Chapter 636 Resentment 1

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 The streets and alleys of the capital are crowded with people, and noises float into the Military General Hospital. Many family members and patients occasionally lean on the windows and look into the distance. The patients yearn for a healthy life even more eagerly.

In the intensive care operating room, Professor Kang and Director Qin, Professor Lu, checked the condition of the sergeant and shared his feelings in a low voice full of surprise. He was not tired even if he had not slept all night.

Special care is the easiest one. The little girl can sleep during the operation. Even if she stays up all night, she does not feel sleepy. She only eats a few bites of high-calorie chocolate in the morning and noon, and her stomach does not feel full.

Yan Xinglan San was in good spirits. Looking at the expressions of the three experts, he knew that the two military brothers had stepped back from the gate of hell. He was filled with joy. He looked at the little Lolita who was sitting on the ground and resting, his eyes filled with flames.

The little Loli was resting with her eyes closed for more than forty minutes before she opened her eyes. Everyone found that her eyes were swollen and covered with red threads. The bloodshot eyes crisscrossed her eyes and formed a distinct contrast with her fair and smooth skin. Compare.

"Little girl, why don't you do another surgery another day?" The little girl didn't eat breakfast or lunch, and her eyes turned red and rabbit-eyed from exhaustion. Director Qin was also worried that her high workload would wear down her body and nerves, so he suggested bone-setting surgery. Let’s talk about it another day. The sergeant’s life is not in danger now and other surgeries can afford to wait.

"I can hold on for a while. After the operation, it will be more enjoyable for everyone to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival happily." Le Yun wiped her eyes, stood up, stretched, and walked towards the surgical trolley where the tools were placed.

Professor Kang, Professor Lu, and Director Qin also expressed their understanding. If they were to perform the surgery themselves, they would be able to hold on as long as possible and complete the surgery that needs to be done.

Le Yun went to the surgical trolley and opened the backpack on the hook, took out a bag of pills, spread it in the palm of her hand with a paper towel, poured out a few pills, gave one to each of the three experts, one to the special nurse, and herself Eat one.

Yan Xinglan stared at them eagerly, thinking that he could get one, but the little loli didn't give it to him at all, and his heart was as blocked as if the Yellow River had been cut off. The little loli annoyed them, so he even took the delicious medicine. I don’t give them meatballs either.

The little girl's pills were priced at tens of thousands, so they were very precious. The three professors were afraid that if they left them for a second longer, the aroma would drift away, so they hurriedly swallowed them in their mouths. The aroma entered the throat from the mouth, which made people feel refreshed.< /p>

The professors highly praised the little girl, and the special care was clearly seen in their eyes. When she got a pill, she happily ate it, feeling the warm feeling of the medicine entering her stomach, and feeling confident. , even if you work a few more day shifts and a few more night shifts, you won’t be tired.

After taking pills to maintain her strength, Le Yun turned the sergeant who was injured in the lumbar spine over, asked three professors to be assistants to help remove the plaster that had been put on during the previous lumbar spine surgery, opened an operating window in the area where the sergeant's lumbar spine was severely injured, and performed the surgery again herself. Cut the willow into shape with a knife, apply potion and ointment on it.

The sergeant's injury had been surgically treated before he was sent to Beijing. The three experts worked together to remove the plaster. They found that the sergeant's wound not only did not heal, but also had a tendency to suppurate. They immediately removed the stitches that sutured the wound, debrided it, and then repaired the original wound. A knife is added to the wound to open the surgical window wider and longer.

The surgical window was opened to check the sergeant's lumbar spine. He found that the third and fourth vertebrae of his lumbar spine were damaged. The third vertebra was basically gone, and only a small half of the fourth vertebra remained. The hospital where he had the first surgery installed a prosthesis on him. It looked like the surgery

Unsuccessful, the false bone was displaced, and there were signs of inflammatory lesions at the seams of the original vertebrae.

The three professors observed the injury, took out the artificial bone, and debrided the thin steel needle between the interlocking vertebrae and the artificial bone. Since Professor Lu was an expert in orthopedics, he was responsible for treating the sergeant's diseased vertebrae, anti-inflammation, and health care.

The professor and Director Qin serve as assistants.

The three experts treated the wound properly before notifying the little girl.

Le Xiaoxiao also finished the bones, inspected them closely, and worked quickly, cutting the bones for the sergeant, scraping away the diseased bone components, and then grinding the bones, grinding one end of the second vertebrae and the fifth vertebrae to himself.

The ideal shape, and a piece of lumbar spine was removed.

Then, without blinking an eye, he cut off the flesh around the suppurated part of the soldier's wound, debrided it with the hospital's liquid, then cleaned the wound with the liquid he prepared himself, applied the medicine again, and then gave the sergeant's second lumbar vertebra, the third

Apply ointment to the end of the five vertebrae, place the willow bone in place, apply ointment again, and use two thin steel needles to fasten the willow bone. Use one for the second vertebrae at the upper end and the willow bone, and use one for the lower willow bone and the fifth vertebra.

There is also one vertebrae.

The steel needle does not need to be removed after the operation. Keeping it in the human body will have no impact on the person's normal life. However, you must explain it to the doctor before doing an MRI examination.

Fix the willow bone with a steel needle and then apply medicine again. Apply a thick layer of ointment, and wrap the surface with a thin layer of film to isolate the blood from contact with the flesh layer. Sprinkle medicine powder, apply medicine, and then apply ointment.

, then glue the peeled meat layer back together and sew it with mutton fat thread, and then apply a layer of medicine.

After completing the most important part of the work, three experts served as assistants to perform the suturing operation. The ointment was made by a special medicine made by Mr. Le. Mr. Le quickly packed up the bottles and cans, stuffed many into small backpacks, and packed some of them himself.

In the cardboard box she brought with her, she unceremoniously packed up the sample jars and other instruments that were originally from the hospital and took them for herself. The sample jars for native blood that had been replaced by the sergeant were packed in plastic bags.

After packing up most of the things, the three professors saw that the suturing operation had not been completed yet. They glared at the handyman with the almond-shaped eyes of the beauty redder than a rabbit's eyes: "Common man, I'll start with the dirty talk. These two have been poisoned for too long. Even if they are rescued,

In one life, due to several nerve necrosis, they will lose part of their memory, and they will no longer be able to do gravity work. The most important thing is that they are no longer able to have children and will not live to be sixty years old. They dedicated their most precious youth to their country and nation. I hope

They can be treated with tenderness for the rest of their lives.

Their disease resistance is also about three times lower than that of normal people. They are easily infected with various influenzas, and are especially susceptible to viruses and leukemia. Because their immunity is too poor, there are too many patients in places like hospitals, the causes are complex, and there are too many viral bacteria.

, it is easy to get infected. I need to be quarantined for three or four days. When the situation stabilizes, I will transfer to a military hospital. The military environment is relatively simple and the probability of infection is relatively low.

The chance of paralysis due to severe lumbar spine injury is very small, but in the future, his lumbar spine will be inflexible, which will affect his bending movements, and he will not be able to work. The other one, he should have gone to a special place before, and when he wakes up, it is best to

Ask where you have been, trace the location of that place, and destroy it."

The little loli worked for a long time and finally spoke to herself. The handyman Lan Sanyanxing quickly answered "We remember". Leaving aside the question of why he would not live to be sixty years old and was infertile for the time being, Yanxing continued to ask cautiously:

"Little Lolita, after replacing the lumbar vertebrae, what kind of medicine do you need?"

"Hmph!" The little loli with rabbit eyes didn't want to talk to Yan. She snorted from her nose and ignored him. She squatted down and took out a bag of medicine from a cardboard box at the bottom of the surgical trolley.

He handed the meatballs to the handyman on the left: "Commander, here are the medicines for the two patients. Give them to them according to the doctor's instructions. The medicine that is helpful for calcifying the willow bones as soon as possible will be given to you when I return to Beijing after the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Thank you, little beauty. You are so cute, little beauty. You are the protector of our soldiers and our unique, most beautiful and kind goddess." Lan San hugged the bag, her eyes as bright as stars, and she flattered her in a very silly way.

He spoke loudly, but the little loli didn't want to take that trick, and raised her foot to kick him, and the kick was quite... graceful, hitting the handsome man's thigh, and the force of the kick was enough to push the old man to one side.

After taking three or four steps, he fell to the ground with a thud.

The little lolita flew up with a kick, and Lan San was sent flying without even a chance to hide. His handsome face turned into a bitter look. He fell down and tightly protected the medicine bag. After he sat firmly, he got up.

Yun took out his hand and patted his butt: "Ouch, my butt broke in half! Little beauty, please be gentle next time. My little body can't stand the fall. I have to keep my butt to sit on the bench. If it breaks into pieces, I can't sit down, and it will become wooden."

The piles are really unsightly."

The special guard's eyes almost dropped to the ground. Well, um, she remembered that those two seemed to be school-level officials, and their official positions were quite high. The little girl used force without saying a word. Isn't this a bit bad?

She was worried when she saw that the young man who had been kicked down was not only not angry, but also got up and ran to act cute. The corners of his mouth twitched. That handsome boy was really flexible and flexible!

The little girl would kick someone whenever she disagreed. Professor Kang, Professor Lu, and Director Qin were not surprised. The little girl didn't even give Young Master Yan face. She got angry when she got angry. How many times she kicked people didn't matter. She didn't beat them to death.

That’s pretty good.

The little lolita used force when she was unhappy. Yan Xing's heart palpitated and he didn't dare to move. The little lolita with Kaili was often unreasonable. You can't reason with her. If she wants to kick someone, just give her a few kicks. If you can

Just let her calm down.

After kicking the handsome guy Lan, Le Yun felt a little relieved. She glared back and said, "Next time I flatter you, I'll knock out your teeth and sew your mouth shut."

"No, keep your mouth open to eat." The three monsters in blue yelled, and ran away, away from the little witch. The little loli was good at everything, but she was too fiery when she was angry, and he couldn't handle it.

A certain handsome guy ran away, and Le Yun did not talk to him. She observed that the two sergeants were in good condition. After waiting for a few more minutes, the three experts completed the suturing operation. They then applied ointment to the external wound, covered it with a film coat, and then applied plaster and splint.

to fix.

After completing the last step, the three professors were overjoyed. It was done, and they could have a pleasant vacation! With great joy, they looked at their watches, and it was three and a half minutes to three o'clock in the afternoon!

Professor Kang, Professor Lu, and Director Qin let out a long sigh and quietly wiped away the sweat. The little girl arrived at the hospital at around four o'clock yesterday afternoon. For almost 24 hours, the little girl has continued to operate and has not eaten breakfast or lunch. It's so pitiful.
After the operation was over, Yan Xing also peeked at the time. In four minutes, his great-grandmother's birthday dinner would be held, so he could catch up if he rushed over at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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