Chapter 844

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 Yang Dangdong, a grown man, couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard his daughter-in-law's request to keep her child alive.

"Bah, bah, bah, what nonsense are you talking about? How could such a small problem escalate into dystocia? With me delivering the baby at the scene, if I can still make you suffer from dystocia, wouldn't that be damaging my own brand?

If you can only save one person in your small situation, I don’t need to study abroad anymore, I can just pack up and go back to Jiudaozhong Sweet Potato.

You, save your energy to have a baby. If you waste all your energy by talking nonsense and you can't use your strength during the birth, don't blame me for scolding you."

Others were moved, and Le Yun almost jumped. What illusion did she give to the pregnant woman, making people feel very dangerous?

If the person speaking was not a pregnant woman, she might directly make people doubt her life, or suspect that this person is a person hired by others to deliberately harm her, and she will also teach her how to behave.

Because she was a mother about to give birth, Le Yun was embarrassed to curse, so she carried the medicine box into the kitchen and ordered people to clean up the place.

Yang Dayantong asked his two sons to go to Sanpao's kitchen to light a fire and move some things.

The fat girl was scolded, but she didn't have any complaints. She was really obedient and gathered strength. The Yang family's mother-in-law accompanied the fat girl and kept comforting her.

The neighbors were also very enthusiastic. They moved a brazier from their own house to Yang Sanpao's house to put in the main room, and let the helpers warm up the fire. One family heard that the Yang family might not have time to boil hot water, so they brought their own kettle to the emergency room.

Lan San chased the little Loli to the floor in front of the village office building. He couldn't see the little Loli anymore. He didn't know where the little Loli had gone. He stood and waited until he went to find the little Loli.

The villagers are here, let’s go to the villagers’ houses together.

Yang Sanpao ran out of breath and ran home. He heard the Le family girl in the kitchen saying something about moving away. The mother-in-law was still sitting on the floor. He guessed that the mother-in-law's life was not in danger, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.


The villagers saw the handsome blue guy holding an umbrella and asked him to sit in the main room.

Little Loli didn't need to help herself, so Lan San went to the Yang family hall to wait.

Grandma Yang saw Lao San running back: "Lao San, where did you and Fat Girl put Yao Zai's little clothes and quilt? Go and get it quickly. Is there any toilet paper? I didn't go to Zhou Papi's house to pick up a knife."

"I'll look for it." Yang Sanpao took a few breaths and hurried to the room to open the cabinet and look for the production package.

The Yang family father and son cleared a wide enough space in the kitchen, took the quilt covering the fat girl on the floor of the house, and found a raincoat and spread it on the quilt.

Yang Sanpao found the production package that he and Fat Girl had prepared from the production preparation procedures shared by netizens, and carried half a package of knife paper to the kitchen.

Le Yun took a few knives and paper and spread them on the raincoat, then went out and took the fat girl to the kitchen, laid her down on the quilt covered with raincoats, and asked the men to go out, leaving only the Yang family's mother-in-law to stay and help.

The Yang family's father and son went to the main room and took Yang Sanpao away to prevent him from staying at the scene and getting in the way.

After all the men had gone out, Le Yun opened the delivery bag, found out the baby's blanket and clothes, and placed them on a small chair by the firepit.

The couple is very concerned about their child and has prepared a complete birthing package. They even prepared a small package of milk powder in advance, and there is no shortage of bottles and water cups.

After neatly organizing all the things she needed, Le Yun opened the medicine box, took a pill and let the fat girl put it in her mouth. Then she pushed the sleeves above her elbows, wrapped them around her arms, and tied them with cloth strips.


After being prepared, I put on gloves and poked several acupuncture points under the fat girl's waist, then rubbed her big belly to correct the fetal position.

The baby has not yet reached the stage of natural birth and has not adjusted to a head-down position, so the fetal position must be adjusted artificially.

The fat girl is very tolerant and doesn’t scream no matter how painful it is.

After rubbing for a while, the fetal position was straightened. Le Yun spoke to the mother again: "The fetal position has been straightened. Because the fetus is relatively large, in order for the baby to be born more smoothly, I have to make an incision on your lower part and sew it up after the baby is born."<


"Cut." The fat girl grinded her teeth in pain and squeezed out one word from her throat.

"Okay." Le Yun took the scalpel, neatly shaved the mother's pubic hair, did anti-inflammatory work, and spoke slowly: "By the way, you probably don't know whether the little cub is a boy or a girl, right? She is a

The boy is very healthy..."

When the mother-in-law of the Yang family heard that it was a boy, she said "Ah" in surprise. Just as their emotions changed, Le Yun swung her knife like lightning and performed a side incision on the mother with one stroke.

The fat girl screamed in pain, and the scream was very sharp.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Yang family did not dare to look, and turned their faces to the side. They were so frightened that they shivered when they heard the cry.

After completing the minor lateral incision operation, Le Yun put down the scalpel and put her hands on the fat girl's belly: "Now prepare to give birth. When I shout three, press hard, come on, breathe, take a deep breath, one, two, one, two, three, come again, one, two, one, two."


Before she could react from the pain, the fat girl was led to the rhythm again. She adjusted her breathing as the Lejia girl shouted, and tried her best when she yelled, again and again, five or six times, and she was already numb from the pain.

I'm almost out of energy.

"The baby's head is already in place, and it will be born soon. Come on, breathe again, one, two, one, two, three, push hard—"

After several attempts, Le Yun had collected the data and officially induced labor. As she shouted, she pushed hard and pushed the baby into the birth canal.

The fat girl tried her best once, and after exerting all her strength, a burst of tearing pain spread throughout her body, and she let out a shrill scream: "Ah—"

Accompanied by the mother's heart-rending screams, the baby was born successfully.

The mother's amniotic fluid broke early, and the baby was born with only a small amount of amniotic fluid. Le Yun held the baby up, then lifted it up to control the amniotic fluid, and poked the baby's belly and soles.

The baby who did not cry when he was born opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of dirty amniotic fluid, making a loud "wow" cry.

The men and women in the Yang family hall were so frightened by the fat girl's screams that they broke into cold sweats. When they heard the baby crying, they instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's happening, it's happening!"

Yang Sanpao was pulled to the main room and sat on a chair. He was nervous, his hands and feet were stiff, and he sat like a statue. When he heard the cry, he stood up and wanted to run.

His feet were numb and he couldn't walk steadily. He fell down all of a sudden. He got up on his hands and knees and ran out of the main room, rushed to the kitchen, and walked around anxiously.

"Fat girl, fat girl, how are you?"

"Fat girl, are you okay?"

He didn't hear his mother-in-law's voice and was so anxious that he turned around.

"Safe and safe. Look at what time it is. He is a boy. He weighs seven and a half kilograms, has good facial features and sound limbs.

Don't wait at the door. Find a cart and take her to the hospital later. Remember to call the rural hospital first and ask them to pack up the delivery room equipment and mother's housing. When the mother is sent there, she will be given stitches and medicine.


Le Yun made the baby cry, then turned it around and poured out all the amniotic fluid from his ears. She ordered people outside and asked the Yang family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to pour hot water.

Hearing Yang Sanpao call Fat Girl, I finally understood why Fat Girl said before that if she had a difficult delivery, she would keep her baby small. Yang Sanpao must have been very kind to his mother-in-law, and the couple was very loving, so he wanted to give her a baby even if he risked his own life.

After he left him alone, he seemed to ignore the baby's cries and only cared about his mother-in-law.

The Yang family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were frightened by the fat girl's screams. They finally reacted and quickly took a basin and poured boiling water, added some cold water, and added some white wine.

The baby was born, but the afterbirth had not yet fallen off. Le Yun ignored the mother for the time being, poured out all the amniotic fluid in the baby's ears, and took the baby to the basin to help bathe it.

Clean the dirt and dry it before cutting the umbilical cord. Apply anti-inflammatory ointment to the navel, cover it with gauze, put on a few small clothes, and then use a hair dryer to dry the baby's hair.

Pack up the baby neatly, wrap it in a blanket, tie it with a rope, and then hand it to the baby's grandma to hold.

The baby was still crying when taking a bath, but stopped crying after putting on clothes.

When Grandma Yang hugged Xiaoer's grandson, her eyes filled with tears.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Yang family and the second daughter-in-law came over to look at the child.

Yang Sanpao heard the Lejia girl's instructions, but he was worried about his mother-in-law, so he stood guard at the door and shouted a few words after a while.

The fat girl was still awake and crying silently. She wanted to respond to the man, but unfortunately, she had no strength.

"Who is that person at the door? Your mother-in-law has just given birth to a baby and has no strength to respond to you. Stop crying and yelling. If you are annoying again, I will send you to the road to bask in the sun."

Le Yun turned back to check whether the baby's placenta had fallen off. She saw that the baby's mother was losing her eyes, and she didn't know how to persuade her. However, she was still happy for the fat girl. From Yang Sanpao's urgent shouts, it could be seen that he was in pain.


Yang Sanpao, who was wandering around the door, was relieved when Miss Lejia yelled at her: "Miss Le, thank you for taking care of the fat girl! I'll go find the cart and go right away!"

He went as soon as he was told and hurried to someone else's house to borrow a trolley.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the fat girl again. She was born fat and was disliked by others since she was a child. Her education was not high. Because she was too fat, she could not find a suitable partner, and she was still unmarried until she was in her thirties.

The family's housing was limited, and her sister-in-law, nieces and nephews regarded her as a plague because of the housing shortage. She originally didn't want to get married, but in the end she had to get married. She no longer had any hope for a happy marriage. After being introduced by others who were nine years older than her,

When Yang Sanpao was 20 years old, he agreed without thinking.

Who would have thought that it was a blind marriage, but she actually married a reliable man, who was acquainted with her, which made her feel unreal for a time.

Now that she has a child, she feels at ease.

She shed tears not because she was sad, but because she was happy.

"You just gave birth to a baby, so you can't cry. The baby is healthy and you are safe too. Don't cry." Le Yun turned around to check that the baby's clothes had not fallen off naturally. When she saw the baby's mother shedding tears, she really didn't know how to persuade her.

Fat girl doesn’t want to cry, but she can’t stop her tears.

"I just gave birth to a baby. Crying is bad for my eyes. Stop crying. Take a good confinement period and take good care of your body. You can wait a few years before trying to have a second child."

Let Leyun teach people how to behave. She has many methods. It is really difficult for her to coax an adult she is not familiar with.

I don’t know which sentence made the fat girl listen to it. She sipped it and her tears soon stopped.

The placenta hadn't fallen off yet, and the weather was cold and time didn't wait for it. Le Yun didn't wait for it to fall off naturally. She massaged around the fat girl's belly and successfully separated the placenta from the mother's body.

Put the placenta in a plastic bag and massage the mother for a while to promote the discharge of a large amount of lochia. Throw the dirty knife paper into the bag, clean the mother again, and wrap the lower body with a blanket.

The mother has been packed up and can be sent to the hospital at any time.

Leyun washed her gloves with hot water, then wrapped the scalpel and put it in the medicine box, then opened the kitchen door.

Grandma Yang took the baby to show to the fat girl, took her to the main room, burned paper and offered incense in front of the ancestral shrine, held her grandson in her arms and worshiped the ancestors, and then let the neighbors see.

It is not advisable for children to be exposed to cold wind. They should be wrapped tightly, and the neighbors are also sensible. They only lift up a corner of the quilt and look at it before covering it to prevent the cold wind from getting in.

Yang Sanpao had already pulled the cart. He waited for the neighbors to take a look before he took a look at the child. He felt happy, but without holding it, he went to the kitchen to see his mother-in-law, put away the baby supplies in the cage, and took the things that the mother-in-law had prepared.

Put a bag of clothes on the cart together.

The Yang family was ready, Le Yun handed the medicine box to Handsome Lan to help carry it, and she went back to Guy Yang's room to pick up the fat girl.

The fat girl is too heavy for most people to carry, and it is inconvenient for two people to lift it. The little loli is very strong and can easily pick up the fat girl.

Yang Sanpao carried the quilt to the cart and laid it out. When the fat girl put it on it, he went to hold another quilt to cover it. He also used clothes to cover the fat girl's head to avoid the cold wind.

Le Yun was afraid that someone else might slip and fall while holding the child, so she held it in her arms herself.

Yang Sanpao's brother helped his younger brother push the trolley. Yang Dayantong and his mother-in-law didn't go to the hospital with them. They caught chickens and killed them to make soup at home.

Two neighbors also went to help the Yang brothers. There was snow on the ground and the road was slippery, so more people would be safer.

It's not snowing or raining, but the wind is a bit strong.

Lan San opened the umbrella to help the little Loli holding the baby resist the cold wind.

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The black dragon that neither barked nor hummed asked the young lady to move its position.

Five middle-aged men pushed the cart out of the village and along the urban-rural highway to the rural hospital. The journey was very stable. Even if someone slipped, the others held the cart firmly to prevent the mother from being disturbed.
The township hospital received a call from a villager in Meicun Village, saying that a pregnant woman in the village fell, fractured her bones, and her amniotic fluid broke. The little girl from the Le family went to help deliver the baby. She would be sent to the hospital later to ask for their help.<


The township hospital received a call and arranged the delivery room and housing. The midwifery nurse was also waiting. When the villagers sent the person, they took over and sent her to the delivery room.

Yang Sanpao sent his mother-in-law to the delivery room and went through the hospitalization procedures first.

Men are not allowed to enter the delivery room. The men are waiting in the corridor outside.

Classmate Le Xiao carried the baby into the delivery room, put the baby in the crib, put on gloves, and performed debridement and anti-inflammatory work on the fat girl, and then performed suturing surgery.

Then do acupuncture.

After acupuncture, the tear caused by the fat girl's delivery initially healed, and the possibility of infection was reduced to single digits.

In the spirit of being a good person, Mr. Lexiao cleaned up the fat girl again, did a good job of cleaning, and then dealt with the fractures and injuries.

If the fracture is not serious, there is no need to put on a plaster, just use ointment or patch.

The little loli used ointment on the fat girl, wrapped it in gauze, put her in a loose hospital gown, moved her to the gurney, and sent her to the inpatient room.

The nurse helped carry the baby, went to the room where the mother was staying, moved her to the bed, and laid her down, and placed the baby next to the mother.

The fat girl has already slept peacefully.

Leyun went to the hospital's office again to register the baby's birth time, weight, blood type, and health status. After completing that step, all the work within her scope of responsibility was finally completed.

This chapter has been completed!
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