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Chapter 319 Gumpos

Ye Bufan took a look at Gombos. This guy had a neat suit and wore a pair of myopic glasses. He looked gentle and gentlemanly, but there was always a hint of vulgarity in his eyes.

"Hello, Uncle Gombos!"

Although Henry hated this guy, he still had to have basic etiquette from a father's perspective. He stepped forward to say hello and then turned around and introduced: "This is Mr. Ye and his girlfriend Ms. He."

On the way here, Ye Bufan had already told him not to reveal his identity as a master. He always believed that he was a doctor and there was no need to flaunt the title of a master.

"Hello Mr. Ye!"

Gompers heard from Andrew that Ye Bufan was going to buy diamonds from him, and his attitude was very polite. Then he saw He Shuangshuang standing behind Ye Bufan, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and he stayed there.

"Beautiful, beautiful lady, you are so beautiful. Can you tell me your name?"

As he spoke, there was an irrepressible lust in his eyes. This guy's favorite thing was Asian women, which was a well-known secret in the circle.

He Shuangshuang felt a sense of disgust in his heart, but out of politeness he still said politely: "Hello, I am He Shuangshuang."

Then he added, "I am Xiaofan's girlfriend."

Her meaning was very obvious, she told the other party that she had a male companion.

If it were in China, the other party would definitely retreat in the face of difficulties. Unfortunately, this is not China. The status of women is really pitifully low. In many cases, they are just goods that belong to men.

Gangpos turned to Ye Bufan and said: "Mr. Ye, sell me your girlfriend, I am willing to pay 1,000,000 US dollars!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Bufan's expression suddenly darkened, and He Shuangshuang's face became extremely ugly. She was the dignified eldest lady of the He family, and now she was treated as a commodity.

Henry hurriedly explained: "Mr. Ye, don't be angry. The customs here are different from those in China. Women here can be bought and sold."

Ye Bufan said: "I'm sorry, I'm from China. Women in our country are meant for love and will never be betrayed."

Gompers said with some reluctance: "Mr. Ye, how about 3,000,000 US dollars?"

Ye Bufan said solemnly: "Mr. Gambos, even if you give me your diamond mine, please don't bring up this topic again, otherwise it will affect the friendship between us."

"Well, it's such a pity."

Gambos glanced at He Shuangshuang again, his eyes full of uncontrollable greed.

In order to change the subject, Henry said: "Uncle Gompers, Mr. Ye and Ms. He are here for the first time. Can you show them your diamond mine?"

"Of course, you are very welcome."

After speaking, Gompers led the way and walked into the diamond mine with a few people.

Ye Bufan dispersed his spiritual consciousness as he walked. Since the last time he and Sima Wei upgraded their cultivation to the middle stage of the Xuan level, his spiritual consciousness has increased to a range of 10 meters.

This is indeed the largest open-pit diamond mine on the African continent, containing extremely rich diamonds both on the surface and underground.

Some are larger, some are smaller, some are buried below the surface, and some are directly on the surface, emitting more or less spiritual energy.

For these open-pit diamond mines, the biggest difficulty is to completely separate the diamonds from the mud and sand.

But this is nothing to Ye Bufan. With his divine consciousness, it is easy to find every diamond.

Parked behind the small building were several bulldozers and excavators. These machines were very old and rusty.

Especially the two washing machines make a squeaking noise every time they rotate.

At this time, Gompers said: "Dear Mr. Ye, beautiful Miss He, in order to welcome you, I am willing to open the diamond mine for an hour.

Within this hour, as long as the diamonds are mined, they will all be yours.

Of course, Ye Bufan would not reveal the secret of his consciousness. He said, "Mr. Gambos, isn't one hour too short? I'm afraid we won't find anything."

Gangpos waved his hand and said: "Dear Mr. Ye, you don't know that ours is a new mine. It was once a volcanic river in ancient times.

In other words, it is not only an open-pit mine, but also a very, very large rich mine. As long as you are lucky, you can dig out diamonds.

I once had a very lucky friend who dug up a diamond of more than 30 carats here."

"Well, I'll try my luck too."

After speaking, Ye Bufan took the shovel handed by a worker, and He Shuangshuang also took a sieve, which was used to sift out diamonds.

Two people were wandering around in the diamond mine, looking like they were

I'm very confused and don't know where to start.

In fact, Ye Bufan had no intention of mining. He knew very well what Gompos was thinking. If he really dug out a diamond worth hundreds of carats, that guy would definitely not let him take it away.

At this moment, his consciousness is constantly scanning this mineral deposit, wanting to see how many diamonds are contained here and get a basic understanding.

A flash of sarcasm flashed across Gompers' face, and he shouted from behind: "Mr. Ye, just looking at it is useless, you must use a shovel to dig."

He Shuangshuang was also full of curiosity about this place and said, "Xiao Fan, let's dig a few times and try our luck."

"Okay, let's give it a try. I think it's good here."

Ye Bufan said, waving the shovel and digging under his feet. In fact, he knew the situation here very well. After pretending to dig more than a dozen shovels, he shoveled up a diamond of about two carats and placed it in the sieve in He Shuang's hands.

He Shuangshuang carefully selected the diamonds. Although as the eldest daughter of the He family, she didn't care much for diamonds of one or two carats, it was a kind of fun.

Suddenly, she picked up a Maobali diamond the size of a mung bean and shouted in surprise: "Xiao Fan, look, I found a diamond."

After she called out, Henry and Gompers also came over.

Gompers exclaimed with an exaggerated expression: "Beautiful Miss He, you are really lucky."

He Shuangshuang shouted excitedly: "Xiaofan, how much do you think this diamond is worth?"

"I don't know about this."

He could only tell the size of the diamond based on its aura, but he had no idea about its value.

Henry looked at the diamond and said, "Ms. He, your diamond is about two carats. It will be over one carat after polishing. It looks very pure. It should be worth twenty to thirty thousand Chinese coins in the market."

He Shuangshuang said in surprise: "Is it so cheap? As far as I know, a one-carat diamond is much more expensive than this?"

Henry said: "The diamond you are talking about is a polished diamond, and this is just a rough diamond. It has to go through many subsequent procedures to become a polished diamond that looks very beautiful.

Diamonds are mostly value-added, so this rough diamond is not that expensive now. If it is really processed and polished into a finished product, it will probably cost around 100,000 Chinese coins."

After hearing what he said, He Shuangshuang was a little excited and started sifting through the sieve again.

This chapter has been completed!
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