuzan was furious, and the war between Tang and Tibet resumed.

On August 26, Guo Xin invited the Nanzhao barbarians to attack Tubo together. The two armies defeated the Tubo Golden Horde tribes in Shenchuan. The leader of the Nanzhao barbarians went to Beijing to offer prisoners.

In November, the Steam Division was established at Anxi Arsenal.

In the third year of Jingping, after the Spring Festival in February, the imperial examination was greatly changed. Those who passed the imperial examination no longer had to enter the official position sequentially, but had to elect officials to fill gaps. The power of the upper house was greatly reduced, while the power of the lower house gradually increased.

On May 13th, King Jing (Zhou Ji, son of Xie Qin) and King He (Zhou Yi, son of Ruo'e of Song Dynasty) wrote the "Tang Music Code" written by the Ministry of Culture and Literature, which included hundreds of years of Dharma music, folk songs, Qing Dynasty, etc. The brotherhood between the two became a good story.

In September, Huainan's military envoy Tai Shiyu resigned from the local government and accepted military pay, and set up his own bank to serve him. This aroused the dissatisfaction of many Huainan parliamentarians and they all went to court.

In October, the imperial court investigated the Huainan military pay, and Li Guangbi, the Privy Council envoy, took charge of the case. When Taishi Yu heard about this, he was panicked and called on his confidants to discuss it. His confidants told Taishi Yu that the soldiers' pay was allocated by the local government. Over time, people's hearts turned against them.

The vassal town was facing the imperial court instead, which was a disaster. Taishi Yu took this seriously, and while pretending to respond to the imperial court's inquiries, he secretly colluded with other generals with the intention of plotting chaos.

In early November, a lieutenant in the Huainan army heard that the soldiers and horses wanted to rebel, and urgently notified the Jianghuai envoy, Jindu envoy Zhou Shang. After hearing the news, Zhou Shang secretly mobilized the accompanying Shence Guards, and arrested Taishi Yu and all his colleagues in the name of a banquet.


In the first month of the fourth year of Jingping, Zhou Shang moved back to Chang'an and became the Yin of Jingzhao Prefecture.

On the first day of the third month of the lunar month, the ministers and ministers of the dynasty requested to establish the crown prince. King Jing (Zhou Ji, son of Xie Qin), King He (Zhou Yi, son of Ruo'e of Song Dynasty), and King Liang (son of Hua Yue) all made requests, but the emperor refused.

On June 28, Yang Yuhuan, the chief seal supervisor of the Ministry of Education, acted as a matchmaker to congratulate Prince Li Yi on marrying Xue Tao, the school secretary of the Ministry of Education.

In July, the Anxi Steam Company built a steam tiger carriage that could carry four people and travel three miles. It made a sound like a tiger roaring while driving.

In October, Prime Minister Jinci of Shangandu led Yamotang Yi, Misang Yi as the vanguard, Nanzhao Man as the flanking army, Longyou Army of the Tang Dynasty, and Dragon Cavalry Army as the central army, and captured Luoxue City, the capital of Tubo.

After fleeing, the Tubo nobles came to surrender one after another.

In February of the fifth year of Jingping's reign, the queen fell ill and died in the West Neiyuan. Before her death, she requested the emperor not to enter the royal mausoleum of the Li Tang clan, but only to accompany the prince's tomb. The emperor agreed and gave her the posthumous title Huixian.

In early March, on the day of the burial of Empress Huixian, the emperor was in mourning and suddenly suffered from angina and fainted. After diagnosis and treatment, the imperial physician concluded that he had a heart disease that could not be cured by the power of medicine and stone.

In June, the ministers in the court asked for the appointment of a crown prince again, but the emperor still refused.

In mid-August, Zhongshu ordered Kang Kejing and the members of the lower house to sue the Right Prime Minister Kong You for acting arbitrarily and violating the Constitution. The emperor demoted Kong You to be the governor of Fengzhou.

In the sixth year of Jingping, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, there was an earthquake in Sanzhou, Heng, Ding, and Zhao. There was no snow in winter, and the observers thought it was ominous.

On the 19th day of the first lunar month, Taiwei Guo Ziyi passed away. The emperor was grieved and held a banquet on the first lunar month to commemorate the death of the capital.

On the tenth day of the second lunar month, the minister ordered Du Fu to die.

On February 17, the treasurer of the Chang'an Grand Religion was betrayed, and the religious supervisor Yis died in a sea of ​​​​fire while trying to save the doctrinal books.

At the end of February, the emperor's heart disease relapsed and he was not allowed to return to the court for several days. The members of the court gradually divided into two factions. One faction was composed of wealthy people from the chamber of commerce, known as the Jin Party, and the other group was composed of craftsmen and farmers, known as the Jin Party.

Make a stone party.

In April, the members of the Jin Party, headed by Kang Kejing, elected King Jing (Zhou Ji, son of Xie Qin) as the crown prince. The members of the Stone Party, headed by Xu Fanghai, elected King Liang (son of Hua Yue) as the crown prince. Most of the officials in the Upper House expressed their congratulations to the king.

(Song Ruo'e's son Zhou Yi), the dispute over the crown prince in the court suddenly changed.

In July, the Gold Party used the wealth of members, newspapers, magazines, etc. to launch public opinion across the country and compete for seats in the House of Commons, hoping to drive the Stone Party out of the House of Commons.

On the Qianqiu Festival in August, Concubine De (Hua Yue) prayed for the emperor on the day of the celebration, and made it clear at the palace banquet that Prince Liang had a weak temperament and did not like to fight for power, so he was willing to give up his seat as crown prince. As soon as this statement came out, the stone party


In November, the power of the Jin Party in North Korea was growing. Rich businessmen across the country, led by Kang Kejing, monopolized the Tang Dynasty industry with the help of capital, and formed an alliance through marriage and other means. Since they were similar to a clan, they were named "Chaebol".

』. In order to protect themselves, the Stone Party in the Lower House had to form an alliance with the Upper House and elected He Wang (Song Ruo'e's son Zhou Yi) to the throne to jointly resist the Jin Party's offensive.

In the seventh year of Jingping, on the first day of the first lunar month, there was a great court meeting on Yuan Day. The emperor presided over the court meeting and announced a decree called the "Anti-Monopoly Order", which meant to break up the domestic plutocrats and prevent them from joining forces. After the execution of this order, the Jin Party

The momentum gradually declined, and the Central House of Representatives, the Golden Party, and the Stone Party once again formed a tripartite position.

On the ninth day of the fifth lunar month, the emperor visited Yanjue Temple in Bachuan and felt deep in his heart. On the way back to the imperial city, he suffered from heart disease again. Compared with before, the attack this time was so severe that even the imperial doctors could not help him.

At the end of May, the emperor's condition did not improve, so he issued an urgent order to recruit Kong You, the governor of Fengzhou.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! On the second day of June, Kong You rushed to Chang'an to meet with the Holy Father.

On the third day of the sixth lunar month, the emperor summoned Zhou Shang, the Yin of the Jingzhao Mansion, and the supervisor of the Jinyiwei Mansion to the Zichen Hall.

On the ninth day of the sixth lunar month, there was another dispute among the three parties of the Jin Party, the Stone Party, and the Upper House regarding the appointment of the crown prince. Due to the chaos in the palace, the meeting had to be stopped halfway.

On June 15th, the emperor summoned King Jing, King Liang, King He and a group of ministers and councilors to the Zichen Palace to discuss matters. King Liang first asked the emperor to give up his position as crown prince. King Jing and King He had been his companions since childhood, and they were brothers.

They were deeply in love and did not want to compete with each other because of the dispute over the crown prince, and they were both willing to give up the crown prince position. As of now, the crown prince position is vacant and no one wants to take it.

On June 20th, the DPRK came to the meeting. The emperor came to the DPRK ill and ordered Fan Jinian to deliver an edict to ministers, workers and parliamentarians: 1. The "Great Constitution" has been finalized. From now on, the Constitution is above all else, and even the imperial power cannot violate it.

, the upper and lower chambers discussed state affairs together; second, the founding of the country under the Great Constitution, the monarch abdicated, the emperor decided to abdicate, and ordered his nephew Zhou Shang to inherit the throne, terminate the Tang Dynasty title, and establish a new constitutional monarchy.

On the third day of the seventh lunar month, the emperor Wai Chan was established in Zhou Shang, and the Tang Dynasty came to an end.

On the ninth day of the seventh lunar month, the Emperor's condition became more and more serious. The imperial doctor said that if he could cure heart disease, only an immortal and famous doctor could do it.

On the tenth day of the seventh lunar month, the Supreme Emperor left the Zichen Palace and moved into the Bachuan Palace.

On August 19, at night, at three o'clock in the morning, there was news that the emperor had passed away.

That night over Bachuan, a five-clawed flying dragon with two wings rose from the ground, passed through the sky, and flew into the sky. Many people in Chang'an saw it, and they all thought it was the dragon that had passed away and returned to the vast universe.

After that, there were unofficial records that in Luntai County of the Beiting Protectorate, there was a mountain called Jinshan, which was located in Da Mo Prefecture. It was covered with snow all year round. In the villages at the foot of the mountain, some people went to inspect

The county magistrate once accidentally saw a carriage. There was a Zoroastrian woman wearing a mask and a dignified eating woman in the carriage. There was also a frail middle-aged man lying in the carriage.


The carriage only stayed in the village for half a day, then slowly drove along the mountain road towards the depths of the snow-capped mountains, and never came back.

This chapter has been completed!
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