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Chapter 917 Exit

 In response to Li Yan's rebuttal, the voice of the four-winged "Dark Spirit Demon Bat" immediately became angry.

For a time, the atmosphere between the two sides became tense.

Li Yan and the three of them also secretly accumulated their magic power, fearing that the other party would suddenly attack them desperately.

At this time, Li Yan suddenly spoke again.

"If one person goes out at the exit, can he exchange messages with other people here?"

"After this restricted exit is opened, the inside...the inside can clearly see everything happening outside, but the outside cannot see anything inside.

This is originally an exit that we use for one-way detection and sneak attacks on foreign enemies. ??

However, Fellow Daoist Zhang can send a message... out, and ask the other party to take corresponding actions according to the content of your message... to respond, which can be regarded as making some simple contacts."

Meng Zhiyuan glanced at Li Yan and said in a weak voice. He also understood what Li Yan meant.

Li Yan and Xing Yan looked at each other and felt that the other party's proposal could really solve their concerns.

As long as one person goes out, they can see each other and the scene outside, and then ask questions such as whether it is safe.

Then let the other party make corresponding yes or no, right or wrong response actions, such as blinking, raising hands, etc., but it is still possible to communicate simply, Li Yan nodded.

"After opening the restricted passage, we will let one person go out first. After confirming that everything is correct, the next person will go out.

Of course, the magic weapon I mentioned before will also be taken away. I will stay to make sure that both of them are okay, and then I will let Fellow Daoist Meng go. What’s this decision like?”

"Junior brother, no!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhang..."

When Xing Chan and the two men heard this, they immediately shouted to stop him, while Li Yan waved his hands.

"Brother, please go out first. Otherwise, if we all go out together, fellow Taoist Meng might not be at ease. We can't just continue to be in a stalemate here."

At the same time, he secretly sent a message to Xingbo.

"Senior brother, you can rest assured that I have planted a poison in his body and he will not notice it. If the other party is easy to talk to, everything will be fine.

Otherwise, I will make it clear when the time comes. How is the situation different between that time and now?

If we take this person out together, he will only feel that he has no means of stalemate with us in the end, and may not really allow us to leave safely."

After hearing Li Yan's message, Xing Ye immediately sent a message back.

"Junior brother, this trip was originally caused by Brother Yu's incident. Since you planted a poison in his body, why don't you give me the antidote and let me stay, and you and Daoist Fellow Feng go out first..."

After thinking about it for a while, Xingbo also made a decision.

His behavior made Li Yan a little surprised. He didn't expect that this cheap senior brother would make such a decision at the critical moment of life and death. He was really sincere to him.

However, he didn't just stay to protect others, he also had other things to do.

"Senior brother, there are some very strange situations here. I haven't yet
Once I figure it out, I still need to ask the other party a few questions, and then I will go out."

Since Xing Jie said this, after Li Yan thought about it for a while, he no longer concealed it from him and stated his purpose.

Who left the cave here? What are these ancient monsters guarding here? What is the terrifying power in the three corridors?

It would take some time to ask these questions. It was impossible for Li Yan to follow him out immediately. After thinking about it, he told Xingji truthfully.

Otherwise, if Xingbo sees that he has not followed him out, he may think that something has happened to him.

Either you can guess what you were thinking afterwards, so it would be better to explain it to him directly.

As for the other Feng Moru, whether Xingjie explained it or not, Li Yan didn't want to say any more.

"Junior brother, this is too risky..."

"That's it, it's okay senior brother, I'm sure I can control him!"

Li Yan no longer wanted to continue talking, and his tone became unquestionable.

The two communicated very quickly, and when Xingbo saw that the other party insisted on doing this, he could only sigh in his heart.

He now feels that Zhang Ming is more and more important to the sect. Whether he is dealing with people or dealing with the sect, this person is extremely delicate and considerate. Even he is not as good as him. He is an indispensable talent.

"Then junior brother, you must be careful!"

Xingbo warned, Zhang Ming insisted on this, and he had no other way. Besides, the "Dark Spirit Monster Bat" would not completely let them leave with the hostages.

The four-winged "Dark Spirit Demon Bat" with a female voice looked at Meng Zhiyuan, who nodded slightly at her.

As Li Yan said, no one believes in each other, and we cannot continue to be in such a stalemate.

Then, she no longer hesitated and flew to a place in the middle of the corridor, where nothing abnormal appeared in Li Yan's consciousness.

But she just hovered there, with her wings gently beating, and a series of obscure sounds coming from her mouth.

Suddenly a light flashed in the originally dark corridor, and that light was exactly on the cave wall opposite the four-winged "Dark Spirit Monster Bat" suspended in the air.

The bright light that appeared on the cave wall was only as small as a starlight at first, but in the blink of an eye it filled everyone's field of vision.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ball of white light that was two feet high and wide, and the entire corridor became brighter.

The white light group only took three or four breaths before it quickly dimmed. At this time, a slightly distorted picture appeared on the cave wall.

After the scene gradually became still, Li Yan finally saw the scene clearly, and several people immediately heard the message in their hearts.

"It's the entrance to the seabed!"

They had already recognized the scene in the picture. In the hazy scene, there were undulating mountains. This was where Jiang Baibi and the others first broke into.


At this moment, Li Yan and others were suddenly moved. They couldn't help but look sideways. At the end of the corridor, a large number of "Dark Spirit Monster Bats" suddenly flew towards them.

Two four-winged "Dark Spirit Monster Bats" were flying in and out quickly, arriving in front of Li Yan and others in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, it stopped in the air without any warning.

As soon as it stopped, one of the four-winged "Dark Spirit Monster Bats" spoke fiercely.

"We're all here, why haven't you come over? You guys are breaking your promise!"

Li Yan glanced at the other party and realized that in fact, apart from the difference between two wings and four wings, these "Dark Spirit Monster Bats" only differed in size and breath.

To be honest, he couldn't tell any difference between them with the naked eye.

But he still knew the other party's identity from a colorful glass lamp held under the claws of another four-winged "dark spirit demon bat".

They should be the two four-winged "Dark Spirit Monster Bats" and their group of magical beasts that besieged Jiang Baibi.

He didn't answer the other party's question. He didn't want anyone to have to explain it.

Therefore, Meng Zhiyuan, who was trapped by spiritual power, had to whisper a few words to the two four-winged "Dark Spirit Monster Bats".

After listening to Hou Meng Zhiyuan's words, the same four-winged "Dark Spirit Monster Bat" snorted heavily.

He is the second senior brother of several others here, the second senior uncle of those two-winged "dark spirit demon bats". Apart from Meng Zhiyuan, he is the most authoritative person.

It is also the person who most wants to kill these monks in front of him right now.

"Very good! Give them the things from the fifth brother, and quickly replace them with the big brother!"

The other four-winged "Dark Spirit Monster Bat" flying with him heard this, and a flash of light flashed under his claws, and he threw the thing over.

Li Yan did not pick it up, but Xing Jie beside him raised his hand slightly, and caught the "Colorful Glaze Lamp" in his hand in a flash of light, and then his spiritual consciousness penetrated it.

After a moment, he nodded slightly to Li Yan, with a complex look in his eyes.

This time, I came to kill Jiang Baibi and take back Master's magic weapon. The original plan was extremely complicated and even easy.

Who could have expected that such a powerful monk as Xuan Caijun would unexpectedly die here.

If it is said that there are dangers everywhere, they have only met Jiang Baibi a few times, and in the end they have not even made a move.

The changes and results of this trip were beyond everyone's expectations.

Therefore, when he sees the "Colorful Glazed Lamp" intact in his hand without any damage, Xingbo feels confused.

He also knew that Jiang Baibi was eventually forced into the final tunnel. Not to mention the golden elixir that escaped there, the Nascent Soul would also perish after entering.

Thinking about it, a monk as powerful as Jiang Baibi might just stand there stupidly and let the other party do whatever he wants...

"Senior brother, which one of you will go out and explore the road first?"
Li Yan's words rang in his ears again.

"It's better for me to go there, and you can just send me a message then. Anyway, I am still in this broken body, which is perfect for detecting danger! And..."

At this time, Feng Mo entered his body and pushed away Xingji's support. His body was already hanging in the air. He nodded towards Li Yan and the other two.

This old Taoist also believes in loyalty. He came to help this time and took advantage of others, but in the end, his life was actually saved by the brothers Xing Jian. He always had to put in some effort to get through.

When Feng Mo got into the conversation, he suddenly changed to transmitting messages to the two of them.

Li Yan listened to Feng Moru's message and secretly praised the other party for his sophisticated behavior and that he was worthy of being the master of a sect.

The content of Feng Moru's message was that he and the two of them had agreed on some secret codes, some secret codes that only the three of them knew.

He thought carefully, fearing that the opened passage might be some kind of illusion. After he entered, everything Li Yan and the others saw might not be consistent with reality.

And his own actions may also be changed by the illusion.

Therefore, he temporarily used a set of contact signs, which were relatively complicated and looked like a means of traveling around the world all year round.

Even if Li Yan has never been exposed to it, with the monk's super memory, this is not a difficult task.

Ten breaths later, under the disdainful looks of Meng Zhiyuan and others, Feng Moyu, with an abnormally pale face, walked into the slightly distorted picture.

After taking one step in, the screen blurred for a while, and soon his figure appeared at the entrance to the seabed.

He turned around and immediately made an action.

Immediately, Xingbo began to transmit messages to him.

After a while, Feng Moru made another move, but this time Xingbo did not immediately reply to the transmission, but just stood quietly and looked at the screen.

In the silent scene, Feng Moru did not continue to receive sound transmissions in his mind at this moment.

After he paused for three breaths, he continued to perform six different actions.

It wasn't until the sixth action was completed that Xing Bo's eyes flashed and he continued to say another sentence.

But this time after Feng Moru heard it, he didn't make any more moves and flew directly into the distance.

This caused the eyes of the "Dark Spirit Monster Bats" on one side to flicker continuously.

Just like that, after a while, Feng Moru suddenly appeared in the screen again, with a piece of red coral in his hand.

He placed the red coral on a rock and then sat cross-legged on it.

Xing Bo's voice sounded in Li Yan's mind at this moment.

"It should be correct. It's not an illusion formation, it's really a forbidden passage."

"Okay, senior brother, you can go out as well, but I will test it again in accordance with some agreements."

Li Yan replied that he was still very careful and would continue testing when the next star borer comes out.

This chapter has been completed!
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