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Chapter 1514 Soul Moon

His soul moon will become clearer and clearer as he practices, and it will slowly close.

When one day he can cultivate into a full moon, he can try to convert his whole body's strength into a big sun, and finally the two will slowly merge...

Because these are two extremes of one yin and one yang, one civil and one martial, you cannot cultivate the sun and the moon at the same time. Instead, you can only cultivate the stars and the moon first, and then slowly try to cultivate the power of the sun.

In this process, it is necessary to constantly adjust the balance between the two. Otherwise, not only will the practice fail to be successful, but the souls will become incompatible with each other and collapse on their own...

When Li Yan used the power of these cold moons, there was an invisible thread connecting the soul moon and the body.

If Elder Tang's soul moon can be found, his soul moon will also respond to it.

Others cannot detect these powers, but Li Yan can sense the existence of this power. If he looks for the power emanating from Hunsu Yue and then looks for him, he may be able to find his true body. ??

As for whether he can succeed, Li Yan can't care about anything else at this time. He doesn't have much time left.

After Li Yan thought of this, he immediately withdrew the power of Leng Yue, leaving only some power at the entrance of the mountain.

At the same time, his three souls changed with his skills and quietly entered a space that outsiders could not know at all.

This seemingly imaginary space can only be entered by monks who have practiced the "Holy Soul Transformation".

As for the outside world, Master Lan sensed that Li Yan's Leng Yue power suddenly weakened.

"Huh? What's going on? He obviously didn't finish swallowing the pill, so why did his strength suddenly become so weak?"

She couldn't help but look at Li Yan, but saw that Li Yan's face was not pale and his breathing was not abnormal.

Master Lan had a look of hesitation on his face. After thinking for a while, he still didn't step forward to disturb Li Yan.

This was also the reason why Li Yan didn't completely take back Leng Yue's power. He didn't want to explain too much.

Tang Feng may not be able to sense it, but Master Lan is a strong man in the Void Refining Realm, so he can sense the general situation of his spell casting.

If Master Lan knew that he had regained his power and had retreated to the other side of the gap, he would probably go berserk.

After spending so long and finally holding on until now, Li Yan actually gave up. Then he would have to start over again, but there was only a little bit of the elixir left...

Under the starry sky, Li Yan did not stop, and flew quickly towards a higher place this time.

The figure composed of three souls passed through the gaps between countless stars with just a sway, and continued to rush towards higher places.

When you practice to the point where "the stars move and the moon appears", your soul star will not stay in its original position, but will move to a higher place on its own, forming the scene of the moon appearing.

Li Yan's flight lasted more than three hundred breaths.

After he passed through a field of stars, large and small, a layer of soft yellowish light appeared in the sky above his head.

There, Li Yan saw some crescent moons, but most of them were very blurry. They were shrouded in a layer of yellow halo, giving them a hazy feel.

Li Yan glanced at the top of his head

In this sky, there are twenty-seven small moons, large and small.

Li Yan had been here more than once when he cultivated the "Star Shifting Moon Appearance". For these shallow moons, Li Yan could only get close to his own one.

As soon as he gets close to other Qianyue, he will be pushed away by a strong force.

He could also guess at that time that these Qianyue were not all people who practiced the "Holy Soul Transformation" technique.

Just like those stars, according to the explanation of the "Holy Soul Transformation" technique, other strongest people will also appear in Qianyue, but the other party does not know this space and will not use it.

Therefore, most of the shallow moons here are always dim.

"Fortunately, there are only twenty-seven shallow moons nearby. If the sky is really like a sky full of stars, I really don't know, we will find the Horse Moon in the Year of the Monkey."

Li Yan looked at the twenty-seven light moons above his head.

"Then I'll start with the brightest light, Qian Yue, maybe that represents the Fusion Realm monk!"

Li Yan glanced around and then flew towards the brightest moon.

Because he doesn't know whether his idea is correct or not.

Because when he was looking for his soul star back then, he had to fly an unknown distance before he found it, which is where he is now in the sea of ​​stars.

Li Yan thought that this area could also represent the vicinity of Zhenhun Palace, and these shallow moons represented powerful men.

That Elder Tang is not only an old monster in the Fusion Realm, but also a person who has practiced the "Holy Soul Transformation". As a result, his bent soul Su Yue may be brighter than that of another Fusion Elder.


Li Yan soon flew near the brightest light moon, and he could no longer get closer. The curved light moon exuded a wave of power, constantly repelling his approach.

Li Yan looked up and saw that the crescent moon was much larger than his soul moon, at least a circle bigger.

And it is no longer hazy and illusory, it seems to have the shape of mountains and rivers in the light moon.

Li Yan stayed there and began to sense it carefully, but as soon as he sensed it for a moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Because he actually sensed wisps of moonlight, which were radiating downwards. These moonlights were different from the power of Leng Yue, which was like the difference between spiritual energy and mana.

But Li Yan could still sense it after paying attention.

"Is this really the case? Are all Qianyue here like this?"

Li Yan didn't believe it at all. All this was just his own idea, and he actually sensed the light from other Qianyue.

The next moment, Li Yan turned around and flew to the other side. Soon after, he was close to another light moon in the sky, and he sensed it again.

After a while, his expression moved slightly and he headed towards another shallow moon again...

So, under such circumstances, Li Yan sensed ten shallow moons continuously. When he turned back and looked at the first shallow moon in the distance, a smile appeared on his face.

"These shallow moons don't have that kind of moonlight radiating out. There is no need to explore the rest. There should be hope of finding each other..."

Li Yan thought in his heart.

At this time, he already felt that his guess was correct.

The rest of Qianyue didn't have that kind of moonlight induction, which most likely means that their master has never practiced the "Holy Soul Transformation", so he couldn't sense it.

He detected eleven shallow moons, and only the one he guessed at the beginning was sensitive. Li Yan felt that his luck could not be that weak.

Moreover, according to Master Lan and others, in the entire Soul Soul Palace, only Elder Tang had reached the stage of "Star Movement and Moon Appearance" before him.

Under the remnants of the "Holy Soul Transformation", 99% of the people had cultivated to the power of the stars and found it difficult to continue to break through, so they all changed to other methods. Only Elder Tang continued to practice.

Thinking of this, Li Yan immediately flew to the vicinity of the first shallow moon he sensed. He carefully sensed the other party again, and the bursts of moonlight emitted were sensed by the range they illuminated.

Outside, Tang Feng was speaking softly to Master Lan.

"Brother Li has been here for more than half an hour and hasn't swallowed any more pills. This seems to be wrong. Isn't he using up Leng Yue's power?"

Master Lan also looked at Li Yan with frowning eyebrows.

"This is really strange. If he encounters a situation that he has not encountered before, as long as he does not withdraw, his Leng Yue power will still be consumed.

It can’t take such a long time and there is no need for recovery and replenishment? And I feel that his Leng Yue’s power has been weakened a lot. Could it be that he really encountered something?”

Master Lan said this.

But at this time, she did not dare to disturb Li Yan, for fear that Li Yan would detect a critical moment at this time, but looking at this situation, it was clearly abnormal.

"Has he already found the ancestor and is now returning little by little under the protection of the ancestor?"

Tang Feng suddenly thought of a possibility.

When Master Lan heard this, his purple eyes lit up. The situation mentioned by Tang Feng was really possible.

But seeing Li Yan motionless, she sensed the strength of the other party's Leng Yue, but there was no change in strength. This was too peaceful.

If Li Yan's Leng Yue power returns, it will gradually strengthen...

Li Yan's three souls continued to fall downwards along the scattered areas of moonlight, passing through sections of the night sky, as if falling into an endless abyss.

Li Yan didn't know how long he had been falling. Suddenly, at a certain moment, Li Yan saw a thick yellow fog, and those moonlight fell into it.

When Li Yan saw this, the phantom body transformed by his three souls was shocked, because these thick fogs were very similar to the thick yellow fog he sensed behind the cracks in the mountains.

"This... seems to be that area!"

Looking at the thick fog billowing below, Li Yan hesitated. He didn't know if his three souls would be lost in it once they entered.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to separate the three souls.

, let your human soul enter the edge of the thick fog, and carefully look at the situation inside.

At the same time, his two souls of heaven and earth formed a noose and tied it to the phantom of the human soul. However, after the separation of the three souls, the phantom displayed by the single human soul became even more illusory.

The space Li Yan is currently in is an unknown space. Only monks who have practiced the "Holy Soul Transformation" can attack him here.

However, once his soul enters the thick yellow fog surging below, it will be too dangerous. It will be exposed to the induction of other soul cultivators and may suffer fatal attacks.

However, to deal with this situation, Li Yan still had some means of defense. More importantly, he was afraid that if his soul was lost inside, his body in the outside world would become a walking zombie.

When Li Yan's human soul entered the edge of the yellow thick fog, it had already slowed down. He entered tentatively little by little. When the entire shadow entered the yellow thick fog, Li Yan's human soul indeed lost its direction.

But what surprised Li Yan was that he could still sense the invisible moonlight falling from the sky, and then he carefully explored his human soul inside...

Tens of breaths later, the two souls of heaven and earth outside pulled his human soul out of the thick yellow mist below with a strong tug.

After the human soul returned to its place, Li Yan's figure became much more solid again. He was suspended above the yellow mist, still in the unknown space, which made Li Yan feel much safer.

His eyes looked far down again.

"The moonlight illuminated by the opponent's soul moon will always be connected to the body, and can enter the yellow mist without hindrance.

This is like the situation when I am outside the mountain and use the power of the cold moon to enter the gap. Once the moonlight enters, although it will not dissipate, it will continue to change directions.

But generally speaking, it was directed towards a certain area below. I was only looking for the power of Leng Yue before. In order to save time, I ignored all other powers. Maybe I have encountered them before.

The reason why the ancestor of the Tang family can continuously use the power of Leng Yue while inside is because he can also practice with the help of Hunsu Yue.

Since the moonlight is a scattered irradiation, it may be difficult for him to find his soul moon after constant twists and turns in the fog...

Maybe... he can still find it, but it's useless. The area I'm in is just an unknown space, and he can't find the direction to the outside world at all.

Unless someone, like me, has been waiting here, and after meeting his three souls, he can get a better way through communication...

He may have tried this method, but it didn’t work at all! Or maybe he used the power of Leng Yue to explore the path just because he couldn’t be easily defeated, and he never thought about what I guessed..."

Li Yan thought in his mind, but for a while, he could not know the specific idea of ​​Elder Tang using the power of Leng Yue. At the same time, he felt that the yellow mist below was most likely that place.

"No matter what, let's try it first before talking!"

After Li Yan thought of this, his thoughts moved, and the power of the cold moon fell from the sky into the yellow mist below.

Subsequently, his two souls of heaven and earth also fell into the outside world, leaving only the human soul in the middle connected to both sides!

This chapter has been completed!
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