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Chapter 841

When the paradise was still under construction, the ancient monks briefly mentioned holding a gathering of ancient monks in the paradise, but the little girl refused. When the paradise was completed, they brought it up again and were declined again. The monks felt extremely sad.

Unfortunately, there was no discussion.

The project was completed, and the monks felt no pressure at all. After the meal, they drank tea leisurely for half an hour before going for a pleasant walk.

Master Ayu captured the little girl and went to patrol the west guest house. He learned a lot from the experience. For the sake of his good wine, he finally restrained his hand and stopped lifting the little girl's collar like an eagle catching a chicken.

The water, electricity, gas pipelines and other necessary projects in the guest house have all been installed. Only the lights have not been installed, and the furniture has not yet been installed.

The turf, flowers and trees in the guest yard have just been transplanted, and they have not yet grown new roots, and they have not yet produced children and grandchildren. The children and grandchildren are growing endlessly, and the soil is exposed in many places.

The east wall of the west guest house is the west wall of the paradise. There is a moon door on the wall with a gate tower. The two wooden doors of the moon door are sliding type. When the door is opened, the door leaves slide into the middle of the wall.

The south-facing wall of the guest house is on the same straight line as the south wall of the paradise. There is a shop building outside the southwest section of the wall. The yard of the guest house is also built on the west end, leaving a garden area on the east side.

The gate opens in the southeast, at the front of Qingshuiji Gate. Entering the gate is a garden with three small courtyards from south to north on the left hand side. There is also a small courtyard on the north side opposite the gate and the garden, for a total of four guest courtyards.

Divided by the center point of the guest courtyard, the four courtyards are roughly located in the southwest, west, northwest, and northeast. Of the four courtyards, only the courtyard in the northeast is a third-entry courtyard, and the other three are all second-entry courtyards.

Originally, the southernmost courtyard could also be built with a three-entry courtyard. In order to avoid demolishing the courtyard when the road was expanded in the future, Mr. Le built the courtyard wall of the guest courtyard on the same level as the south wall of the paradise to make the southernmost courtyard less

As soon as I entered the hospital.

Because space has been reserved for building a shop building, a parking apron has been built in the area between the shop building and the roadway at the guest courtyard gate to facilitate guests who drive by car to park their cars.

Due to the changes in the area of ​​the guest courtyard, the design drawings were revised several times. The final layout made reasonable use of the rockeries and courtyard trees left by the original owners. The entire courtyard is also immovable in the array to protect the park.


Classmate Le Xiao walked around, and Taotao kept praising the monks. Taking advantage of Senior Ayu's elation, he quickly left and took his younger brother back to the east courtyard, where he continued to teach his younger brother swordsmanship.

Leshan has learned swordsmanship well since he first started learning swordsmanship. Now that he is one year older, both his reaction ability and understanding ability have increased. Although the sword moves are more difficult than last year, he is learning a little faster.

Classmate Le spent an hour and a half teaching his younger brother a sword move, and practiced with him for another hour, making sure that every tiny detail was correct, and then let him rest before taking cultural classes.

At noon, we still went to the Qunying Hall for lunch. After lunch, everyone from the Guanyin Hall followed the leader into the east courtyard.

Classmate Le Xiao invited everyone from the Guanyin Hall to the Langhuan Hall to talk. He went to the Zhenbao Pavilion and took two baskets of Akebia fruits and brought them to the middle hall.

The people at Guanyin Hall were not on official business. They were giving birthday gifts to Leshan. Leshan turned six years old on July 23, and he was still in Songhai City on his holiday birthday.

The young and old at Guanyin Hall remembered Leshan's birthday. Now Leshan came to the capital and gave him the birthday gift he had prepared - a golden longevity lock.

Leshan, who was favored by the group, thanked all the elders and juniors in the sect as if his mouth was covered with honey.

Everyone in the Guanyin Hall gave gifts, ate the fruits of Akebia quinata, and helped the little girl clean up the main hall. They moved the chairs and coffee tables that took up a lot of space, such as the Taishi chair armchair, and placed them under the eaves at the back of the house. They also moved some ornaments.

The bedrooms of Miss Leshan and Leshan.

Student Le Xiao also carried the box containing the Chinese character "国" written by himself back to the bedroom, and placed charms on the backs or inside of several treasures to temporarily seal their momentum.

I hid what needed to be hidden, moved out what needed to be moved, and then moved the square-shaped bronze chime southward to the southwest corner.

After some tidying up, the nave is very spacious.

Head Li and others went to the "Zangzhu" wing room where the furniture was stored to move the Eight Immortals table and round drum stools and place them in the middle hall. They were arranged vertically from north to south, nine tables were arranged east to west, and there was a large round table in the center, for a total of nineteen tables.

After helping to tidy up the central hall, everyone in the Guanyin Hall left the east courtyard and went to the west academy to copy books and meditate.

Guanyin Hall is his younger brother's disciple and one of his own. Classmate Le also told them in advance and asked them to assist him during the banquet the day after tomorrow.

The people in the Guanyin Hall were naturally very happy. The little girl arranged for them to help during the banquet, which showed that they were included among their own people and did not treat them as foreigners. This was a good thing.

In the afternoon, Mr. Le taught swordsmanship for two more hours. He was at his desk and wrote some diagnostic reports on the pulses of children who had received acupuncture in Songhai City. After dinner in the evening, he flew a small plane to pick up Yan Handsome Liu Handsome Hei Handsome Guy Lan San.

Handsome guy Zhuang goes out to "pick up goods".

The pick-up location was still determined to be near the smelting plant. Young Master Yan's people sent the car to the designated location in advance and people were waiting at the smelting plant.

Classmate Le left the helicopter and a few handsome guys in the factory, went to "connect" alone, sorted out the items, and went back to the space to work for a while. He didn't notify the handsome guys to start work until after midnight.

A group of wolf men rushed to the scene and first helped move the boxes and cages on the ground into the helicopter, and then prepared to be drivers for delivery.

Classmate Le Xiao pointed to the two cars at the back of the motorcade: "The last two cars of food are for you. Thirty boxes will be given to Brother Liu's team, and thirty boxes will be given to each of Huang Brigade and Chief Liu. The rest will be your share.


The secret base that provides me with food ingredients and medicinal plants will enter a rest period in the second half of the year. Hunting and harvesting of medicinal plants will be prohibited. In the next few years, they will not send me food ingredients on a large scale. It will only be enough for my own consumption, and I will not be able to distribute the ingredients in the future.

Share it with you.”

The little Loli gave them two more carts of food. The wolves were very moved, and they couldn't be greedy. They unanimously asked the Little Loli to take back one cart of food for storage, and just give them one cart.

When Young Master Liu heard that there was a member of his team, he was so happy that he was so happy. Little Lolita is so good! As expected, he would be so busy with her affairs that he would forget to eat and sleep at any time.

The handsome guys were considerate, and Little Le's classmate was very happy. After giving away the things, he would not take them back. He emphasized that they should take the boxes back to the park after eating, climb into the helicopter smoothly, and fly away in a small plane.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu did not drive. They were the escorts. After the little Loli flew away, they and their brothers drove the convoy back to the city center. At the point where it was time to branch, they split into two teams with two cars.

Go directly back to the station, and another convoy goes to the park.

It was past 2:30 in the morning when they returned to the park. Brother Fu was still waiting for everyone, and drove the cars into the park to park while everyone went to catch up on their sleep.

Classmate Le Xiao flew the plane and returned home in just a few minutes. The plane drove into the east courtyard and parked in the yard. After returning to the bedroom, he climbed into his own star core space and collected plants, flowers and fruits.

I was so busy that just before dawn, I brought artificial rainfall to several areas of the Star Core Space. I then left the Star Core Space to wash up, and then gently opened the helicopter door to unload the cargo.

The little girl went out to do something at night. Mr. Yi supervised his little disciple to do his homework and go to bed at that time. Because the bedroom the little girl prepared for him smelled particularly good, he slept peacefully. When the little girl came back, he woke up once and then fell asleep peacefully again.


The old man slept until he woke up naturally, tidied up, and helped the little girl unload the goods. The old man and the young man were very strong, and each of them carried two boxes weighing more than 100 kilograms and walked quickly.

The two of them made more than 20 trips each, and finally moved the large and small boxes and cages into the Treasure Pavilion. After waiting for half an hour, Classmate Le waited for his younger brother to finish his morning exercises and took him to the backyard to practice swordsmanship and Qinggong.

Mr. Yi watched the whole process, waited for his disciple to finish their morning exercises, and then went to the Hall of Heroes with a smile on his face, his hands behind his back.

After the project was completed, the ancient cultivators were meditating peacefully in the paradise. Originally, they wanted to help unload the goods after breakfast. The little girl wanted to teach Leshan how to learn swordsmanship, so they returned to the west courtyard first.

Classmate Le Xiao taught his younger brother two hours of swordsmanship, and then went to unload the items he brought back last night.

Young Master Yan and his teammates are also still in the paradise, working together with the monks.

There were ten large trucks in total, first unloading boxes of food and wine.

Ayufangyu saw the large and small jars, her face smiled like a sunflower, and she walked with lightness throughout the process.

The head of the Xuan family, the head of the Hua family, and others: "..." They think that if the little girl gives Mr. Hao hundreds of jars of fine wine, there is probably no problem in letting Mr. Hao sell himself as a slave for ten or twenty years.

Ten trucks, six full trucks of food, wine, some grain, a small amount of medicinal materials, the other four trucks had one truck of fuel, one truck contained some potted plants, large and small stone lions, and dozens of boxes of vases to decorate the guest house.

Ornaments, and the other two carts are furniture items.

The wolf men and the monks only finished moving the food and potted plants in the morning, and moved the stone lions to the living room and placed them properly. In the afternoon, they first put the fuel into storage and then moved the furniture and items.

Some of the furniture was moved into the newly built upper room in the backyard of the academy, and some was stored in the warehouse. There were also ten boxes of plaques, all placed in designated locations one by one, waiting to be hung up tomorrow.

After unloading the items on the cart, the monks helped move furniture and decorate the upper room of the second entrance to the west courtyard, the east and west wing rooms and the side rooms, and then the various courtyards of the guest courtyard.

The monks came and went like a school of fish. Even though there were many people, they were still busy decorating all the guest rooms after sunset.

The monks, who had been busy as errand boys for almost a day, were in particularly good spirits and were waiting with great anticipation for the arrival of No. 1.

Black Nine Blue Sanzhuang Xiaoman and his teammates who were delivery drivers also helped as errands after unloading the goods. They decorated the guest house for the little loli, had dinner in the park, and then happily sent the car back.

smelting plant.

The brothers Yan Shao and Liu Shao still stay in the paradise. Yan Shao works as an errand boy during the day and works overtime at night to handle his official duties remotely.

This chapter has been completed!
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