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Chapter 386 I want to be a witness

The old man was stunned for a moment, but he was still very old. He soon regained his composure, holding the phone and wallet in his hands and said: "Brother, everyone, I definitely did not steal this thing.

It must be that the thief was forced by us to have no way out, and finally stuffed the stolen goods into my pocket, with the purpose of framing him, because I just ruined his way of making money."

The old man seemed to be gentle and approachable. After saying this, he immediately won the approval of many people.

At this moment, the lame man also came to his senses and said: "Brother, I believe you, you must not have stolen the thing, otherwise you wouldn't have come up with this idea."

"I guess that's the case. This old man doesn't look like a thief, otherwise he wouldn't have stolen something and made a phone call on his own."

"The abominable thief actually started to frame someone up..."

"But here comes the problem. Now that everything has been found on the old man's body, who is the thief?"

Until now, the biggest problem is that we still haven’t found who the thief is? Who stole the wallet and mobile phone?

"Okay, everyone, be quiet."

The one who spoke was Xiao Gangtou, who had been silent next to him. He took out a small red notebook from his pocket and said, "Everyone, I am a member of the anti-pocket brigade of Jiangnan City.

People have often lost things on this train recently, and we have received reports, so we came here specially today to bring the thieves to justice."

"It turns out that there are anti-pocket-pocket team members in the car, so the matter will be easier to handle. The thief will definitely be caught."

After Xiaopingtou revealed his identity, he immediately gained everyone's respect and recognition.

He continued: "Actually, I saw everything just now clearly. This old man was indeed wronged. He did not steal anything, but was framed."

Someone asked: "Brother, do you know who the thief is?"

Xiao Pingtou said confidently: "Of course I know, everything is under my control."

Ye Bufan shook his head slightly. These people were quite well prepared. If their plan failed, they would find another plan. It seemed that this girl would still be in trouble.

"Then who is he? Find him out quickly and see if I can't kill him..."

"Yes, this thief is really hateful. Not only did he steal things from disabled people, but he also framed such a good old man..."

"Get him out, get him out, let's see what the thief looks like..."

In the midst of everyone's anger, Xiaopingtou waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, then raised his hand and pointed at the girl in white: "She is the thief!"


The people in the carriage were in an uproar. No one expected that the thief would be this beautiful girl.

"Brother, are you mistaken? Is it really her?"

"Of course it's not wrong. I have been secretly observing. Even when I just closed my eyes, I was watching secretly. It was she who stuffed her wallet and mobile phone into the old man's pocket."

Having said this, Xiaopingtou took out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and said solemnly: "Although justice may be late, it will never be absent. You are under arrest!"

After saying that, he grabbed the girl's wrist and slapped the handcuffs on her.

"Oh my God, I really didn't realize that such a beautiful girl is actually a thief."

"It's true that people are not judged by their appearance. She is so beautiful, but she actually steals things. If she does something bad, even if she goes out to sell, it is ten times better than being a thief..."

"He looks young, like a college student, yet he does such an immoral thing."

Everyone hates thieves so much that if the girl hadn't been pretty, they would have swarmed her and beat her up.

The lame man shouted with indignation: "You little girl, you were pretending to be a good person here just now. You are so good-looking, but you have such a dark conscience that you even stole my son's tuition fee!"

The girl was confused by everything that happened. She didn't come back to her senses until she was handcuffed, and she shouted in panic: "Brother, you are mistaken, I am not a thief!"

I really didn’t steal anything from this elder brother, nor did I frame this old man.”

"It's useless to argue. Come with me to the police station for investigation. It can't be true, and it can't be true. The law will give you a fair punishment."

After finishing speaking, Xiaopingtou took out a walkie-talkie from his pocket: "Captain...Captain, I caught a female pickpocket on the No. 13 bus, please bring the car over..."

Not long after he put down the walkie-talkie, a van drove up in front of the bus.

Xiao Pingtou said to the driver: "Please open the door, we are going to take her back for further examination."

Naturally, the driver didn't hesitate and opened the door directly. The girl shouted anxiously: "Brother, it's really not me. I really didn't steal anything. Don't accuse good people unjustly!"

"Come back with us first and then talk about it. We will find out the matter. We will not wrongly accuse a good person, but we will never let a bad person go."

The little flat head said to the lame man and the old man: "You also come with me, and we will cooperate with the investigation over there."

"Okay, thank you, comrade, for clearing my name."

The old man was full of gratitude. After speaking, he got out of the car with the lame man and got into the van first. The girl had no choice but to get out of the car with him, hoping that things could be explained clearly when they got there.

Just as Xiao Pingtou was about to get out of the car, someone behind him called out: "Wait a minute, I'll go with you too, and I'll be a witness."

The one who spoke was naturally Ye Bufan. These people in front of him were obviously not anti-pocket squad members. The girl was taken away by them with such great efforts. You can imagine what happened.

Under such circumstances, he naturally could not sit idly by and ignore it.

Xiao Pingtou looked back at him and showed a kind smile: "Little brother, our evidence is already sufficient. This old gentleman and the owner are both witnesses, so there is no need to trouble you to make another trip."

Ye Bufan said: "I want to certify that girl. I just saw clearly that she has never stolen anything."

Xiao Pingtou frowned. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to take this person with him. Although such a weak boy was nothing, he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Ye Bufan said: "Brother, you don't want me to give my certificate, do you?"

"How could it be? The law is always fair. Since you are willing to be a witness, then come with us."

After Xiao Pingtou finished speaking, he got into the van with Ye Bufan.

The door closed and the van immediately drove forward.

"What's going on? Why don't the anti-piracy brigade's cars have police lights?"

"Who knows, maybe they use local vehicles for the convenience of handling cases..."

"But they are going in the wrong direction. It is obviously not the direction of the anti-piracy brigade..."

"Who knows, when we arrive, there may be other team members who need to be picked up..."

The people on the bus talked about it, but no one paid attention. The bus driver started the bus and drove forward slowly again.

This chapter has been completed!
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