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Chapter 4225 Holy Spirit Conference

"Don't worry, listen to me and tell you slowly." Ku Xuzi was in an extremely good mood. He changed his grimace from before and was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

"Little guy, have you ever heard of the Holy Spirit Conference?"

"No." Ye Bufan had just arrived in this world and naturally knew nothing about it, but he had already found a good reason for himself.

"We have been living in seclusion with our father and don't know much about the outside world."

"It doesn't matter, I will tell you now, my master." Kuxuzi said softly, and Xuanyuan Linglong and Yu Hualing beside them also listened attentively.

Long Po and Yun Qianyin did not stop them and kept a suitable distance from the two of them. Obviously, they also wanted to explain the matter clearly through Kuxuzi's mouth and save themselves trouble.

"If we say that the largest and most influential competition in the Holy World of Chaos is the Holy Spirit Conference, it is said to be a conference, but it is actually a kind of competition. The holy spirit refers to the Holy Spirit of Chaos World, and the spirit refers to the cultivator.

"Spiritual root", the two words superimposed together have a very clear meaning. The most important thing in this Holy Spirit Conference is the spiritual root talent of the cultivators." The old man was kind and kind, and Ye Bufan also liked it a little more, and asked: "Master

, talent is invisible and intangible, how can we compare it?" Kuxuzi said: "Of course there are ways to compare. Although spiritual roots are invisible and intangible, feedback can be given in other ways. There is only one rule for registration for the Holy Spirit Conference.

, that is, your strength is below that of Chaos Yuan Zun. When you sign up, your cultivation level at that time will be recorded. After that, the competition will be divided into three rounds, with one month between each two rounds. The first competition will be held one month after registration. Rules

It's very simple, it depends on who has the most level breakthroughs. If you are at the ninth level of Chaos Yuanxian when you sign up, if you can reach the first level of Chaos Yuanzun after one month, you will have broken through one level, the second level will have broken through two levels, and so on.

Ye Bufan thought for a while: "Is there a loophole in this rule? What if I deliberately hide my strength? For example, I was already a Chaos Yuanzun when I signed up, but I just deliberately lowered my cultivation level."

"This is impossible." Kuxuzi shook his head. There were nine registration offices in the entire Chaos Heaven Realm, and each registration office had a simple Chaos Spiritual Treasure Peeping Mirror.

Not to mention just the strength of Chaos Yuanzun, even Chaos Yuansheng cannot hide his cultivation in the Sky-Peering Realm."

"Oh!" Ye Bufan nodded, still very shocked in his heart. As expected of the Holy World of Chaos, he could actually take out nine Chaos Spiritual Treasures at once. Even if they are simple ones, they are still a big deal.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask: "Master, who is the organizer of this Holy Spirit Conference? How could it be so grand?" Kuxuzi said: "It is the Wanxiang Heavenly Palace."

"Oh!" Ye Bufan nodded again, but his expression was blank. He had no idea what kind of existence this Vientiane Heavenly Palace was.

"You really come from a small place, you have never even heard of the Heavenly Palace of All Things. But that's right, you are so talented. If you had been exposed to the world, it wouldn't be my turn to take advantage of you." Kuxuzi said this again.

There was a burst of laughter, and Long Po and Yun Qianjin looked a little confused.

In their opinion, although Ye Bufan has some qualifications, he is definitely the worst among the three. How could he make the old man so happy?

Ye Bufan asked: "Is the Vientiane Heavenly Palace very powerful?"

"Is it powerful? This is the strongest sect in the entire Chaos Holy World, with a transcendent status." Kuxuzi showed respect at this point,

"The powerful sects in the entire Chaos Holy Realm are the First Palace, the Second Palace, the Three Mountains, the Four Gates, and the Five Sword Sects. The First Palace refers to the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, ranking first among the major sects." Ye Bufan is a newbie, so he naturally wants to try his best.

Obtaining information from many places, he immediately asked: "What are the remaining sects?" Kuxuzi answered all questions: "The second hall refers to Lingjiu Hall, Taihua Hall, and the third mountain refers to Fangcun Mountain.

Yuanshan, Jiulong Mountain. The four gates are Biying Gate, Xuannv Gate, Tianshang Gate and Yiyuan Gate. The five major sword sects include Fenglei Sword Sect, Xuanbing Sword Sect, Soul Chasing Sword Sect, Meishan Sword Sect and Qijue Sword Sect.

"Ye Bufan asked again: "Is the Vientiane Heavenly Palace the strongest?"

"It's hard to say whether Wanxiang Tiangong is the strongest. After all, other sects also have their own backgrounds, but it is definitely the one with the highest status." Yu Hualing was also aroused and asked: "Senior, why?

Is the Vientiane Heavenly Palace’s status so high?”

"Because its founder was the former Immortal Holy Ancestor, and it was previously called the Immortal Holy Palace." Kuxuzi's face was full of respect, and he let out a long sigh,

"It's a pity that the Holy Ancestor fell and no one can deserve this name anymore, so it was renamed Wanxiang Tiangong. But even so, this is the sect founded by the Holy Ancestor. Even after a million years, it is still respected by countless people.

." After saying these words, Ye Bufan's heart suddenly tightened. He had seen the Immortal Saint Emperor's Palace in the Immortal Spiritual Realm of the Heaven Realm before, and now there is another Immortal Saint Ancestor in the Chaos Holy Realm.

Both of them are named Immortal. Is this a coincidence or is there some connection? Does it have anything to do with me?

Before, I entered the Hall of the Immortal Holy Emperor and had a smooth journey. Even the puppets recognized me as their master. What was the reason hidden in this?

Although he had all kinds of doubts in his heart, he didn't show any expression, and his expression still looked as indifferent as before.

Yu Hualing didn't know what Ye Bufan was thinking, and continued to ask: "Since it is so powerful, who is in charge of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace now?" Ku Xuzi said: "Saint Ancestor Li Ge, the wife of the once immortal Saint Ancestor.

." Xuanyuan Linglong asked: "Senior, you just said that these happened millions of years ago. The wife of the Holy Ancestor is still alive. Doesn't it mean that the origin has been traced back to more than a million years?" This made her feel a little shocked in her heart.

, in the immortal world, even the Holy Emperor only has a life span of one to two hundred thousand years.

It is precisely because of this that Ran Changsheng extended his lifespan at all costs, and even wanted to enter the Holy Realm of Chaos.

"Of course." Kuxuzi glanced at her and said,

"You may not know that when you reach the realm of the Holy Ancestor and have almost endless lifespan, a million years is nothing."

"This..." After he finished speaking, Ye Bufan and the other three were shocked. Although they did not pursue immortality like Ran Changsheng, this is everyone's dream after all. They did not expect that after reaching the Saint Ancestor, they would

It can be realized.

Yu Hualing asked: "Senior, how many Saint Ancestor level experts are there in this Chaos Holy World?"

"It is so difficult to achieve the realm of Saint Ancestor. As far as I know, the entire Saint World does not exceed double digits." Ku Xuzi glanced at the three of them and said,

"You are all young and have such outstanding talents. If you practice hard, you may be able to reach that level one day." Ye Bufan calmed down a little, and the focus at hand was the Holy Spirit Competition.

He asked again: "Master, as you said before, those assessment methods do make some sense. But they can only tell a person's cultivation talent. Isn't it inappropriate to judge a person's spiritual roots in this way?"

What he said was from his own standpoint. If judged according to the situation in the fairy world, improving his own cultivation would consume a lot of resources.

However, the Chaos Immortal Technique is extremely unparalleled, and it is easy to achieve cross-level killings. It would indeed be biased to judge talent based solely on cultivation level.

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