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Chapter 1435 Apprehension

No trace of these two people was found in the village, especially since all the mortals in the village had disappeared without a trace.

There was actually a golden elixir monk in the sect whose soul card suddenly cracked. Originally, the death of a monk of this level was not a big deal.

However, after investigation, it was discovered that this person was a rotating disciple in the sect. He died while going out to investigate after receiving a warning message.

After his soul tablet was shattered, he was immediately reported to the authorities. When the elders above learned the cause, the matter immediately attracted the attention of the sect.

When a disciple of a monk who went to investigate evil spirits suddenly died, this was a big deal.

This shows that there are nine out of ten evil spirit monks who have really appeared. The opponent must have a large number of people or have a cultivation level above the Nascent Soul realm to be able to do it so neatly.

So the sect immediately sent two Nascent Soul Realm deacons to investigate the matter. After they checked the village where Wu Lei was located, the two monks immediately determined that the person who came was an evil spirit expert.

In the village, the most intense fighting place is at the entrance of the village. But the traces there are only leftover from the Qi Condensation period.

In the end, they searched the entire village and could not find any other traces of the fighting. Finally, they found the underground "Jingyandi", which they felt was the most suspicious.

However, nothing was found. In addition, all the villagers in the village disappeared, which shows that the evil spirit monks from outside are extremely ruthless.

In order to cover one's own whereabouts, one does not care about the identity of the other party. The purpose is to completely cover up the traces of one's own appearance.

I have to say that Li Yan's move really bought him some time.

Otherwise, with a piece of news about the "evil spirit monk" and the complete disappearance of a golden elixir monk, these villagers will definitely be thoroughly penetrated inside and out.

Li Yan only has information about one person, and his appearance has been verified, so there will be a clear target for the subsequent manhunt.

Li Yan never considered himself a gentleman. Although he would not kill innocent people indiscriminately, he would not be polite to anyone who could threaten his life.

Immediately, after the two Nascent Soul monks discussed it, one of them quickly returned to the sect, began to report back to the sect, and deployed disciples to search everywhere. They were very familiar with dealing with this kind of thing.

Another Nascent Soul cultivator immediately began to search the surrounding area carefully.

Therefore, after receiving the reward from the Nascent Soul cultivator, this sect not only sent out its own manpower, but also immediately spread some news to other neighboring forces.

They began to cast a large net around the surrounding areas to catch foreign "evil spirit monks" everywhere. It is precisely because of the "Earth Realm" that is a unified net covering the outside world, it is basically difficult for foreign monks to escape.

Their hatred for the evil spirit monks is deep in their bones. These people have forced them here, and they cannot enjoy more cultivation resources from the outside world.

Therefore, soon, many monks looking for foreign "evil spirit monks" appeared outside, including foundation building and golden elixir disciples.

These monks have long developed the habit of being self-centered here, so they are not afraid of outside monks, and they do not necessarily have to come forward in person, as long as they detect any abnormality and issue a warning.

Because of Li Yan's decisiveness, the other party lost its clear goal under unclear circumstances.

This allowed Li Yan to escape from the most intensive combing area in the first place, and this allowed him to escape.

Although he was traveling quickly, he started to encounter a lot of monks when he flew more than 20,000 miles. Li Yan saw that there were only five or more than ten monks on the other side.

And it was obvious that he was searching. After losing his spiritual sense to detect, Li Yan learned about the method of the soul cultivator who was poisoned by the fragmentation poison.

He decided to stay away from the edge for the time being, lest he take action and fail to kill everyone with one strike in time, thus exposing his existence, which would be a great pleasure for him.

Moreover, in their confessions, Wu Lei and others said that the way to deal with foreign monks was that they might have their souls extracted and refined after being caught.

At that time, Li Yan thought it was just a soul-refining exercise in the ordinary sense. Now that he had made some judgments, he knew that he might have mistakenly entered a place where soul cultivators gathered.

When thinking about the existence of soul cultivation, Li Yan has been cultivating immortals for so long, so of course he knows that sects such as soul cultivation and poison cultivation often practice in isolation.

You rarely come into contact with this type of sect in the outside world. They are always known for being mysterious. You can basically never find the location of the other sect. Moreover, each one of them is ruthless and vicious.

Just looking at the attitude of the mortals here when facing foreign monks, they have a mentality of killing them quickly, and you can imagine what it would be like if you were caught.

That is the true meaning of soul-extraction and soul-refining, not just a metaphor.


"People have already discovered what happened in that village. These people may be looking for the so-called 'evil monks'.

This is an area controlled by reclusive soul cultivators, and the appearance of foreign cultivators will affect their peace.

Therefore, they did not hesitate to use even mortals to instill the evil of foreign cultivators into their minds, making them share the same enemy. They were not afraid of the gap between cultivators and mortals at all, and brazenly "took action" against themselves.

The soul cultivators here will not allow any small pebble to break the peace here, let alone allow anyone to leave here and tell the truth about the discovery of the soul cultivators."

Li Yan kept thinking in his heart that in order to protect his secrets, the hidden sect or ethnic group would kill all outsiders who knew about it.

Li Yan was even slightly excited in his heart, feeling that he couldn't leave here, maybe it was a means of these soul cultivation.

Then, in this way, it would be possible for him to get out.

Li Yan avoided several waves of searches along the way and passed these people in a hidden state. However, every time he did this, he felt uneasy in his heart.

Li Yan saw that the monks were holding some magic weapons in their hands, and they were constantly moving them, causing some light and shadow changes, etc. The magic weapons also had different shapes.

As they moved the magic weapon around, Li Yan felt that the soul in his body became restless, with constant throbbing and disturbing feelings.

When those soul cultivators activate the magic weapons, they emit energy fluctuations, and Li Yan can roughly sense them. Most of them are in the Golden Core realm.

Fortunately, his soul is also powerful, and it has been tempered in the underground alleys of the "Soul Prison Clan" for more than ten years, so he also has strong control over the soul.

Whenever he encounters this kind of situation, he will stop and remain still, forcibly suppressing all the discomforts in his soul.

Then, seeing some monks looking in the direction where he was hiding in confusion, Li Yan felt more and more terrible about soul cultivation.

"In this weird place, the consciousness cannot scan. These magic weapons must be refined specifically to detect others. This method is a bit scary, and even the effectiveness of my concealment method is greatly reduced!"

This made Li Yan very frightened. The hidden methods of his cultivation were all aimed at detecting spiritual consciousness.

He was secretly glad that he was not careless and would not escape desperately without finding a strong person because he was in a hurry to leave here.

Li Yan's carefulness and decisiveness allowed him to escape from the densest search area before the other party sent a large number of disciples to search.

Due to the limitation of the size of the "Earth Realm", the place where he is now has reached the sphere of influence of other sects, and the number of searching monks has become much less.

In this way, he walked and stopped, hiding and hiding. Along the way, he also encountered many towns, villages, and even some sects.

However, Li Yan was careful to avoid the long journey, but as the monks holding magic weapons appeared one after another, Li Yan's speed suddenly slowed down, and time passed quietly and quickly...

One day later, he flew more than 4,000 miles. Although Li Yan met some single monks on the way, he still did not take action after careful consideration.

Since he guessed that there were monks nearby who were searching for him, after thinking about it, he still didn't want to take the risk of exposing himself. If he couldn't find out the information, he sent himself out...

Li Yan was quietly sneaking along the ground in a field. As he was moving forward, he suddenly stopped in place.

Because the soul in his body suddenly had an urge to rush out of the body, Li Yan immediately stopped and forcibly calmed the fluctuations in his soul power.

But this time, his soul power fluctuated violently, and when he went to adjust his breath to soothe him, it was already a little too late.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a forest on one side.

"Be sneaky and show yourself, or I'll beat you until you show up!"

As the voice fell, a figure jumped down from a big tree. It was a tall old man wearing a black robe.

This man's complexion was pale, as if he had not seen the sun all year round. He had his hands behind his back, and his gray hair was randomly tied in a knot at the back of his head. He looked quite a bit immortal.

While the gray-haired old man was speaking, he had already looked towards where Li Yan was. He was more than a thousand feet away from Li Yan.

Li Yan was shocked. After losing his consciousness, he was like a blind man. The other party was just hiding in the canopy of trees on the side, and he couldn't notice anything at all.

As soon as the opponent appeared, he exuded a weak and coercive air, and the coercion spread out in the air.

Finally, Li Yan also felt the strength of Qi in the other party.

There was a chill in my heart, and I felt that the other person's cultivation level should be from Nascent Soul to Transformation God.

As for the Void Refining cultivator, after Li Yan came to the fairy world, due to the remoteness of Pojunmen, he only met one person from Chunyang Hall.

He felt that he would not be so unlucky that he would meet him by chance, but this was just an expectation of his. However, at least the coercion emanating from the other party made Li Yan feel that he would not go beyond the scope of becoming a god.

Seeing that he had appeared and the other party was still hiding his figure, the old man in black robe sneered.

"It seems that you are the evil spirit monk who appeared recently. It turns out there is only one of you!"

The gray-haired old man stared coldly in the direction where Li Yan was hiding, his hands still clasped behind his back.

Just as he was speaking, Li Yan, who was in a hidden state, suddenly stood up on his hair. At the same time, he was frightened, and at the same time, a sinister wind seemed to appear behind him.

His body suddenly slid to one side, and at the same time his hiding state was cancelled.

Now that his whereabouts have been exposed, there is no point in hiding anymore. Especially in the hidden state, Li Yan cannot do his best.

He didn't show up immediately just now, but was quickly observing the surrounding situation. It seemed that there was only one monk here. Li Yan also had murderous thoughts in his heart, and he wanted to fight quickly.

It seemed that we couldn't go any further east, so we should change the direction and try again. Only then did we fly twenty or thirty thousand miles when we were discovered by others.

But he didn't know that if he hadn't escaped immediately and destroyed all traces, he might not have been able to get out even ten thousand miles away.

Because the sect where the monks he killed had guessed that the opponent had a large number of people or that the enemy had a strong cultivation level, they had already dispatched the god-transformation monks, and he almost became a turtle in the urn.

These thoughts quickly arose in Li Yan's mind while he was observing, but the opponent's attack had quietly come behind him.

Just as Li Yan dodged, a faint shadow suddenly appeared where he originally stood. The shadow floated past that position without making any sound.

If it weren't for the human soul among the three souls in Li Yan's heart, which suddenly shook violently, he might not have even known that the other party had taken action.

This shocked Li Yan, who had dodged the attack. This old man was too insidious. On the surface, he was still talking to him, but he had quietly launched an attack.

The phantom failed to hit Li Yan with one blow, but floated a foot away before turning to face Li Yan again.

At this time, Li Yan also saw the face of the phantom clearly, and it was striking that he had exactly the same appearance as the gray-haired old man on the other side.

Just when Li Yan quickly observed the other party and thought about what the phantom attack was, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a large chill rose from the soles of his feet.

It was almost noon, and under the scorching sun, there was no shadow at all, and the front and back of the body looked very thin, like a paper figure.

"Is this his soul?"

Li Yan couldn't believe it. After making a guess about this place, he immediately thought of an attack method.

However, the expression of the gray-haired old man opposite him remained the same, and he did not appear to have dull eyes or a state of being out of body, and his eyes also moved towards himself who had appeared.

This made Li Yan feel that the other party's attack didn't look like he was sacrificing his soul.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?"

Although Li Yan was shocked, he still pretended not to understand.

The other party was hiding in a big tree before. What kind of skills did he perform to cause his soul power to fluctuate? But why could the other party think that he was a foreign monk?

From the perspective of soul power fluctuations alone? This should not make sense. Even if you are a soul cultivator, your soul power will be strong or weak. It cannot be said that those with weak soul power are not soul cultivators...

The gray-haired old man saw his attack, but Li Yan dodged it instantly. He was also a little surprised, which meant that the other party sensed his attack.

But even those external god-transforming monks couldn't escape his sneak attack. How did this kid find out about his attack?

He set up a formation nearby, and this kid rushed in. Only then did he immediately notice that someone was hiding and sneaking around.

He is a monk in a nearby sect called "Huangquan Dao" and a deacon in the late Nascent Soul stage.

After receiving the news, he dispersed some of the disciples in the hall and set up a formation here.


The gray-haired old man snorted coldly. After using his magic power, he turned out to be a Nascent Soul cultivator, but his behavior was very suspicious, as if he was completely afraid of others seeing him.

Just as he snorted coldly, the human soul in Li Yan's body fluctuated again, making him suddenly uneasy. Then, there was a burning sensation between his eyebrows.

Li Yan instinctively turned his head, and at the same time, a faint black line appeared in front of his forehead.

As soon as this black line appeared, there were ripples in circles. Among these ripples, a purple needle as thin as a hair was stuck in it.

At this moment, Li Yan's body was also flashing and flew to one side. The black pattern that stayed in place also burst. The purple thin needle pierced it and disappeared again in an instant.

Li Yan's face turned pale at this moment.

"Huh? You are not an evil spirit cultivator, you are a soul cultivator. Which family or sect do you belong to?"

After the gray-haired old man saw the black lines on Li Yan's forehead, his cold expression was stunned for a moment, and he immediately stopped attacking.

In the distance, Li Yan, after escaping the opponent's second wave of silent attacks, was enduring the pain that rippled through his soul, but he immediately used the "Feng Chongtian" movement technique and launched a brazen attack.

He quickly dodged and shot towards the gray-haired old man with a twist of his body, leaving his shadow on the spot. He had taken the opportunity to take action, but he could not remain passively beaten.

Otherwise, he might die here today. After feeling the opponent's two sharp and strange attacks, Li Yan would not dare to let the opponent continue to attack.

However, what soul cultivators are most afraid of is getting close...


Just as the gray-haired old man was in a daze, this time it was his turn, and a cold voice suddenly appeared in his ear.


The gray-haired old man suddenly looked shocked. He was thousands of feet away from the opponent. This was the normal distance that the soul cultivator always maintained during his attacks.

Moreover, he is a native monk here, and he has actually only fought against foreign monks three times.

Although those monks also wanted to attack him, within the scope of their own soul power, they were keenly aware of the approaching stranger soul power.

Each time, he made the opponent hold his head and wail in pain during the attack.

Today, this hidden monk is still in the formation he set up. This is due to the dual induction of his own body and the formation.

But just as the gray-haired old man noticed the abnormal fluctuations in the soul power within the formation, the other party's voice appeared in his ears, so abrupt and close that it was almost right next to his ear.

This frightened the gray-haired old man to death. He had never known that such speed existed in this world.

Li Yan's palms were covered with scarlet light, and he cut into the gray-haired old man's neck with one palm. His physical strength and fragmented poison were running wildly at the same time.

At the same time, the other hand was not idle either, and suddenly the magic formula was pinched, and the "Five Elements Chaos Cloak" was immediately launched. As soon as he took action, he used all his strength.

The attack of the soul cultivator was too terrifying, and it did not allow the opponent any chance to breathe, and the two sides were only a thousand feet apart.

This distance, which the gray-haired old man felt was safe, could not be kept up by Li Yan's extreme speed, even if he could use his spiritual consciousness.

The gray-haired old man felt a warning sign in his heart. This was the first time he had been attacked at such a close range. The mana in his body was surging, and he hurriedly dodged to the side. At the same time, his soul power was activated again.

However, although the old man in gray robe knew that there was a physical cultivator and that there were physical cultivators in the "Earth True Realm", he himself had never had a duel with a physical cultivator.

I have no idea what the consequences of having a physical practitioner come close to me. What does it mean?

So, just when he was getting up.


Li Yan's palm cut off firmly, and it hit the back of his neck.

The protective light shield on the body of the gray-haired old man had just emitted a white light, and the mana that was being circulated suddenly became chaotic.

The defensive shield on his body suddenly became like a mirror, instantly turning into dots of white light and dispersing in the air. At the same time, an inexplicable corrosive force also entered his body in an instant.

A numbness penetrated from the neck and spread throughout the body in an instant.

The soul power condensed in the body of the gray-haired old man also stagnated. He immediately rolled his eyes and fell down, unable to even utter a sound.

Li Yan grabbed the other person and immediately fled in a certain direction.

The gray-haired old man never dreamed that his majestic Yuanying soul cultivator would attack the opponent twice but failed, but he would be captured by the opponent in an instant.

The two sides fought back and forth, but the conversation was over, and Li Yan did not dare to delay at all, so he ran away and left here!

This chapter has been completed!
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