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Chapter 859 American Thief Group

When Li Er returned to the hotel, Matilda just came back.

"Got it!" Matilda shook the scroll in her hand proudly.

"That's it?"

Li Er rolled his eyes speechlessly. This painting only cost around one million, but he had completely emptied out Barton, a wealthy manor owner.

"Hehe, this was stolen from the hands of these two gangs. It's a crime to snatch food from the tiger's mouth!" Matilda didn't care about her master's eyes and smiled with a sense of accomplishment.


Li Er shrugged his shoulders. The apprentice was so diligent and motivated, so it was not easy to dampen her enthusiasm.

"Put it together for me, or should you keep it yourself?"

Although the sky was already dark, Li Er still planned to go to bed because he was suffering from jet lag.

"No, I will keep it myself. This is all my private money." Matilda was very conscious of saving and would save a dowry for herself at a young age.

"Okay, let's keep an eye out to see if there are any big fat sheep like this. It's hard to go abroad. It's just idle time. At least you have to be able to afford the money for the air ticket." Li Er feels that he is also very diligent and motivated now.


Matilda naturally agreed wholeheartedly. She had been dreaming of teaming up with her master as a male and female robber for a long time.

The other side.

Barton, a white man who returned empty-handed, returned to the manor angrily.

The plan that was originally a sure thing suddenly showed up with an inexplicable person.

Not only was the painting intercepted by the other party, but Zhou Hai and Azhan almost discovered his identity.

"Check out that bastard's identity immediately. I want to know who is going against me." Just after Barton finished scolding his men, the mobile phone next to him rang.

"Hey——! Mr. Button, something happened. The secret about our stolen painting was leaked. Someone was taking advantage of it. The painting was robbed in the middle. And there are two gangs."

The caller was Azhan.

This guy was obviously spying on Patton. If the operation failed this time, Patton was undoubtedly the biggest suspect.

Patton's acting skills were outstanding, and he immediately let out a surprised "Ah——".

"I only entrusted you with this matter, how come the secret was leaked? Did you disclose it to anyone else before you acted?" Barton said as he walked, reaching out and pushing open the solid wood door of the study.

Azhan and Zhou Hai on the other end of the phone looked at each other.

They also couldn't tell whether Barton was real or not.

The main reason is that this old guy Barton was introduced by their master, and they have been working together for several years without any problems.

But it can’t be Hongdou who leaked the secret.

"That's strange. Those people are obviously planning to ambush us." Zhou Hai on the other end of the phone grabbed the phone and said.

Barton was about to say a few casual words to divert the attention of Zhou Hai and Azhan.

Suddenly I saw a mess in my study.

The old housekeeper's body was also lying on the floor.

Barton was shocked and kicked the old butler, only to find that he was already dead.

He hurriedly ran to the safe door of the secret room in the study.


Barton's screams almost perforated Zhou Hai's eardrum on the other end of the phone.

The entire collection in the secret room was swept away.

Unlike the mess in the study, this place is very, very clean.

The collection that the Barton family had worked hard to collect for generations was moved away without leaving anything behind.

"An illusion, this must be an illusion!"

Barton opened his bow left and right and slapped his big mouth wildly, trying to wake himself up.

After a while, his cheeks were swollen like a pig's head, but the secret room was still empty.

"Oh no!"

The old guy knelt on the floor and screamed, then collapsed backwards.


Only then did he realize there were writings on the ceiling.

'The American Thieves are here for a visit.'

Was this done by Americans?

Barton felt that his intelligence had been insulted.

Because the words on the ceiling are written in Chinese.

And it’s fucking Simplified Chinese.

If Barton hadn't particularly liked to 'study' Chinese culture and engage in Chinese antiques, he might not have been able to understand the writing on the ceiling.

However, it is certain that this was a coordinated theft by a team.

There are so many large and small collections in the secret room that it would be impossible for eight or ten people to move them all.

It's just that so many people sneaked into his manor, and none of the idiots guarding the manor noticed.

"American Thieves?"

"What the hell is this? I've never heard of it at all."

It was already the second day that Zhou Hai and Azhan returned to Barton Manor.

Both of them were seriously injured, especially Azhan who was shot several times without wearing a bulletproof vest. They had to look decent before they could see others.

Unfortunately, these two people didn't know that most of the injuries they suffered were caused by the kind-hearted old white guy in front of them.

Anyway, Matilda just kicked Zhou Hai into the sea after snatching Zhou Hai's oil painting.

"Does anyone really dare to come to your place and steal something?"

Zhou Hai glanced at Barton suspiciously. This old guy seemed to have aged ten or twenty years overnight, and his plastic surgery was not that outrageous.

Azhan found that Barton was also looking at the two of them suspiciously.

"No, you don't think your things were stolen by the two of us, right?" Azhan glared at Barton speechlessly.

"I also suspect that the group of people who attacked us last night were your men? No one knows about our theft of paintings except you."

Azhan accidentally told the truth.

Barton glanced at Zhou Hai's half-ear that was blown away by the bullet.

He suspected that this was a trap. Zhou Hai and A Zhan lured away his troops, and then sent people to evacuate his secret room. The man behind the scenes was Zhou Hai and A Zhan's adoptive father, Boss Zhou.

But the two guys in front of me were injured so badly, it didn't seem like a trick.

"I'm sick. I'm attacking you. I really want to make you suffer. Why don't I wait for you to come to my house before I attack? Then you can run away?" Barton said through gritted teeth. He didn't know if he regretted not doing this.


"Uh--!" Azhan lowered his head to stir the coffee.

Zhou Hai quickly changed the topic.

"How many things have been stolen from you? Why do you feel like you are disabled all of a sudden?"

Barton took a deep breath.

"A little bit stolen."

"It's a small thing."

"By the way, take a look, do you recognize these handwritings?" Barton quickly changed the subject and handed the photo of the words on the ceiling to Zhou Hai and Azhan.

"Isn't this Chinese? It's talking about Yankees again, and there are so many damn typos!" Zhou Hai looked at Barton with a look on his face.

Azhan rolled his eyes: "This is the simplified Chinese character of mainland China, you are illiterate."

"So, is this intentional to disturb people? In fact, the other party is Chinese?"

"Have you ever seen such a low-level disturbing thing? Now the whole world can speak Chinese." Azhan said angrily.


Azhan overestimated Li Laoer,

He just forgot to write in English.

"I don't recognize the handwriting, why don't you take us to the scene to have a look?" Azhan suggested.

Naturally, Barton would not agree, otherwise it would be revealed after being stolen a little bit.

This chapter has been completed!
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