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Chapter 1585 Why is it different from what was said?

At the Broken Army Gate, Ren Yanyu watched Master Wei fly back, but no one came forward to tell him of his success, and he finally let go of his heart.

If Ming Yanzong succeeds in breaking through the barrier, the pressure on Pojunmen will definitely increase several times.

"Master Wei, who is in the late stage of becoming a god, also failed to pass. It is really difficult for the sect to improve its level. If one is not good, both sects may fail at the first level in this assessment."

Ren Yanyu thought in her heart that although she was firm in her Taoism, she was not stubborn.

The great elders of the two sects all failed, which made Ren Yanyu's confidence somewhat weak, but if it was really her turn to break through, she would still go all out.

Inside the lampshade, Li Yan controlled the Fuxi Pan spinning above his head. He was also secretly frightened, but it was not because of the blood tuo lamp.

He now wants to know the origin of that mysterious blood river even more!

Although this blood river did not sacrifice the flames within it, just by controlling the power of the lonely sun it emitted, the boundless flames around it were like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

It's just that at this moment, Li Yan has controlled the power of Fuxipan Guyang to a critical point, which makes the sea of ​​fire around him and the monsters within it slide almost against his body surface.

His whole body was submerged in the sea of ​​fire for most of the time.

Li Yan's control was more subtle than before, and the monsters in the fire that were close to him were struggling hard, trying to pass him by as quickly as possible.

This made the red flames they brought into the sky look even more fierce to the outside world, as if Li Yanzheng was constantly fighting with them.

What these monsters in the fire can do is not to attack Li Yan the moment they get close to him, but to twist their bodies with all their strength.

And the result that Li Yan wanted was this. He didn't know if he could drive Fu Xipan to try to devour the sea of ​​fire here, or those monster beasts.

Will the result cause irreversible damage to the Xuetuo Lamp?

Li Yan had thought about this several times in succession, but in the end he held it back, as Wu Gouzi's intention to kill him would definitely appear.

And now he relies on this treasure to break through the barrier, even if he ends up with nothing

It worked.

When the other party has not fully figured out Fuxi Pan, it can only be said that he will have some interest in this magic weapon, and will not immediately think about killing people to seize the treasure.

There are too many magic weapons in the world that can defeat each other.

It is impossible for Wu Gouzi to try to seize it as soon as he sees a magic weapon that can restrain the Blood Tuo Lantern. Then he will not be able to kill them all.

And since they are in conflict with each other, the main thing is to see who is using the treasure. Not to mention that Li Yan can now control Fuxi Pan and restrain the attacks here.

But the power of the Blood Tuo Lamp was released just now. If Wu Gouzi was allowed to sacrifice the Blood Tuo Lamp himself, Fu Xipan would probably not be able to survive.

The first reason is that Li Yan's own strength is limited, and the magic weapon he can use will be restricted. The second reason is that there are still too few blood rivers and smoothies in Fuxi's plate.

Li Yan's flying speed is not too fast, but it is not very slow either, giving people a feeling of striving upward.

He is also worried that if he stays here for too long, will his flaws be exposed? Therefore, he should leave here as early as possible while completing the level as normally as possible.

At the same time, he would occasionally take out some elixir bottles, and also pretend to open them and swallow them when the flames flickered.

From Three Hundred Zhangs onwards, every time before reaching a checkpoint, Li Yan would absorb the power of Guyang on the Fuxi Pan and let the monster guarding the checkpoint come out normally, and then he would kill the opponent with his own hands.

So Li Yan's figure flickered in and out of the flames, and after he sacrificed the magic weapon, he continued to divert the sea of ​​fire and swallow the pills...

And every time he reaches a checkpoint, he has to fight with the opponent.

In fact, the strength of the monsters guarding the checkpoint in the first few hundred feet are only fourth-level monsters, so it doesn't take much trouble at all.

But Li Yan also had to show that after resisting the sea of ​​​​fire and losing his magic power, he still had a tendency to delay the time to kill the big monster guarding the gate, which made people think that his subsequent magic power might be unsustainable.

And when Li Yan flew up to more than 500 feet, the elder of Mingyan Sect also entered the lampshade.

But as soon as she entered, she found countless heads in the sea of ​​fire all around, and they all attacked.

As soon as Elder Yu sensed this, he was shocked.

"This feeling... seems to be different from what Elder Wei said. He said that with my strength, the difficulty will only become apparent after I get four hundred feet. .??.

But why do I feel that the attacks here are already quite terrifying?"

She noticed that the heads that appeared here were all ferocious, and their expressions seemed to be filled with boundless anger.

Attacks came like a wave from all around, and she had to use about 30% of her strength to divert the sea of ​​fire.

Elder Yu thought this in his mind, but he did not dare to stop his movements and immediately used the fire control technique...

As Elder Yu entered, everyone's attention was once again focused on these two people, and they no longer looked towards Master Wei.

But not long after, many people discovered one thing. This elder of Mingyan Sect didn't seem to be very powerful.

But starting from a few dozen feet away, her speed was always very slow.

And when she reached a hundred feet, it took more than twenty breaths to fight with the head there.

"What's wrong with Elder Yu? Did she do it on purpose? It's only a hundred feet away. Elder Wei said you don't have to worry about it and just kill it!"

On Ming Yanzong's side, a spirit-forming monk stared at the lampshade and couldn't help frowning and said. The spirit-forming man killed Yuanying, and he did so at a time when his mana had not been consumed too much.

Although the disciples nearby were also surprised, they just stared there. No one dared to voice such doubts.

As the god-transforming monk spoke, the other people looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

At this time, if Master Wei hadn't been recovering from meditation and breathing, they would have wanted to ask about the situation again.

It’s not that they doubt Master Wei’s words, but now

Comparing Elder Yu with the previous Shangguan Tianque, the main spiritual root attributes of the two are the same.

Therefore, Ming Yanzong had a quick discussion and felt that Shangguan Tianque's method was correct, so they adopted the other party's method of breaking the barrier.

Moreover, Elder Yu's cultivation level is stronger, but why does her performance look worse than Shangguan Tianque now?

This made them wonder if Elder Yu had any new plans after she entered?

Han Zhumei's wonderful eyes were also staring closely at the sea of ​​fire inside the lampshade.

All she could see were the attacking heads, but she felt that the number was not much different from when Master Wei entered.

But at this time, Elder Yu seemed to be not afraid of being stuck and wasting mana, and he was slowly rising all the way...

At this moment, although Wu Gouzi didn't have much expression on his face and was still staring at the Xueduo Lantern sinisterly, he was also muttering in his heart.

"The magic formula I handed over to the four people can exert at most 30 to 40% of the power of the Blood Tuo Lamp, which is considered good. However, Mingyan Sect has just broken through this time, so it seems like it is very difficult..."

The other people also had the same doubts, but no one could think that it was the four monks from Chunyang Hall who were causing trouble.

At this time, inside the lampshade, Elder Yu had already noticed that something was wrong.

"Isn't there someone who has raised the difficulty of the test? If I continue to pass the test as Elder Wei said, it may be extremely difficult for me to even pass the distance of 600 feet!"

Although she also thought of a certain possibility, she immediately felt that there would be no way to increase the difficulty. This lamp was controlled by the monks of Chunyang Hall.

If the other party doesn't want their sect to improve its level, they can just find a reason to directly deny the qualification. There's no point in using it. It's such a waste of time and effort.

For example, if one of you, the god-transforming monks, has a problem, etc. As long as you are a monk, it is impossible for you to have no problems at all. It depends on how you adhere to the rules...

Li Yan, on the other side, had already soared to more than 700 feet at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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