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Chapter 122 Processing

"It's so annoying to look at."

"I'd rather go blind."

"I'm afraid I might get a needle eye."

Mr. Liu howled loudly, and what he heard in response was a whining sound that sounded like a complaint. At the same time, the six top students who were like dead dogs came to life in a second, and sat up in a lively manner.

No one appreciates the beauty, they all have a look of hatred and bitterness on their faces. They are frightened and their eyes are hurt. What they need at this time is chicken soup for the soul. Even if there are gods in front of them, they have no intention of watching.

Chao Yubo wanted to give him a slap in the face when Mr. Liu was giving away his hat in a nonchalant manner, but the guy cleverly changed the subject, so he didn't bother with the trivial matter. He changed his posture with a cold face and looked at

Xuechang Chen et al.

When he saw Vice President Le waiting for him by the car outside the auditorium, Chao Yubo was on guard at that time. Taking advantage of the cover of night, he quietly opened the medicine bag he carried in his backpack. When he smelled Vice President Le's body, he

When the perfume smelled strong, he guessed there might be something wrong, but probably because he was relatively healthy, he didn't feel any discomfort, except that he felt a little choked.

Of course, he did not dare to play with his wealth, life and innocence. He used the car key as a cover, took out a piece of medicine, and then stuffed the medicine into his mouth by rubbing the tip of his nose and stroking his forehead to prevent any accidents.

He is not worried about Senior Chen. Senior Chen's ability to become the number one person in the medical department is not a fabricated example. Based on Senior Chen's understanding of Chinese medicine, he must have noticed it already.

When Le Qianjin fed Senior Chen some medicine, Chao Yubo chewed up the medicinal materials. When he was given the medicine, he could not taste the medicine, and only had the refreshing and cool taste of Dendrobium officinale in his mouth.

He was not worried that Senior Chen and Da Li would be knocked out by the scent of the medicine, but he was worried that the top students would be affected by some kind of medicine and lose control, so he had to confirm it with his own eyes to feel at ease.

As soon as he heard the angry howls of the top students, the young man felt relieved.

"What the hell, my hair has been pulled several times, and I don't know how many tonics I need to take to make it back." Chen Shuyuan sat up, touched his hair that had been pulled several times, and groaned with a grimace: "It almost hurts me to death.

Is it easy for me to pretend to be stunned and get beaten?"

"I hate people pulling my hair the most. I want to chop off women's hands." Cai Zijun made a cold face and made a gesture to push up his glasses. When his hand fell on the bridge of his nose, he found that he was not wearing his glasses and his face was even darker.

The three top students, Deng Yuxuan, He Zexin and Xu Hope, did not yell. They touched their heads, rubbed their faces and relaxed their muscles. In order to act like a person who is in a coma, they all took it very seriously.

They are also very nervous, okay?

Although I suffered a lot of grievances when I pretended to be dead, fortunately my acting skills were passable and my performance was perfect. Now I have to relax and relax my mind and comfort my frightened little heart.

They felt really frightened. The thoughts of a certain girl had overturned their three views. To be honest, they had never dreamed before that a girl who looked dignified and delicate could actually hide such a vicious heart.

She took off the mask and revealed her true face. Isn’t it too ruinous to her outlook on life?

The three top academics, whose outlook on life has been refreshed, have not yet calmed down. They need to be quiet.

"You... how could you not faint..." Seeing the beautiful young man who was awake, Le Shiyun was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder burst. She turned her head and saw that the six boys seemed to be okay. She was so frightened that she shook her head in horror.

He unconsciously stepped back, took a few steps, tripped over himself and staggered, and sat down softly.

Bang, she fell heavily to the ground and tried to get up. She was so frightened that her hands and feet became weak and she couldn't get up. She was scared, frightened and panicked, and started whimpering.

"We didn't cry, why is she crying?"

"It's not like you don't know that she's used to pretending to be pitiful, and now she's pretending to be pitiful."

"You can only ask for forgiveness when you cry until you are crying."

The six top students frowned and curled their lips in disgust. Why are they crying? They were so arrogant when they wanted to harm them. Where has their energy gone now?

"It's strange, why are you all fine?" Liu Xiangyang looked at the top students in surprise. He often watched the young people and saw the action of the young people spitting out medicine. He knew that the young people were not fainted, but he was busy watching the show and did not think deeply about why they

Didn't feel dizzy.

"Alas -" Chen Shuyuan sighed: "Even if I am not a genius in Chinese medicine, I am a genius in Chinese and Western medicine. I have also studied Chinese medicine and understand pharmacy. If I can't even smell the incense made from datura flowers, I will

A four-year scholarship has been wasted. Isn’t it true that all these years have been wasted?”

"Hmph, it's not like the Le family is the only one who knows pharmacy, nor is the daughter of the Le family the only one who is a top student in pharmacy." Li Yubo had a cold face, as if someone owed him eight million.

Deng Yuxuan, He Zexin, I hope you will look at me and you, smile, quietly roll up something hidden under your tongue, and decisively pretend to be stupid.

"Do you hope that something will happen to us?" Chao Yubo arranged his clothes and slowly buttoned his clothes. Thinking that his face was touched by a dirty thing just now, his beautiful face was dark and inky.

"No, no, absolutely not. If I really wanted something to happen to you, I wouldn't have followed you to protect you. You can't take my brother's kindness for granted. I'm just curious about why you didn't fall for it? I'm a veteran professional.

, carry anti-intoxicants and aphrodisiacs with you. What medicine are you taking that can resist incense and aphrodisiacs?" Liu Xiangyang waved his hand, what a joke, he dared to say that he hoped that something would happen to little Princess Chao, and the Chao family would not run away.

Go dig the ancestral graves of the Liu family.

"What kind of medicine? Whoever likes to take that kind of thing can eat it. We are not interested in eating it as jelly beans. Brother, don't be stunned. Wrap up the medicine. This is evidence." Cai Zijun stood up with a stinking look on his face.

He took out the tissue and picked up the pills on the sofa.

They were not dizzy in the first place.

Due to Little Loli's original instructions, they were always on guard against Le Qianjin. They were already suspicious when they saw her intercepting Chairman Chao. When they smelled such a strong perfume, alarm bells rang in their hearts.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Moreover, when Chen Xueba smelled the strong smell of perfume, he secretly pinched his classmates Cai and Mr. Li to warn him. Minister Li and Mr. Cai

The minister quietly pinched the three top students, Deng, Xu, and He. Everyone secretly held their breath to minimize inhaling the harmful aroma.

When Le Qianjin asked to go to the office to hand over the work, they were not fools, so they naturally guessed that her purpose was not simple, and secretly put the medicinal materials she carried with her into her mouth when she got into the car.

The aroma really makes people feel sleepy. When the medicinal materials enter the mouth, a cool feeling permeates out, and I feel refreshed and very comfortable.

When they arrived at the office, they smelled a stronger aroma, and they guessed that Le Qianjin had quietly spread the medicine again. No one said anything, pretending not to understand. The reason why they pretended to be asleep was to see what Le Qianjin wanted to do.

It didn't matter whether he was ridiculed by hot or cold waves. When his hair was pulled, Chen Shuyuan almost wanted to punch Sanba away with a punch. He only held it back and pretended to be indifferent because he considered the overall situation as the most important thing.

When Cai Zijun was being pulled by his hair, he almost wanted to touch someone with a scalpel and dissect someone. Fortunately, he was a medical student and could endure the pain that others could not bear, and he was able to control himself without flying the scalpel to chop people.

The hand hanging by his side moved at that time. Le Qianjin thought that everything was under control, but she was too complacent and careless to notice anything strange about him.

When they were given medicine, they held the medicine in their mouths without swallowing. When Le Qianjin turned around, they spit out the medicine quietly. Just in case, they quickly chewed the medicinal material hidden under the tongue. The medicinal material was really awesome and refreshing.

, so that even if they contain some kind of banned drugs, there will be no adverse effects.

The beautiful young Chairman Chao spit out the medicine when Le Qianjin turned around to install the pinhole camera, and threw it backhand where the back of the chair met the back of the chair.

When it came to collecting evidence, classmate Chen and classmate Deng didn't hesitate, and hurriedly found the medicine on the couch where they had vomited. When they saw Young Master Liu handing over a sealed bag, the top students were not polite and put the medicine in the bag.

Le Shiyun looked at the young people in horror and forgot to pick up clothes to wear.

Liu Xiangyang helped the young man collect the evidence and took out a bag containing a pinhole camera: "This is the evidence. I will save it and give it to you later. I will also keep one as a backup."

Chao Yubo didn't speak. He stood up and stepped on the chair. He took out the well-hidden wireless micro camera from the book on the shelf and turned off the switch.

"Her camera didn't capture the whole process. I captured it more comprehensively. I'll make a backup copy first and give one to the Medical Department as evidence. I'll make a copy for you later."

After getting the pinhole camera, Chao Yubojun sat back in the office chair, took the key, opened the drawer, and looked for the data cable and computer.

"No!" Le Shiyun screamed in horror, tears bursting out, it's over! It's over! Forget it if her camera falls into Liu Shao's hands, it only records part of it, as long as she refuses to admit that she gave people medicine

, if she doesn’t admit what she said, she can accuse a group of boys of tricking her into going to the office with evil intentions.

But if there was a camera that captured everything that happened from the moment she entered the office, then everything she said when she mocked them, when she fed them medicine, and what she said to Xiao Chao would be recorded, even if she had a hundred

Opening your mouth cannot reverse the situation.

If they make the video public, she will not be expelled from the student union, she will be expelled from the school, and her reputation will be ruined, and she will never be able to wash away the stain for the rest of her life.

"Xiao Chao Xiao Chao," huge fear surged into her heart. Le Shiyun climbed up and ran towards the boy. The carefully put on makeup on her face was wiped away by her tears, making it red and white, quite like a ghost movie.

The woman in the camera makes a grimace.

That looks ugly.

"Xiao Chao, run, she wants to take you hostage!" Classmate Deng and classmate Xu and classmate He were shocked, howling and rushing forward. Xiao Chao is so weak, if he is hugged or suppressed by a woman,

, you might faint from shock, you might even fall and get injured, and you might even have to stay in bed for another three to five months.

Mr. Li and Mr. Chen also rushed out, but they did not howl.

"!" Liu Xiangyang leaned back and almost fell to the ground. Damn it, those guys have such great imaginations. They can even think of hostage-taking scenarios. Such rich imaginations, it's hard to accept it.

He was stunned for a moment, jumped up, jumped in front of Le Qianjin, raised his foot, kicked out, and performed a beautiful mid-air kick, as light as a powerless kick towards the rushing Le Qianjin.

He didn't kick her, but hooked the crook of her left knee and pulled her upwards. Then, Le Qianjin, who was rushing towards the boy, lost her center of gravity and leaned forward first, then back, and there was a "bang"

He fell heavily to the ground again.

This time, one leg of her bent and landed on the ground first, and all the gravity fell on the first leg. The knee landed on the ground first, making a loud "crack" sound, and then the other leg landed.

That bump made her scream out in pain, "Ah!", she fell down and bent over, hugging her legs, and she sobbed in pain that she couldn't make a sound.

"Thank God, Xiao Chao did not fall into the clutches of the devil. If Xiao Chao was held hostage, the consequences would be disastrous." Classmate He, who ran to the rescue, patted his chest and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with lingering fear.

Chen Xueba and others also stopped their feet. They originally wanted to see if the girl was broken, but when they looked over, they saw the indecent image of a certain girl.

Ouch, it's so ugly, it irritates your eyes.

The boys wailed and quickly looked away.

"Classmate, the female classmate doesn't want to kidnap Xiao Chao, okay? She wants to give birth to a monkey for Xiao Chao." Young Master Liu raised his head, how come you guys can't understand a certain woman's mind?

"It's so scary!" Deng Yuxuan rubbed his chest in fear: "Do you think Senior Le has been kicked in the head by a donkey? How could she be worthy of Xiao Chao? She still wants to be Xiao Chao's wife, with this look on her face

It’s really big.”

"Shameless people are invincible, and there are too many shameless people these days." Li Yubo spat in the direction of Le Qianjin with great disgust, and turned around cheerfully: "Young Master Liu, the important task of protecting Brother Chao's innocence is left to you.

, I’ll sit here for a while, I just saw dirty things, dirty eyes, I need to take care of the windows of my soul.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "I also want to take care of my eyes."

Classmates Chen and others rushed to the rest area quickly, and they left just as quickly as they came.

The six top students no longer had any good impressions of Le Qianjin, who had a vicious heart. Recalling what Le Qianjin said when he fed them medicine, her vicious thoughts were horrifying. If they were not prepared, they would really fall into her trap.

Tomorrow, the video of them being forced to take medicine and doing indecent things out of control will be circulated. They will become the biggest scandal this year. It can even be said that the entire Qingda University will fall into an unprecedented scandal, and their reputation will plummet.


Therefore, when they saw the miserable appearance of Le Mou, the top students had no sympathy at all, and they could not sympathize with her. It would be better for her to die early and be born early for such a disaster.

"I..." Liu Xiangyang wanted to scold him for being such an unloving and unsympathetic guy, but he was left here to look at an ugly girl! Even if he was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring, he couldn't run away, he had to protect the innocence of little Princess Chao.


Liu Shaochong stepped forward to help him block Mr. Le, and Chao Yubo calmly did the backup work. It was good to have free bodyguards. It was so cool to have someone do the bad guy thing for him!

He felt that because of Young Master Liu's great understanding of justice and his great feat of inserting a knife into his two sides, he would not despise Young Master Liu when he went to Lele's place to have a meal in the future.

The pain in her knees was excruciating. Le Shiyun hugged her knees and sobbed a few times. She looked at the young heroes and saw them all running away. She once again ignored the pain and wanted to crawl to find the young man. When she looked up, she saw the tall and majestic Mr. Liu's mouth raised.

, with a sarcastic sneer, and trembled.

"Xiao Chao, I was wrong. Can you please forgive me once? I just like you so much that I want to keep you as my own. I will stay away from you in the future. Please forgive me once. I will never dare to do anything wrong again.

I thought about it, Xiaochao, if you forgive me this time, I will correct it in the future." Le Shiyun wanted to get up, but her knees hurt like they were painful. She endured the pain and admitted her mistake with regret.

So ugly! Liu Xiangyang felt that his eyes were hurt, so he decided that it would be better to have fun alone than to have fun together, so he let Little Princess Chao see the "beautiful scenery" and decisively stepped aside: "Xiao Chao, see for yourself, do you want to forgive me?


"If you want to forgive her, I have to ask the parents of the Chao family." Chao Yubo lazily turned his chair and picked up his mobile phone with one hand. He looked at the woman Le with his beautiful eyes. His exquisite face was full of disgust: "Painted face.

He looks like a ghost, his appearance is disheveled, he has put on some fat, and he has so much fat that he looks like a fatty liver. He is so ugly! If you take a picture like this and post it online, people will probably vomit out their overnight meal."

"You-" Le Shiyun raised her head, saw the disgusted look in the boy's eyes, and took a picture with the mobile phone, she said "Ah" and covered her face, remembering that she was wearing too few clothes, and folded her arms to cover herself up, unable to look up or down.


"I've given up on plotting. I still want to murder Lele. I warned you that I would chop off anyone's hand whoever dared to put his hand on my family's head, but you didn't take it to heart. Don't worry, you are so open-minded and want to show off your good figure.

, I will help you, I will save your video, once my sister is hurt even a little bit, you and Le Jia will be famous all over the country."

Le Shiyun's heart was trembling wildly, and she was filled with panic and fear: "You deliberately agreed to come to the office just to ruin my reputation and force me to be unable to stay in school, right?"

"Senior Sister Le, you asked Xiao Chao to come to the office, didn't you? It was also you who threw away the clothes because you wore too many clothes, okay? You want to perform a strip show, but are you afraid of being watched by the whole country? You don't want people to watch.

If you do, you won't throw away your clothes." Cai Zijun interjected leisurely.

Le Shiyun opened her mouth, her chest was turbulent and she couldn't make a sound.

"By the way, Mr. Liu, you left the camera, do you want a copy of the recording?" Chao Yubo was too lazy to talk to the selfish Le Qianjin anymore, and took out a recording pen from his bag.

"I also have a recording." Liu Xiangyang took out the recording pen in his belt and shook it.

"I have one, too. I started recording outside the auditorium." Chen Shuyuan picked up the white scarf on the back of the sofa and took out the recorder he had hidden from the place where it was in contact with the wall: "I have been cheated by others and eaten.

I'm wise, I usually bring a voice recorder."

"I also started recording at the entrance of the auditorium. Listen to see if it looks like this." Chao Yubo pressed the switch of the recording pen under his hand.

When the recording was playing, there was first a burst of footsteps, and then the voices of Cai Zijun and Li Shao asked Senior Sister Xiang Le good evening.

"You... you..." The voice hit her ears, and Le Shiyun felt cold all over. There were cameras recording the office and the passage, and there were also recordings. Not to mention that she was the only one. Even if she had a thousand mouths, she couldn't excuse herself.

From the beginning, I dug a hole for her to jump out of, and she stupidly showed up at my door, leaving me with all the consequences.

"What happened to us?"

"You are plotting against me!" Le Shiyun was filled with despair and accused angrily.

"No, you are wrong," Liu Xiangyang folded his arms with a smile: "You are not worthy of Xiao Chao using his brain to plot against you. He is just guarding against you. It is necessary to guard against others, let alone someone as professional as you.

Villains who engage in conspiracy must be guarded against.

If you walk too much at night, you will eventually encounter a ghost. You just walk too much at night, so when you meet a ghost, I am that ghost! I am the one who is really watching you all the time. There are some things you can hide from others, but you can’t hide them from others.

You can't help me and Mr. Yan, to be honest, you really have a lot of tricks to ask Mr. Han to work for you and your Le family."

Boom, Le Shiyun heard the sound of her nerves breaking. Her trembling limbs quickly froze, and she almost fainted. She put her hands on the floor to barely support herself from falling, and her lips were trembling: "I...I don't understand you.

What are you talking about... How have I offended you? You... want to frame my... family..."

"Framing you?" Liu Xiangyang looked Le Qianjin up and down, and he was very picky: "You are a crow who doesn't think about the shit on your head, and your Le family's fingernail-sized property is worthless.

Well, it means that you and those in your family feel good about yourself and dress up like peacocks every day and parade around. The powerful people in your circle will say a few words to you to show your good manners and give you some color.

A dyeing workshop was also opened.

There is a saying that people don’t know how to be embarrassed. You are that kind of person. You are so proud to squeeze into the upper class circles, take advantage of banquet opportunities here and there, and go to other people’s banquets to show off your face. Isn’t it embarrassing? It’s just like your family. Who bothers to frame it?

You are lowering your own standards.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that you stretched your hand too far and hindered my work, I would have thought it was a waste of my time to look at you with your pretentious and ugly face."

Liu Shaobala, he spoke crisply, and his words came out like crackling beans. Deng Yuxuan and Chen Shuyuan were shocked. This... He was so good at swearing. Liu Shao was really not a shrew.


Li Yubo covered his face, Mr. Liu never takes the ordinary path!

This is the case at this moment, and the same is true for Mr. Liu's actions today. He originally thought that Mr. Liu had already escaped with the teachers. When outside the auditorium, Mr. Le suggested that he go to the office to hand over the work. He walked towards the car and just walked around the front of the car. Unexpectedly,

When he saw Mr. Liu squatting beside his car, he was startled and almost screamed.

At that time, Mr. Liu made a silence gesture to Mr. Li. Mr. Li reacted too quickly, shut up, unlocked the car and got in the car. Mr. Liu waited for He, Xu and Deng to get in the car before opening the door and getting in. He, who was sitting in the back seat,

, Deng and his classmates saw that the person who suddenly appeared was Mr. Liu whom they had met before, and they did not ask why.

When the car arrived at the office building, Le Qianjin and Chairman Chao walked in the front. Liu Shaomao followed behind, waiting for the young man to take the elevator upstairs. He lagged behind for a while and then went to wait outside the office. When the code came from inside, he waited for joy.

The vice-president was looking for documents. He quietly entered the office and hid in the empty space under the table in the Junior President's office.

Vice-President Le was too confident in her own charm. When Sixth Schoolmaster passed out and fell asleep, she did not check if there were any extra people in the office. Young Master Liu just hid under the table so easily and watched Le Qianjin direct and act in the whole process.

A big drama.

For Young Master Liu, Li Yubo is really angry and hateful. Sometimes that guy is annoying, but sometimes his identity is very useful. Like today, with Young Master Liu here, it can save a lot of trouble when dealing with Mr. Le.

Liu Shao was good at talking, and he said that there was nothing he could do. Liu Shao sharpened his teeth and was able to withstand the damage.

Chao Yubo's temples twitched. Mr. Liu had hurt others so cruelly. If the Le family heard this, they would be so angry that they would vomit three liters of blood.

They didn't know whether the Le family would vomit blood, but when Le Shiyun heard the long series of derogatory words, she was so angry that her blood flowed backwards, her eyes turned black, her eyes turned upward, and her body turned sideways.

Fall down.


Top academics, look at me, look at you, are you fainting after being scolded? Are you so careless about scolding?

"You are so small-minded." Mr. Liu babbled with disdain, ran to pick up a sofa towel to cover the ugly girl, and explained with a groan: "I am an upright man with a humanitarian spirit. We can't let others

They say we don’t know how to care about women. If any of you want to see beautiful women on the beach, I’ll send you a video then.”

"I bother!"


Top academics turn their heads and look away in disgust. Who wants to admire ugly women? If you really watch the video of Le Qianjin’s buttocks, you will definitely be so disgusted that you will even vomit out your overnight meal, which will seriously affect your physical and mental health.

"Young Master Liu, do you think everyone is as wretched as you?" Young Master Li gave Young Master Liu a contemptuous roll of his eyes.

"I am the brightest and purest young man. I am still an innocent young man." Young Master Liu proudly showed off his good nature of keeping oneself as pure as jade, but unexpectedly, he leaked his privacy in seconds, attracting looks that were half-smiling but not smiling. He was suddenly shocked.

Feeling that something had slipped out of his mouth, he hummed twice and ignored the fault of others. He jumped onto the chair in front of Princess Chao's desk and sat in a posture like an uncle.

Classmate Cai and others were busy waiting for the results. Classmate Chen called his supervisor and asked the supervisor to find the leaders of the medical department. He is very smart and knows how to save the country through curves. He asked his supervisor to come forward to find the leaders. In this way, he would have nothing to lose.

That's it, as for the tutor, those who are capable should do more work. The student almost lost his innocence, and the tutor must jump out to protect the calf.

Chao Yubo also called several department leaders in the school.

The student union election meeting ended successfully, and the leaders of Qingda University were initially relieved. However, due to President Chao's phone call, they immediately became restless. The heads of several departments rushed to the office building non-stop.

Several leaders of the Department of Medicine were also unable to calm down because of Professor Zhai's phone call. When Professor Zhai received a call from his favorite protégé and found out that his protégé had almost been humiliated and lost his innocence, he became so angry that he bombarded the department leaders with phone calls.

, called out the people one by one, and then the department leaders found out Le Shiyun's tutor, life teacher, and department chair, and a group of people rushed to the student union office in a hurry.

On the way, they called the leaders of Qingda University to talk to them. They learned that several department leaders were on their way to the student union office, and they felt mentally balanced.

People from the medical department arrived at the office building first, and they waited for the leaders from the teaching office to go upstairs together. There were more than a dozen of them, and everyone was in a hurry.

When I first arrived outside the student union president's office, the door opened from the inside. The fifth-year student Chen greeted the school and department leaders. The leaders entered the office one after another. When they saw a total of seven academic leaders including classmate Cai, they immediately

It's a big head.

Seeing Le Shiyun lying unconscious on the ground again, the leaders said: "..." Can't these naughty kids be more gentle and find a cloth to cover the girls?

"Captain Liu, what is this?" Commander Li, who was the commander-in-chief during the military training, felt his head aching when he saw Young Master Liu sitting calmly at his desk. The incident involving Young Master Liu must be very complicated.

"Commander Li, long time no see." Liu Xiangyang raised a brisk smile: "For the sake of humanitarian spirit, I personally suggest that you open the window to get some fresh air, otherwise you will be fainted by the incense spread by Le Qianjin, which may be a bit embarrassing.


"...!!" Black lines streaked across the leaders' foreheads.

The leaders of the Medical Department looked at Professor Zhai. Professor Zhai sniffed: "There is the smell of Datura flowers in the air, and there is also psychedelic grass. I can't analyze the others at the moment. If Lao Wan is here, he can probably tell the difference.

There are more varieties, and he is more proficient in Chinese medicine than me. The fragrance is very strong, and the source should be over there at another desk."

A teacher smoothly opened the curtains of the window next to the corridor and opened the window for ventilation. Cai Zijun decisively ran to open the window on the other side. They had not moved the scene before because they wanted to preserve all the evidence. Now that the leaders are here, they can open the window.

"Are you all okay?"

When they heard that Mi Xiang was really there, the leaders were shocked and became concerned about the situation of their classmates. These students were all top academics at Qingdao University and were the future pillars of the country and could not afford to lose them.

"Fortunately, fortunately, we have the self-defense medicine assigned to us by the master, so we can keep our innocence. Otherwise, we would be really embarrassed to see all the teachers and students in the school. We would have to hang ourselves on the southeast branch to apologize for our sins."

Chao Yubo nodded hello to the leaders and turned his computer around: "Leaders, this is a video. This video was taken by the camera installed by Senior Le. I also took a more comprehensive picture and it is still being backed up.

I can't see it until later. The camera I installed is to prevent theft. A few days ago, I found that the marks I made on the safe and drawers were often damaged by others. There were signs of documents being turned over. Neither teachers nor members of the student union entered.

When I was getting documents in the office, I was worried that someone would break into the house, so I installed a miniature camera just in case. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be evidence today."

Leaders: "..." Tell me, what else can they say?

Everyone looked at the computer screen. As the clicks started, the screen came alive, replaying the story of how Le Qianjin forced the top students to take medicine. Of course, this was also an attempted rape.

When the leaders saw Mr. Liu emerging from under the table, their expressions were particularly exciting. Watching Mr. Liu and Le Shiyun grab the camera, the black lines on their foreheads floated down in pieces.

"There is also a recording. I recorded this. I suffered a loss once before and was deceived badly, so I developed the habit of bringing a voice recorder with me at all times." Student Chen started recording.

The recording started in front of the auditorium, when Le Shiyun stopped President Chao and used the excuse of handing over work. She gave a lot of reasons and encouraged President Chao to come to the office for a detailed discussion. President Chao was considerate of her feeling that she could not see everyone in the student union.

, I believed her and actually went to the office.

In the car, there were also various statements made by Le Shiyun to express her repentance, and then the conversation in the office, as well as Vice President Le's soliloquy, all were played intact without any deletions.

Sorry, the leaders are a little embarrassed. Let’s call it a private matter. The female students are not targeting President Chao alone. They are also suspected of intending to murder Le Xiao’s classmate and hurt six boys. Let’s call it a business matter. It’s a matter of the girls’ personal feelings.

It's really difficult to deal with it.

"How the school handles this matter will be discussed and decided by the leaders first. This student must be sent to the police station first. Today's incident, the last kidnapping incident, the injury of military training students, and the accidental injury of military training students

The more serious incidents that have arisen are all related to this student. I have contacted the police station to secretly report him. I called the police first without discussing with the leaders. I also hope that the school leaders will understand my work difficulties. In addition, I

Part of the reason why Young Master Yan and I came to Qingdao University to study this time is because of this classmate."

The school leaders were thinking about how to deal with it. Liu Xiangyang smiled and discussed with everyone. He said it was a discussion, but in fact it was just to inform the leaders so that they could be mentally prepared.

"We understand that this kind of thing must be reported to the police and handled in a matter-of-fact manner." The leaders immediately understood that Liu Dashao meant that Le Shiyun's identity was very suspicious, and of course they must fully cooperate with the investigation.

Mr. Liu was very reasonable and gave a copy of the confiscated cameras to the school leaders. Student Chen also donated his voice recorder.

A certain illegal drug has not been given to the school for the time being, and a copy can be kept at the school for research after the police collect evidence.

The school leaders received the evidence, chatted with Mr. Liu for a while, and then chatted with the seven top students for a while, then retreated as hurriedly as they had come.

As soon as they went downstairs and got in the car, the security department led a van to the office building. They were plainclothes police officers, three men and one woman, who were led to the student union office by the security guard.

Collect evidence, take photos, and also take away the incense that was placed next to the vice-governor’s desk. The incense was put in a small paper bag. The staff collected the medicine and sealed it. They also gave the female student’s handbag and its contents


After collecting the evidence and photos of the scene, the policewoman helped the female student get dressed and took the person away with her three colleagues. Le Qianjin woke up once not long after the school leaders arrived. She saw so many people that she fainted again from fright.


After the policemen took the person away, Chao Yubo locked the desk drawer with a dark face: "Let's discuss anything tomorrow. It feels so disgusting to have been touched by dirty hands. I want to go back to the dormitory to take a shower and change clothes!"

"Me too, when I think about my hair being touched by dirty hands, I get goosebumps on my back. I'm worried that I will suffer from gynophobia. I'm going to see a psychiatrist tomorrow. Women are so scary. I think about almost losing my innocence, and I think about death.

Sanba is so disgusting, I fucking want to throw her on the operating table and dissect her..."

"Senior Chen, that's enough!"

"Well, if I don't tell you, she has had breast augmentation surgery, and it looks disgusting..."

"..." Young Master Li and others swarmed up, covered Senior Chen's mouth, and dragged him away. What the hell, can't you just say a few words? It makes them want to vomit, okay?

A group of young people rushed downstairs, climbed into the car, and rushed to the dormitory like crazy. They rushed back to the dormitory, brushed their teeth, washed their faces, and took a shower. Everyone washed themselves three or five times, and then fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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