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Chapter 1752 Liu'an Xiaofeng

This is a mirror-like lake located in the southeast of the entire Huangqi Valley. The lake covers an area of ​​300 miles.

The lake has clear blue waves all year round, and is surrounded by thick shades of weeping willows. It is estimated that only immortals can occasionally walk around the lake.

Even in the midsummer season, standing on the shore, there is a cool breeze, and bursts of coolness are constantly blowing by!

At this time, about one hundred and sixty monks appeared on one of the shores of the lake. They either gathered together in twos and threes, whispering incessantly, or stood with their hands behind their backs, overlooking the blue waves of the lake.

Among these people were Nascent Souls, Transformed Gods, and some strong people in the Void Refining Realm. Li Yan was standing under a willow tree, brushing the willows, which were blowing in the wind in front of his sight.

The ancient inheritance palace, which is opened once every three hundred years, was opened again today. Some of the core elite disciples of Huangqi Valley gathered here, and there were only more than a hundred of them.

Although the lowest realm of monks here is still the Nascent Soul realm, in fact, as long as those two conditions are met, you can enter.

There were even foundation-building monks who entered in the past, but there were too few foundation-building and golden elixir monks who could meet the conditions. It was something that only happened occasionally.

Among the group of disciples who came today, there is no such arrogant disciple.

Li Yan stood under the tree, feeling the cool breeze blowing from the lake and blowing on his green shirt. He did not feel the scorching summer heat, but instead felt refreshed.

"It opens once every three hundred years. In the eyes of ordinary people, if you are lucky, you may catch it once in your life, but in the eyes of monks, it is just a fleeting moment.

So far, there have only been so many people here. It seems that many elite disciples have already been to the ancient inheritance palace, but they may not be in a hurry to enter again.

What’s more, the conditions for entry are quite harsh. It is really not easy to meet these two conditions to be among the top one thousand core elite disciples or have 80,000 sect contribution points..."

Li Yan couldn't help but express his feelings.

He was also looking at the scenery on the lake, but he was thinking about the more than a hundred people who had arrived. In order to get this opportunity, he had almost no time to practice in these years.

Among these people, Li Yan had seen some familiar disciples before, most of whom he had met while doing tasks.

After greeting those people from afar, he did not join the gathering of those people, but stayed at the far side of the crowd.

Those people were not surprised to see that Li Yan had not passed away. They met Li Yan during the mission, so they knew his nature.

Li Yan is a very taciturn person, almost like a mute in tasks. I have a deep impression on him because he has taken on too many tasks.

However, regarding Li Yan's strength, these people all know that the other party has hidden methods, and the cultivation level shown by Li Yan cannot really count.

But under that kind of high-intensity mission, although he was working hard to contribute points, being able to survive the mission that Li Yan took was enough to explain everything.

Among the monks arriving one after another, Sister Mingqi also came here, and the pair of sisters stood in the crowd.

When they saw Li Yan standing alone under the tree outside everyone, both parties smiled and nodded to each other, but neither of them had any intention of getting together.

At the moment when the two sides greeted each other, Li Yan keenly caught the flash of surprise in one person's eyes when he looked at him.

However, Li Yan didn't show anything strange on his face, and the sisters were not wearing white sect clothes, but the same yellow dresses.

Except for some people who like elegance in the sect and often wear sect clothes, they only wear sect clothes when there are important events in the sect.

People like Li Yan, who likes to be low-key, don't like such bright colors. They always feel that standing somewhere will easily attract the attention of others.

The two sisters were dressed exactly the same and had the same hairstyle, which made it impossible for Li Yan to tell who was who between the two without using his spiritual consciousness.

When he caught the surprise in the eyes of one of them, Li Yan immediately determined that the person was his sister Mingyu, and the one beside him who looked normal was Mingqi.

The reason why he made this judgment was that Ming Qi had been with him for several months, and through previous comparisons, he found that this woman had a more calm temperament.

The reason why both parties had a tacit understanding and did not get together like during the internal election was because of the last mission.

Now Li Yan knows that the Ming sisters have a lot of secrets. It is better to have less contact with such people since they cannot distinguish between friends and foes.

And he could also guess that the other party also had the same thoughts.

In the last mission, Ming Qi didn't know why in the formation, everyone else was dead, but she was able to take the items from others, and even though she survived, she didn't want to have more contact with herself.

And for such a big event, the other party will definitely tell his sister.

Therefore, when Mingyu saw her for the first time, she couldn't help but feel that she was different from what she had thought before, and naturally something strange appeared.

In addition to these people, Li Yan also saw several more familiar people.

Those were Yan Qingchen, Liu Siyu, who participated in the internal selection with him, and another cultivator of the Divine Transformation Realm who should be in their group.

Next to these three people, there were two more middle-aged men. Their cultivation had reached the late stage of divine transformation. They had been talking in low voices.

Li Yan also knew that Yan Qingchen's alchemy level was really strong. Over the years, he had continuously broken into the "Alchemy Emperor Tower".

Finally, he managed to reach the rank of 951 as a new disciple.

Although this is still at the bottom of the ranking list, what kind of people are on the list, but there are too many old elite disciples.

Li Yan had already heard about this when he paid the sect's contribution points last time and got the quota to enter the ancient inheritance palace, and he couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

In terms of Alchemy attainments, overall I cannot compare with the other party. It was only after I used other means one after another that I became one of the core elite disciples.

"Sister, you said that black boy might have the means to refine the void, or simply be a monk in the void realm? But no matter how I look at it, there is no possibility at all?

His realm is indeed the middle stage of divine transformation. Even if the opponent can conceal his strength, it is impossible for him to conceal a large realm at once!"

Mingyu stood at the edge of the lake, watching the clear water waves that were stirred up by the cool breeze blowing on the lake, and continued to ripple on the river bank not far from his feet.

It seems that they hit the river bank every time, as if they can reach the soles of their delicate boots with all their strength...

Although Mingyu was staring at the water splash, he sent a message to ask his sister.

After her sister came back a few years ago, she made it sound like Li Yan was more powerful than herself, but Mingyu just didn't believe it.

Of course she knows her sister's strength best, and a monk in the Void Refining Realm is also capable of dealing with it when she explodes with all her strength.

"I suspect that this person has a treasure that masks his aura. The level of the treasure is as strong as ours. If it is like this, of course we won't be able to tell.

The other party's cultivation level...should not reach the Void Refining Realm, but it must be at least at the peak of the late stage of God Transformation.

Didn’t we find out last time that when Li Yan first entered the sect, he did not participate in the three preparatory examinations in Waigu? What does this mean?

He has the ability to avoid those three tests, and there are people in Huangqi Valley helping him.

Only in this way, even if he conceals his cultivation, as long as he is in the realm of divine transformation, he can enter as a disciple according to the rules, so no one will come out to stop him!"

Although Ming Qi was replying, she was looking at a place in the center of the lake in trance. In the center of the lake, there was a huge island covered with dense trees.

This means that when people look from the shore, they can only see a circle of trees, and even if you scan with your spiritual consciousness, you still can't penetrate those trees.

Obviously those woods are a layer of protection from prying eyes.

At another place on the shore, Yan Qingchen and the other five were also communicating with each other.

"...After entering, don't spread out. If you can help me find that thing, then Yan will fulfill the conditions I promised and will never break my promise!"

Yan Qingchen's voice was echoing in the minds of the other four people. In order to complete the task this time, he was selected after passing various assessments.

For this reason, he has suppressed his cultivation for a long time, and after coming here, he spent a lot of spiritual stones and treasures.

It was just the last internal selection assessment, and those two idiots failed to enter the list of core elite disciples despite their boasts.

This forced him to spend time and money again to select suitable helpers among the core elite monks.

Needless to say, he paid a lot of spiritual stones before the ancient inheritance palace opened this time, that is, yesterday.

But these can also be regarded as deposits. He has to give them corresponding conditions for each of the conditions put forward by these people.

Fortunately, I have the strength behind me, and I have already prepared things according to these people's requirements. After showing them to them yesterday, these greedy people were sure to help me.

Liu Siyu listened to Yan Qingchen's words, and in the silence of several people, her beautiful voice also sounded.

"Senior Brother Yan has an open mind. This has been proven before. There is no problem at all. When we take people's money, of course we must do our best.

Otherwise, in the future, let alone walking outside, even if you are in the same sect, no one will believe in your commitment and character!"

Liu Siyu's pleasant voice was conveyed in everyone's mind. At this moment, the faces of the other people were all smiling and nodding in agreement.

But those three people were disdainful in their hearts. They all knew that Liu Siyu really liked Yan Qingchen, and the other party was deliberately using them to say things that Yan Qingchen could not say.

This chapter has been completed!
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